Andrea Atzeni and Antonio Lioy
Politecnico di Torino, Dip. Automatica e Informatica, Torino, Italy
Security metric, attacker surface, network security.
In spite of their importance, security measurement methods are unusual in practice. Security assessment is
left in the hands of personel security experts’ judgment, with poor formal arguments on the security level
of the underlying system. Thus, it is difficult to distinguish among security alternatives or justify possible
security changes or improvements. In this work we focus on a limited but important set of security indicators,
suitable to estimate the attack surface a system exposes, thus introducing a simple and objective metric for a
fast evaluation of an important security facet.
Given the importance of computer-assisted activities,
protection of computer systems is of the utmost inter-
est (Atzeni and Lioy, 2005), but how to evaluate if a
certain level of “protection” is enough?
To make objective security choices, we need ob-
jective measuring tools, capable of assessing the cost
of a protection technique, adequate to define formally
the system security level, fitted for cost-benefit eco-
nomical analysis. In just few words, there is the need
to define an objective security metric.
The problem of defining a metric, both easy to
use and widely adoptable, is far from simple. This
is because security is a wide concept, including many
different and often not well defined aspects. Even if
many past approaches attempt to introduce measure-
ment methods, there is presently a lack of solutions
for practical use.
In this paper, we introduce a metric to evaluate the
attack surface of a given system, this is to estimate the
ways and the likelihood which an adversary can enter
the system and potentially cause damage. In other
words our purpose is to evaluate the attacker oppor-
tunities, since it is quite intuitive the existence of a
proportional relation between the number of available
attack opportunities and the probability of a success-
ful attack (Howard et al., 2003).
Different approaches have been proposed to evaluate
the security level of a computer system.
In governments or large organizations security
of the final system is commensurate to the devel-
opment process security, and/or quality of the man-
agement procedures, that is the maturity level of the
organization (CC, 2006; SSECMM, 2003). Such
approaches involve large human groups and time-
consuming analysis, so they are not very well suited
for systems of small companies.
Other evaluation proposals try to measure the sys-
tem focusing on its usual operations. In vulnerability
scanning techniques (Budiarto et al., 2004) a vulner-
ability scanner interrogates network hosts about port
status (open vs. closed), the configuration of the op-
erating system and available services. Such a test dis-
covers known bugs, but does not find unknown weak-
nesses. In spite of such a limitation, it is probably
the most adopted tool in security analysis, and in our
work we assume the use of similar tools.
In red-team attack evaluation (Schudel and Wood,
2000) an “evil band” is created to break the system.
The needed time and the cost of adopted tools are both
suitable metrics. Such an approach suffers of the little
repeatability of the experiment, due to the individual
characteristics of people employed.
Model-based evaluations establish a model de-
scribing the behavior of the system and then foresee
the possible security level. In this set we include reli-
able block diagrams, fault trees and attack trees, and
model checking techiniques (Nicol et al., 2004).
Applicability to the security field is promising but
not simple, due to the lack of a formal and validated
security-behavior model.
Focusing on the field of attack surface definition,
previous works mainly address the surface of a soft-
Atzeni A. and Lioy A. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 493-497
DOI: 10.5220/0002377304930497
ware artifact (Howard et al., 2005), rather then the
surface of a complete system. Thus, even if the un-
derlying idea is the same, our method is very different
due to the different scope of application.
Fundamental properties of a measurement system are
ease of use and broad applicability, hence the need to
assess security aspects both common to every host in
a network and simple to be painlessly measured.
In our schema, we inspect different attack surfaces
of a network considering different attacker view-
points. Thus, we obtain different values reflecting dif-
ferent locations of the attack starting point. We think
this analysis is especially helpful to determine where
an attacker presence would be most dangerous and to
which user role (e.g. business manager, clerk, Inter-
net user)
the network exhibits the most dangerous
The proposed network metric tries to evaluate the
likelihood of attacker opportunities by two different
approaches. The first is based on an indirect quantifi-
cation of risk, which assumes a relation between the
quality of the software artifact implementing the net-
work service and its security. The second approach
evaluates network security on the base of known vul-
nerabilities. The two approaches are combined to
compute the attack surface area of the networked sys-
tem under analysis.
About the attack model, in this work we assume
that the enemy is outside, i.e. someone different from
any legitimate user, and so can attack a host with no
exploitable privilege. The attacker is supposed to be
able to reach internal hosts in the network, through
network zones not protected by firewalls, or through
firewalls which do not filter the ports. In such a sce-
nario, network infrastructure (e.g. firewalls, switches,
gateways, links) is considered perfect, in the sense
that a filtered port is unreachable from the opposite
part of a firewall, and network apparatus are invulner-
able to attacks.
An attribute characterizing every host in computer
networks and simple to compute is the number of
supposing different roles access the network from dif-
ferent entry points
open ports in a host. An open port represents a pos-
sible entry for an enemy attacker, e.g. a possible link
to a buggy application, which may lead to a possi-
ble unobstructed passage to system control. Hence,
each open port represents a possible threat to the se-
curity of a host and conceivably of the entire network.
Such a measure approaches the problem in a proba-
bilistic way, not considering the service’s peculiari-
ties, but only its mere presence. So, we define a func-
tion F(n)
representing the security of a host, or, tan-
tamount to our purpose, the insecurity, where n is the
number of open ports. So, the function must be mono-
tonically increasing with the number of ports, and de-
fined for all n [0, 2
Based on the previous observation, the simplest
probabilistic service insecurity level of the system is
S (n) =
, that is the number of open ports, each
with an insecurity value of
, and with the maxi-
mum insecurity value 1, when all the ports are open.
In this sense, the value 1 is a very undesirable one,
which should be never achieved in any real-life net-
The choice of actual function needs further re-
search, supported by real experiments, but the above
example, in spite of its simplicity, shows desir-
able properties of (inverse) proportionality among the
value and host security.
For the entire network, a straightforward exten-
sion involves the computation of open ports for each
single host, thus the security function depends on two
variables, F(n, h), where h represent the hosts in-
side the network. A simple suitable example formula
S (n, h) =
, where h represents the total
number of hosts in the network. To pay attention to
attacker position we define the subjective attack sur-
face, that is the attack surface considering the view-
point of an attacker operating from a specific starting
point. This is evaluated by considering the capabili-
ties of filtering devices.
This can be expressed by a function F(n, h, a)
where the new parameter considers the presence of
firewalls in the evaluation formula, able to block the
ports b
, like, for example:
S (n, h, a) =
Where n
represents the number of ports open and not
filtered on the host i, considering the attacker view-
point a. The value n
is derivable from logics and
operation between n
and b
, where b
are the filtered
ports between the attacker point a and the host i.
for sake of clarity, we will indicate in the rest of the
paper F(.) as abstract function, and S (.) as real instance of
the measuring function
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Insofar, we discussed the services as abstract all-
equal entities. Concretely, any service has its distinc-
tive bugs and security flaws. If we know weaknesses
of the service, we can apply the actual attack surface
level as discussed in the next section, but even if there
are not apparent security weaknesses, we may assume
a correlation between the security of the service and
the quality of the software artifact, and then weight
the open port on the base of the service’s quality
We can borrow from software engineering many
evaluation systems, like LoC (Lines of Codes), suit-
able particularly in case of homogeneous conditions
(Disney and Johnson, 1998), more abstract measure-
ments like the Albrecht’s Function Point (Albrecht
and Gaffney, 1983), class-design metrics (Chidamber
and Kemerer, 1994), cyclomatic complexity (Mc-
Cabe, 1976), and others.
Since security is our primary concern, another
possibility is to exploit the known vulnerabilities as a
software quality indicator. In this case, software qual-
ity increases as the number of known vulnerabilities
decreases. We may compute the total number of vul-
nerability for a specific product, the time interval in
which the vulnerabilities manifested (e.g. the inter-
val between the first product availability on the mar-
ket and the present time), and thus the vulnerability
frequency occurrence. From the set of all vulnera-
bility frequency
, we may determine the maximum
and the minimum value, and we may define a func-
tion mapping univocally and proportionally elements
to the interval (0, 1], and adopt the function re-
sult as quality coefficient q
The abstract formula becomes F(n, h, a, s), where
s contains information suitable to measure the quality
of services, based on a specific software metric. Fol-
lowing with our example, we transform the previous
example function in:
S (n, h, a, s) =
· q
Where r
is a Boolean 1 or 0 value, respectively if
the service is reachable from attack point a, and q
the quality coefficient of the software artifact realizing
the service. Since the relation between software qual-
ity and software security is at the moment not well
understood, the best quality metric to adopt will be
object of further research.
Another aspect to consider is the level of interac-
tion with the external environment, in particular if the
service is of read-only type, not permitting change op-
eration to external users and exposing internal data
without elaboration of any kind (e.g. a yellow pages
service) or rather the service is to some extent read-
write, i.e. able to change data in response to user
actions, constituting a greater danger for the system.
Considering this aspect, the above formula becomes:
S (n, h, a, s) =
· int
· q
Where int
is a corrective coefficient. We can simplify
the practical application, without loss of generality,
supposing int
always equal to 1 in case of read-write
service, and then by choosing the adequate (smaller)
coefficient in case of read-only services.
The actual coefficient depends on the organiza-
tional policies, in particular which amongst confiden-
tiality, integrity or availability is the main security
Another aspect of security evaluation we consider
pertains to the actual and known weaknesses inside
the network, and not their likelihood as in previous
section. The overall evaluation formula now com-
prises the weaknesses in the system, as the variable
v, assuming a form like F(n, h, a, s, v). The evaluation
process is slightly more complex and composed by a
few steps, depicted in the following paragraph.
5.1 Weakness Classification
Ideally, an existing classification should be available
in an ordered set, in which to every weakness is as-
signed a weight. Works exist this direction: dictio-
naries of vulnerabilities (MITRE, 2001) permit un-
ambiguous identification of a vulnerability, vulner-
ability databases (Martin et al., 2002; NIST, 2005)
store and classify known security problems, and re-
garding vulnerability’s severity, many scoring sys-
tems come forth, even if they are suitable mainly in
a specific development context (US-CERT, 2003; Mi-
crosoft, 2003; SANS, 2003).
Amongst the scoring systems, the Common Vul-
nerability Scoring System (CVSS) is in our opinion
the most interesting (FIRST, 2005). This standard
faces the problem of classifying the vulnerabilities
in a systematic and computable way. It is the most
formal and its rating is well comparable with our
approach on hypothesized security. With the CVSS
For example, if confidentiality is the primary concern
even a read-only service may be source of great harm, thus
the corrective coefficient in case of read-only and in case of
read-write should be very similar
scoring system, in the example proposed so far, a sin-
gle vulnerability in a service is approximately from
one to two orders of magnitude greater than an open
but not known as vulnerable service.
5.2 Network Analysis
Until now, we have supposed to link our insecurity to
the number of open ports. In this sense, it is quite
easy to perform the required network analysis. Ser-
vices and running operating systems are identifiable
by information gathering techniques, such as OS fin-
gerprinting, banners, and trivial analysis of the ser-
vice behaviour. Good tools to perform network-based
security analysis already exist (,
1998; Hauser and Revmoon, 2006). However, count-
ing the number of open ports alone is a somehow
simplistic approach, since some services use non-
statically-defined ports, some computers do not listen
to open ports (e.g. some P2P systems), and so forth.
Thus we face the problem to switch from a port-
centric to a service-centric analysis, considering the
services accessible from the “outside”, not just look-
ing at the open ports. To perform this task we could
rely on a more sophisticated source of information,
such as a formal description of the target system.
For example, the Positif and Deserec european
projects have defined and use an XML dialect, named
PSDL (Positif System Description Language), use-
ful to describe a computer system. Moreover, these
projects provide tools to describe security policies
too, such as firewall filtering rules. Consequently,
given a network description in PSDL and the related
policies, which services are reachable from a network
point is computable.
5.3 Result Evaluation
From the previous two steps the information needed
for an evaluating function should be distillable. In
particular, the network topology and services, the path
between any two points, and the vulnerability coeffi-
cient for known vulnerabilities are available. As said,
the general function is of the form F(n, h, a, s, v) and
v is a parameter related to known vulnerabilities. As-
suming that a service attack surface value is com-
posed both by its quality (that estimates the proba-
bility of unknown vulnerabilities) and by the known
vulnerabilities, and that the two aspects are indepen-
dent, we obtain as example of the evaluation function:
S (n, h, a, s, v) =
· (int
· q
In this example vul
is the single vulnerability coeffi-
cient, as evaluated by the CVSS system. Instead, v
the number of vulnerabilities for the service j of the
host i.
is equal to zero if no vulnerabilities
are known for service j.
5.4 Threshold Evaluation
When a result is evaluated, a threshold T(.) estab-
lishes whether the attack surface area is acceptable.
The threshold should be evaluated based on the prop-
erties of the system, in particular its importance in-
side the organization, and the security policies (e.g.
“the system must achieve a very high security level”).
Such aspects are related, but of course they keep a
degree of autonomy. For example, for a very sensi-
tive host, an optimistic agency could leave a service
available even if a vulnerability (not exploitable at the
moment) is known, maybe in order to ensure perfor-
mance. Instead, another, more pessimistic, agency
may close the service and so increase the security
The threshold is then T(i, p), function of system
importance (i) and security policy (p). An example
function may be very simple as in (5). For simplicity,
the level refers to a single host, and if many hosts are
present in the system under consideration, we suggest
a multiplication for the coefficient h, that is the num-
ber of available hosts.
t(i, p) = i· p (5)
To enhance the clarity of the measure, we suggest
the discretization of the value in a scale of few natu-
ral values, for example from 1 to 10 (where 1 means
greatest importance).
The security policy, in the sense of the desired se-
curity level, may be a correction coefficient, that pro-
portionally increases or decreases the importance i.
For example, qualitative statements as low, medium
and high (security level) can be respectively mapped
onto the numbers 3, 2 and 1.
In this paper we have proposed an evaluation schema
for a simple estimation of the security level in a com-
puter network, suitable to rapidly gain insight into the
exposed attack surface of a system. The strong point
of this method is the simplicity with which it is possi-
ble to gain a first indication of network security. Prob-
ably even more important, our method also permits a
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
comparison amongst the attack surface areas of dif-
ferent network zones.
However, some points require further investiga-
tion. Even if the proposed function
S (.) gives a com-
parable and suitable estimation of the attack surface,
the best function to use is an open problem, and we
believe that mathematical analysis and statistics can
greatly help in the choice of the optimal one.
The proposed approach gives a first rough
(in)security measure, which increases with the num-
ber of available services. In this, we are encour-
aged by security tendencies in network management,
which try to minimize the number of exposed ports,
and, more generally, the number of exposed ser-
vices. In spite of this, for a comprehensive evaluation
schema, in addition to our assumptions several dif-
ferent adversary models must be considered, such as
attackers acting directly on the host itself, firewalls af-
fected by weaknesses (or simply misconfigured), and
attacks to the information flow between hosts, that can
expose information leakages or integrity violations.
In conclusion, although not a complete and per-
fect solution, this work is a step forward towards the
definition of a much needed security metrics for net-
worked ICT systems and can be used as a foundation
for more complex and complete solutions.
This work is part of the POSITIF and DESEREC
projects, funded by the EC under contracts IST-2002-
002314 and IST-2004-026600
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