Chi Dung Tran, Houcine Ezzedine and Christophe Kolsky
LAMIH – UMR CNRS 8530, University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambrésis
Le mont Houy, 59313 Valenciennes cedex 9, France
Keywords: Human-computer interaction, supervision, interactive system architecture, evaluation of interactive systems,
agent-based interactive systems, electronic informer.
Abstract: This paper presents a generic and configurable model of an electronic informer to assist the evaluation for
agent-based interactive systems. In order to propose this model, the current state of the art concerning
architectures used for traditional interactive systems is presented, along with that for agent-based interactive
systems. In this article, we propose an agent-oriented architecture that is considered as being mixed (it is
both functional and structural). By using this architecture as a basis, we propose a generic and configurable
model of an evaluation tool called “electronic informer” which assist evaluators in analysing and evaluating
interactive systems of this architecture.
Nowadays, in spite of the existence of several
methodologies for the development of interactive
systems, designing, developing and assessing, in
terms of utility and usability (Bastien and Scapin,
1995; Nielsen, 1993; Shneiderman, 1998) an agents-
based interactive applicative system is still a difficult
task. It is therefore necessary to provide methods,
models and evaluation tools to make it easier. A lot
of research work has dealt with the specification and
design of object-oriented interactive systems as well
as agent-based interactive systems. However, the
choice of an architecture which is adequate for the
system is not on easy task. Furthermore, in the
majority of cases, the current evaluation methods do
not take into account the specific architecture of an
agent-based interactive system (Trabelsi et al., 2004)
and there are rarely propositions concerning the
coupling between the architecture and evaluation
phase (Trabelsi, 2006).
The section 2 presents a brief state of the art
concerning the architectures for traditional
interactive systems as well as for agent-based
interactive systems. The section 3 proposes an
architecture which is both functional and structural,
and which provides a separation into three functional
components (Ezzedine et al., 2003). By using this
architecture as a basis, in the section 4, we propose a
generic and configurable model of an evaluation tool
called “electronic informer”; its aims at assisting the
evaluation of agent-based architecture systems.
Architecture of an interactive system supplies the
designer with a generic structure from which he/she
can build an interactive application. It is a set of
structures that include: components, the outside
visible properties of these components and the
relations between them. Researchers have proposed
several architecture models over the past twenty
years. Two main types of architecture can be singled
out: functional (Seeheim, Arch) and structural
models (PAC proposed by J. Coutaz, and its
variations, such as PAC Amadeus, MVC and its
variations, such as MVC2). The functional models
split an interactive system into several functional
components. For ex., the Seeheim model is made up
of 3 logical components (Presentation, Dialogue
Controller, Application Interface); the Arch model
defines a functional breakdown of an interactive
system into 5 components in which: both the
presentation and interaction components are a
Dung Tran C., Ezzedine H. and Kolsky C. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 290-293
DOI: 10.5220/0002377702900293
decomposition of the presentation of the Seeheim
model, the functional kernel component, the domain
adapter component and the dialogue controller
component. Seeheim and Arch provide canonical
functional structures with big grain; they are useful
as a structural framework for a design or a rough
analysis of the functional decomposition of an
interactive system (Trabelsi et al., 2004). These
decompositions are generally not enough to complex
applications; the functionalities are mixed in the too
macroscopic components (Tarpin-Bernard and
David 1999). The structural models aim at a finer
breakdown by using structural components, and in
particular those said to be distributed or agent
approaches, suggest grouping the functions together
into one unit, the agent. The agents of this type of
architecture are then organized in a hierarchical
manner according to principles of composition or
communication. For example, a MVC agent is made
up of three facets: Model, View and the Controller.
The PAC model defines an agent using three facets:
the Presentation, the Abstraction and the Control.
These architecture models recommend the same
principles, based on the separation between the
functional core of system (application) and the
human-machine interface. The architecture therefore
has to define a distribution of the interface services
and to define an exchange protocol (Hilbert and
Redmiles, 2000). This separation makes
modifications easier; it allows modifying the
interfaces without affecting the application. In the
next part, we present an agent oriented architecture.
Our approach is intended to be mixed as its
principles borrow from both types of model; it is
both functional and structural. In our architecture
(Grislin-Le Strugeon et al., 2001; Ezzedine et al.,
2003), we suggest using a division into 3 functional
components recommended in the Seeheim model
which we have called respectively: interface with the
application (connected to the application), dialogue
controller, and interface or presentation (this
component is directly linked to the user). Each of
these components can be broken down further in a
structural approach in the form of agents. These
components are built like three multi-agent systems
and they are considered as working in parallel, at
least, at a theoretical point of view.
Figure 1: Agent oriented architecture.
The application agents, manipulating the field
concepts of the application, cannot be directly
accessed by the user. One of their roles is to ensure
the real time transmission of the information
necessary for the other agents to perform their task.
The interface agents are in direct contact with the
user (they can be seen by the user). These agents co-
ordinate between themselves in order to intercept the
user commands and to form a presentation which
allows the user to gain an overall understanding of
the current state of the application. The control
agents in the Dialogue Controller component
provide services for both the application and the
interface agents in order to guarantee coherency in
the exchanges emanating from the application
towards the user, and vice versa. Their role, in
particular, is to link the two other components
together by distributing the user commands to the
application agents concerned, and by distributing the
application feedback towards the interface agents
concerned. All these agents communicate amongst
themselves in order to answer the user actions. This
communication can be considered as being services
among agents and can be represented using high
level Petri Nets (PN) (Ezzedine et al., 2006).
An "electronic informer" is a software tool that
ensures the automatic collection, in a real situation,
of users’ actions and their repercussions on the
system. The collection of information is done in a
discreet and transparent way for the user, who must
not at any time feel hampered by the presence of the
informer. This is an advantage of such a tool.
Objective data collected through interactions can be
processed, analyzed and shown in a synthetic shape
to the evaluator. This facilitates the analysis of the
results. The reader can find in (Hilbert and Redmile,
2000) state of the art concerning tools of this type.
We propose a generic and configurable model of
an “electronic informer” which assists the evaluator
in analysing and evaluating agent-oriented
interactive systems. Such tool takes into account the
specific architecture of these systems. It also
proposes explicitly a coupling between the
architecture and evaluation phase. At the present
time, the first version of an electronic informer has
been studied and developed (Trabelsi, 2006).
However, it is not a generic tool but only a specific
tool to evaluate a specific agent-oriented applicative
system that is intended to supervise the passenger
information on a public transport system. It cannot
be used to evaluate other agent-oriented systems
because it depends on the number of agents, the
structure and the contents of such systems.
Furthermore, it shows some inconveniences and
shortcomings. We solve such problems by a generic
and configurable model of an “electronic informer”.
It is made up of 7 main modules (Fig. 2).
Module 1 (M1): collecting events in user
interface and service level from all agents and users
of the concerned interactive system.
M2: associating events in intermediate level
(user interface and service events) with each
application task. Several events in intermediate level
can be realized to obtain a certain application task.
For ex., 3 user interface events TabDriver_click,
TextBoxMessage_OnChange and buttonOK_Click
and 2 services with the same name “Send a message
to the driver” of the agent interface Vehicule and of
the agent application Vehicule associated with the
application task “Send a message to the driver” of a
system intended to supervise the passenger
information on a public transport system.
M3: processing collected data of a chosen agent
in a certain period of time and showing results in
comprehensible forms. Here are examples of
calculations and statistics: response time for
interactions between services; time for a certain user
interface event (time for loading an interface agent
or for typing an text box…); time for completing a
service and furthermore, an application task; time
for consulting help or unproductive time (help time
+ snag time + search time (Bevan and Macleod,
1994; Chang and Dillon, 2006)) that user takes to
complete a certain application task, the percentage
of services accomplished and furthermore, of
application tasks accomplished, the error’s
percentage, the help’s use frequency, the percentage
of services and furthermore, of application tasks
achieved per unit of time, the ration of failure or
success for each interaction between services, the
ration of appearance of each user interface event of a
certain interface agent, the percentage of use for
each service of a certain agent, the average number
of user interface events per unit of time, and so on.
M4: generating the Petri Nets (PN) to describe
activity process of agents and users in the system
from collected data and BSA (Specification Base of
Agents). Indeed, it describes process of interactions
between services of different agents as well as
process of activity of user to complete application
tasks. We call them “observed” PN. Generating PN
facilitates evaluators because it provides them with
the visual views of all the activities of the user and
the concerned system.
M5: comparing observed PN created above with
the PN that system designer has intended before to
complete application tasks. This comparison assists
the evaluators in detecting use errors; for ex., the
evaluator can perceive that the user has passed
redundant state, has realized useless manipulations
or takes more time than the one predicted by
designer to complete an application task. M5 can
also be used to assist the evaluator in comparing the
ability of different users to use a system.
M6: using results of processes from M3, the PN
generated by M4, the comparison of two PN from
M5 and usability characteristics as well as
ergonomic criteria as a basis, M6 is responsible of
assisting the evaluator in criticising concerned
system and advising the designer to improve it.
Although the term “usability” has not been defined
homogeneously, it exists several definitions (Dix et
al., 1993; Nielsen, 1993; ISO/IEC 9126-1); in
general, it refers to a set of multiple concepts, such
as execution time, performance, user satisfaction and
ease of learning (“learnability”), effectiveness,
efficiency, taken together (Abran et al., 2003). There
are also several sources from different authors and
organisations. M6 assists the evaluator in evaluating
concerned system on the basis of criteria from
several different sources such as the ergonomic
criteria of (Bastien and Scapin, 1995), the quality
attributes of (Lee and Hwang, 2004) and the
characteristics of the consolidated usability model of
(Abran et al., 2003). The results of processes
(calculations and statistics) from M3 provide the
necessary measures for the evaluation of these
ergonomic criteria, quality attributes and
characteristics. M6 is not yet realized.
M7: configuring electronic members to evaluate
different agent-oriented systems. It allows entering
the BSA (Specification Base of Agents) that
describes the evaluated system, the PN that system
designer has intended and some configuration
parameters of evaluated system.
We have presented a brief state of the art concerning
interactive system architectures, and proposed a
mixed architecture as well as a generic and
configurable model for assisting the evaluation for
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: A Generic and Configurable Model.
agent-oriented interactive systems. We intend to
combine this “electronic informer” method with
other methods (questionnaire, interview…). It needs
to combine data collected from “the electronic
informer” and data collected from the other methods
to evaluate more efficiently such systems.
The present research work has been partially
supported by the “Ministère de l'Education
Nationale, de la Recherche et de la Technologie»,
the «Région Nord Pas-de-Calais», the FEDER
(Viatic.Mobilité), the PREDIM (MouverPerso).
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