Oscar Mangisengi, Mario Pichler, Dagmar Auer, Dirk Draheim
Software Competence Center Hagenberg(SCCH) GmbH, Softwarepark 21, A-4232 Hagenberg, Austria
Hildegard Rumetshofer
FAW Software Engineering gGmbH, Hauptstrasse 119, A-4232 Hagenberg, Austria
Keywords: Activity Warehouse, Business Process Management, Business Activity Monitoring, Workflow Management
Abstract: Nowadays collecting checkpoint data of business process activities of transactions becomes important data
resource for business analyst and decision-makers to support tactical decisions in general and strategic
decisions in particular. In the context of business process-oriented applications, business activity monitoring
(BAM) systems, which are predicted to play a major role in the future business-intelligence area is the most
visible use of the current business needs. In this paper we address an approach to derive an activity
warehouse model based on the BAM requirements. The implementation shows that data stored in activity
warehouse is able to efficiently monitor the business process in real-time and provide a better real-time
visibility of the business process.
Providing high quality services to gain market
presence and competitive edge are essential for
organizations in the continuously changing business
environment. An effective and efficient way for
addressing challenges of the current business needs
is to optimize business process of the organization,
such as monitoring activities of the business process
in detail, earlier detecting the unexpected problem of
business process activities within a unit transaction
to deliver information as fast as possible to make a
Data warehouse (DW) and On-Line Analytical
Processing (OLAP) (Codd, E.F., Codd, S.B., Salley,
C.T., 1993) tool nowadays are almost identical to
Business Intelligence (BI) tools for supporting a
high-level business management to take decisions.
DWs store historical data that is integrated and
collected from different data sources and are
organized as multidimensional data (Kimball, R.,
Ross, M., Merz, R., 2002; Inmon, W., 2002). OLAP
tools allow decision-making users to dynamically
manipulate the data contained in the DW. Although
they have been developed over a decade, however,
they are inadequate to meet the current business
needs. DWs store end counts, rather than process
checkpoints (Creese, G., 2005). For example, total
unit shipped in a month, rather than a unit tracked
through milestones of assembly, quality assurance,
packaging and distribution. In addition, storing
internal checkpoint numbers into the data warehouse
was usually difficult.
In the context of business process-oriented
applications, in fact a unit transaction of business
process of the organization is represented as a long
running process and may work at intervals. Within
the interval, applications apply business process
activities, so that process checkpoints occur in the
business process.
Workflow management (WfM) systems
developed in the last decade is an essential
framework for managing and controlling the
complex administrative business processes of either
an organization or inter-organizational. It allows for
the explicit representation and support of business
processes and in addition to avoid the need to re-
code applications every time a business process
Mangisengi O., Pichler M., Auer D., Draheim D. and Rumetshofer H. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 137-144
DOI: 10.5220/0002377801370144
change (Lawrence, P., 1997; Sheth, A.P., van der
Aalst, W.M.P., Arpinar, I.B., 1999).
In the past two years, business process
management (BPM) has generated considerable
interest in the information technology area to have
control and visibility over any type of business
process (i.e., short or long-running transaction,
system-centric or people-centric) (Chang, J., 2004).
In addition, Business Activity Monitoring (BAM)
(Dresner, H., 2002), which is predicted to play a
major role in the near future for the business-
intelligence application, is the most visible use of
addressing the current business needs. The notions
of BAM systems are to provide real-time event
management and visibility of business performance
data to enhance operational effectiveness and
decision making. The BAM system is a broad
concept and a business process-oriented solution,
encompassing more than information from BPM
This paper addresses data management for
business process monitoring, optimization, and
performance. The activity warehouse model is
derived based on business activity monitoring
This work is organized as follows. Section 2
outlines the related works and contributions. In
Section 3 we present our research motivation, our
solution approach, and a short description of the
system architecture overview. Section 4 describes a
conceptual structure of the business process,
requirements for modelling an activity warehouse,
and the model of activity warehouse. Finally,
conclusion and further work based on our
implementation are presented in Section 5.
In the context of the BAM architecture, research
works have been initialized and introduced by some
research institutes and organizations (Dresner, H.,
2002; Nesamoney, D., 2004; Hellinger, M,
Fingerhut, S., 2002; White, C., 2003; McCoy, D.,
2001). In relation to the workflow technology,
(Nishiyama, T., 1999) introduces the concept of
process warehouse that contains an assortment of
various aspects of a target technology compiled into
an easy to understand matrix of information. It
focuses on a general information source for software
process improvement. Moreover, (Pankratius, V.,
Stucky, W., 2005) introduce a formal notation for
such compositions in form of a workflow algebra
based on Petri Nets, which allow expressing the
creation of a workflow model from other models
using an algebraic notation with operators similar to
those known from relational algebra in databases.
They also propose a repository called as the
workflow warehouse. In addition, concerning the
data warehouse technology, (Schiefer, J., List, B.,
Bruckner, R.M., 2003) proposes architecture allows
transforming and integrating workflow events with
minimal latency providing the data context against
which the event data is used or analyzed. They use
the Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL)
process to store workflow events stream in Process
Data Store (PDS).
The existing approaches of process warehouses
have not pay attention to separate tactical data from
strategic data yet. However, the separation of tactical
and strategic data is essential for monitoring
business process to improve business performance
and efficiency, since both data semantically differ.
Our approach decomposes a system into three
functions, such as delivery, regulator, and control
functions. Thus, operational, tactical, and strategic
data respectively can be separately provided.
This section presents our motivation to derive an
activity warehouse model. First, we discuss the
challenges of research issues in related to BPM and
BAM, an approach for the solution, and finally an
overview of the system architecture.
3.1 Motivational Issues
Our research partner aims at automating the business
process using workflow technology to monitor and
optimize business process of the organization and to
provide tactical and strategic decision. The business
process and workflow manage unit transactions at
intervals. The organization and its branches are
distributed at different locations as well as provinces
shown in Figure 1, such as the locations A, B, C, and
D. The organization and its branches apply the
corporate workflow. A unit transaction is identified
as a long-running transaction, can be submitted by a
customer at the particular location and then can be
forwarded to the other location and it can be
processed by other user in a particular role. The
institution is organized into a hierarchical structure.
That means that the decision of a particular business
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
process activity is dependent on the business
hierarchy and the roles of the organization.
Business process
Figure 1: The motivational issues.
3.2 Business Activity Monitoring as the
Solution Approach
Monitoring, controlling, and optimizing business
process are focused on these challenges. Thus, a
solution should be able to as follows:
Monitor business processes, such as what, how,
who, and when an activity has been executed.
Provide the current state of a business process
activity of a unit transaction.
Track the business process activities of
transactions in detail.
Data warehouses (DWs) store end counts data of a
transaction and are intended for supporting strategic
decision. On the contrary, business activity
monitoring applications as well as business process
efficiency and performance applications, require
tactical data, e.g. the checkpoints of business process
activities of transactions, for supporting tactical
decisions. DWs cannot be used for monitoring
business process and for storing checkpoints of
business process activities. To overcome the current
challenges, we require an activity repository, called
Activity Warehouse. Furthermore, our approach
deals with three data decompositions, such as
operational, tactical, and strategic data.
3.3 An Overview of System
Figure 2 shows the overall system architecture. An
overview of the system architecture is given as
On -Line
Processing (OLTP)
BI Tools
Business Activity Monitoring
Event-based data capture
Figure 2: The overall system architecture.
Each module is discussed as follows:
1. On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) system
manages and stores the transactions of customers
and provides the operational data.
2. DW stores end counts data extracted from the
OLTP system used for supporting strategic
decision-making. However, this paper does not
focus on data warehousing as well as the
extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL)
3. Controller and BI tool, such as BPM software,
provide services for to the business intelligence
4. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) addresses
issues, such as the distributed accesses, the
diversity of location and provinces, since
transactions can be submitted at different
locations and provinces. In addition, the aim of
the SOA is to wrap the whole architecture.
5. The BAM layer consists of modules as follows:
Workflow management (WfM) system.
Workflow system manages and controls the
business process activities of transactions
and automates the business process. It is
coupled directly to the OLTP system to
avoid the time delay between the OLTP and
BAM systems.
Activity-based data capture. The activity-
based data capture is coupled directly to the
workflow system to track events of
business process activities of the
organization. Thus, WfM System generates
the audit trail in the correct format.
Activity warehouse. The activity warehouse
stores the data checkpoints of business
process activities of transactions in real
This section presents our approach to manage data
for monitoring business activities. Data management
for optimizing and monitoring business process is
strongly dependent on business process requirements
of the organization. We use a top-down approach to
classify requirements for deriving the model.
4.1 A Conceptual Structure of the
Business Process
In order to manage completely the checkpoints of
business process activities of transactions, the
conceptual structure of a business process is
required. Assumed that an activity is the lowest level
of business process and the business process of a
transaction may be decomposed into activities. Thus,
a conceptual hierarchical structure of a business
process can be given as follows:
A process model is a complete representation of
a set of business processes and its associated
resources for managing process execution.
A unit transaction is identified as a long-running
transaction and is valid at intervals.
A business process can be organized into a
hierarchical structure that represents different
level of importance from the highest level
process to the lowest level process, or vice-
The business process may be decomposed into a
set of processes. A process may consist of a set
of sub-processes, and a sub-process includes of
a set of activities.
An activity represents a particular activity of the
business process of a unit transaction.
A conceptual hierarchical structure of business
process of the organization is shown in Figure 3.
Fig. 3a shows that a unit transaction contains a
business process; Fig. 3b presents a hierarchical
structure of the business process of the Fig. 3a, and
Fig. 3c shows that an activity is represented as three-
dimensional workflow.
A unit transaction
A business process
A business process
Process 1 Process 3 Process nProcess 2
Sub process 1 Sub process 2
Sub process n
Sub process 3
Activity 1 Activity 2
Activity n
Attribute 2 Attribute 3Attribute 1
Attribute n
Figure 3: The unit transaction and its business process and
the conceptual of a business process.
4.2 Business Activity Monitoring and
Business Process Management
Business activity monitoring (BAM) systems consist
of components, such as Business Process
Optimization (BPO) and Key Performance
Indicators (KPI) for supporting the business process
optimization and the business metric information.
Furthermore, the BAM system architecture must be
able to support such as event-driven decision
making, rules-based monitoring and reporting, real-
time integration of event and context, and no
latency; comprehensive exception-alert capabilities
(Nesamoney, D., 2004). Meanwhile, the BPM
technology enhances the business efficiency and
responsiveness and optimizes the business process in
order to improve services of an organization (Chang,
J., 2004; McDaniel, T., 2001). Specifically, BPM
has closed relationship to the BAM system in
general and the business strategy of an organization
in particular. Thus, the BAM and BPM systems
support data as follows:
Strategic data. The strategic data provides the
result of an organization that can be achieved
and its hypotheses. Also, it can be supported by
the scorecards.
Tactical data. The tactical data controls and
monitors the business process activities and its
progress in detail and supports a contextual
data. The queries are given as follows:
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
o Give transactions has been completely
processed today?
o Give transactions has been accepted and
can be processed in advanced today?
Business metrics data. The business metrics
data supports the strategic improvements for the
higher level goals. It supports departments and
teams to define what activities must be
performed. The example of query is as follows:
o Give transactions have been processed for
a particular department for a particular
time today?
4.3 Workflow Management
Workflow aims at supporting the BAM and BPM
requirements presented in Section 4.2. A workflow
process definition specifies which tasks need to be
executed and in what order (i.e., the routing or
control flow). There are some workflow perspectives
(i.e. control flow or process, resources or
organization, data or information, task or function,
operation or application). In our approach, the
process and state workflow management is used for
the activity warehouse. Depending on the business
requirements, which workflow will be used for
managing a business process, however, in general
there exist two characteristics of workflow that are
be included in the activity warehouse to store data in
the particular context of business process activities.
4.3.1 Common Workflow
The common characteristics of all workflow
applications are that they are concerned with the
registration of information and with tracking that
information in a simulated environment; it is
possible to determine the status of information while
it is in the environment and which stakeholders are
responsible for performing activities pertaining to
that information. For the common workflow
requirement, the following data in the activity
warehouse are as follows:
Tracking Activity. The tracking activity deals
with the checkpoints of business process
activities of a unit transaction. It provides the
history of activities of a unit transaction. The
queries are typically provided as follows:
o Give the progress of a particular unit
o Give the progress of transactions on
October 24, 2006.
Status Activity. The status activity provides the
status of a unit transaction after the execution of
a business process activity. The current status
also is be used by an actor to decide for
executing the next activity of the business
process and in addition to arrange the
executions of workflow in order. Typically the
queries is given as follows:
o Give the current status of a particular unit
o Get transactions with the current status
“submitted” in October 2006.
4.3.2 Three Dimensional Workflow
An activity that is the lowest level process of
business process shown in Fig. 3c can be represented
as the three dimensional workflow. The three
dimension workflow at least is as follows:
Action. An action is represented by the method
of a particular activity and is corresponded with
an actor. Activities may be assigned to actors,
applications, or system queues based on rules.
Process. A process is a network of activities,
with rules for the start and exit conditions for
each activity and for the control and data flow
between the activities. It defines the business
process activities and the sequence in which
they are to be performed.
Actor. An actor is defined as the person who
will execute a particular action.
In the activity warehouse, the three dimensional
workflow is provided by a set of dimension tables,
such as the dimension process, the dimension actor.
Additional dimensions for supporting three
dimensional workflow requirements are as follow:
Role. An actor must have a particular role. A
role has close relation to the specific department
of an organization or intra-organization.
Organization. Organization supports the
organization of an actor as well as the actor role.
An organization is usually structured into a
hierarchy model.
Moreover, to support the three dimensional
workflow of activity warehouse, the dimension role
and the dimension organization are essential for the
activity warehouse.
4.3.3 Additional Requirement
This specific requirement of workflow is dependent
on the business process requirements. The activity
warehouse requires the following additional
Next Actor. A next actor with the particular role
is required to be recorded. For example,
forwarding an activity that is processed by the
other actor in advance. Who is responsible for
the next activity in the business process? Thus,
the activity warehouse provides the attribute
4.4 Time Dimension
Time aims at recording when activities are executed.
The activity warehouse has to deal with the entry
date of an activity, and furthermore it uses the
dimension time like in the multidimensional model.
In our approach for the activity warehouse, we
separate between the execution time and the
measurement times for an activity. The dimension
time manages when an activity is executed. Thus,
the dimension time is limited up to the day basis.
Also, the dimension time can be used for
aggregating the business process, such as rolling-up,
drilling-down. Examples of queries are as follows:
Get activities have been accepted by the
particular actor, role, and department on the
October 24, 2006.
Get activities have been finished by the
particular actor, role, and department on the
October 24, 2006.
Get all activities that have been accepted by the
particular actor, role, and department by
rolling-up from date to month of the time
dimension, i.e., October 24, 2006 to October
In order to optimize the business process
performance and its efficiency, the activity
warehouse must be able to capture the execution
time of an activity up to second, millisecond, or
microsecond. Therefore, the activity warehouse uses
additional attributes for the time efficiency for the
purpose given in Section 4.5.2.
4.5 Measurement Data
To reach the business performance optimization, the
activity warehouse supports a set of attributes for
measurement data (e.g., the efficiency of cost) and a
set of attributes for time efficiencies. The
measurement data and the time efficiencies must be
to be tracked in detail for the checkpoints of
business process activities of transactions.
Furthermore, like OLAP tools, measurement data
can be aggregated against the dimension tables. In
the context of BAM, data stored in the activity
warehouse must be able to provide an event-driven
decision-making that means the lowest data level or
an activity can be used to make decision for the
business process efficiency. For example, the lowest
business process data can be used for finding
unexpected problem in the business process. To
support the measurement data for the activity
warehouse, we classify measurement data into as
4.5.1 Macro Level Data
The macro level data represents end count of a unit
transaction that is stored in the operational data
management and it will be stored in data warehouse
in advance.
4.5.2 Micro Level Data
The micro level data provides activities of the
business process data and represents the lowest level
data. Therefore, the micro level data is defined as a
checkpoint data of a business process activity of a
unit transaction. The micro level data is
distinguished into time efficiency data and
measurement data. Micro level data includes data as
Time efficiency. The existence of the time
requirement is very important in the activity
warehouse. The time efficiency is intended to
answer how long an activity has been done. The
activity warehouse provides the time efficiency
attributes to measure the performance and
efficiency of business process. Attributes for the
time efficiency are dependent on the business
optimization performance requirements. A set
of time efficiency attributes could be as follows:
o Cycle time. The cycle time is the total
elapsed time, measured from the moment
when a request enters the systems to when
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
it leaves it. This is the time measure that is
most obvious to the customer.
o Work time. The worked time that the
activities that execute the request are
worked on. Practically, activities are
sometimes idle or waiting for other
activities to finish and for this reason cycle
time and work time are not the same.
o Time worked. It concerned with the actual
hour of work expanded on the request.
Sometimes more than one person is
working on a request at one time. Thus,
time worked is not the same as work time.
o Idle time. The idle time refers to when an
activity or process is not doing anything.
o Transit time. The time spent in transit
between activities or steps.
o Queue time. The time that a request is
waiting on a critical resource; the request is
ready for processing, however it waiting for
resources from another activity to reach it.
o Setup time. The time required for a resource
to switch from one type of task to another.
Cost efficiency. The cost efficiency attributes
are dependent on the value of the attributes time
efficiencies. The cost measurement data is
essential to optimize the business process and to
calculate the cost of business process.
The macro and micro data levels enable the
business process management tools to monitor and
drill down data from the macro data level to the
micro data level as well as horizontal and vertical
rolling-down to each individual transaction or
business process. Using these functionalities, an
organization can improve the visibility of the overall
performance of the organization at both the macro
and micro data levels. The macro and micro data
level are shown in Figure 4.
A2 A3
A4 A5
Macro level
Micro level
Rolling down
Rolling up
Figure 4: The macro and micro level data.
4.6 An Activity Warehouse Model
An activity warehouse model can be shown in
Figure 5. Fig 5.a shows the relationship between the
OLTP system and the activity warehouse (AW),
whereas Fig 5.b shows the activity warehouse in
Actor ID
Figure 5: The activity warehouse model.
The model consists of the table Activity
Warehouse and a set of dimension tables. The table
activity warehouse consists of unit transaction
identity, a set of dimension identities, the status
identity, and a set of measurement and optimization
attributes, such as cost and time efficiencies. The
table activity warehouse is represented as follows:
AW(TransID, StatusID, ActivityID,
ActorID, OrgID, NextActorID, TimeID,
StartOfAction, EndOfAction,
DurationOfAction, EntryDate,
TimeEfficiency, CostEfficiency)
A set of dimension table consists of the dimensions,
such as the dimensions Activity, Organization,
Actor, Status, Time, and Activity.
Actor(ActorID, Name, Role)
Organization(OrgID, Department,
Activity(ActivityID, Description,
SubProcess, Process)
Status(StatusID, Description,
Time(TimeID, Date, Month, Year)
In this paper we have presented an approach for
deriving an activity warehouse model based on the
Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) requirements
to provide strategic and tactical decisions.
Experiments shows that the benefits of data stored in
activity warehouse are able to monitor detail
activities that occur in the business process and
provide a good visibility for monitoring the overall
business process as a whole. Other challenge is that
the volume of data in the activity warehouse rapidly
grows because of storing business process activities
in very detail.
Based on our implementation, in the context of
business-process oriented applications, we believe
that the BAM is an important business requirement
in the near future to improve business process
efficiency of the organization and moreover
improving the performance is in the near future will
be essential.
The authors gratefully acknowledge by the Austrian
Government, the state of Upper Austria, and the
Johannes Kepler University Linz in the framework
of the Kplus Competence Center Program.
Furthermore we would like to thank the General
Accident Insurance Institution (Allgemeine
Unfallversicherungsanstalt - AUVA) for sponsoring
the project.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems