The Role of Critical Success Factors
Sue Foster, Kate Lazarenko
Monash University, Sir John Monash Drive, Melbourne, Australia
Paul Hawking, Andrew Stein
Victoria University, Flinders St, Melbourne CBD, Australia
Keywords: Critical Success Factors, Change Management, Security Strategy, Security Framework, Culture.
Abstract: The focus for any organization should be in securing the critical components that are important to business
survival This can be accomplished by adopting technical and non technical approaches. The non technical
approaches however tend to be more problematic and include changing the way employees perceive
enterprise security. People issues have always posed problems when implementing new systems, and an
enterprise security strategy is no exception. The identification and adoption of critical success factors to
support a sound security strategy could provide a successful security outcome. In this paper a security
framework is developed from the literature and each part of the framework provides the opportunity to
identify critical success factors. It is contended that by using this framework organizations are able to build
a strong security base for their enterprise.
The focus for any organization should be in securing
the critical components that are important to
business survival. The terrorist events in New York
and subsequently those in London, have changed the
world’s perspectives on security. In the business
sector for example, many companies are redefining
the mission and contribution to security (Dalton,
2003). Before such events enterprises were often
reactive to disasters; but these events have
demonstrated that organizations need to adopt a
proactive approach by protecting critical systems
and assets (Dalton, 2003).
Ultimately, the goal of an enterprise is to ensure
adequate protection of critical assets and systems
through the goals of security. These standard goals
are identified as confidentiality, integrity, and
availability. These standard goals have been
extended by the author to include accountability
(Allen, 2005a; Caralli, 2004a). Adequate protection
can be defined as a condition where security
strategies for the critical business processes and
assets are based upon the risk tolerance the
organization is willing to accept (Allen, 2005a). A
security strategy can be defined as a range of actions
that an organization needs to take to reduce security
risk to an adequate or acceptable level depending on
the protection needs of the organisation (Allen,
As organizations have different environments,
culture, goals, objectives and business strategies, a
security strategy that can be implemented, measured,
and revised as its business climate and environment
changes is of major importance (Caralli, 2004b,
Dalton, 1995). The underlying principle of good
strategic security planning can be summed up as
doing the right things, in the right way, to achieve a
desired outcome. Strategic security planning
requires initiatives that are designed to identify risks,
assess their impact, contrast that to the cost of
prevention, and then develop an appropriate strategy
in the organizational context, complete with a
mechanism for ongoing assessment designed to
measure the consequences of that strategy (Dalton,
1997). Security strategies should be based upon
business drivers such as complying with relevant
Foster S., Lazarenko K., Hawking P. and Stein A. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 375-380
DOI: 10.5220/0002380003750380
regulations and should focus on developing a top-
down strategy for security that permits the
integration of many different types and sources of
security practices (Alberts & Dorofee, 2001; Caralli,
Although, human factors have been identified as one
of the major internal threats to confidentiality,
integrity and availability of critical assets, there are
numerous mechanisms to remedy against these
internal threats; such mechanisms could include
policies and procedures to support a defence in
depth security strategy.
However, the most problematic and challenging
aspect of computer security management is in
changing personnel (users') attitudes and behaviour
regarding computer security practices (AusCERT,
2006). In fact this has been identified as
problematic with any required change process.
From a
psychological perspective, to develop and
influence the emotional capability of organisations
as a resource to facilitate change is an important
break through in change management strategies
(Schein, 1988). Cultural theorists argue that the
values, beliefs, assumptions, perceptions,
behavioural norms, artefacts and patterns of
behaviour that are shared by members of an
organisation operate unconsciously, and fashion an
organisation’s view of itself and its environment
(Handy, 1996; Schein,1988). There is a crucial need
to understand an organisation’s culture in designing
and implementing successful change initiatives of
any nature (Handy, 1996; Schein, 1988).
It is argued in this paper that in order to bring about
change and establish positive attitudes towards the
use of new procedures, change programs must
identify employees as one of the most important
critical success factors associated with the uptake of
secure systems and procedures.
Further in order to develop a sound organizational
security strategy the emphasis should be in
identifying critical success factors at each point in
the strategy. By adopting this approach
organizations are more likely to focus attention on
areas vital to a successful security outcome.
1.1 CSF Theory
Critical success factor theory was developed by John
Rockart in the 70s-80s. Rockart argued that the
identification of 'critical success factors' (CSFs)
supports attainment of organizational goals (Millard,
2004). While critical success factors themselves are
identified as key areas in which a failure to perform
may form a major barrier to achieve organizational
goals (Rockart & Bullen, 1981). CSFs represent
those managerial or enterprise areas that must be
given special and continual attention to bring about
high performance. CSFs include issues vital to an
organization's current operating activities to achieve
its future success. (Boynton, 1984).
The most popular existing security standard ISO
17799 identifies a full range of critical success
factors. It is argued that these are required for
establishing adequate security (Allen, 2004). The
CSFs include but are not limited to establishing
information security policies and clear objectives; a
good understanding of the information security
requirements, risk assessment, and risk management;
providing appropriate awareness, training, and
education for staff; provision to adequately fund
information security management activities; and
implementation of a measurement system that can be
used to evaluate performance in information security
management and feedback suggestions for
improvement. The researchers have identified a
major failing with the use of these CSFs in that they
are not identified in any particular order and more
importantly no one factor is identified as being more
critical than another. However it should be noted
that one factor does stand out from the rest; that is
obtaining management support. This CSF is one of
the most important and leading critical success
factors and has been continuously identified in the
CSF information system implementation literature.
It is not unrealistic to expect that this factor would
be a primary success factor in a security strategy
change approach.
Managing change has always been problematic, but
it appears that without major factors to support this
change the success of the change process will be
jeopardized. The one common denominator is that
they are all people related and by definition are
directly implicated in managing change.
The Security Standard (ISO17799) considers that
these factors should be taken into consideration by
any enterprise whose aim is to establish an adequate
organizational security. In this context an
organization should have a framework upon which
to establish their enterprise security management. A
security framework can be defined as a
comprehensive description of the people, processes
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and technology components that comprise a
complete security capability (ISO 2005). This
framework should firstly, highlight key areas with
which to contribute to the success of adopting
enterprise security. Secondly, the framework should
demonstrate the relationships between the various
key areas and their influence upon one another and
thirdly, how they can further be used as a roadmap
or standard approach to enterprise security
The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) from
Carnegie-Mellon University has developed a
practical framework for enterprise security
management. The framework uses the concept of
capability areas (CA). These are areas of
functionality and responsibility within an
organization that integrate with one another allowing
an organization to achieve a desired state of
enterprise security. The capability areas and the
structure of the framework are based upon the
generally accepted information security principles
(GAISP) described in the Information Systems
Security Association (ISSA) (ISSA, 2004). The
Information Security Forum’s (ISF) standard of
good practices (ISF, 2005). The Information
Technology Governance Institute’s (ITGI) guide on
information security governance (ITGI,2006) and
the COBIT 4.0 standard framework (ITGI, 2005).
The framework shown in figure 1 (see opposite
page) consists of eight integrated capability areas
(CA) which should exist in an organization. By
applying the concept of critical success factors in
each CA, an organization is able to develop a
holistic approach to enterprise security (Allen,
2.1 CA 1: CSFs Determine Priorities
These critical success factors (CSFs) are the
business drivers that the organization must achieve
in order to reach its goals and objectives Rockart,
1979). From a security standpoint, organizational
CSFs contribute to the foundation for creating
enterprise-wide collaboration, planning, and
execution Caralli, 2004b). By understanding the
success factors which influence the organization in
achieving its goals and objectives, such as
maintaining operational efficiency or strategic
planning, the organization is able to identify the
business processes and data critical for the
livelihood and survival of the business. CSFs have
been identified as aligning the organizational
business drivers with the information security
strategy (Caralli & Wilson, 2004; Herold, 2004a).
Figure 1: Practical framework for enterprise security management (Allen J., 2004).
2.2 CA 2: ES Governance
Enterprise security governance directs and controls
an organization to establish and maintain a culture of
security throughout the enterprise (Allen, 2005a).
The goal of enterprise security governance is to
define adequate security for the organization in
relation to all the organizational components that
affect the achievement of the organizational CSFs.
In this regard critical success factors guide enterprise
security governance by identifying the crucial
components of an organization. By using CSFs as a
guideline, the executive manager can identify
responsibilities and judge the importance of each
organizational department in achieving CSFs
(Caralli, 2004a). A CSF such as development of
human resources is dependant upon the human
resource department, while a CSF such as strategic
planning is the responsibility of both financial and
sales departments.
Management at all levels of the organization must
place value on and show the importance of security
(McCarthy, 2003). Security governance helps the
business with security, providing sponsorship and
governance for enterprise security, and creating a
focus on the productive elements, processes and
information, critical to its survival (Caralli, 2004b).
Security governance provides knowledge at all
levels of management and provides awareness of the
various security controls available, and
implementation best practice (Straub & Welke,
2.3 CA 3: Risk Management
Once all levels of management have been coached
on the security requirements, they can begin to
sponsor and commit the efforts to risk management.
The organizational CSFs can be utilized to
determine the scope of the risk assessment and risk
analysis activities (Caralli, 2004a). This can be done
through using evaluation criteria such as
Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and
Vulnerability Evaluation (OCTAVE).
OCTAVE is a self-directed evaluation approach
focusing on risk to information assets, mitigation
procedures and practices, and constant monitoring of
the security practices. It involves all departments of
the enterprise (Alberts & Dorofee, 2002). Applying
CSFs to existing information security evaluation
criteria, such as OCTAVE, ensures that risk
assessment is focused on the right areas of the
organization (Caralli & Stevens, 2004) and ensures
the phases of OCTAVE yield meaningful results;
building asset-based profiles, identifying
vulnerabilities and threats, and developing security
strategy and plans (Alberts et al, 2001).
Once the critical assets have been identified, the
security requirements for each asset can be
determined. These security requirements should
place emphasis on the aforementioned security
goals. Based on the role of identified assets in
achieving organizational goals and mission, and the
boundaries of adequate security, certain security
requirements might be prioritized over others. For
instance, an ERP system might require availability,
accountability, and integrity while a financial system
would prioritize confidentiality and privacy over
availability, while other parameters remain the same
(Caralli, 2004a).
A risk mitigation framework, such as OCTAVE,
may focus security on operational areas that employ
a tactical and strategic approach (Alberts et al,
2001).. Best practices, such as that offered in ISO
17799, focus on standards that the enterprise is
required to fulfill, and provides a checklist the
organization should accomplish; what they must do
but not how to do it (Saint-Germain, 2005). CSFs
become the evaluation criteria upon which to
measure the risk mitigation strategies identified by
OCTAVE and whether best practices have been
followed that fulfill the security needs. It is argued
the CSFs tie the risk mitigation strategies and best
practices together, for each asset and for each
department, into a unified enterprise perspective
making CSFs crucial in achieving objective and
goals (Caralli, 2004a).
2.4 CA 4: IT Ops
After performing risk mitigation, the organization
proceeds to create procedures, standards, controls,
and policies which allow them to mitigate the risk to
the critical assets they have identified. The
procedures, standards, controls, and policies that the
enterprise creates must reflect the business
objectives, be consistent with the organizational
culture, and have the support and commitment by all
levels of management (Alberts & Dorofee, 2001;
Caralli, 2004b). CSFs assist the process of creating
the strategic security measures by becoming the
foundation on which those measures are based
(Allen, 2005a; Caralli, 2004b). CSFs focus and align
the different security measures with the
organizational CSFs, therefore ensuring each
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
measure supports the CSF and adequate security
defined by management.
Once security standards, controls, procedures, and
policies have been created, they must be
communicated throughout the entire enterprise.
Training and support ensure that awareness and
understanding of enterprise security is
communicated throughout the enterprise (GAISP,
2004; (Alberts et al, 2001; Caralli, 2004b). Training
and awareness helps the enterprise create a culture
of security at every level (Allen, 2004).
CSFs help define the role and function of different
employees in different departments in helping to
achieve security goals and objectives (
Allen, J. 2004
and Caralli, R. 2004a) Using CSFs as an evaluation
criteria, enterprises are able to measure whether the
security measure they have implemented were
successful or not. On-going evaluation at every level
will create the culture of security within the
enterprise as employees realize the importance of
security in the enterprise (Allen, 2005b; Allen,
2005b; Alberts, et al, 2001; Caralli, 2004b).
2.5 CA 5: Audit
After the enterprise has created and carried out their
security procedures, they must constantly measure
and review their security strategy. A security audit
enables the enterprise to evaluate the state of
enterprise security against established criteria
(Allen, 2005a). By periodically evaluating and
measuring the effectiveness of security measures
against an audit program based upon CSFs, the
organization is able to continuously improve upon
their strategic security plan to adapt to changing
environments and situations (Caralli et al, 2005;
Alberts et al, 2001; Caralli, 2004b).
2.6 CA 6: Process Management
Process management is the continuous improvement
of the security definitions and security measures that
encompass the strategic security plan (Allen, 2005a;
Starr, Newfrock & Delurey, 2003). Process
management ensures that the enterprise becomes a
resilient enterprise. Enterprise resilience is the
ability of the enterprise to adapt to changing risk
environments (Starr et al, 2003). Enterprise
resilience requires a proactive and adaptive approach
and in this way can treat security as an on-going
iterative process that has various lifecycles. The
security strategy for the enterprise is an on-going
process that changes and matures over time (Alberts
et al, 2001; Caralli et al, 2005).
2.7 CA 7: Change Approach
In this approach an organization requires effective
change management to enable and coordinate the
analysis, creation, audit, and ongoing improvement
to the strategic security plan (Allen, 2005a). Change
management can be defined as
the process of assisting the organisation in
the smooth transition from one defined state
to another, by managing and coordinating
changes to business processes and systems.
Change management involves the effective
communication with stakeholders regarding
the scope and impact of the expected change;
formal processes for assessing and
monitoring the impact of the change on the
stakeholders and their work processes, and
identifying and developing effective and
appropriate techniques to assist stakeholders
to cope and adapt to the new technology
(Foster, Hawking & Stein, 2004).
This definition is inclusive and clearly identifies
some of the main critical success factors involved in
change management.
Therefore, the task and scope of security requires
that the enterprise manage strategic security as a
critical planning project. The use of organizational
CSFs coupled with an enterprise security strategy
provides the impetus to identify and create security
measures for the critical assets of the organization.
It is argued then that enterprise security itself should
become part of the organization’s CSF.
The critical success factors framework developed by
the Carnegie-Mellon University views the
organization as a unique institution with its own
culture, environment, goals, objectives, and mission.
This approach identifies security as one of the
critical success factors for the organization.
Subsequent strategic security planning is aligned
with organizational business goals, drivers, and
One of the major advantages of the framework is
that it provides the basis for the enterprise to identify
CSFs. With the emphasis on governance, protection
of informational and physical assets, and ensures
that best practices are able to adapt to changes
within the organization through a change
management strategy.
The CSFs framework is aimed at overcoming
existing security flaws. Future research will test the
strength of the framework within an enterprise.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems