Thomas Bopp and Jonas Schulte
Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn, F
urstenallee 11, 31102 Paderborn, Germany
Thorsten Hampel
Department of Knowledge and Business Engineering, University of Vienna, Rathausstr. 19/9, A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Digital Library, Integrated Search, Distributed Knowledge Spaces, CSCW, Automatic Binding.
The usage of CSCW systems for teaching, training, and research collaboration increases constantly, as it offers
a time- and place-independent, as well as a cost-effective platform. The user’s search should not be restricted
to local material; in fact, users benefit from different search environments, as, for example digital libraries to
find appropriate working material. Searching and further processing of documents imply a media breach since
the search cannot be invoked in current CSCW systems directly. This paper presents the first prototype of a
CSCW system which enables users to search in external sources without media breach. To provide arbitrary
search environments no restrictions to data formats or search functionalities are allowed. Hence we have
enhanced search environments with self description capabilities in order to realize an automatic binding of
search environments in CSCW systems. By search environments we address any system offering searchable
knowledge bases, such as digital libraries or the CSCW system itself. Furthermore our concept supports local
search and searching in different external sources at the same time.
CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work) sys-
tems are an efficient solution to establish cooperative
work independent from the local places of partici-
pants. Their fields of application are not limited to
universities, as it is also beneficial to the industry in
regard to employee training. In many applications, as
for example structuring cooperative work processes
or field of employee trainings, it is essential to have a
reliable database to work with. Usually, not all data
needed for arbitrary trainings and research/teaching
activities is already contained within the CSCW sys-
tem. Accordingly, users search for information in the
internet as well as in digital libraries. The credibil-
ity of external information is of crucial importance,
which is often not given by freely accessible data from
the web.
In contrast the credibility of information avail-
able from digital libraries is generally undoubted and
therefore digital libraries are an excellent data source
for reliable documents, which furthermore can be ac-
cessed independently from time and place. Enabling
publication of and access to information in a digital
format has already been realized by digital libraries
such as DSpace(Smith, 2002), Fedora (Payette and
Lagoze, 1998), and DuEPublico (Gollan et al., 1999).
There is a significant trend of providing access to in-
formation in a digital way which enables an easy fur-
ther processing as well as time and place independent
The goal of our approach is to develop mecha-
nisms which allow for a flexible integration of dif-
ferent knowledge sources into any collaborative sys-
tems. In this context, the new generation of web ser-
vices are of central importance in regard to our mistel-
approach. In contemporary digital libraries the search
is often invoked by users via a web-interface. To uti-
lize material from digital libraries in CSCW systems,
there are currently two steps to be effected: First of
all, the user has to search via the web-interface of
the digital library. Afterwards, the appropriate results
are added into the content of the CSCW system. In
most cases, this requires to buffer the files from the
result page of the digital library and then to upload
them to the CSCW system. It is obvious that this
Bopp T., Schulte J. and Hampel T. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 323-329
DOI: 10.5220/0002382603230329
process is not only inefficient and not user-friendly,
but also slows down the establishment of CSCW sys-
tems and digital libraries. However, performing these
steps is the only possible way at the moment to use
data from digital libraries in CSCW systems. Our ob-
jective is to avoid this media breach between search-
ing in external sources and using founded material in
CSCW systems in order to boost the establishment
of both platforms as well as their utilization. A so-
lution without media breach would require the user
being able to invoke search functionalities of digital
libraries within the CSCW system. To enable other
systems to use their search functionalities, some digi-
tal libraries already provide appropriate interfaces by
deploying web services (Petinot et al., 2004; Gollan
et al., 1999). However, no contemporary CSCW sys-
tem benefits from this possibility.
In this paper we address the usage and search of
external information in CSCW systems without me-
dia breach. We not only describe the integration of
external search functionalities in a CSCW system, in
fact it is obvious that an automatic binding of digital
libraries/repositories in CSCW systems is definitely
more beneficial than a manual integration. To en-
able a complete automatic binding process, several
requirements for the search environments have been
identified. As an example implementation we have
integrated the DuEPublico binding in the CSCW sys-
tem open sTeam (Bopp et al., 2006b). Here, a de-
tailed view of the realized concept is presented in or-
der to point out the advantages of an integrated search
functionality. Our approach is not limited to the men-
tioned demonstrational systems. Instead, it is a open
web service implementation which can be added eas-
ily to any collaborative system and digital library.
Our architecture combines local and external
search resources offering extended search capabili-
ties to the user. In this regard, we have identified a
number of scenarios (see section 1.1): A user might
search for a search term in all possible resources or
explicitly choose an external resource. Regarding the
concrete example of the object oriented open sTeam
CSCW system, external and local search results are
usually imported into knowledge spaces and can be
arranged using the room and spatial metaphors in or-
der to make appropriate search results available for
other CSCW users.
This paper is organized as follows: related work
is presented in section 2, while the description of our
developments is divided according to requirements in
section 3. Next, a detailed view of the system inter-
action is given in section 4. Before concluding our
results the adjusted concept for searching in parallel
in different search environments is explained in sec-
tion 5.
1.1 Motivating Scenarios
In this section three different scenarios are presented
which point out the various search requirements for
a user-friendly CSCW system. Flexible search func-
tionalities as the ones described in this paper, are
quite new to common CSCW systems. Our analysis
presents a concept to realize these three scenarios in
CSCW systems mentioned below. A basic framework
and first prototypes developed on its basis will be in-
troduced, which support searching according to the
different scenarios and offer to invoke external search
functionality of one digital library.
Scenario 1: Local Search
A user searches for local objects, as, for exam-
ple a specific document, group, user, or knowledge
space. If the user searches for a certain group to re-
quest membership, he already knows the local avail-
ability of the group and searching in local resources
is sufficient.
Scenario 2: Literature Research
This scenario describes the research for litera-
ture in digital libraries. A user searches for gen-
eral keywords or more specific meta data such as
authors, conferences, or book titles. Digital li-
braries/repositories offer a large number of articles
and provide rich meta data for the entries. Usually,
not only a single repository is searched by the user,
but also literature in the established digital libraries
of ACM, IEEE, and CiteSeer are scanned for results.
Therefore, within a CSCW system the user would in
this case choose several external resources to which
the search request should be sent.
Scenario 3: General Searching
A user might have no precise idea of where to find
something. Therefore, he searches without further
specifications all available resources, which possibly
might lead to a large number of search results.
Digital libraries such as DSpace (Smith, 2002), Fe-
dora (Payette and Lagoze, 1998), and DuEPublico
(Gollan et al., 1999) provide digital access to their
inventories, as well as web services to invoke their
search functionalities remotely. To enable searching,
it is necessary to identify and collect metadata from
The Open Archives Initiative provides the OAI-
PMH (Lagoze and de Sompel, 2001) standard for
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
harvesting metadata of documents. This approach is
meant to be a low-barrier solution with roots in en-
hancing access to e-print archives. The need for a
common metadata format has been identified before
and resulted in the development of the Dublin Core
Metadata Element Set (Weibel, 1998). This set be-
came an ISO standard and most digital libraries like
DSpace, Fedora, and DuEPublico, provide the data
using Dublin Core (DC) elements. The prototype pre-
sented in this paper bases on the awareness that arbi-
trary search environments do not provide an uniform
metadata format. Accordingly, an automatic bind-
ing requires a search environment’s ability to describe
their functionalities and formats on their own.
Since the DC elements are designated to be used
for metadata description, it lacks description terms for
service functionalities and for additional information
required to perform searches. Therefore, the ZeeRex
format (ZeeRex, 2004) can be used to describe ser-
vice functionalities. In the process of an automatic
binding the self description method of a search envi-
ronment returns a ZeeRex document, which is eval-
uated from the CSCW system in order to enable the
user to invoke the search functionalities without me-
dia breach. There is no contemporary CSCW system
which offers the search in external sources without
media breach. The developed prototype extends the
open sTeam (Bopp et al., 2006b) CSCW system.
Another approach to standardize the access of
search functionalities is the standard search protocol
Search/Retrieve Web Service (SRW, 2005), which in-
cludes the search, scan, and explain operations. How-
ever, this standard is not (fully) supported by arbitrary
search environments and rather does not define the ex-
change formats of the metadata. That is why even if
SRW is supported, an automatic binding requires the
search environment’s capability of self description.
In this section the requirement analysis for automat-
ically integrating search functionalities of external
search environments into a CSCW system is pre-
sented. Since the requirements result from the process
of using external search functionalities, section 3.1
explains the workflow of the search invoking. The
resulting requirements for the search web service are
described in section 3.2.
Our recent conceptual approach in the field of Com-
puter Supported Cooperative Work and Learning
(CSCW/L) has been to build cooperative knowledge
spaces. One resulting implementation from this ap-
proach is the client/server system called open sTeam
(Bopp et al., 2006b). The idea of this system is
to combine document management facilities with a
room metaphor in collaborative knowledge spaces.
This concept is especially advantageous since one
user can perform a search, set results in relation with
already existing documents, and make them available
for other users in the distributed knowledge space.
Our development in the CSCW system open
sTeam provides access to search functionalities of ar-
bitrary digital libraries and additionally, of any search
environment which deploys adequate web services.
The identified requirements are independent from the
CSCW system, which should interact with the search
environment. Hence, our results can be transferred to
extend other CSCW systems in a similar manner.
3.1 General Search Process
Distributed knowledge spaces are containers for in-
formation from various external data sources. Ac-
cordingly, the content stored in the CSCW system
bases on external information and the search func-
tionalities usable in open sTeam should not be limited
to one (external) search environment. In our solution
the user can select several search environments the
web services of which are invoked, which conforms to
the principle of meta search engines. Hence, the first
step for the user is to select the search environments
to which his or her search request is sent. As a sec-
ond step, the user specifies his or her search request
in an adequate search dialog in the web-interface of
open sTeam. Please note that the presented search
dialog depends on the selected search environments.
Search dialogs for several search environments can
differ since they may support different indexed search
fields like keywords, author, title, etc. After the user
has submitted the search dialog, open sTeam gener-
ates search requests conform with the selected en-
vironments. The web services are invoked and the
results are presented in the web-interface of open
sTeam. Since the results may be retrieved from dif-
ferent environments, an aggregation of the result hits
is required (Bopp et al., 2006a). A result page pro-
vides the opportunity to add the found documents di-
rectly to a distributed knowledge space for sharing
them with other participants. The system therefore
offers not only a standardized frontend to different
knowledge sources, but allows the flexible integration
of new knowledge source in various ways.
3.2 Functionalities of Search Web
To provide highest flexibility, it is essential to cou-
ple new search environments with the CSCW system
without additional effort. However, each search envi-
ronment can arbitrarily define the supported indexed
search fields and configuration options. Hence, it is
necessary that web services from a search environ-
ment (web service provider) are able to explain them-
selves. Only if explanation methods are supported,
CSCW systems as web service consumers can con-
figure themselves automatically, build dynamically
search dialogs, and automatically generate adequate
search requests. The new approach of our develop-
ment is to divide the usage of a search web service
into the following three steps: First of all a connec-
tion with an optional authentication process has to
be established. Afterwards the CSCW system and
the search environment negotiated the interaction pro-
cess, which requires the search web service to explain
its functionalities. Finally, the CSCW system is able
to use the underlying web service. Figure 1 illustrates
this process.
Connection establishment
Usage of the service
Figure 1: Usage of Search Web Services.
In this section we focus on step 2 - the negotiation
process between the CSCW system and the search
environment. To provide highest usability of the de-
scription of the search web service’s functionalities a
simple and customizable exchange format is required.
Therefore we use the ZeeRex format (ZeeRex, 2004)
which extends the Z39.50 standard maintained by the
Library of Congress. ZeeRex is an attempt to de-
fine an ”Explain”-like mechanism for search environ-
ments. If a digital library supports this explain mecha-
nism, a CSCW system can invoke the explain method
to retrieve an XML document that describes in details
the search environment which is required for an au-
tomatic binding. According to the ZeeRex DTD the
XML document for explaining a search environment
has the following structure:
<serverInfo> ... </serverInfo>
<databaseInfo> ... </databaseInfo>
<metaInfo> ... </metaInfo>
<indexInfo> ... </indexInfo>
<schemaInfo> ... </schemaInfo>
As described above, a ZeeRex document con-
tains, at most five sections surrounded by an
tag. The
section contains basic infor-
mation required for connecting to the database such
as protocol, host, port, and database name. We
focus on the
and the
tions. The
section refers to available
XML schemata useable for returning results. Know-
ing the format of the results is necessary to transform
them for the final presentation in open sTeam. In the
section(s) all usable ways in which the
server may be interrogated are recorded. These are
described by using
elements. The
element is a representation of a single type of search.
For example, a title search is one index and an au-
thor search is another index. Each phrase of a search
request belongs to exactly one search index. Further-
more, the search request may only contain at most one
phrase for one search index.
We have developed an example ZeeRex document
explaining the DuEPublico search environment which
is presented in section 3.2.1. In section 4 we describe
how to evaluate ZeeRex documents and particularly
elements to automatically build search di-
alogs in CSCW systems. Please note that the explain
functionality is not yet supported by DuEPublico. In
our prototype the information has to be integrated
manually. To enable CSCW systems to bind search
environments completely automatic, it is mandatory
to support the explain mechanism.
3.2.1 Zeerex Description of Duepublico
As described previously, the focus of this section is on
interpreting the
parts of the ZeeRex de-
scription, since they present the possible search types.
DuEPublico search environments offer a plurality of
search indexes and selection fields, which can be used
in a search request. Furthermore, configuration fields
enable the customization of the result presentation.
The search web service supports the same functional-
ities as searching via the DuEPublico web-interface.
For describing the indexed search fields ”title” and
”author” the explain document contains the following
<index id="title" sort="true" search="true">
<title>Document Title</title>
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
<name set="dc">title</name>
<index id="name" sort="true" search="true">
<map primary="true">
<name set="dc">author</name>
<name set="dc">creator</name>
The indexed search field title can be used in search
requests and is one of the possible sort criterions. Be-
cause of these supported functionalities for the search
field, the
element has the attributes
. The
element describes the search
index, which is here the document title. Search re-
quests sent to the web service have to be conform
with one of the supported format of the search en-
vironment. Each search index is mapped to a spe-
cific term in this format. By enabling search environ-
ments to support various request formats, more than
element can be defined. The relation of the
element to one format is given by its attribute
. In the example mentioned above DuEPublico
accepts only search requests in the Dublin Core (DC)
format (Weibel, 1998). Please note, as the example
show it for the author, different Dublin Core elements
can be mapped to the same search index.
elements for selection fields and the
configuration fields should be described similar to the
search fields. The configuration fields determine con-
straints for the reply of the search web service, as for
example, the maximum number of results. It is com-
mon practice to characterize materials in a library’s
inventory by classifications. A media type of the ma-
terial, for example, is determined like animation, au-
dio file, figure, text, etc. The ZeeRex DTD lacks de-
scribing selection and configuration fields. That is
why we extend the ZeeRex document as follows:
<explain xmlns:sEnv=
<index id="format" search="true">
<title>Media Type</title>
<name set="dc">format</name>
<index id="maxHits" search="false">
<title>Maximum Hits</title>
<name set="conf">maxResults</name>
The most important aspect to use selection fields is
the need to read out the selectable data dynamically.
To support automatic binding the method responsible
for retrieving the values is defined by the usable pa-
rameters in the ZeeRex document.
The first step to an integrated search functionality is
the generation of an adequate search dialog. To do
this the explain method has to be called by the CSCW
system, which retrieves a ZeeRex document describ-
ing the supported search fields, selection fields, and
configuration fields of the search environment. The
following section 4.1 explains the evaluation of the
retrieved ZeeRex document by the CSCW system for
building the search dialog. Afterwards section 4.2
presents the process of transforming the user’s inputs
into a search request that can be interpreted by the ad-
dressed search environment. At last, section 4.3 pro-
vides the description of how to prepare the retrieved
search results for the usage in the CSCW system.
4.1 Generating the Search Dialog
As shown in section 3.2.1,
contain information how to specify correct search re-
quests. The CSCW system has to evaluate these el-
ements in order to automatically generate a suitable
search dialog. This is done by parsing the received
ZeeRex document after having invoked the explain
method of the search environment. It is important,
not to transform every
element into a search
field, since
elements are also used to de-
scribe selection and configuration fields.
The type of an
element can be identi-
fied referring to the children of the
According to the possible differentiation between se-
lection, configuration, and search fields, the CSCW
system can generate the search dialog as follows:
For each search field a corresponding input field
will be assimilated into the search dialog. After-
wards the configuration fields will be included into
the search dialog as choice fields. For every
element an adequate choice option for the generated
choice field is inserted. Selection fields present dy-
namic data for which it is not reasonable to store it
in the manually configured ZeeRex document. Ac-
cordingly, a digital library should provide a method
to query entries for a dynamic information. DuEPub-
lico, for example, provides such a service for re-
ceiving classifications of the available materials (see
section 3.2.1) which is called by the CSCW system.
The ZeeRex document contains all information that is
necessary to query the classification entries by defin-
ing the name and the parameters of the responsible
method. With the newly gained information about
supported classifications the CSCW system can adds
choice fields with appropriate choice options into the
search dialog.
4.2 Building the Search Request
The ZeeRex document is used to generate an adequate
search dialog for the particular search environment
described in section 4.1. It also contains information
to build search requests which can be interpreted by
the search environment. Since arbitrary search envi-
ronments do not support the same query language, the
CSCW system has to create different queries for dif-
ferent search environments.
The ZeeRex document defines for each field the
variable to which the input has to be mapped during
the search request. As described in section 3.2.1, a
search term may be addressed by different terms of
distinguished or equal request formats. DuEPublico
only supports requests in the DC-format, which was
extended by the
-set for configuration options.
The CSCW system has to extract the non-empty fields
of the user’s submitted search dialog and integrate ad-
equate search phrases into the search request. These
phrases are of the form of
fieldNames Operator
. The useable field names are listed in the
ZeeRex document in the
After the search request is built, the CSCW system
invokes the web service to execute the search. In ad-
dition to the search request some search environments
require the transmission of authentication information
for the usage of the search functionality, as well as for
access to the inventory.
4.3 Handling the Search Results
The reply of the search web service is an XML doc-
ument which contains the results in a specific format.
DuEPublico, for example, sends the results in the DC-
format. If a search environment returns the results in
a different format as the one used by the CSCW sys-
tem in the search request, it is crucial that the CSCW
system can realize the mapping of the received terms
to the requested phrases with the help of the ZeeRex
document (adequate
-elements have to exist).
The CSCW system transforms the received results
with an XSLT stylesheet into a suitable presentation
for the user in the CSCW system. In the transforma-
tion process additional functionalities of the CSCW
system can be integrated. In the open sTeam system
the backup-functionality was integrated into the result
presentation in order to enable users to store found
material directly in knowledge spaces.
The scenarios presented in section 1.1 show the users’
demand for performing specific searches in differ-
ent search environments. Often, sending the same
search request to different search environments at the
same time, (including or excluding the local CSCW
search) will simplify searching, making it more effi-
cient, since search results from different search en-
vironments are available at the same time and thus,
can be compared. The user-friendliest solution is to
present all results on a single page, which also en-
ables the CSCW system to sort the results according
to their relevance and independent from their source.
In section 4, the handling of one search environ-
ment was described, the concept of which has to be
adjusted to support parallel searches in different envi-
ronments. Then the first step for the CSCW system
is to present a selection of useable search environ-
ments in which the user can select the ones to which
his search request should be sent. After the user has
selected the search environments, an adequate search
dialog is presented. This search dialog may only con-
tain search fields, selection fields, and configuration
fields which are supported by all selected search en-
vironments. It is crucial to present the intersection of
the sets of supported fields in order to return only cor-
rect results. This will be explained in the following:
A search request should be sent, for example, to
DuEPublico and Google. If the search dialog presents
all the input fields supported by any of the search en-
vironments, the user may add the author information.
The ordinary Google search does not support author
searching. In contract, if the CSCW system adds the
inserted name of the author into the keyword search,
Google will find also documents in which the author
is mentioned but of which he is not the author. Ac-
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
cordingly, the Google search results are not totally
correct and listing them in the same context as the
DuEPublico results will not be valid.
Citeseer API
Search API
CSCW system binds several external
search environments
search in
Figure 2: Binding Arbitrary Search Environments.
To generate a search dialog presenting only the in-
tersection of the supported functionalities of several
search environments, their ZeeRex documents have
to be compared. Since titles and formats may differ,
the intersection can only be identified if all search en-
vironments use the same
for equal index fields. In
this case the CSCW system will be able to find equal-
ities of search fields by comparing the
After the user has submitted the filled search di-
alog, the CSCW system builds adequate search re-
quest(s) for the selected environments. This step re-
quires the generation of several search requests if the
search environments support different formats. When
the search results have been received by the CSCW
system, adequate XSLT transformations are executed
and the elements can be sorted if the required rele-
vance information has been transmitted by the search
environments or is evaluated by the CSCW system it-
A user-friendly and efficient solution for searching in
search environments, such as digital libraries, and for
using adequate results in a CSCW system requires the
avoidance of media breach. Therefore, many search
environments already deploy web services for invok-
ing their search functionalities. The presented ap-
proach developed a standardized web service to in-
tegrate different search sources through a self expla-
nation mechanism of web services. Coupling CSCW
systems with various search environments will extend
the functional range of a CSCW system and support
users in their individual work. As a result, an auto-
matic binding of search environments in CSCW sys-
tems is necessary, as manual integration is too time-
consuming, and therefore would limit the number of
available search environments in a CSCW system will
be strongly limited.
In this paper we have presented a prototype which
supports automatic binding of search environments.
For the automation, the search environments have to
support an explain method to describe their function-
alities. This method returns an individual ZeeRex
document, which has been extended in this paper to
satisfy the requirements for the automatic binding.
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