the ontology is produced, the process of data
migration transforms all the records in the database
into ontology individuals.
For this, the ER-to-OWL map and RDB-to-OWL
map obtained during the previous extraction
procedure (refer back to Section 2) are utilized. All
the tuples of the tables are transformed to ontology
individuals and unique IDs are assigned to the
ontology individuals. A good candidate for a unique
ID is the value of the key attribute. Figure 10 shows
an example ontology individual for Employee entity
of the COMPANY database.
Semantic information extracted from the databases
are useful to create knowledge services in addition
to the conventional database services. In this line of
effort, researches have been conducted to extract
semantic information out of existing relational
databases and the extracted semantic information is
represented in the ontology framework using OWL
standard expressions.
<Employee rdf:ID="1234567890">
<EAddress rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">Apple
Street 192</EAddress>
<Works_For rdf:resource="#0123" />
<Works_On rdf:resource="#20060732" />
rdf:resource="#1234567890_Nayoung" />
rdf:resource="#1234567890_Hoyun" />
Figure 10. An Ontology Individual for Employee Entity.
However, the semantics of data are not explicitly
expressed in the relational model. Moreover the
relational schema implies less semantic information
than the E/R model does. In this paper, therefore, we
have presented a multi-way semantics extraction
scheme which extracts semantic information from
both E/R modeling components and relational
schema descriptions and then converts them into
ontology in OWL. In addition, migrating data into
ontology individuals allows application developers
to quickly build the knowledge base in the Semantic
Web environments. Although the resulting ontology
cannot imply all semantics of the original database,
the resulting semantics in OWL ontology of our
work will be made much more expressive for the
application developers than that of existing works.
In addition, different from the existing approaches,
the resulting ontology and ontology individuals
converted by our work are fully compatible with
OWL language, so that they can be easily used by
OWL-based Semantic Web applications and
inference engines.
As one of the future works, we will explore the
ontology technique and develop various application
services to show how the extracted ontology
semantics are utilized. Using the extracted
semantics, we can develop more sophisticated
services on the Semantic Web than traditional
database services. We will further explore the
ontology techniques to be used on top of databases
in an attempt to create knowledge-based application
services for enterprises.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems