documentation set. This is seen from our survey
results, as the companies do not develop all of the
documentation components indicated by our
theoretical model.
This work’s ultimate goal was to present an
empirical investigation of documentation issues and
propose a minimum set of documents required to
satisfy both the theory and the companies’ needs. In
the proposed set we included the documents mostly
developed and used by the companies enquired and
excluded those less developed and used. For the
components that are sometimes used we draw a
decision based on the importance of those
documents in the theoretical model.
For the research conducted, nine SME have
been approached and with the use of a
comprehensive questionnaire, the authors were in a
position to gather all the necessary information for
the analysis process. These results, in combination
with a balanced literature review, as well as the use
of the Waterfall system development life cycle
model as a guide, enabled the identification of the
apt minimum set of documents to be used for the
specific type of enterprises.
Future work will concentrate on extending the
survey sample including SME with different profile
characteristics. Our goal will be to link better certain
SME organizational and procedural factors with the
size and quality of documentation produced and
utilized, as well as to trace the sources better and
investigating in depth the origin of neglecting such a
significant set of activities. Further, additional
validation is planned where the obtained results will
be cross-checked by new companies that will adopt
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