relatively small (at least order of magnitude). The
number of node accesses in temporal index of
STAH-tree is presented in equation 9. This formula
may be derived from equations (5,7,8).
We performed multiple which proved correctness of
all assumptions presented in the paper. The
experiments prove that all presented modifications
(AGG, BATCH, MAP) result in high acceleration.
Objects selectivity prediction was highly accurate
(about 5-10% and less). The selectivity for leaves
was correct with the same precision when
aggregation was performed only on the leaves level.
When aggregation was allowed on all aR-tree levels
– the error reached 30% for large values (when more
than 50% of space was covered by a query). For
smaller queries the error did not rise above 10%.
Detailed results description is not included as paper
page count is limited.
STAH-tree is a complete system that allows to pose
various queries over spatio-temporal data. The
system performance is highly data parameter-
independent. Even for parameters that have large
impact on performance in standard solutions (for
example relational database).
STAH-tree is based on widely recognized and
valued solutions from spatial and temporal data
processing domain (R-tree, aR-tree, MVB-tree,…).
These ideas are combined and adapted is order to
work together and assure required features. The
original solution was extended with additional
accelerating techniques (BATCH, AGG, MAP). The
presented solution is more robust than the one using
the components separately. Disadvantage is higher
storage space consumption.
Selectivity prediction model for aggregate R-tree
was introduced. Its accuracy was proved by
experiments. The selectivity model along with node
accesses formula for MVB-tree (available in
literature) are merged in order to achieve full
performance model for STAH-tree (with respect to
node accesses).
Several main directions of future fork have been
recognized: (1) selectivity model for non uniform
data distribution; (2) extension of presented
selectivity model for aR-tree nodes with the
possibility of aggregating on higher aR-tree levels;
(3) selectivity model for different types of spatial
queries (KNN, Spatial Join etc.); (4) replace spatial
and temporal indexes with other techniques (quad
trees, OVB-trees, …). (5) use more sophisticated
way to aggregate spatial objects (not only point
aggregates) as it is done in (Zhang, 2002). Work on
some of these issues has already started.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems