Cristiano Maciel and Ana Cristina Bicharra Garcia
Instituto de Computação, Universidade Federal Fluminense - Rua Passos da Pátria, 156 sl 326 Niterói, RJ, Brazil
Keywords: Interaction, e-Democracy, Deliberation, Community, Decision-Making.
Abstract: Electronic democracy should facilitate the discussion and participation of citizens as well as electronic
voting in governmental issues. Governmental applications available in the Web have not evolved
significantly toward real participation of citizens. The implementation of an e-democracy system can benefit
from incorporating features from distinct information channels, especially television. This paper discusses
an Interactive Government-Citizen Model that allows and stimulates the decision-making process between
government and citizens, facilitating citizen participation through a virtual community and through
integrated management of information in the Web environment. In this Model we identify the phases of an
consultation and deliberative process as carried out through a Democratic Citizenship Community, the
discussion of which is structured in a Government-Citizen Interaction Language known as DemIL. The
degree of maturity initially proposed is structured in four levels: Immature, Poorly Mature, Mature and
Sufficiently Mature. In order to measure the degree of maturity, by levels, we use a set of indicators, for
later construction of an evaluation tool.
The use of Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT's), especially the InterNet, allows
citizens access to information, the rendering of
services and joint participation in governmental
issues. The participation of citizens, in particular,
can make democracy feasible, since it generates a
continuous flow of information between citizens and
the government, assisting both in the decision-
making process. However, in order for democracy to
really exist, citizens must articulate a speech, outline
proposals as well as compare and confront them
with others through public dissemination means.
Electronic democracy (e-Democracy) can facilitate
this articulation, turning ICT’s not only a voting tool
but also an environment for discussion and
substantial citizenship for accomplishment of
democratic processes.
Many countries have adopted various methods to
promote citizen participation in decision-making,
including referendums, public hearings, public
opinion surveys, negotiated rule marking, consensus
conference, citizens jury or panel, public
consultative committee or focus group (Rowe and
Frewer, 2000). Brazilian democracy is essentially
representative, since government bodies are defined
by way of elections. The existing forms of direct
manifestation of popular sovereignty in the
Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil
make mention of referendums, plebiscites and
popular initiatives.
The UNPAN annually releases a Worldwide
Electronic Government Report – e-Gov (UNPAN,
2005), with Brazil ranking 18th in 2001. In the year
2005, however, Brazil plunged to 33rd position.
From 1st in Latin America, Brazil moved to 3rd
position, after Chile and Mexico. The information
portal of the Brazilian government receives special
mention in said report, although the evaluation
criteria are not made clear. Brazil stands out
worldwide when it comes to electronic services such
as Tax Return submission and InterNet purchasing
system. Participation has nonetheless not been duly
explored. This level deserves attention, and new
mechanisms to stimulate participation in the
deliberative decision-making process should be
made available to the citizens, with consultation and
deliberation in the Web environment.
Maciel C. and Cristina Bicharra Garcia A. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 387-394
DOI: 10.5220/0002387203870394
Therefore, what are the requirements,
characteristics and limitations of the e-democracy
modeling so as to ensure that real needs are met and
interaction between users and e-Gov Web-based
systems is optimized? How can we ensure and
measure the effectiveness and continuation of an
consultation and deliberative process, with citizen
participation in governmental issues?
In this study we relate a Government-Citizen
Interactive Model structured in phases, and we use
DemIL (Maciel and Garcia, 2006a), a Government-
Citizen Interaction Language, the aim of which is to
promote discussion and deliberation. In order to
ensure citizen participation we propose the
construction of a ‘Democratic Citizenship
Community’ (DCC), with characteristics of this
focus of application and adapted to DemIL. An
evaluation of the effectiveness of the processes in a
community is therefore discussed, ultimately
seeking to conceive an environment capable of
promoting a better deliberative participation.
With a DCC, an environment with integrated
information on the Web, we intend to engage
citizens and to investigate whether they develop
maturity for the decision-making process. We
believe that if the consultative and deliberative
processes are integrated within the same
communication means (in this case, the Internet) it
becomes possible to measure the degree of maturity
in decision-making. The degree of maturity initially
proposed is structured in four levels: Immature,
Poorly Mature, Mature and Sufficiently Mature. In
order to measure the degree of maturity using levels,
we use a group of metrics and classifications useful
for subsequent construction of an evaluation tool.
In democracy power can be exercised by many, it is
the people’s expectations that prevail in all political
decisions. However, freedom of expression in
democracy does not merely involve being able to
express an opinion about predefined options. In
order for it to be effective, it must allow people to
articulate a discourse, outline proposals, discuss
them and confront them with other proposals
through public communication means. Electronic
democracy should facilitate the discussion and
participation of citizens as well as electronic voting
in governmental issues.
With the exception of deliberative councils and
public opinion polls, which are extremely codified,
anarchical and creative use of ICT’s in the decision-
making process is problematic for political science
(Monnoyer-Smith, 2005). Thus, introducing an
opinion consultation tool does not imply success
through effective user participation. Monnoyer-
Smith (2005) points we have a not-identified
deliberative object that presents a number of
characteristics of a traditional deliberation, but does
not correspond to the deliberation in the totality: it is
dynamic, with actors entering and leaving, a large
use of rhetoric, interpersonal emotions and relations.
This apparent complexity is ideal for a deliberative
environment that explores these characteristics by a
creative way and gives more power to the real
The Organization for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD, 2006), in turn, identified
five challenges for e-democracy: scale problem (to
become available for all); qualification and
construction of the citizenship; guarantee of
coherence of the information; the guarantee of
continuity of the process and evaluation of the
effectiveness of the process. For Scheiderman
(2002), the attainment of a national consensus that
reflects the opinions of millions of citizens through a
mix of representation and direct participation will
depend on an ambitious development. Even basic
questions such as to establish a programming, to
moderate the discussions, to organize the groups and
to supply summarization of the discussions will
depend on an innovative and state-of-art project by
means of tests.
At the international level we point to three e-
democracy tools: Webocracy, DEMONS and
EURO-CITI. These tools make possible the
consultative and the deliberative process, as they
focus more on making information available and
promoting consultations through, e.g., discussion
forum and opinion polls. They do not allow us to
if maturity has been reached in the theme
discussions so as to allow measure a conscious
Through an evaluation of the current conditions
of the Brazilian governmental sites (Garcia et al.,
2005) it was verified, among other items, that the
investigated federal, state and municipal
governments do not dispose in the sites tools that
allow to the effective participation of the citizen by
an automatic way. These data bump against the
position given to Brazil in the UNPAN (2005)
ranking of e-Gov. It was investigated the disposition
of the following tools of participation in each site: e-
mail, chat, discussion forum, voting/pull and
workgroup. Significant experiences with regard to
consultation and/or deliberative processes in the
Brazilian Web are found in the City halls of the
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
cities of São Paulo/SP and Porto Alegre/RS. In the
Federal Government, through the site of the
Congressman Chamber, one of the participation
options is the discussion forum, which reveals an
important space for the discussion of government
and citizen, but it makes difficult a decision making,
because it is a half-structuralized consultation
environment and without deliberative purpose.
In general, we note that applications for
consultative and deliberative purposes present
problems, since: a) they do not come as a sociability
space focusing on the citizen as an individual, b)
they must stay on for a certain period and be
effectively used, c) they lack structuring
mechanisms for the discussions, d) they do not favor
information retrieval, e) they do not facilitate
deliberation and, consequently, they do not facilitate
joint decision-making by the government and the
citizens, and e) they do not allow us to verify if
maturity has been reached in the theme discussions
so as to allow a conscious deliberation. It is standed
out that the availability of technological
infrastructure is not enough to make possible the e-
democracy that is a current effort of many
Considering the studies related to the use of ICT’s in
the consultative and deliberative processes in the
Web (Maciel and Garcia, 2006) and the deficiencies
presented by some of these tools, as well as the
existence of strategies used for the traditional medias
to attract the participation of the public, it is
proposed the Government-Citizen Interactive Model.
The process starts with some definitions by the
government such as type of manifestation and
calendar (phase 1). To engage citizens we propose
the creation of a virtual community for citizens to
interact on governmental issues, one that is
structured by geographic and thematic categorization
of the participants and election of popular
representatives, among other things (phase 2). The
debate phase (phase 4), in particular, requires
structuring to facilitate discussion of the demands
(phase 3) and to facilitate Web integrated
information retrieval, with qualitative and statistical
analysis of data (phase 5). Thus, the posting of
opinions forces the citizen to give an opinion, pro or
con, on the relevant topic and to justify his/her vote.
Then the final voting takes place. The existence and
performance of a moderator are also modeled. This
facilitates a deliberative strategy whereby the
prioritized demands (phase 5) are presented for
voting (phase 6). In order for citizens, government
and moderators to actually engage in discussion, we
propose a DemIL(Citizen-Government Interaction
Language), which can be useful not only for the
application proposed here but also for other methods
of direct participation of the citizens in decision-
Considering previous studies we structure the
participation environment according to phases and
activities as shown in Table 1 (Maciel and Garcia,
2006b). We should note that the phases and
activities are not exclusionary and may or may not
be considered in the development of a Web
environment for these purposes.
Table 1: Phases of the Consultative and Deliberative
Process in the Web.
Phase Description of core activities
1. Opening
- government provides the calendar
- government provides the plain of actions
- government asks some methods of
- citizen receives prior notice
-administrator opens the virtual community
- administrator register in cadastre of
geographic regions and/or thematic
- administrator opens the virtual library of
2. Virtual
Community of
- inclusion of the citizen in the virtual
- register in cadastre of the popular
- register in cadastre of moderators
- register of the government representatives
- voting of representatives and/or
- deliberation of the voting process
- participate in socializing environments
- participate in virtual library of
3. Register of
- register in cadastre of the opinions
4. Consultation
- discussion of opinions
- motivation for the discussion
5. Clustering
- clustering of opinions/sumarization
- priorization of the opinions
- priorization of the opinions for demand
6. Voting
- cadastre of demands to voting
- register of votes
- counting a votes
7. Deliberation - administrative process report
In the Interactive Model proposed, the modeling
of electronic participation takes into account the
characteristics of an audiovisual plan, seeking to
explore a topic, the existence of a conflict, the
definition of personages (citizens organized by
community), a structure to engage in discussion, and
a final technical plan, which constitutes the
deliberation report. Through discussion we seek a
consensus so as to allow informed voting. In this
intermediate phase we use some characteristics of
techniques for decision-making.
The phase of Consultation Debate (phase 4)
requires structuration in the discussions, once that
the studies in e-goverment reflect it structuration
lack in others interaction resources (e.g., forum).
Through the DemIL it models a forum structured
with own characteristics (Maciel and Garcia, 2006a).
In figure 1, bellow, the DemIL language is
presented, contemplating mainly phases 4 and 6.
Figure 1: DemIL (Maciel and Garcia, 2006).
In this forum the demands previously registered
by thematic and/or geographic region are argued,
and consist in opinions (Arguments), which can
excite several other opinions (counterargument). An
opinion possess the following attributes:
- Date: register of date of the opinion;
- Hour: register of the hour of the opinion;
- Type: an opinion can be a justification for the
demand, or either, an argument, or a question for
motivation, sent for the moderator.
- Justification: Pro or Against: confrontation
between two forms and request of positioning of the
opinative, through which it classifies its opinion as
being favor or against the registered in cadastre
demand. Later each Justification is validated as valid
or invalid, for the moderator, in order to make a
previous cleanness of data. Compared with one
reality show, it consists in the "thick wall" of the
demands, and can be adapted for election of popular
representatives. It allows a reference to the
documents of the Library of Information, that stores
multimedia of distinct formats.
- To motivate: to stimulate the use of the
environment tasks are created, under the form of
questionings, for example, to the participants of the
discussion, relative to thematic the envoy for a
moderator, which assumes the role of the "presenter"
of a televising debate. This can be of the type
automatized (through a database of motivations) or
an animated agent. Examples of questions that can
stimulate the discussion: In your opinion, which are
the two people with better organizative capacities in
the group (to lead, to co-ordinate, to guide, to
manage)? Who would be benefited with demand
The components "Clusterization Opinions" (phase
5), "To prioritize Opinions" and "To prioritize
Opinions for demand" must be considered for
implantation of this complex ambient however they
are not the focus of this paper.
The proposed space of discussion and
deliberation is organized around a Virtual
Community - VC’s (Phase 2). It must be considered
that the existence of the citizen in the virtual world
is given by his/her identification through a unique
profile and for the consequent link between the
members. Therefore, the aspects of the conception of
one VC and its structuration to support a democratic
process proposed are argued bellow.
The VC’s are an extension of the communities in the
real world, however there is not a direct relation
with the geographic localization of the involved
members, but an union for common interests. A VC
must possess four elements that characterize
Hummel and Lechner, 2002):
a) The clear definition of the group: clear limits
(focus), reference to real communities, rules for
admission, authorizations for use and access, rules
for use and punishment for misconduct.
b) The interaction between the members:
environments of chat rooms and forum, possibility
of contribution, selection of contributions,
monitoring, internal and external events.
c) The linking between the members: protection
to the privacy, individuality, sub-groups, usability,
identification of members and organizers.
d) The exchange of information in a common
place: archives, analysis of the participants
(recommendation), voluntary work, culture of use
and roles of members.
Several methodologies have been proposed for
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
studies of the VC’s (Preece and Maloney-Krichmar,
2005), focusing the ethnography; the techniques of
linguistic analysis and context; visualization
techniques; evaluation with interviews,
questionnaires and analysis of log registers. Other
researchers had tried to adapt the evaluation by
using metric systems of Human-Computer
Interaction (Preece, 2000) (de Souza and Preece,
2004). Researchers and developers of online
communities are most worried in trying to
understand the dynamics of the VC’s (Hummel and
Lechner, 2002). The challenge of virtual
environment for the use of virtual communities is
that these not always are capable of keeping the
same level of collaboration, motivation and
involvement of the real communities.
In a preliminary analysis of 47 governmental and
no governmental communities available in the
Internet, of national and international level, distinct
areas of performance had been identified (for
example, government, entertainment, relationship
and businesses). Such communities make use of
resources for interaction with and between the users,
making possible a diversification of actions. The
deliberation can be possible inside of small
communities (above one hundred people) and in
bigger communities (above a thousand people)
where there be little knowledge and confidence
between the members (Schneiderman, 2002). For the
author, through the creation of small groups of
interest of citizens of similar mentalities, in which
there is the understanding and is deposited a highly
reliable level, it is possible to develop the necessary
influence for campaigns in favor of national
questions and the support to candidates for popular
representation unto the spheres of government.
The present virtual communities possess many
social characteristics, without the focus in the
democracy, and they do not stimulate the
participation of the citizens in the effective decision
making process. A strategy that effectively
completes the communication between government
and citizens, with the possibility of deliberation of
important social matters is the subject for study in
this work. An alternative of success in the
interaction is seen in the virtual communities
through Internet between government and citizens,
for being attractive under the social point of view
and for supporting a participative project of digital
inclusion in the electronic democracy.
The problems that arise owe to the fact that when
citizens are asked to participate in public
consultations and deliberative processes, they
individually receive information from different
communication means (television, newspapers,
Internet, among others). This process persists until
the moment of voting. Thus, it is not possible to
verify whether the individuals reached maturity in
the decision-making process so as to ensure they are
really exercising their role as citizens in the Web
The study suggested in this work is especially
concerned with the phase 2 (virtual community of
citizens) of the model previously presented in Table
1, however it integrates almost all the phases.
Through the conception of ‘Democratic Citizenship
Community’ (DCC) it is intended to engage the
citizens in the consultative and deliberative process
and to verify if these, in fact, develop maturity
during the process of decision making, in view of
fact that he/she will access distinct information and
communication integrated to the environment.
The DCC searchs to guarantee the effectiveness
of the participation of the citizens in the consultation
and deliberative processes through the following
components: Profile of Citizens, the Register of the
Popular Representatives and/or demands, a
component for Debate, linked to a Library of
Information, Space of Socialization, a component
for Voting and another one for Deliberation. Figure
2, below, represents the proposed environment.
Figure 2: DCC Model.
The Debate is organized as proposed in the
DemIL (Maciel and Garcia, 2006a) that separates
the opinions in "agree" and "not agree", with the
respective justifications. A stated period is settled
for the summarized presentation of the final results
for Region/Thematic, managed by the Moderator.
After this phase the members are stimulated to vote,
in determined turns, and the results will be tuned
available in the deliberation environment.
The components of the DCC has functionalities
as displayed bellow.
- Citizen Profile: the initial step is the formation
of the Community that is nothing more but the
insertion of the individuals in the virtual world,
through the registering in cadastre of the profile of
these citizens. This profile allows that the demands
are worked extensively and distributed,
geographically and thematically. This distribution
can be compared to the existence of "virtual rooms"
in chat rooms, that organize the virtual space, and
allows the exchange of information between the
components of the group. The geographic and
thematic distribution is predefined conforming to the
governmental management.
- Popular Representative and/or Demands: the
individuals must candidate to the popular
representation, being able to be, for example, a
partisan or advising representative. Each candidacy
possesss a plan of work, or either, a justification for
the candidacy. The demands to be argued also will
be registered in cadastre by the operating citizens in
the community, as thematic daily predefined.
- Library of Information
: the citizen needs to
have access to the information, in distinct medias, so
that he ou she can think and vote conscientiously.
Both the government and the citizen can turn
available documents and links that are referred to the
the discussions.
- DemIL Debate: in this component the citizen
can exchange information that is one of the basic
characteristics of the discussion. It is a structuralized
forum with characteristic proposals in DemIL.
- Space of Socialization: the inclusion of spaces
of socialization, such as chat, mural or coffee-bar,
where the members can known better each other, can
motivate and integrate the members of the CV.
- Voting: a final question is placed in discussion
so that people can vote against or in favor of this,
through private vote and being optional the
justification for the vote (phase 6). The votes are
entered, as well as an automatic report of the
justifications for question is generated (phase 7).
The process can be carried through in n turns, being
that in each turn is necessary a time for discussion
and choice of vote options. After carried through
each election a deliberation is made.
Deliberation: In each turn it is deliberated
whom/what/which will go for the next phase of the
election or whom/what/which was the one chosen by
the community.
Through of this application will be tried the
proposed model.
4.1 Evaluation of the Process
The stimulation to a effective participation and a
continuous process in the community is a challenge
(Kim, 2000). Some strategies to control the problem
of motivation in virtual communities proposed in
this work are the clear division of the environment
for geographic and for thematic region and the
insertion of a more operating moderator (or of
leaderships). The presence of a more operating
moderator could monitor the behaviors in the
environment and the use of common-sense to
manage the discussion and deliberation in this
environment. A system of recommendation of use of
the environment can also assist the users to
participate more actively.
The effectiveness of the process of transformation
of information in the environment will be measured
through the analysis of the data remover from the
environment. With the use of techniques of
observation and statistics of use will be investigated
some metrics (see Table 2).
As determinative factors in the effectiveness of
the process of transformation of information in
consultations and deliberations carried through VC it
is determined and investigated if:
- the use of resources of communication made
available (profile, coffee-bar, forum, ballot of
voting, among others) propitiates the satisfaction of
the user, being him ou her capable to indicate some
resource that him or her judges to support some
activity in the community;
- the communication is continuous, with the
establishment of clear objectives and motivated
- the spaces of personal socialization, as a coffee-
bar or a Chat, make possible that the members know
and change experiences each other, being able of
indirectly to motivate them to participate of the
- the existence and use of a structure for
management of the knowledge, with information and
resources for exchange of information (library).
- the role of the moderator and his/her influence
in the process, through the analysis of activities
assigned for the monitoring, such as: attendance to
the members, stimulation to the discussion,
summary of discussions, advices, schedules and
guarantee of use of the rules.
- there is the necessity of a common agreement of
the processes of the group, a feeling of pertaining
(attributions) and an involvement in the planning
and management of the community;
- satisfaction and identification with the VC’s,
correspondent to the expectations of the members;
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
- there is a relation in the interest for the
discussion and consequent deliberation, or either,
members that participate of the discussion also vote.
- the members receive information from other
medias, that must converge to the V.C. and the V.C.
must use other media to notify its actions, aiming to
reach a bigger number of citizens.
- there is confidence of the members about the
information and processes of the community.
The effectiveness of the decision-making process
in the DCC will be measured through the analysis of
the data remover from the environment. With the use
of techniques of observation and statistics of use will
be investigated some metrics to the decision-making.
At last, through a questionnaire available in the
environment, the satisfaction of the participants will
be measured.
The methodology adopted in this study includes
both bibliographical and applied research and is
applied in four phases, as is generally described in
Table 2 below.
Table 2: Study Phases and Method.
Phase Method
Phase I Conception of DCC
1. Conceptual Model of a DCC
2. Interface Design
3. Implementation
Phase II Implementation of a DCC
Phase III a) Definition of indicators and metrics to
evaluate the degree of maturity in decision-
b) Initial Data Analysis:
1. Register Participants Profile
2. Register Moderators
3. Postings for Discussion (pro and againts)
by theme/demand
4. Performance of Moderator
5. Resources used by participant
6. Participation in the Voting by
7. Use of Socializing Space
8. Use of Library
9. Respect to the DCC rules of use
10. Satisfaction of Participants
Phase IV Analysis of the degree of maturity in decision-
making regarding DCC
In the Phase I, the DCC is desenvolved using the
follow techniques: analysis of domain and
user/scenarios; WebML diagrams (Ceri et al., 2002);
wireframes; prototype evaluation (Garcia et al.,
2005)(Preece, 2000) and database project/Web
A later implementation of the DCC (Phase II)
will include deliberative decision in education as a
case study. This system has already been introduced
in Universidade Federal Fluminense (RJ) and your
use will be managed.
In the Phase III, before definition of metrics, will
be use the DCC application to
measure the degree of
maturity in decision-making. The data analysis
will be
accomplished with observation techniques (variables
1 up to 9 of the table 1) and with questionnaire
(satisfaction of participants).
Finally the theoretical approach and the practical
experiment will be analyzed.
4.2 Decision-making Measure
Decisions are made in response to a problem that
needs to be solved, a requirement that needs to be
met or an objective that needs to be accomplished.
Decision entails a process, in other words, a
sequence of steps or phases succeeding each other
and known as the decision-making process. Thus, by
focusing on the democratic consultative and
deliberative process in the Web, as proposed
structure in model, we attempt to measure the degree
of maturity in decision-making in this domain.
In order to define a degree of maturity in
decision-making for consultative and deliberative
processes we propose four levels:
1. Immature: initial process, unpredictable,
conditional on acceptance of an invitation for
participation in the DCC. Indirectly, it shows the
interest of a given public in a certain theme
2. Poorly Mature: a participatory consultative
process that involves an interest in discussion rather
than necessarily in voting.
3. Mature: a participatory deliberative process
that involves an interest in voting rather than in
4. Sufficiently Mature: a participatory process,
effective and deliberative, whereby the citizen
participates in all activities, with a minimum
In order to measure each level, we will use some
metrics, analyzing some variables of DCC, e.g.:
Immature (registration, candidacy as moderator);
Poorly Mature (number of postings in the discussion
by topic (pro-against), number of justifications
posted in the discussion, size of justifications;
performance of moderator); Mature (participation in
voting); Sufficiently Mature (participation in the
entire process, used of other spaces, respect the use
rules, trust). The proposed model is being
experiment through DCC and the degree of maturity
in the decision-making of the citizens will be
definitively defined and then classified.
The way public opinion consultation environments
(forums, chats, etc) are currently devised do not
facilitate the recovery of information and resulting
deliberation of the process. Diagnoses of current
participation initiatives and real longings of citizens
converge to the need for a robust environment for
implementation of governmental issues. By
researching the existing relationship between
televising techniques and virtual interaction
strategies as well as the resulting participation of
citizens in debate environments, we can conceive the
Government-Citizen Interactive Model. The citizens
are the "personages" organized in a VC structured to
that end. That way it is possible to promote e-
participation and e-vote, the decision-making
process being a reflection of consultations, voting
and deliberations.
The conception of a DCC for citizen interaction
with governmental issues allows us to verify the
effectiveness and continuation of an consultation
and deliberative process in the Web, allowing us to
learn and assess citizen behaviour during the
Other serious challenges are posed in the search
for e-democracy, since the use of such system by
millions of citizens (e.g. in a national debate) highly
increases the complexity of the model; it can be
misused by influential groups or by activist
politicians; the existence of ill-intentioned hackers
and invisible participants (lurkings) is also reason
for concern, and credibility should be ensured
regarding the relevant information and voting. The
issues trust and security in e-Democracy, data-
protection and privacy are essential to e-Government
applications and deserve to be investigated
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analyzing and understanding online communities.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems