Aluizio Haendchen Filho
Famesul – Uniasselvi
Hércules Antonio do Prado
Embrapa Food Technology, Catholic University of Brasília
Míriam Sayão
Fénelon do Nascimento Neto
Embrapa Food Technology
Keywords: Enterprise Information Systems, Communities Mediation, Agent Based Systems.
Abstract: The adoption of the Multi-Agent System paradigm in the context of Enterprise Information Systems has
been accelerated by the technology brought by Internet. The importance of MAS applications increases as
the ubiquity of Internet, with its distributed and interconnected elements, becomes a de facto reality. How-
ever, the development of MAS is not trivial; agents-based systems are typically complex and difficult to de-
velop due to the features required, some of them hard to implement. In this paper we briefly describe MI-
DAS, a service oriented (SOA) framework built on a reusable, adaptable and loosely coupled architecture,
that aims to help in the development of MAS applications. An application in the domain of expert/customer
mediation is presented to evidence the advantages of the framework. After that, the advantages of applying
the SOA standard over the traditional message-based approach for MAS development are discussed.
Due to the recent availability of Web-based
development technology, the application domain of
Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) has spread out. This
kind of system has been applied in many areas in the
Internet context: e-Commerce, Web Services
(Finin, 1994), Knowledge Management (Kendall et
al., 1999), Semantic Web (Decker et al., 2000), and
Information Systems in general (Adam et al., 2004
and Jennings et al., 1996). The adoption of MAS in
the application development over Internet has
enabled interesting solutions to B2B, e-Business
(Boughaci et al., 2005), and also applications that
requires interoperability based on knowledge about
applications and business processes. Klusch (1999)
identifies information intelligent agents as one of the
most promising areas for applying agents
technology. Information agents acts in fields like
collaborative systems over Internet, knowledge
discovery from heterogeneous sources, systems for
intelligent management of information for intranet
of Internet, among others.
The importance of Internet as a common and ubiqui-
tous systems environment has led to efforts like
MIX (Mediation of Information using XML) (Baru
et al., 1999), that uses agents to integrate informa-
tion distributed in disparate sources. The Web also
can be seen as a big distributed database having
XML (and its extensions or modifications) as an
underlying data model. Agents can naturally perform
the roles required in a mediation of information
process. In this paper, we apply MIDAS (Haendchen
Filho, 2006), a platform to develop MAS, to build an
Haendchen Filho A., Antonio do Prado H., Sayão M. and do Nascimento Neto F. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 295-298
DOI: 10.5220/0002388302950298
application to mediate the communication among a
community of experts in food technology and cus-
tomers in need for qualified information about food
products in supermarkets. For this propose, we de-
fine a mediator agent that perform the information
interchange between these communities, involving
tasks like collecting questions, searching for a con-
sent among experts, providing translations (with the
support of communication specialists), and distribut-
ing the answers.
The dialogue among communities with different
jargon can be seen as a sub problem of the cross
lingual dialogue problem, a research field that looks
for highly accurate communication of semantically
complex content (Piwek and Power, 2006). The
‘Saint Graal’ for researchers in this field is to build
an automatic process to translate one language to
other, being able to cope with the different semantic
levels of each specific language. A solution to this
problem is much more important if you consider the
challenge to human-to-human communication
through a browser that has been set by the Internet.
To build an effective automatic translator for this
scenery is a dream far to be realized. However, the
necessity of communication among communities is a
reality that requires, if not the best solution, at least
one viable solution. The solution we present uses the
agents technology to facilitate the negotiation among
the communities members.
MIDAS (Middleware for Intelligent and Distributed
Agent-based Systems) (Haendchen Filho, 2006) is a
platform that provides an environment to run agents
and a WSA-compliant framework to ease its devel-
opment. WSA aims to provide a common Web Ser-
vice definition and its location inside a wider archi-
tecture in order to guide service implementers, au-
thors of services specification and Web application
developers. WSA represents the natural evolution
from traditional applications to SOA ones
(Odell, 2005).
Figure 1 shows the MIDAS generic architecture,
which is based on the coexistence of several con-
tainers, each one executing a JVM (Java Virtual
Machine). Each virtual machine provides a complete
execution environment, where agents can execute
concurrently in the same host. The architecture in-
cludes two different types of container: the Front-
End Server (FES) and the Agent Container (AC).
FES plays the integration rules of the platform, pro-
moting the synchronization services and interopera-
bility with external applications. It is similar to the
front-end server used by JADE (Adam et al., 2004).
AC is a Web container that can be inhabited by
organizations, agents and components.
Middleware and application agents are the basic
elements of the platform. The middleware agents
abstract completely generic characteristics, such as
communication, concurrency, lifecycle management,
services discovery and interoperability. They enable
the developer to focus only in the application details.
The introduction of the agent concept to play these
roles makes easier to satisfy important non-
functional requirements for Web architectures, like
flexibility, dynamic behavior, and adaptability. The
following middleware agents have been used to
perform the roles defined by the WSA reference
model,: (i) a Broker agent, playing the MOM roles;
(ii) a Proxy agent, playing the SOM roles; (iii) a
Catalog agent, playing the ROM roles and (iv) a
Manager agent, playing the MGM roles.
Figure 1: The main concepts of the MIDAS.
Application agents and components are only lo-
cated in the AC containers. AC provides a structure
composed by abstract classes (Agent and Compo-
nent) and a blackboard. The introduction of the ab-
stract agent concept extends the WSA reference
architecture specification, providing a way to group
in a super-class the common properties to all the
agents. The application agents (or components) are
implemented by extending the abstract classes,
which provide the hot-spots from which specific
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
applications behavior can be implemented. Applica-
tion agents and components are instantiated in Or-
ganizations, and the Blackboard agent offers a pow-
erful mechanism to support for the agents communi-
cation model.
Besides agents and components, the platform
carry resources representations, which can be stored
in XML files, relational databases or documents in
general. The General Cache Descriptor element
located in the FES represents the platform-
consolidated structure of resources, kept in cache
memory. In the AC container, the LXS element
represents the services specification described in
XML. The resources structure is also kept in cache
memory, being represented by the LCS element.
LDB represents local databases, which can be han-
dled and/or accessed by agents and components. The
Web Services specifications and registries are repre-
sented by the WSDL and UDDI elements.
The problem approached in this paper can be visual-
ized in Figure 2. C
, C
, .., C
represent the custom-
ers requiring specialized information in non-
technical language. E
, E
, …, E
represent the ex-
perts that can provide technical answers to the cus-
tomers questions. The triangle represents a set of
communication specialists that are in charge of
translating the technical language from the experts to
the customer language. In order to enable its reuse,
the answers are stored in an answers server. Notice
that the information required by customers are those
not supplied by the product labels. For instance, a
customer may be interested in knowing about the
effects on human health of a cereal produced from
GMO (Genetic Modified Organism) grain, or the
difference from organic to hydroponics lettuce. In
this case, a mediator agent will be responsible for
building a consensus among the specialists ad-
dressed to provide a sound technical answer to the
customer. This answer will be translated by the
communication team and sent back to the customer
and stored in the answers server. The application
developed is named BeyondTheLabel (BL).
Figure 3 shows a partial of BL structure, as pro-
vided by one of the GUIs wizards in MIDAS. The
right side panel shows the resource representation, in
the structure mode. The BeyondTheLabel element is
the root node, from what the agents and components
are instantiated. It can be seen, in the panel, the
components wrapper AreaData, InstitutionData,
ResearcherData, that encapsulate Web Services
required by the application. The component Institu-
tionSearch encapsulate two Web services: searchIn-
stitutionByName and searchInstitutionByRegion,
that retrieve institutions by name of region. The left
side panel shows specification details of searchInsti-
tutionByName service: service name, address, pa-
rameters and description.
Figure 2: Interaction among communities.
Figure 3: BL container partial view provided by the Man-
ager GUI wizard.
Agents can request Web Services transparently,
as they were located inside the container. Con-
creteAgent is an agent that requests a remote Web
Service. For this purpose, it invokes the require()
method, that is inherited from the abstract class
Agent, informing as parameter the service name.
The method returns a service wrapper object from
the Manager agent. In this moment, it adds the data
in the wrapper and invokes its run() method, for a
synchronous call, or submit(),for an asynchronous
Whenever a remote request is executed, the
Proxy agent detects what protocol is used (HTTP or
SOAP), and redirects the request to the Broker in-
stead of asking for the class Factory instance of a
Customer Community
Expert Communit
native entity (in case of a local call). Once the re-
quest is redirected to the FES Broker, it is forwarded
to Adapter, that converts it to the SOAP format. The
processing results are captured and send back to the
client agent in a List.
This short description shows how the agents can
perform a remote call for Web Services, in the BL
In this paper MIDAS, a platform to support MAS
development, has been applied to the communities
mediation problem. An application to build consen-
sus among specialists over customers questions were
presented. Considering that, even for simple do-
mains, the automatic translation of different jargons
is a far to be achieved reality, the solution involving
human actors sounds to be an interesting one. The
next step for this work is to stress the BL application
in an experimental plot of three supermarkets in
order to have a robust application to be scaled for
any supermarket that desires to join the BeyondThe-
Label network.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems