Videorder™ Voice-based Speech Recognition and Language Processing Search
Technology with Finder™ Engine
Ferenc Kiss, Lia Bassa
Department of Information and Knowledge Management
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Foundation for Informations Society
Viktor Justin
Your Service Media Communication Agency
Keywords: Speech recognition, voice based search technology, language processing, teaching application for E-
Abstract: Videorder™ Voice-based Speech Recognition and Language Processing search technology with Finder™
engine from @Your Service Media Communication Agency offers a market ready solution today, for
speech recognized searching at any kind of film material on the basis of audible information inside, like
words, sentences. All this independent of the language involved! The main strength of the system is
Language Processing and Speech Recognition in one application package. Videorder™ allows you to search
any video or audio clips that are relevant to your query. The method is a good example how the basic aim of
ICEIS can be implemented: bringing together the achievements of a research team with trainers of
information and knowledge management as well as with a Foundation for Information Society becoming the
practitioner of the program.
The film is the most concise form for
communicating information. In this case it also
means various sorts of audiovisual recordings like
lectures, presentations, illustrations to be
communicated, real life or fictional recordings. The
film aims at creating a new ‘frame of reference’ in
order to enhance the full participation and
collaboration between media researchers, education
authorities, media professional bodies, social and
political institutions and – of course – the users. In
order to encounter this tendency, citizens –
especially young people – should start exploring the
real possibilities of enabling themselves and the
future generations to give a critical and creative
answer to value-loaded image building. One of the
ways this can be achieved is the new medium: the
Internet. We strongly believe that future citizens,
individually or collectively, will use this new
communication medium to distribute their own
material and offer alternatives to corporate
‘mainstream’ images.
As a Hungarian writer said in the early 1920ies
about movie:
“Eye is like a faithful herald: as soon as it gets to
know something, it informs his master about it in a
short and succinct sentence. If the amount of the
new knowledge is so much that he cannot make a
full stop in his breathtaking report, the whole
information becomes a single stream as it happens to
a chain rushing in front of our eyes, we see it as a
single line. The chain of the subsequent sentences
turn into one straight line: movement. Eye handles
impressions as Melanesian indigenous do figures:
what is more than five, is all the same, it is too
Kiss F., Bassa L. and Justin V. (2007).
c - Videorderâ
c Voice-based Speech Recognition and Language Processing
Search Technology with Finderâ
c Engine.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 314-318
DOI: 10.5220/0002389003140318
much. All the movements happening within one
second in reality are the consequences of infinite
number of functions. For our eyes, this infinite
number means the same as six subsequent pictures
coming from Edison’s projector: six equals infinity.”
The information provision by the means of recorded
audio and video messages has had a serious
disadvantage until now: its real time duration, its
linearity meaning that it cannot be broken into
searchable basic units independently of the sounding
or viewed effects. Therefore
Research and development of external tools to make
film information searchable is being carried on in
our days with great efforts.
The main idea is thus to develop new and innovative
analytical tools that will allow film, television or any
broadcasting consumers, teachers engaged in media
literacy programs and industry professionals to
better understand and fully appreciate the potential
in the media output. Our aim is to present a tool and
guideline for innovative possibilities - e-
participation channels - permitted by the use of the
new Information Communication Technologies
If the above problem is solved, it also provides a
device for E-Learning projects. As the teaching
material can be handled by the learners, a tailor
made curriculum can be set up.
The volume of multimedia content is expanding at
an exponential rate. Terrestrial, Satellite and Cable
Television, Radio and streaming media (audio and
video) from the World Wide Web means that users
can choose from a wide variety of media. But the
growing mountain of content raises a critical
question: how do users find the information they
want, on demand? Until now this question was
unanswered and avoided.
Current speech recognition technology has high
word error rates for large vocabulary sizes. There is
very little repetition in queries, providing the small
amount of information that could be used to guide
the speech recognizer. In speech recognition
applications, the recognizer can use context, such as
a dialogue history, to set up certain expectations and
guide the recognition. Voice search queries lack
such context. Voice queries can be very short (on the
order of only a few words or single word), so there
is very little information in the utterance itself upon
which a voice recognition determination can be
made. The hunt for the right videoclip on the Web
today is almost entirely dependent on metadata, the
tags and descriptions that identify the who, what and
where. Many video site operators believe that
metadata is the best tool for searching and all we
may need. Nevertheless metadata needs to be
recognized first. Speech recognition is the field of
computer science dealing with designing computer
systems that can recognize spoken words. Note that
voice recognition implies only the computer taking
dictation, not that it understands what is being said.
Comprehending human languages falls under a
different field of computer science called natural
language processing.
A number of voice recognition systems are available
on the market. The most powerful can recognize
thousands of words. However, they generally require
an extended training session during which the
computer system becomes accustomed to a
particular voice and accent. Such systems are said to
be speaker dependent. Many systems also require
that the speaker speak slowly and distinctly and
separate each word with a short pause. These
systems are called discrete speech systems.
Recently, great strides have been made in
continuous speech systems - voice recognition
systems that allow you to speak naturally. There are
now several continuous-speech systems available for
personal computers. Because of their limitations and
high cost, voice recognition systems have
traditionally been used only in a few special
Videorder™ Voice-based Speech Recognition and
Language Processing search technology with
Finder™ engine from @Your Service Media
Communication Agency offers a market ready
solution today, for speech recognized searching at
any kind of film material on the basis of audible
information inside, like words, sentences. All this
independent of the language involved!
A NEW TOOL FOR APPROACHING E-LEARNING: VIDEORDERtm - Videorder™ Voice-based Speech Recognition
and Language Processing Search Technology with Finder™ Engine
Figure 2: The process of the technology.
Figure 1: The system of Videorder.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The main strength of the system is Language
Processing and Speech Recognition in one
application package.
The advantages of this system are the following:
Language independent speech recognition
100% error free queries
Use with mobile services
Very short search times (especially
compared to real-time-viewing)
Vast searchable databases of any kind of
filmed material
Educational use for corporate trainings or at
Educational use for distance learning
Logical add-on for internet based film-
sharing portals
Wide development capacity
Language independent speech recognition
100% error free queries
Xml based
Integrated metadata GUI
(means: real time search parallel with watching
video stream, playing presentations, or any kind
of additional media file)
Result exported to any kind of database.
Videorder™ combines the most advanced speech
recognition technology with intelligent text analysis
and synchronization technologies to deliver
unparalleled automation and retrieval of multimedia
Once feeding the input video or audio stream
into Videorder™, it is using advanced image and
audio analysis techniques to extract information of a
video or audio file in real time and to create a rich
index about the video or audio content. This
complete, precise, time-stamped index provides fine-
grained access to the video content that you can use
for searching and efficiently locate a specific video
segment for playback. For indexing Videorder™
uses advanced indexing technology, so the user can
quickly locate specific segments within the video
content or audio clip. Videorder™ generates
metadata tracks to save information generated by the
media analysis process. The information in all
metadata tracks are time stamped and synchronized
with the associated digital video file. Videorder™
platform controls both the indexing and encoding
processes to ensure synchronization between the
metadata captured from the video asset and the
associated digital file.
Videorder™ utilizes advanced speech recognition
techniques and synchronization technologies to
analyze and understand the actual content (spoken
words) of an audio/video file, delivering supreme
accuracy, and access to multimedia content in any
form. The output of these analytical sub-processes
are stored as further metadata tracks, alongside with
the digitally encoded content itself; not only does
Videorder™ know what was said, Videorder™
knows exactly when it was said.
Videorder™ uses audio analysis technology that
applies advanced methods to deal with all aspects of
processing digital audio signals of an audio or video
stream. In order to analyse the spoken words of an
audio or video stream, the audio analysis techniques
used by Videorder™ are based on neural network
technology that is able to provide a fast, accurate
and dynamic solution within variable and rapidly
changing acoustic environments.
Rather than just relying on the existing metadata for
the description of an audio or video clip,
Videorder™ actually provides the ability to retrieve
a wide range of multimedia content, based on the
spoken words that were actually said in the
television or radio clip. This opens a whole new
realm of possibilities for accessing multimedia
online or in a database.
Some information feeds, like e.g. news broadcasts
and radio, are often intrinsically difficult to
transcribe due to noisy conditions and less than
perfect articulation. Videorder™ having an
additional, special feature, the sophisticated “Human
Ears” technology enables it to filter out extraneous
noise, to compensate low volume levels predict
intended dialogue with high probability. Approaches
A NEW TOOL FOR APPROACHING E-LEARNING: VIDEORDERtm - Videorder™ Voice-based Speech Recognition
and Language Processing Search Technology with Finder™ Engine
to searching through information using simple
keyword query mechanisms fail because the context
provided is not enough. In such cases users are
flooded by hundreds or thousands results, all of
which match the query and many representing the
different contexts within which the query term or
terms can appear in. Videorder™ is unique in not
second-guessing a user's need but seamlessly
provides the automated guidance required to enrich
the overall experience. Once the video or audio
stream has been indexed, encoded and analyzed the
digital files are stored on the Videorder™ server
from where you can retrieve and play the digital files
through the Videorder™ web browser. The
Videorder™ video server provides fast storage and
retrieval for all digital files of the indexed
video/audio channel.
Videorder™ allows you to search any video or audio
clips that are relevant to your query. The
Videorder™ query refinement feature allows
selecting the best results of a query in order to
produce even more relevant results. Sorting by
relevance or dating Videorder™ enables the user to
sort audio and video results by conceptual relevance
or date.
The next step is to prepare a pilot of the training
program where supposedly the participants will be
actively involved in building and maintaining
(moderating) their own transnational communities in
order to share knowledge and insights into political,
social and cultural collective decision-making for
the purpose of the introduction of this new technique
in training. In order to establish responsibility for
these new media of exchange, participants will
analyze existing virtual communities and the
discursive behavior observed in these fora. By
disseminating results and providing information for
people, we would like to promote awareness of the
E-Learning program actions and co-operation
between involved institutions, players and students,
the latter both interested in the further development
of the tool or in using it for their studies.
The above described method is a good example how
the basic aim of ICEIS can be implemented:
bringing together the achievements of the research
team of Videorder™ with trainers of information
and knowledge management as well as with the
Foundation for Information Society becoming the
practitioner of the program by buying, using and
disseminating it to its partners.
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If any, the appendix should appear directly after the
references without numbering, and not on a new page.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems