to searching through information using simple
keyword query mechanisms fail because the context
provided is not enough. In such cases users are
flooded by hundreds or thousands results, all of
which match the query and many representing the
different contexts within which the query term or
terms can appear in. Videorder™ is unique in not
second-guessing a user's need but seamlessly
provides the automated guidance required to enrich
the overall experience. Once the video or audio
stream has been indexed, encoded and analyzed the
digital files are stored on the Videorder™ server
from where you can retrieve and play the digital files
through the Videorder™ web browser. The
Videorder™ video server provides fast storage and
retrieval for all digital files of the indexed
video/audio channel.
Videorder™ allows you to search any video or audio
clips that are relevant to your query. The
Videorder™ query refinement feature allows
selecting the best results of a query in order to
produce even more relevant results. Sorting by
relevance or dating Videorder™ enables the user to
sort audio and video results by conceptual relevance
or date.
The next step is to prepare a pilot of the training
program where supposedly the participants will be
actively involved in building and maintaining
(moderating) their own transnational communities in
order to share knowledge and insights into political,
social and cultural collective decision-making for
the purpose of the introduction of this new technique
in training. In order to establish responsibility for
these new media of exchange, participants will
analyze existing virtual communities and the
discursive behavior observed in these fora. By
disseminating results and providing information for
people, we would like to promote awareness of the
E-Learning program actions and co-operation
between involved institutions, players and students,
the latter both interested in the further development
of the tool or in using it for their studies.
The above described method is a good example how
the basic aim of ICEIS can be implemented:
bringing together the achievements of the research
team of Videorder™ with trainers of information
and knowledge management as well as with the
Foundation for Information Society becoming the
practitioner of the program by buying, using and
disseminating it to its partners.
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potential: a practitioner's guide to supporting
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Longworth, Norman, Enthusing and empowering learners.
Leicester, UK. pp.149-159. (In: Journal of adult and
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Madhukar, Indira, Lifelong learning in the information
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Singh, Madhu, The social recognition of informal learning
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Thinesse-Demel, Jutta, Museums, libraries and cultural
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Welton, Michael, Designing the just learning society: a
critical inquiry. Leicester, UK, NIACE, 2005. 250 p.
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If any, the appendix should appear directly after the
references without numbering, and not on a new page.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems