This XML document serves as a service
certification stamp, that is, the service provider will
be able to attach this document to any other
document that is related to the service, for example,
a WSDL description or even to extend the tModel of
the UDDI, such as considered in (Ran, 2003). In this
way, the consumer locates the desired service, being
able to analyze the certificate information and to
verify if that certificate is signed by a trusted
certifier or not. This verification is made by the
consumer itself, since that XML document contains
the certifier public key. If any person tries to modify
any element of the certification document, then the
signature becomes invalid.
This work presented a quality model based on the
ISO 9126 international standard in order to certify
Web services. However, in contrast of existent
service contracts and SLAs, the goal of the proposed
model is not limited to services dynamic selection,
as it also aims to facilitate, in a simple way, a static
choice of the most appropriate service to be reused
by the consumer.
A XML representation model was developed to
support the proposed quality model, such as a
security schema using the XML-Signature standard
in order to guarantee the integrity and authenticity of
the certificate generated by the certifier entity.
In this way, this model could be adopted by Web
services vendors that publish Web services,
guaranteeing information standardization in these
sites, making possible the services selection by
consumers in the system development adopting the
SOA approach.
A preliminary case study was elaborated with
Web sites that sell commercial and financial Web
services were visited, namely StrikeIron (StrikeIron,
2006), Xignite (Xignite, 2006), and XWebServices
(XWebServices, 2006), that have their products
published in Xmethods, one of the most popular
sites that lists publicly available Web services. From
this survey, it is possible to have the first impression
about the sort of information available at these sites,
how it is advertised, and how difficult it is to extract
the quality information we are looking for. It was
not carried out a rigorous statistical analysis of the
Web services population, since the objective is only
to have coverage that is just enough to make a first
impression of the available information possible.
However, due to the limited pages, we could not
expose the results of this preliminary case study.
As future work, a formal case study about the
services information available in the vendor sites
will be done, in order to verify how much
information of the model is actually available in the
Web services providers.
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