Lars Bækgaard
Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, Fuglesangs Alle 4, DK-8210 Aarhus V, Denmark
Keywords: Information Systems, modeling languages, activity models, events.
Abstract: Activity modeling plays important roles in information systems development. Activity models are used to
support analysis and design of information systems. Events are central in modeling languages like EPC and
BPMN that use events to control the order in which sub activities are performed. The purpose of this paper
is to analyse a set of activity modeling languages with respect to their use of events as modeling constructs.
We base our analysis on modeling examples and a conceptual model of events. We argue that it is possible
to unify the languages’ event concepts and to use a unified event concept to improve the languages.
Activity modeling plays important roles in
information systems development. Activity
modeling and activity modeling languages have
been the subject of significant research efforts lately
(Kalnins, Barzdins et al. 2000; Lauesen 2003;
Rittgen 2003; Andersen 2006; Lübke, Lüecke et al.
Events and event-based activity modeling are
central in a number of modeling approaches (Keller
and Teufel 1998; Bækgaard 1999; White 2004;
Dietz 2006). However, well-known modeling
approaches like EPC (Keller and Teufel 1998) and
BPMN (White 2004) use events in different and
apparently incompatible ways.
The purpose of this paper is to analyse a set of
modeling languages and to argue that it is possible to
use a conceptual event model to unify and improve
the languages’ use of events.
The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2
we discuss the notion of events and present a
conceptual event model. In Section 3 we discuss and
analyse three event-based activity modeling
languages. In Section 4 we conclude the paper and
suggest directions for future research.
In this section we discuss our understanding of the
notion of events and we present a conceptual event
model that we use in Section 3 to analyse event-
based activity modeling languages.
We view an event as a significant occurrence
whose duration is assumed to be negligible
(Jackson 1983). Even the smallest process takes
time. When we view a phenomenon as an event we
assume that a further subdivision of the phenomenon
is irrelevant in the given context and that it makes
sense to neglect its duration. Events occur within
processes like chemical processes, biological
processes, technical processes, or social processes.
We can view phenomena like “Customer files an
order”, “Borrower borrows a book”, ”Website user
clicks”, “Heart beats”, or “Elevator starts moving”
as events. These phenomena have durations but in
certain contexts it makes sense to assume that they
occur at points in time.
Events may have descriptive properties and
participants (Bækgaard 1999; Bækgaard 2004). All
events have occurrence times. For example, ordering
events may have properties like quantities and
occurrence times. Participants can be human actors,
IT-systems, machines, things like produced items, or
information like sales reports. An event is shared if
it has two or more participants. An ordering event
can be viewed as a time point where a customer and
a product meet. Ordering events may have
participants like customers and products.
Events have consequences. They can trigger,
terminate, and prohibit activities. When an event
occurs activity may be initiated. When a book is
borrowed in a library an activity that monitors
timely returning of the book may be initiated. When
Bækgaard L. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 587-590
DOI: 10.5220/0002390305870590
a business receives an order one or more employees
may carry out packing and shipping activities, and
an ERP system may carry out invoicing activities.
Events may be constrained in the sense that
participants may not be ready to participate in
requested events at certain points in time. For
example, a book that is currently borrowed can not
participate in a borrowing event.
Events can be viewed as information objects that
are observed and described. For example, a data
warehouse with multi-dimensional information
about customer behaviour may be based on
information about events like ordering and payment
(Bækgaard 1999). Information about events can be
registered, stored, manipulated, and presented for
actors. Information about an event can refer to its
type, participants, and properties.
Individual events can be grouped into types of
events with similar types of participants and
properties. We use event expressions to represent
individual events as illustrated by the following
example: Borrow [X: Borrower, Y: BookItem]
(September 29 2001).
This expression states that an event named
Borrow has occurred with the participants X and Y.
X belongs to the set Borrower and Y belongs to the
set BookItem. The event has the property
“September 29 2001”. We can interpret an event
expression in different ways. The example may
represent the fact that the Borrower element X and
the BookItem element Y have participated in a
Borrow event on September 29 2001.
We use event signatures on the following form
to define types of conforming events: Name
[Participants] (Properties).
The element Participant defines the types of
participants that can participate in events of the
defined type. The element Property defines the types
of properties of events of the defined type.
An event expression conforms to a signature if it
has the same name as the signature and if its
participants and properties conform to the
participant and property types of the signature. For
example, the event expression Borrow [Borrower1,
BookItem4] (September 29, 2001) conforms to the
signature Borrow [Borrower, BookItem] (Date).
In this section we discuss and analyse three event-
based activity modeling languages. We use
modeling examples and our conceptual event model
from Section 2 to support our analysis.
3.1 EPC Diagrams
Event-driven Process Chains (EPC) use events,
functions, and logical operators to represent business
activities. An event represents the entering of a state
that causes a consequence a state change (Keller and
Teufel 1998). Events trigger functions and/or they
are the results of functions.
Evaluate credit
Pack and ship Reject order
Figure 1: Partial EPC diagram.
Events can be used to control the flow of functions
as illustrated in the partial diagram in Figure 1 that
illustrates how events are used to trigger functions.
First, the function “Evaluate credit” is executed.
Then, one of two options is chosen. If the event
“Credit rejected” occurs the function “Reject order”
is executed. If the event “Credit approved” occurs
the function “Pack and ship” is executed.
An EPC event can be represented by its name in
terms of a signature on the form Name [] (). EPC-
diagrams do not utilize the fact that events can have
multiple interacting participants. The selection of a
the particular sequence depends on the state changes
(represented by events) that occur. Because of the
fact that EPC-events has no participants or
properties EPC is based on the simplest view on
events—namely a named state change.
3.2 BPMN Diagrams
Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)
supports business activity modeling in terms of
events and activities. BPMN is based on the
assumption that an event is something that happens
during the course of a business process. Events
affect the flow of a process and usually have a cause
or an impact. BPMN has restricted the use of events
to include only those types of events that will affect
the sequence or timing of activities of a process
(White 2004).
Events can be used to control the flow of
activities as illustrated by the partial diagram in
Figure 2 that illustrates how events are used to
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
trigger and interrupt activities. First, the activity
“Evaluate credit” is executed. Then, one of two
options is chosen. If the event “Credit rejected”
occurs the activity “Reject order” is executed. If the
event “Credit approved” occurs the activity “Pack
and ship” is executed. The activity “Pack and ship”
can be interrupted by the event “E”.
Evaluate credit
Reject order
Figure 2: Partial BPMN diagram.
An event may have an associated occurrence time.
No actors or objects are involved. This implies that a
BPMN event can be represented by its name and
occurrence time in terms of a signature on the form
Name [] (Time). Consequently, events cannot be
used to synchronize the activities of multiple
interacting participants.
3.3 Event-activity Diagrams
Event-activity diagrams are UML activity diagrams
extended with shared events (Bækgaard 2004). An
event-activity diagram defines a type of activity and
it is composed of triggering events, interrupting
events, and an activity. An activity is initiated when
a triggering event occurs. The activity runs until it
reaches an exit point or until an interrupting event
occurs. One or more actors carry out the activity.
Evaluate credit
Pack and ship Reject order
Figure 3: Partial Event-activity diagram.
Events can be used to control the flow of activities
as illustrated by the partial diagram in Figure 3 that
illustrates how events are used to trigger activities.
First, the activity “Evaluate credit” is executed.
Then, one of two options is chosen. If the event
“Credit rejected” occurs the activity “Reject order”
is executed. If the event “Credit approved” occurs
the activity “Pack and ship” is executed.
Figure 4: Partial Event-activity diagrams.
Events can be used to trigger and interrupt activities
and to synchronize two or more autonomous
activities as illustrated by the partial diagrams in
Figure 4. An event-activity diagram defines an
activity type that can have multiple, concurrent
instances. An instance of an activity type is
generated by the occurrence of an event that
conforms to a triggering event type. An instance of
the activity “Borrower” is triggered by an “Enroll”
event and it is interrupted by a “Quit” event. An
instance of the activity “Book” is triggered by a
“Buy” event and it is interrupted by a “Sell” event.
Each “Borrow” events has two participants—a
borrower and a book. This implies that each
“Borrow” event synchronizes the activities of the
participating borrower and book.
Events with multiple participants represent time
points where multiple activities must be
Event-activity diagrams are based on a view on
events that corresponds to a general signature on the
form Name [Participants] (Properties).
3.4 Discussion
EPC diagrams, BPMN diagrams, and Event-activity
diagrams use rather similar modeling constructs to
use events to trigger activity as indicated by the
previous examples—the partial diagrams in Figure
1, Figure 2, and Figure 3 have the same structure.
BPMN diagrams and Event-activity diagrams
use events to interrupt activities. EPC diagrams do
not support the modeling of interrupting events. In a
BPMN diagram all activities can have an attached
interrupting event that defines conditions for
interruption of the activity. An Event-activity
diagram can have a set of attached event types that
defines interrupting events. However, the individual
activities in Event-activity diagrams cannot have
attached interrupt events. EPC diagrams and Event-
activity diagrams can be improved by incorporating
the interrupt mechanism that us used in BPMN.
Event-activity diagrams are based on events with
multiple participants. Therefore, events can be used
to synchronize two or more activities each of which
are defined by an event-activity diagram as
illustrated by the partial diagrams in Figure 4 that
are synchronized when the shared event “Borrow”
The notion of shared events with multiple
participants can be used to improve the modeling
power of EPC diagrams and BPMN diagrams. This
could be expressed in terms of event signatures in
the following way. The general signature of EPC
events would become Name [Participants] () and
the general signature of BPMN diagrams would
become Name [Participants] (Time).
The consequence of this is that EPC diagrams
and BPMN diagrams will be able to use shared
events to synchronize two or more activities in the
same way that Event-activity diagrams are (see
Figure 4).
Our analysis of three event-based activity modeling
languages has revealed that their seemingly
incompatible event concepts are special cases of a
more general event concept.
Most importantly, we have argued that the event
concepts of EPC and BPMN can be extended to
support shared events with multiple participants. We
have illustrated elsewhere that shared events make it
possible to support modeling of multiple instances of
activities of the same type (Bækgaard 2004).
Event-activity diagrams are based on events with
participants. This perspective on events is different
from the event perspective used by EPC (Dehnert
2002) and BPMN (White 2004). These languages do
not consider the participants of events.
Event-activity diagrams use events with
participants to synchronize two or more concurrent
activities. The subdivision of activities into
concurrent, interacting activities that is facilitated by
this mechanism makes it possible to define activities
in a distributed manner that resembles the
distribution of activity among actors in a business.
Future work includes design of a modeling
language that is based purely on a general event
signature on the form Name [Participants]
(Properties). The purpose is twofold. First, the
purpose is to illustrate the modeling power of being
able to use shared events to synchronize two or more
independent activities. Second, the purpose is to
define the semantics that are necessary in order to
incorporate synchronization based on shared events
into modeling languages like EPC and BPMN.
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