Dionisis X. Adamopoulos
Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Greece
Keywords: Mobile ad hoc networks, location-aware routing, location-aware services, Jini technology.
Abstract: Mobile ad hoc networks (manets) are dynamically reconfigurable multi-hop wireless networks with no fixed
infrastructure, consisting of radio-equipped mobile hosts. Each host acts as a router and moves in an
arbitrary manner. Under such a network environment routing becomes a challenging task that can be
significantly supported and facilitated by the exploitation of location information, as this paper argues. More
specifically, after a brief introduction to routing in manets, a location discovery algorithm is proposed.
Then, the paper focuses on location-aware routing and after presenting briefly the most important related
protocols attempts to compare them based on a number of qualitative properties. Finally, the emergence of
location aware services is discussed, a service discovery scenario based on Jini technology is proposed and
important related deployment challenges are highlighted.
Mobile communication and wireless networking
attract an increasing interest due to recent
improvements in microprocessor and radio
technologies, and are becoming more and more
popular as they eliminate the disadvantage of having
the user restricted in a particular location. Wireless
systems constitute a mature solution that can be
deployed easily, decreasing the overall cost and
extending the working environment to a global one,
utilising different wireless access technologies,
interworking with each other transparently.
In most mobile communication environments
there are base stations, which directly keep track of
the mobile hosts. Although two mobile hosts are in a
transmitting range of each other, they must
communicate with each other by some base station.
However, under some circumstances (e.g., due to
low cost effect, poor performance or low usage), the
mobility support offered by base stations is not
available. In this environment the mobile hosts must
form an ad hoc network.
Broadly defined a mobile ad hoc network
(manet) is temporarily formed by a group of
autonomous wireless nodes / hosts that communicate
with each other over wireless channels and
cooperatively form a network that operate without
the support of any fixed network infrastructure and
centralized administration (Mauve, 2001).
Routing in manets affects directly the efficiency
of the network and is more challenging than in
traditional networks because of the dynamic
character of the network topology. In the last few
years, a large number of routing protocols have been
proposed for manets (Royer, 2004). Two different
routing approaches can be distinguished: topology-
based and position-based (or location-aware)
routing. For this reason, this paper after discussing
important matters related to the enabling of location
awareness, examines the exploitation of location
information in manets, including ways that this
information can assist manet routing and methods
for providing and supporting location-aware
A widely accepted theoretical model for manets is
the unit graph model, which represents the mobile
hosts of the manet spread out in some environment
by a set of points in the Euclidean plane. According
to this model two nodes A and B in the network are
neighbors (and thus joined by an edge) if the
X. Adamopoulos D. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 287-290
DOI: 10.5220/0002390802870290
distance between them is at most R, where R is the
transmission radius which is equal for all nodes in
the network and specifies the maximum (Euclidean)
distance between two mobile hosts at which they are
able to directly communicate (Stojmenovic, 2004).
The use of the nodes’ position for routing
purposes in a manet represented as a unit graph,
assumes that each node is aware of its own position
(its x- and y- coordinates) in the plane. The distance
between neighboring nodes can be estimated on the
basis of incoming signal strengths or time delays in
direct communications. Relative coordinates of
neighboring nodes can be obtained by exchanging
such information between neighbors (Capkun,
2005). Alternatively, the location of nodes may be
available directly by communicating with a satellite,
using GPS (Global Positioning System), if nodes are
equipped with a small low power GPS receiver.
Independent of the exact positioning technology
used location-aware routing protocols make
forwarding decisions based on the geographical
position of a packet’s destination. Therefore, the
main prerequisite for location-aware routing is that a
sender can obtain the current position of the
destination, assuming that it already knows its own
position. In order to satisfy this need a location
discovery algorithm is proposed, which can be used
as is in simple routing scenarios or adjusted and in
an integrated manner in the framework of various
position-based packet forwarding strategies and
location-aware routing protocols (Mauve, 2001).
It is assumed that the geographical area of a
manet is divided into rectangular regions, as can be
seen in Figure 2. All of these regions have well-
defined IDs that are concatenations of the x and y
coordinates of the bottom-left and upper-right
corners. Furthermore, all nodes have a unique ID
(such as an IP address). Next, it is assumed that
there exists a static mapping f that maps a node’s ID
into a specific region (called its home region):
f(Node ID) Æ Region ID
The function f represents a many-to-one mapping
that is static and known to all nodes of the manet. It
is necessary to satisfy the following properties:
Every region should have the same node density in
order to evenly distribute the queries throughout
the manet.
The entry or the departure of nodes from the
manet should be transparent to f.
The shape or size of the geographical area covered
by the manet should not affect f.
Under these conditions the proposed location
discovery algorithm, which is executed by every
node in a manet, can be represented using pseu-
docode in the following way:
if (the current node wants to move) then
Move the Current Node (CN);
if (the CN moves out of its current
region) then
Use function f to find the home
region of the CN;
Broadcast a location update message to
all nodes in the home region of the CN;
Inform all nodes in the home region of
the CN about the new location of the CN
- its new region;
if (the CN wants to send a packet to
another node) then
{ // determine the current location of the
// recipient node
Use function f to find the home region of
the recipient node;
Send a message to this region enquiring
about the current location of the
recipient node;
Wait for the desired respond;
Send the packet to the target node
(e.g. using a location-aware routing
A function f that can be used together with the
proposed location discovery algorithm and satisfies
all the necessary criteria is:
f(ID) = g(ID) mod k,
where g(ID) Æ [0, …,N] is a random number
generating function that uses the node ID as a seed
and outputs a random number. The number of home
regions that are present in the manet is denoted by k.
In a manet each node communicates directly with
nodes within wireless range and indirectly with all
other destinations using a dynamically determined
multi-hop path via other nodes in the network. In
this multi-hop scenario several hosts may need to
relay a packet before it reaches its final destination.
Therefore, the task of finding and maintaining routes
in manets in order to send a message from a source
node to a destination node is nontrivial because of
the constantly and dynamically changing topology
of the network triggered by node mobility.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
One prospective approach to assist routing in a
manet leverages the data available from location
information. Since it is not necessary to establish or
maintain explicit routes, the nodes have neither to
store routing tables nor to transmit messages to keep
routing tables up to date, and thus location-aware
routing does scale well even if the network is highly
dynamic. This is a major advantage in a manet
where the topology may change frequently.
The location information that mobile hosts in
manets provide can exploit the geometric relation-
ship among those hosts optimising significantly the
routing process. The most important manet routing
protocols that feature location awareness are the
following (Mauve, 2001)(Tseng, 2001): Location-
Aided Routing (LAR), Distance Routing Effect
Algorithm for Mobility (DREAM), Geographic
Distance Routing (Gedir), Grid and Zone-based two-
level routing.
Table 1: Comparison of location-aware routing protocols.
LAR Flooding No Hop count Yes
Gedir Single path No Hop count No
Grid Single path Yes Hop count Yes
based 2-
Single path Yes Hop count No
DREAM Flooding No Hop count Yes
Single path Yes Power No
Single path Yes Cost No
cost aware
Single path Yes Power, cost No
LAR Localised No No No
Gedir Localised Yes No No
Grid Localised No No No
based 2-
Zonal No Yes No
DREAM Localised No No No
Localised Yes No No
Localised Yes No No
cost aware
Localised Yes No No
Location-aware routing protocols can be
compared according to the following qualitative
properties / characteristics (Macker, 2004) (Stojme-
novic, 2004): Path strategy, loop freedom,
performance metrics, memorization, distributed
operation, scalability, guaranteed message delivery
and robustness:
Table 1 compares important existing location-
aware routing protocols based on the proposed
qualitative properties / characteristics. Some of these
protocols are fully location aware (e.g., Grid) as they
exploit location information in route discovery,
packet relay and route maintenance. Some others are
only partially location aware (e.g., LAR is location
aware only in terms of route discovery). Table 1
includes two power / cost aware routing protocols
(Royer, 2004), because of their importance. While
the computational power of the devices used in the
network is rapidly increasing, the lifetime of
batteries is not expected to improve much in the
future. From this table is also obvious that
robustness is not inherently supported by current
location-aware routing protocols.
The available location-tracking technologies and the
position-based routing protocols, combined with the
massive adoption of pervasive computing devices
enable location-aware services in manets, forming
an important and very promising class of mobile
commerce applications..
In a manet environment, location-aware services
and other more general telecommunications services
(e.g., name resolution, file system management,
mail, Web services) cannot be centralized, because
the network population and topology are not known
in advance. Nor can they be preconfigured, since
much of the configuration will not be determined
until the network is instantiated and may need
frequent updating due to its unpredictable nature.
Therefore, service discovery is an important compo-
nent for ad hoc communications and collaboration in
ubiquitous computing environments, since it enables
the participating entities to provide services to peers
and to be aware of and use the available services
from peers.
In order to enable services to be offered and
found in a manet environment the use of Jini
technology (Kumaran, 2006) is proposed. More
specifically, the desired functionality originates by
the combined use of three Jini protocols called,
discovery, join and lookup. The discovery protocol
is used when a service is in need of a lookup server
to register. The join protocol is used when a service
has located a lookup server and wishes to join it. The
lookup protocol is used when a client / user needs to
locate and invoke a service described by its interface
type (written in Java) and possibly, other attributes.
Figure 1: Service discovery in a manet.
The proposed service discovery scenario is
illustrated in Figure 1. Initially, a service has to be
added in a Jini system. The service provider, which
is the originator of the service, locates a lookup
server by multicasting a request on the manet for any
lookup server to identify itself (discovery process in
Figure 1). Then, a service object corresponding to
the service is loaded into the lookup server (join
process in Figure 1). This service object contains a
Java interface for the service including the methods
that clients will invoke to execute the service, along
with any other descriptive attributes. The service is
now ready to be looked up and used. A client locates
an appropriate server by its type (interface and
descriptive attributes). Then, the service object is
loaded into the client to be invoked.
This service discovery approach needs optimiza-
tion in order to encounter the overhead caused by the
dynamic network topology of the manet. Explicit
multicast packets for service discovery are necessary
to be sent frequently in addition to the multicast
control packets. In this way, bandwidth and battery
resources are wasted and extra traffic is caused.
The recent availability of efficient GPS receivers
and the improvement of the techniques for finding
relative coordinates based on signal strengths, to-
gether with the need for the design of power
efficient and scalable networks, provided
justification for applying location-aware routing
methods in ad hoc networks. However, the search
for new such routing methods that have excellent
delivery rates, short hop counts, small flooding
ratios and power efficiency is far from over.
On the other hand, location-aware telecommuni-
cations services promise enhanced end-user experi-
ence and new commercial opportunities. However,
further research is necessary for providing infra-
structural support (mostly at the middleware level)
in order to alleviate the need for services to handle
issues like service discovery, privacy, context
awareness, personalization and the constrained
interfaces available on mobile devices in an ad hoc
manner, and to simplify service creation.
The field of mobile ad hoc networks is rapidly
growing and changing, and while there are still
many challenges that need to be met (collective
communication, QoS support, power-aware routing,
efficient location updating congestion avoidance,
improving network capacity), it is likely that such
networks and the corresponding telecommunications
services will see widespread use within the next few
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Kumaran, S.I., 2006. Jini Technology: An Overview,
Prentice Hall PTR, 2006.
Macker, J.P., Corson, M.S., 2004. Mobile Ad Hoc Net-
working and the IETF. In Mobile Computing & Com-
munications Review, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 9-14.
Mauve, M., Widmer, J., Hartenstein, H., 2001. A Survey
on Position-Based Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks. In IEEE Network, pp. 30-39.
Royer, E., Toh, C.-K., 2004. A Review of Current Routing
Protocols for Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks. In
IEEE Personal Communications, pp. 46-55.
Sadeh, N., 2006. M-Commerce: Technologies, Services,
and Business Models, John Wiley & Sons.
Stojmenovic, I., 2004. Position-Based Routing in Ad Hoc
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Tseng, Y.-C., Wu, S.-L., Liao, W.-H., Chao, C.-M., 2001.
Location Awareness in Ad Hoc Wireless Mobile
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems