and configuration of transactional and middleware
systems can for instance be found in Zarras (Zarras
and Issarny, 1998). References to other works can be
found in (Arntsen and Karlsen, 2005). These works
recognizes the diversity of systems and their different
transactional requirements, and describes approaches
to how these needs can be supported.
Our work on the flexible transaction processing
, contrasts previous work in
several matters. First, by supporting an extensible
number of concurrently running services, and next, by
providing dynamic transaction service selection and
composition according to the needs of applications.
The transactional requirements of advanced appli-
cation domains and web services environments are
varying and evolving, demanding flexible transaction
processing. On the basis of the flexible transaction
processing platform
, this work presents a
novel approach to dynamic transaction service com-
position and compatibility related issues. From
a suitable transaction manager can be se-
lected for a particular transaction execution, and dy-
namically composed together with requested resource
managers into a complete transaction service. To
complete transaction service composition, this work
ity between a transaction manager and resource man-
agers. The main contributions of this work are the
procedures and the formalisms related to these com-
patibility issues.
Ongoing and future work includes an in-depth
evaluation of local and global transactional mecha-
nisms (including concurrency control) with respect
to transaction service composition. Further, ongo-
ing work includes developing rules for managing in-
compatibility, and future work includes an exami-
nation of compatibility related to service activation,
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TRANSACTION SERVICE COMPOSITION - A Study of Compatibility Related Issues