5.3 Construction Phase
The reach of the construction phase for this version
of the tool is limited to only one iteration, in which
we implement the use cases identified as critics: 1)
Certifying four types of reusable elements: Domain
Model, Requirement Specification, Architectural
Design and Code Modules. There are three types of
diagrams that can be certified: Use Case, Activity,
and Class Diagrams; 2) To store reusable elements
in a repository; 3) Eliminate reusable elements from
the repository; 4) Search for reusable elements
through four types of search: by name, by keyword,
by project and by catalogue consult; Modify
checklists used as certification mechanisms.
The first version of the tool presents a checklist
to certify Requirements Specifications, that includes
some questions, e.g. Has all business use cases been
classified according to its relevance (primary,
secondary, optional)?, Do the requirements define
all the information that will be displayed to user?,
The properties stored for each reusable element
are: File name, Element name, File type, Author e-
mail, Description, Time employed in elaborating the
element, Language, Project where the element was
developed, Keywords, Certification level,
Performance (code), Use restrictions, Environmental
restrictions, etc.
Checking for the desired quality characteristics for
each element the tool allows us to guarantee that the
reusable elements have an adequate level of quality.
In addition, the tool promotes reuse and allows users
to certify storage, search and recover reusable
elements. The tool will keep track of their properties
and history in any organization.
Future work considers the evolution of the tool
as well as the development of methodologies and
quality methods which favor quality reuse during the
software’s development process.
We acknowledge Pamela Ghiotto for her
collaboration in this research. This research was
supported by Universidad Simón Bolívar: DID
Project # S1-IN-CAI-012-06 and by the Science and
Technology Ministery of R. B. Venezuela: Fonacit
Project # S1-2005000165.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems