Francisco Araque, Alberto Salguero and Cecilia Delgado
Department of Software Engineering
E.T.S.I.I.T., University of Granada, Granada (Andalucía), Spain
Keywords: Data Warehouse, Temporal integration, Middleware Integration, Organisational Issues on Systems
Abstract: Flexibility to react on rapidly changing general conditions of the environment has become a key factor for
economic success of any company, and the WWW has become an important resource of information for this
proposal. Nowadays most of the important enterprise has incorporated the Data Warehouse (DW)
technology where the information retrieved from different sources, including the WWW, has been
integrated. The quality of data provided to the decision makers depends on the capability of the DW system
to convey in a reasonable time, from the sources to the data marts, the changes made at the data sources. If
we use the data arrival properties of such underlying information sources, the DW Administrator can derive
more appropriate rules and check the consistency of user requirements more accurately. In this paper we
present an algorithm for data integration depending on the temporal characteristics of the data sources and
an architecture for monitoring web sources on the WWW in order to obtain its temporal properties. In
addition we show an example applied to tourism area where data integrated into DW can be used to
schedule personalized travel as a value-added service for electronic commerce.
There is an increase in the number of data sources
that can be queried across the WWW. Such sources
typically support HTML forms-based interfaces and
search engines query collections of suitably indexed
data. One drawback to these sources is that there is
no standard programming interface suitable for
applications to submit queries. Second, the output is
not well structured. Structured objects have to be
extracted from the HTML documents which contain
irrelevant data and which may be volatile. Third,
domain knowledge about the data source is also
embedded in HTML documents and must be
On the other hand, web information sources have
their own information delivery schedules (Watanabe
et al., 2001). In such cases, data arrival time is
predetermined or predictable. If we use the data
arrival properties of such underlying information
sources, the system can derive more appropriate
rules and check the consistency of user requirements
more accurately. If it is not available information
about how data sources evolve throughout time, we
uses different approaches to maintain temporal
coherency of data gathered from web sources
(Araque et al., 2003).
Usually, the enterprise develops systems that are
continuously polling the sources to enable (near)
real-time changes capturing and loading. This
approach is not efficient and can produce overload
problems if it is necessary to query a lot of sources.
It is more efficient to poll the web site when it is
needed. Every web source evolves autonomously
and it is necessary to check its evolution along time.
In the context of the DW, the state of the
environment as perceived by the controlling system
(DW refreshment process) must be consistent with
the actual state of the environment being controlled
(value of the data in the data source).
In order to address the above problem, we
propose a system to allow distributed information
monitoring of web data sources on the WWW. The
approach relies on monitoring information
distributed on different resources and alerting the
Araque F., Salguero A. and Delgado C. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 28-35
DOI: 10.5220/0002393100280035
Data sources
Data Warehouse
Data Marts
Data Mining
Monitoring & Admnistration
user (in our case the DW refreshments process)
when certain conditions regarding this information
are satisfied (temporal properties). We shall also
propose an algorithm for data integration depending
on the temporal properties of the data sources.
Section 2 reviews the concepts of the DW and
Data Sources. Section 3 introduces temporal
properties extraction. Section 4 describes our
proposal for data integration and the algorithm
proposed. Section 5 shows a motivation example.
And we finish with the conclusions.
Inmon (Inmon, 2002) defined a Data Warehouse
(DW) as “a subject-oriented, integrated, time-
variant, non-volatile collection of data in support of
management’s decision-making process.” A DW is a
database that stores a copy of operational data with
an optimized structure for query and analysis. The
scope is one of the issues which defines the DW: it
is the entire enterprise. In terms of a more limited
scope, a new concept is defined: a data mart is a
highly focused DW covering a single department or
subject area. The DW and data marts are usually
implemented using relational databases (Hammer et
al. 1995) which define multidimensional structures.
Figure 1: A generic DW architecture.
The generic architecture of a DW is illustrated in
figure 1 (Chaudhuri & Dayal, 1997), which shows
that data sources include existing operational
databases and flat files (i.e. spreadsheets or text
files) combined with external databases. Data is
extracted from the sources and then loaded into the
DW using various data loaders and ETL (Extraction,
transformation and loading) tools (Araque, 2003a),
(Araque, 2003b). The warehouse is then used to
populate the various subject/process-oriented data
marts and OLAP servers. Data marts are subsets of a
DW which has been categorized according to
functional areas depending on the domain
(addressing the problem area) and OLAP servers are
software tools that help a user to prepare data for
analysis, query processing, reporting and data
mining. The entire DW then forms an integrated
system that can support various reporting and
analysis requirements of the decision-making
function (Chaudhuri & Dayal, 1997).
After the initial loading, warehouse data must be
regularly refreshed, and modifications of operational
data since the last DW refreshment must be
propagated into the warehouse so that the warehouse
data reflects the state of the underlying operational
systems (Araque & Samos, 2003), (Araque, 2003b).
Data sources can be operational databases,
historical data (usually archived on tapes), external
data (for example, from market research companies
or from the Internet), or information from the
already existing data warehouse environment. They
can also be relational databases from the line of
business applications. In addition, they can reside on
many different platforms and can contain structured
information (such as tables or spreadsheets) or
unstructured information (such as plain text files or
pictures and other multimedia information).
Extraction, transformation and loading (ETL) are
data warehousing processes which involve
extracting data from external sources, adapting it to
business needs, and ultimately loading it into the
data warehouse. ETL is important as this is the way
data actually gets loaded into the warehouse.
The first part of an ETL process is to extract the
data from the source systems. Most data
warehousing projects consolidate data from different
source systems. Each separate system may also use a
different data organization/format. Common data
source formats are relational databases and flat files,
but there are other source formats. Extraction
converts the data into records and columns.
The transformation phase applies a series of
rules or functions to the extracted data in order to
derive the data to be loaded.
During the load phase, data is loaded into the
data warehouse. Depending on the organization's
requirements, this process can vary greatly: some
data warehouses merely overwrite old information
with new data; more complex systems can maintain
a history and audit trail of all the changes to the data.
DWs describe the evolving history of an
organization, and timestamps allow temporal data to
be maintained. When considering temporal data for
DWs, we need to understand how time is reflected in
a data source, how this relates to the structure of the
data, and how a state change affects existing data. A
number of approaches have been explored (Bruckner
& Tjoa, 02).
Some specific architectures have been presented
in order to extract data from Web accessible sources
(Yu et al., 2006), but the authors mainly focus on the
automatically data extracting methods from
unstructured documents issues and do not pay
adequate attention to the temporal aspects of the
In the information extraction process it is necessary
to maintain the temporal consistency (Araque et al.,
2003a), (Srinivasan et al., 98) of the data that the
user needs in the sense put forward in real-time
applications. In real-time applications, the state of
the environment as perceived by the controlling
system must be consistent with the actual state of the
environment being controlled (Ramamritham et al.,
96). In this case we employ algorithms used to
maintain coherency between a data source and
cached copies of the data (Srinivasan et al., 98).
These algorithms try to minimize the number of
times that the client has to connect to the server.
Besides, we use this technique to maintain the
temporal consistency between the data extracted
from web information sources and the data loaded in
the DW according to DW designer temporal
requirements. Then, the DW Administrator can use
the temporal properties of the data to adjust the
refreshment parameters.
To solve these problems, we presented tools to
define and generate wrappers for Web accessible
sources (Araque, 2003a, 2003b). The toolkit
provides a graphical interface to specify the
capabilities of the sources and to define a simple
mapping translation from data at the source level to
data at the user level. Also, we can define when we
want to extract data from the source according to
temporal constraints specified by the user. We use
DETC (Data Extraction with Temporal Constraints)
to refer to the software tool (out of scope of this
paper). We use the algorithms presented in
(Srinivasan et al., 98) and a wrapper generation tool
to find out the temporal properties of a data source.
3.1 Temporal Properties of Data
The DW must be updated periodically in order to
reflect source data updates. The operational source
systems collect data from real-world events captured
by computer systems (Bruckner et al., 2002). The
observation of these real-world events is
characterized by a delay. This so-called propagation
delay is the time interval it takes for a monitoring
(operational) system to realize an occurred state
change. The update patterns (daily, weekly, etc.) for
DWs and the data integration process (ETL) result in
increased propagation delays.
Having the necessary information available on
time means that we can tolerate some delay (be it
seconds, minutes, or even hours) between the time
of the origin transaction (or event) and the time
when the changes are reflected in the warehouse
environment. This delay (or latency) is the overall
time between the initial creation of the data and its
population into the DW, and is the sum of the
latencies for the individual steps in the process flow.
In this work, we consider the following temporal
parameters (a more detailed explanation can be
found in (Araque et al., 2006b) to be of interest on
the basis of the characteristics of the data extraction
methods and the data sources:
VTstart: time instant when the data
element changes in the real world (event). At this
moment, its Valid Time begins. The end of the VT
can be approximated in different ways which will
depend on the source type.
Granularity (Gr): It is the extent to which
a system contains discrete components of ever-
smaller size. Generally speaking, information
granules are collection of entities, usually
originating at the numeric level, that are arranged
together due to their similarity, functional adjacency,
coherency or the like. In our case, because we are
dealing with time, it is common to work with
granules like minute, day…
AW(Availability Window): Period of time
in which the data source can be accessed by the
monitoring programs responsible for data source
extraction. There may be more than one daily
availability window.
M: time instant when the data source
monitoring process is initiated.
By considering the previous temporal properties
and two data sources with their specific extraction
methods (this can be the same method for both), we
can determine whether it will be possible to integrate
data from two sources (according to DW
Administrator requirements).
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
We can represent the temporal characteristics of
the data source with these temporal concepts. It is
therefore possible to determine when the data source
can offer the data and how this data changes over
time. This can be represented in the temporal
component schema (Araque et al., 1999) and used
by the DW administrator to decide how to schedule
the refreshment activity.
Prior to integration, it is necessary to determine
under what parameters it is possible and suitable to
access the sources in search of changes, according to
their availability and granularity, obtained
automatically by the tool of the previous section.
This process is carried out by the pre-integration
algorithm. It is only possible to determine these
parameters previously if there is some pattern related
to the source availability. The parameters obtained
as a result shall be used in the specific integration
algorithms whenever the data sources are refreshed.
One of the most complex issues of the
integration interface is the case where there are
multiple sources for a single element of data in the
DW. For example, in the DW there is a data element
that has as its source data element a1 from legacy
application A and a data element b1 from legacy
application B. If it is possible to temporally integrate
the data from both sources (on the basis of their
temporal properties), semantic integration is
undertaken and the result is stored in the DW.
The integration methodology, shown in figure 2,
consists of a set of processes that define the rules for
capturing a parameter from a single source as well as
integrate a set of values semantically equivalent
coming from different data sources. It has two
phases, shown in figure 2: Temporal integration (A)
and Generation of Refresh metadata (B). The
elements of the architecture that are of interest in
this paper have been shadowed in figure 2.
The temporary process of integration can also be
divided into two different tasks: the analysis of the
accessibility of both sources and the analysis of
temporal requirements. The former task, which this
article is focused in, verifies that certain temporary
parameters common to any type of extraction
method are satisfied, so the integration can be
carried out, whereas the second one, which would be
carried out only in the case of surpassing the first
task, is focused on determining whether the
integration of specific sources of data is possible.
We obtain as result rules about the integration
possibilities existing between the sources (minimum
granularity which can be obtained, the intervals in
which refreshment should be performed, etc). The
second task, which has been widely described in
(Araque et al., 2006b), is not going to be explained
more in depth because it uses some temporal
properties that is out of the scope of this paper.
In the second phase the most suitable parameters
are selected to carry out the refreshment process of
the data. It is in this second phase where, from the
minimum requirements selected by the temporary
first stage of integration, the DW designer sets the
refreshment parameters. These parameters can be set
Figure 2: System architecture.
automatically by the system taking care of different
criteria (like the maximum level of detail, the no-
saturation of the communication resources, etc). As
a result, the necessary metadata are obtained so that
the DW can be refreshed coherently depending on
the type of extraction method and other temporary
characteristics of the data sources.
This process does not guarantee that the
integration of all of the changes detected in the
sources can be carried out satisfactorily. What it
guarantees is that the process of integration will be
carried out only and exclusively the times that are
necessary to obtain the objectives proposed by the
DW designer, attending to aspects related to the
refreshment and the availability of the data.
4.1 Accessibility Algorithm
Given two data sources, the first task to do is to
determine the smallest sequence in the intersection
of the set of the availability window values of both
data sources that is repeated periodically. We will
denominate this concept “common pattern of
availability”. For example, if the availability
window of a data source is repeated every thirty six
hours and the window of another is repeated every
twenty four hour, the “common pattern of
availability” will be an interval of duration equal to
seventy two hours (see figure 3).
The algorithm, shown in figure 4, first
determines the maximum level of detail which both
data sources can provide. For example, if a source
provides data with a level of detail of a day, whereas
0h 48h24h12h 36h
pattern of availability
of source1
pattern o f availability
of source2
common pattern of availability
for both sources
Figure 3: “Common pattern of availability”.
source[] : list of sources that contains the semantically equivalent parameter to
commonAW : common Availability Window pattern.
M[] : list of instants to query the sources
If commonAW is periodical then
GrMax = MinDetail(Granularity(source[1]), Granularity(source[2]), …)
// Example: day = MinDetail(hour, day)
If interval(GrMax) >= interval(commonAW) then
LongestAW = LongestAWInterval(commonAW)
M[0] = LongestAW.Start
RefresmentInterval = interval(GrMax)
i = 0, j = 0
While interval(GrMax)*j < Interval(commonAW).end
If all sources are accessible at interval(GrMax)*j
M[i] = interval(GrMax)*j
“It is not possible to determine the integration process previously”
Figure 4: Accessibility algorithm.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
another one provides them at an hour level, it is not
possible to integrate them to obtain a level of detail
better than a day (hours, minutes, seconds …).
It can occur that the unit (the granule) of the
level of detail that can be obtained after the
integration of both data sources has a length greater
than the “common pattern of availability”. For
example, that a granularity at day level can be
obtained and the length of the common pattern is of
several hours. In this case, querying the data sources
once a day would be enough (it does not make sense
to check a data source more often than it is going to
be stored). Therefore, the maximum interval width
of refreshment in the algorithm is adjusted to the
length of the unit of the level of detail, obtained by
means of the function “interval” in the algorithm.
The value of the period of sampling could be, in the
case of the previous example, multiple of a day (two
days, three days, one week …). Within the common
pattern the moment in which the interval of
maximum length begins is chosen to make the
refreshment in which both sources are available, so
that there is more probability to satisfy the
restrictions imposed in the second phase, the
Analysis of Temporal Requirements (out of scope of
this paper). This interval is determined by the
LongestAWInterval” function.
In case that the unit (the granule) of the level of
detail that can be obtained after the integration of
both data sources has a length smaller than the
common pattern of availability, it is necessary to
determine in what moments within the common
pattern both data sources are going to be available to
refresh their data. Since it does not make sense to
refresh a data more often than is going to be stored,
only values that distant the length of the integrated
granularity unit are chosen. For example, if the
granularity with which the data are going to be
integrated correspond to “seconds”, the instants will
be temporarily distanced one second. Then it is
verified that, for all those instants of the common
pattern, both data sources are accessible. If it is
successful it will be added to the set of instants (M)
in which the refreshment can be made.
Some of the instants included in the M set will
be discarded in the following phase because they do
not fulfil some of the specific requirements that
depend on the precise kind of sources. In this case,
due to the fact that we are integrating web data
sources which usually are simply HTML flat files,
we will use a File Comparison-based method to do
the integration process. This method consists on
compare versions of the data in order to detect
changes. A more detailed explanation can be found
in (Araque et al., 2006b).
Every extracting method has its own
requirements. If we are using a File Comparison-
based method we need to ensure that the following
sentence is valid:
(ET(DS1) U ET(DS2)) (AW(DS1) AW(DS2))
where ET(X) is the time needed to extract a
change from the source X (Extraction Time),
AW(X) is the Availability Window of the source X
and DS1and DS2 are both data sources. In other
words, we cannot carry out the integration process of
both data sources more often than the time we need
to extract the changes. Obviously, if we need thirty
seconds to extract the changes from a source and
forty seconds to extract them from another source, it
is not possible to integrate them every minute
because we are not able to get the changes from both
data sources so quickly.
Those kind of constraints are checked in this
second phase and are better explained in (Araque et
al., 2006b).
Figure 5: Motivation example applied to tourism area.
A Decision Support System (DSS) being based on a
DW (March et al., 2005) is presented as an example.
This can be offered by Small and Medium-Sized
Enterprises (SMEs) as a plus for adventure tourism.
Here, a DSS (figure 5) is used to assist novel and
expert pilots in the decision-making process for a
soaring trip (Araque et al., 2006a).
These pilots depend to a large extent on
meteorological conditions to carry out their activity
and an important part of the system is responsible
for handling this information. The DW are filled
with a Two web data sources are mainly used to
obtain this kind of information:
The US National Weather Service
Website. We can access weather measurements
(temperature, pressure, humidity, etc) in every
airport in the world.
In order to obtain a more detailed analysis
and to select the best zone to fly, pilots use another
tool: the SkewT diagram. The SkewT, or sounding
chart, is a vertical snapshot of temperature, dew
point and winds above a point on the earth.
The information provided by both data sources is
semantically equivalent in certain cases. In order to
efficiently integrate these data, it is necessary to use
the algorithm described in the previous section. It is
needed to use an efficient approach because these
kinds of services are offered by SMEs which often
have limited resources. The continuous integration
of Web data sources may result in a collapse of the
resources they use to communicate with their clients,
which are not designed to support the laborious task
of maintaining a DW up to date.
In our approach, the DW Administrator (DWA)
introduces the data sources temporal properties in
DECT tool (Araque, 2003a, 2003b) and selects the
parameters to integrate, for example the temperature.
This tool is able to determine the maximum level of
detail (granularity) provided by each data source
after a period of time. It uses an algorithm to
determine the frequency of the changes produced at
the data source. We approximate the granularity of
the source by selecting the smallest interval that take
place between two consecutive changes.
In the first source, the information about the
temperature can be precise with a detail of “minute”
(for example, that at 14 hours and 27 minutes there
were a temperature of 15ºC), whereas in the second
case it talks about the temperature with a detail of
“hour” (for example, that at 14 hours there were
15ºC). The reason is that in the first source has been
detected more than one change within an hour at
least once, whereas in the second source all the
changes has been detected at least one hour
It can also determine the time intervals in which
this information is available to be queried. Let us
suppose that the first data source is always available,
but the second one is only accessible from 23:10 to
00:10 and from 12:00 to 15:59 (availability
window). Common pattern of availability would
include, therefore, a whole day. Applying the
accessibility algorithm we would obtain all possible
instants of querying in which both sources are
accessible and are distanced an interval equal to the
maximum integrated granularity unit each other
(hourly in the example we are using). Using the
values of this example we would obtain {00:00,
12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00}.
For each one of the previous set of instants is
necessary to verify that the extraction and
integration of the data sources would be possible.
For this purpose we use the second algorithm
mentioned in the previous section (out of the scope
of this paper).
To help DWA in this process we have developed
a tool that is able of performing both algorithm
described in this paper: Accessibility Algorithm and
Analysis of Temporal Requirements. A capture of
this tool can be seen in figure 6.
Using the data extracted from Web data sources
a DSS for adventure practice recommendation can
be offered as a post-consumption value-added
service by travel agencies to their customers.
Therefore, once a customer makes an on-line
reservation, the travel agency can offer advice about
adventure practices available in the area that
customer may be interested in. Due to the high risk
factor accompanying most adventure sports, a
regular information system is far from being
accurate. A more sophisticated ICT system is
required in order to extract and process quality
Figure 6: DWA tool for analyzing the refreshment process.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
information from different sources. In this way, the
customer can be provided with true helpful
assistance to be aided in the decision-making
While logging reservation systems do not need
supplementary information as weather forecast,
other products in the tourist industry, such as eco-
tourism can take a tremendous advantage of last-
minute DW. The system constitutes an enhanced
modification of the current InfoTours (Araque et al.,
2006a), an on line availability and reservation
system of the travel agency ViveGranada S.L.L. It
allows to query a last-minute DW and use the output
report to filter the on line availability of outdoor
activities offered by the on line reservation system.
In this paper we have presented our work related to
an approach for monitoring web sources on the
WWW in order to obtain its temporal properties. We
use this information for integrating data from
different data sources according to the requirements
of the DW Administrator.
We also have proposed an algorithm for data
integration depending on the temporal characteristics
of the data sources. This algorithm determines the
smallest sequence in the intersection of the set of the
availability window values of both data sources.
In addition, we show an example applied to
tourism area where data integrated into DW can be
used to schedule personalized travel as a value-
added service for electronic commerce.
This work has been supported by the Spanish
Research Program under project TIN2005-09098-
C05-03 and the by
Research Program
under project 2006/282916.
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