Alexis Lazanas, Nikos Karacapilidis and Vagelis Katsoulis
Industrial Management Lab, MEAD, University of Patras, 26504 Rio Patras, Greece
Keywords: Hybrid recommender Systems, web services, knowledge-based recommendation, intelligent agents.
Abstract: Diverse recommendation techniques have been already proposed and encapsulated into several e-business
systems aiming to perform a more accurate evaluation of the existing alternatives and accordingly augment
the assistance provided to the users involved. Extending previous work, this paper focuses on the
development of an agent-invoked web service that will be responsible for the coordination of the system’s
recommendation module. The specific service will be invoked through a correspondent software agent that
has been already implemented in our system’s platform and will perform the tasks of recommendation
policy synthesis, as well as the formulation of the appropriate knowledge rules.
Recommendation systems accommodate users’
preferences for the purpose of providing them with
suggestions for purchasing or evaluating elements.
Various techniques have been proposed for the
creation of recommendations, such as collaborative
filtering, knowledge-based and others. These
techniques can be combined in hybrid
recommendation systems in order to improve their
This paper reports on research conducted in the
area of hybrid recommendation systems and
proposes a new approach that combines the
knowledge-based with the collaborative filtering
recommendation technique for the creation of
recommendations in transactions taking place via the
FTMarket platform. More specifically, this paper
extends our previous work on the exploitation of
software agent technology in transportation
management (Lazanas et al., 2005). We have
addressed analysis, design and implementation
issues raised during the development of an
innovative agent-mediated electronic marketplace,
which is able to efficiently handle transportation
transactions of various types. Agents of the proposed
system represent and act for any user involved in a
transportation scenario, such as customers who look
for efficient ways to ship their products and
transport companies that may - fully or partially -
carry out such requests, while they cooperate and get
the related information in real-time mode. Our
overall approach is based on flexible models that
achieve efficient communication among all parties
involved, coordinate the overall process, construct
possible alternative solutions and perform the
required decision-making. In addition, the
supporting web-based system is able to handle the
complexity that is inherent in such environments,
which is mainly due to the frequent need of finding
“modular” transportation solutions (Karacapilidis et
al., 2006).
This paper focuses on the features and
functionalities of a new module integrated in the
above system, namely the recommendation module,
which aims at enhancing the quality of the
associated decisions (Lazanas et al., 2006).
Recommender systems have been described as
systems that produce individualized
recommendations as output or have the effect of
guiding the user in a personalized way, in
environments where the amount of on-line
information vastly outstrips any individual’s
capability to survey it (Burke, 2002). Alternative
techniques have been also proposed in the literature
in order to handle the above issues (O’Mahony et
al., 2002; Sarwar et al., 2000). Having thoroughly
considered their pros and cons, our approach follows
a hybrid recommendation technique.
To consumers of Web Services, agents can form
a powerful means of indirection by masking the
Lazanas A., Karacapilidis N. and Katsoulis V. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 161-166
DOI: 10.5220/0002393401610166
Web Service for purposes such as redirection,
aggregation, integration, or even to provide
recommendations, as in our case. From this
perspective, the architecture proposed in this paper
demonstrates a pattern of enabling Web Service
clients to invoke application services exposed by
agents. In this instance, the type of agent service
made available is naturally restricted due to the
limited expressivity or typical service invocation
calls initiated by Web Service clients (Cho et al.,
2002). The intrinsic implication here is that
applications are now able to seamlessly bridge (in a
bidirectional way) the agent and Web Service
2.1 Hybrid Recommender Systems
Hybrid recommender systems combine two or more
recommendation techniques to gain better
performance with fewer of the drawbacks of any
individual one. Most commonly, collaborative
filtering is combined with some other technique in
an attempt to avoid the “ramp-up” problem.
Hybridization in recommender systems can alleviate
some of the problems associated with collaborative
filtering and other recommendation techniques.
Knowledge-based recommendation attempts to
suggest objects based on inferences about a user’s
needs and preferences. In some sense, all
recommendation techniques could be described as
doing some kind of inference. Knowledge-based
approaches are distinguished in that they have
functional knowledge: they have knowledge about
how a particular item meets a particular user need,
and can therefore reason about the relationship
between a need and a possible recommendation. The
user profile can be any knowledge structure that
supports this inference. In the simplest case, as in
Google, it may simply be the query that the user has
formulated. In others, it may be a more detailed
representation of the user’s needs.
Entree and several other recently developed
systems employ techniques from case-based
reasoning for knowledge-based recommendation.
Schafer, Konstan and Riedl call knowledge-based
recommendation the ‘Editor’s choice’ method
(Schafer et al., 2000). The knowledge used by a
knowledge-based recommender can also take many
forms. Google uses information about the links
between web pages to infer popularity and
authoritative value. Entree uses knowledge of
cuisines to infer similarity between restaurants.
Utility-based approaches calculate a utility value for
objects to be recommended, and in principle, such
calculations could be based on functional
knowledge. However, existing systems do not use
such inference, requiring users to do their own
mapping between their needs and the features of
products, either in the form of preference functions
for each feature in the case of Tete-á-Tete or answers
to a detailed questionnaire in the case of
2.2 Agents and Web Services
Typical agent architectures have many of the
features of Web Services. Agent architectures
provide “yellow” and “white pages” directories,
where agents advertise their distinct functionalities
and other agents search to locate the agents so they
can request those functionalities (Klusch and Sycara,
2001). However, agents extend Web Services in
several important ways:
A Web Service knows only about itself, but not
about its users, clients, or customers (Wang
et al., 2004). Agents are often self-aware at a
meta-level, and through learning and model
building gain awareness of other agents and
their capabilities, as interactions among the
agents occur..
Web Services, unlike agents, are not designed
to use and reconcile ontologies. If a service’s
client and provider happen to use different
ontologies, the result of invoking the Web
Service would be incomprehensible to the
Agents are inherently communicative, whereas
Web Services are passive until invoked.
Agents can provide alerts and updates when
new information becomes available. Current
standards and protocols make no provision
for even subscribing to a service to receive
periodic updates.
A Web Service, as currently defined and used,
is not autonomous. Autonomy is a
characteristic of agents, and it is also a
characteristic of many Internet-based
Agents are cooperative, and by forming teams
and coalitions can provide higher-level and
more comprehensive services. Current
standards for Web Services do not provide
the means for composing functionalities.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.1 Recommendation’s Module
Our system retrieves all possible transportation
routes that can be constructed for a given transaction
request. These routes are presented to the user
through an appropriate designed webpage. This
webpage gives to the user the opportunity either to
select one of the proposed routes (in this case he will
be asked to complete the transaction), or to be
redirected to an evaluation webpage where he can
access the whole number of routes and the
evaluation will be based on specific criteria. The
evaluation takes place in a transactions and
popularity rating web page and is based on various
criteria, such as:
Cost, Duration, Safety and Reliability;
Average scores on the above carriers’
elements that will be used;
Average scores on the above sub-routes’
elements that will be used;
The number of times that a specific route has
been selected by other customers;
Customer’s preferences;
Number of sub-routes (assuming that
transloadings are associated to a negative
A final score is extracted for each route with the
help of a mathematical formula which includes
weight factors for the above criteria. At the
beginning, the system renders the five best routes
according to the final score without any further
details. Though, the user is given the opportunity, if
he wishes, to see the subroutes and the particular
score details. The user can also compare a sub-route
with an alternative which is provided by one of the
ten best carriers. In this case, if a user chooses one of
the alternatives, apart from the selected carriers the
difference in the cost, time and score of the carrier is
presented. When the user selects the desired
itinerary, he is transferred to the transaction
confirmation page.
Having executed the optimal routes retrieval
algorithm (Lazanas et al., 2006; Crauser et al.,
1998), the user is prompted by the system to press
the Recommendation command button, in order to
be transferred to the itineraries’ evaluation webpage,
where results are presented. Furthermore, this
triggers the execution of the itineraries evaluation
algorithm (executed in the website’s server). The
recommendation process is based on an evaluation
algorithm, which applies to both the carrier and the
itinerary participating in a proposed solution. More
specifically, for every solution that the optimal route
algorithm has retrieved for the requested transaction,
we analyze the sub routes; for each of them, we
calculate the average score that the carrier has
received for its reliability during the transaction, as
well as the average score that the specific route has
for the duration of the transaction. During the
calculation of the above average grades, the scores
that each carrier or each route has received are
multiplied by the user’s reliability factor (through
the User_Reliability table which is upgraded every
time that a user evaluates a route). This is performed
in order to add a level of significance into a reliable
user’s opinion compared with a less reliable one.
This certain reliability is calculated by the number of
times that a user has rated an itinerary and not by the
fact that his evaluation was considered strict or not.
Additional to the above duration reliability
evaluation, there is a similar procedure for the safety
and the general carrier’s reliability during the
transaction. So, taking into consideration the
priorities (preferences) that the user has indicated
(cost, safety, duration, reliability), we calculate the
average of the carrier and the route under
consideration (relying on the sum of the particular
elements multiplied by gravity factors depending on
the priorities of the user).
Both the average of the specific criteria
(duration, reliability, safety, general reliability) and
the general average are stored in the database, in the
fields which correspond to the specific sub route.
When this procedure is completed for all the sub-
routes of the selected itinerary, the average of all the
scores which were stored for each sub route is
calculated in order to get the overall score for the
carriers and the sub-routes, which will be used for
the complete itinerary. The final score of the
itinerary is the sum of the overall grade for the
carriers and the overall grade for the subroutes,
normalized by a percentage of the sum according to
the overall cost and the number of transloadings for
the specific itinerary. The overall and the particular
grades are stored in tables corresponding to the
current itinerary. When this procedure is performed
for all itineraries, the user gets transferred to the
popularity calculation webpage, where it is
calculated whether each of the above itineraries has
been completed and its correspondent frequency.
Aim of this procedure is to observe if a specific
itinerary is particularly popular for the selected
transaction. The popularity of each route is an
element which is presented later to the user, in order
not to affect his final decision (see the web page
illustrated in Figure 1).
Figure 1: The recommendation module.
As shown, the five optimal itineraries for the
transaction are presented, according to the final
grade assigned to each one of them. Suppose that in
this specific case the user is interested in a
transaction from Athens to Patras. At the beginning,
the page contains a single table with the retrieved
itineraries and some of their basic features such as
cost, duration, number of transloadings, popularity
of the itinerary and its final grade. By pressing the
Submit button, the user gets transferred directly to
the transaction confirmation page. Apart from the
initial table, the user is given the possibility to see
particular details of the specific itinerary if he
wishes. By pressing the View Details button, a
second table appears which includes the subroutes’
elements of the selected itinerary and some overall
grades for each sub-route. By pressing the More
Details button, the user is given the possibility to see
analytical details for each sub-route, like grades of
the duration’s, safety and general reliability. The
user is also given the ability to compare the
candidate carrier of the sub-route he chose with the
ten best transporters that exist for the particular sub-
route by pressing the Show button of the Top10
Carriers field (a common top-n practice in
collaborative filtering). Finally, the user is given the
possibility, by pressing the Select button on the table
which includes the ten best carriers, to compare the
carrier of the selected sub-route, with one of the ten
best carriers which are displayed beside. The
comparison is being performed according to the cost
and the time of the sub-route as criteria, as well as
the overall score of the carriers. This comparison is
presented under the name Additional Features.
When the compared carrier excels the existent one
(the one that the user has temporally selected), its
elements are displayed green, while its elements are
displayed red in the opposite case.
4.1 Mathematical Score Model
In this subsection, we present the mathematical
model and the calculation procedure of the
itineraries’ overall score (Overall_Score) through
the recommendation production from the system.
The Overall_Score receives values in the range from
0 (minimum) to 5 (maximum) and is the criterion on
which we base our suggestions to the users of our
system, in order to assist them selecting the optimal
itinerary. From the evaluation of the subroutes and
the carriers involved, the Overall_Score takes an
initial value. After that, in the initial value the cost
of each route and the number of its transloadings is
counted, thus obtaining the final value. The score
model for assigning the Overall_Score value is:
{[ *( ( * ) ( * )) / 2]
Overall_Score = 1
[*( ( * ) ( * ))/2]
[ *( ( * ) ( * )) / 2]/[( ) * ]}
a average ct ur average tt ur
b average cs ur average ts ur
c average cr ur average tr ur a b c i
ct Carrier RatingTime
cs Carrier Rating Safety
cr Carri
er Rating iability
tt Transaction Rating Time
ts Transaction Rating Safety
tr Transaction Rating liability
ur User liability
With the variable average () we refer to the average
of the registrations (they are included in the data
base), of the variable which are in the parenthesis (i
represents the number of subroutes of each
itinerary). The variables a, b, c, d are weight factors
and are related with the preferences of the user (cost,
time, safety, reliability). Weight factor d is used later
for the introduction of cost in the Overall_Score.
The variables a, b, c, d assign their values by using a
simple “case statement” which is presented in the
pseudo-code below:
switch (Transportation_Plan)
case Time: aÅ2;
case Safety: bÅ2;
case Reliability: cÅ2;
case Cost: dÅ2;
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
At this point, in the Overall_Score the
normalized cost of the route and the number of
transloadings are included. As normalized cost, we
define the cost of the itinerary that we are
examining, divided by the minimum cost of the
itinerary. Furthermore, the number of transloadings
is being penalized (a great number of transloadings
could evoke damage in the product and increase the
transaction’s overall time).
5.1 Using Agents to Invoke Web
Web Services are often characterized as message-
based. Interaction via message exchange means that
instead of a client invoking functionality exposed as
a Web Service, it sends a request to the Web Service
to have the functionality invoked (Greenwood and
Calisti, 2004). Or in other words, the thing that a
Web Service exposes is the functionality of
receiving a message. Instead of a
“GetRecommendationQuote” (GRQ) port type, for
example, a Web Service would expose a
“ReceiveMessage” port type, to which messages
requesting recommendation quotes are to be sent.
This has the advantage of correctly describing the
system’s control boundaries. For example, if a
system exposes a process GRQ service that implies
that it is the customer who causes the GRQ to be
processed. Of course, the system inserts some sort of
control point into the code that gets invoked, while
the system makes the decision of whether to really
process the RFQ (e.g., by producing a
recommendations’ quote and sending it back), or
whether to refuse the customer’s request.
Figure 2: The recommendation module architecture.
We adopted a generic message interchange
policy, which means that delivery of message
content is independent of its format. Inputs to port
types that can receive messages are sufficiently
flexible that any content can be delivered in them. In
effect, the “ReceiveMessage” port types should take
arbitrary XML documents as input, regardless of
their schema. In generic messaging, arbitrary
message content may be exchanged by two
interacting parties, even in cases where the recipient
of a message is unable to recognize its meaning,
make decisions about it, or even, perhaps, parse it.
There are two fundamental reasons for this:
Proper assignment of function.
Constraining the set of messages that may
be sent or received is like programming a
telephone to send or receive only a fixed set
of words (Kuno and Sahai, 2002). It is a
basic misplacement of function. The
messaging infrastructure should not to act
as a supervisor defining what may and may
not be said.
Unexpected messages may turn out to be
valuable, because they may contain clues as
to how they should be handled. The
simplest example of this is a message
containing a non-standard abbreviation,
which may be guessed at and, by a further
exchange of messages, confirmed.
Similarly, generic messaging provides a
crucial feedback path by showing the
recommender agent the way in which its
correspondent web service is attempting to
contact it.
5.2 Determining Recommendation
Policy through Web Services
The overall architecture followed in our approach is
illustrated in Figure 2. As shown, the
recommendation tool is appropriately wrapped in
order to describe the kind of service to be provided.
To be easily located by users, such descriptions of
services will be placed in a shared public registry. It
is through this registry that users may look up for the
services they need each time. The correspondent
agent, which needs functions that can be provided by
the specific Web Service, sends the appropriate
request as an XML document in a SOAP envelope.
Web Services may make requests of multiple
services in parallel and wait for their responses. The
set of services to be provided in the FTMarket
platform will be increased and will constitute a
services repository. It is noted that it is not necessary
for all these services to be provided through a single
server; multiple servers, located in distinct
providers, may be used. Finally, it is made clear that
the foreseen services, through the associated tools,
communicate with a set of (local or remote)
knowledge and model bases.
This paper presented our approach on the integration
of hybrid recommendation techniques into an agent-
based transportations transaction management
platform. First of all, we proposed a hybrid approach
that combines different recommendation techniques,
in order to provide the user with more accurate
suggestions. The overall process is coordinated by a
recommender agent, who is responsible for invoking
a correspondent Web Service which carries out
multiple tasks, such as knowledge rules application,
the appropriate recommendation technique selection
and performs the knowledge synthesis through the
exploitation of collaborative filtering techniques and
data mining algorithms. The presence of the
recommendation agent guarantees that the user will
be provided with continuous recommendation and
dynamic update of the recommendation.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems