Vertices that have no match (b, m and n) are
highlighted to user A for further decisions. C
shown in Figure 11 as one of the possible resulting
common collaborative process following
organisation A’s unilateral decisions.
Figure 11: One possible resulting common collaborative
process following organisation A’s unilateral decisions.
When process C
, as the counteroffer, is passed
to organisation B, the same procedure is followed by
user B to carry out their own decision-making. Other
issues, e.g. strategy of unilateral decision-making,
negotiation termination condition, are also important
but beyond the scope of this paper.
The simulation-based process difference detection
technique is proposed to provide support during
distributed process compatibility negotiation by
helping users concentrate on a series of adjustment
suggestions to agree on a common path as soon as
possible. With the support of such a technique,
human efforts are saved from the labour-intensive
task and corporate assets in terms of business
processes are preserved and put into good use. Also,
the ability to start from two predefined process
logics enables the technique to be used from bottom
up, which makes it possible to replace the expensive
top-down approach to cross-organisational process
reconciliation. Furthermore, the technique can also
be applied in the area of process compliance
(Cheung, 2003) as well as process benchmarking
(Juan and Ou-Yang, 2005; Juan, 2006), in which
customer defined processes are checked for
compliance issues against certain standard or best-
of-breed process.
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been carried out, the effectiveness of the technique
needs to be further evaluated through a full range of
real life business processes. It is also envisioned that
a comprehensive business process collaboration
framework is needed to take full advantage of such a
technique, within which the execution components
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