Figure 4: Non-deterministic vicinity of an agent based on
current service.
The transfer function T(Q * ∑ ) is actually used by
the heuristic module of the intelligent agent to filter
out the most possible successful set of semantic sets
based on the walk it had made on the semantic
network. This heuristic function module of the
intelligent agent is represented by SL (next set of
possible states) where
Next set of possible states = Q * ∑
3.4 Importance of the Heuristic
Learning Function in an Intelligent
The role of the heuristic function in an intelligent
agent can be compared to that of an experienced
person who had been working in that domain for a
larger period of time and knows the nooks and
corners of the domain.
The situation is analogous to an experienced
human agent who goes and tries out booking a ticket
in theatre which is at the city outskirts when the
tickets are filled for the theatre which is present
inside the city.
The intelligent agent also pays a similar role.
Over acting as proxy for a respective human being
over a respective semantic network the agent would
be able to know about the behaviour of human mind.
So whenever a negative service is received from a
Semantic entity like “Ticket” it would rather execute
the walk path for “Booking a table for dinner with
his girl friend” rather then trying for booking for
some tickets in some other movie.
3.5 Association and Generalization
Relationship in Determining the
Intelligent Agent’s Vicinity
The vicinity of the intelligent agent is determined
based on the type of the current service it received
from the semantic entity. When the type of service
received is positive in the light of the prime goal
then the probability of association entities is higher
than the probability of generalization entities.
In the above network when the service received
from the entity “Payment” is positive (i.e. cash has
been paid for ticket) then the next possible set of
entities includes “ShowTime”, “Parking Space”
which are having an association relationship with the
current entity “Ticket”.
Similarly when the service received from the
entity payment is negative (i.e. enough money is not
available in the debit) then the next possible set of
entities may include other modes of payments like
“Credit” and “Coupons” which are actually
belonging to the super type “Payment”.
The probability of non deterministic vicinity of
the agent can be summarized as follows,
Probability (association entities) > Probability
(generalization entities) When the current service
received is positive in the light of the Prime goal.
Probability (generalization entities) > Probability
(association entities) When the current service
received is negative in the light of the Prime goal.
3.6 Modelling of Services Offered by
Entities in a Semantic Network
Services offered by the entities in the semantic
network are highly cohesive with the responsibilities
the entities are entitled with. The core of the service
oriented architecture decouples the tight linkage
between the entities.
When the entities are loosely coupled but highly
cohesive the service offered by the entity becomes
obvious by their signature definition. Also
techniques like CRC cards can be used to decide
upon the high level responsibility of the entity from
a business point of view.
The basic idea is to create a loosely coupled and
highly cohesive object model which is capable
exposing its services and getting it leveraged by the
intelligent agents.
Non-deterministic vicinity based on
negative service
Non-deterministic vicinity based
on positive service
Non-deterministic vicinity based
on negative service
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems