Example of requests on the global schema:
Which are criticisms of films having for title:
We send the following request to the global schema:
Select Films.title, Articles.critique
From Films, Article
Where Films.title = ` Freedom' And
Films.title = Articles.title
The translation of the request over PS1 and PS2
(GAV) is:
Select PS1.Film.title, PS1.Critiques.critique,
From PS1.Film, PS1.Critiques, PS2.Film
Where (PS1.title=’Freedom’ And
PS1.Film.Fid=PS1.Critiques.Fid Or
PS2.title=’Freedom’ And
The translation of the request over the sources S1,
S2, S3, and S4 (LAV) is:
Select S1.title, S2.Critique.critique
From S1.Film, S2.Critique, S2.Film
Where S1.title=’Freedom’ And
S1.Film.Fid=S2.Critique.Fid Or
S2.title=’Freedom’ And
Union (the relational request on S3 and S4 is
as follows)
Select S3.Film.title, S4.Film.critique
From S3.Film, S4.Film
Where S3.title=’Freedom’ And
This paper presents HAV, a hybrid approach to data
integration which combines GAV and LAV to make
us benefit from their advantages, and defines the
HAV mapping.
The contribution of such an approach is that
HAV is more effective and practicable because the
set of the partial schemas concerned by the HAV
integration approach is small and stable. Thus, in
HAV It will be less complex for the specialized
mediators to carry out the sub-requests (because
each one has a reduced number of sources to
integrate, and these sources are in the same model),
than if the global schema itself were built with LAV
approach, so the complexity to reformulate queries
is reduced.
Noting that it does not exist yet a truly definite
Benchmark which makes it possible to evaluate the
performances of a mediator. We intend to adapt one
among those which exist with our context. In
particular, the result carried out by (Dang Ngoc,
2003) seems to be promising: that it is possible to
use a tree structure of mediators without harming the
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