of new database architectures. A paper by Keng
Siau (Siau, 1998) deals with Object Relationship
(OR) modeling to explore the relationships within
databaseVORQL (visual object relational query lan-
guage). It adopts the natural view that the real world
consists of objects and relationships. Shortcomings of
this paper include the problem with overflow of infor-
mation and screen clutter problems confusing users.
It also requires users to understand QBE (query by
example) table structure, which is no longer used
in practice; with the QMAEP system it is hoped a
new table structure which is simpler and easier to
use than QBE can be offered. Similarly it also re-
quires users to have at least some understanding of the
low level query’s possible. Again the intention of the
QMAEP system is to improve on this idea by creating
a GUI to deal with Queries at the most generic User
level- working through interfaces already present in
the database, rather than confusing spider web of ob-
jects already connected (as seen in Siau (Siau, 1998)
and apparent in the MS ACCESS visual database
model). The QMAEP Select Query Tool was devel-
oped in the GUI type relating to database forms. The
implementation of forms comes from the apparent ad-
vantages to using them as seen in Doan’s paper (Doan
et al., 1995). GUI or ’form’ based interaction offers
many advantages such as the ability to provide default
values easily for all elements and easy error check-
ing on the values entered textually. Also reduction
of cognitive load on users by seeing only applicable
values, which is beneficial for consistency and appro-
priate data (Ezekiel, 2004).
The QMAEP system has been successfully integrated
into an existing clinical research database for Stroke
studies belonging to researchers at a medical univer-
sity in Turkey. This database is based on collecting
strict, detailed information on volunteer stroke pa-
tients in an effort to enhance stroke research. In fact,
in an effort to avoid costly omissions in data collec-
tion that could result in an inability to corroborate
future research, an immensely large volume of data
is collected on every patient. Much of the data is
collected in a quasi-duplicate fashion, i.e., from the
perspective of more than one physician or at multi-
ple time points. Querying such data was previously
particularly troublesome. Because there are multi-
ple records relating to a single patient in such tables,
when queried the result is a cross-product of related
records meaning duplicated rows of the same patient
with varying values for some fields and repeated val-
ues for others. Such a format, beyond being difficult
to read for human beings, is difficult to analyze with
statistical software.
Though the potential research implications of
gathering a greater quantity of data then is imme-
diately required are constructive and substantial, the
immediate effect of gathering the excess informa-
tion has actually been, according to some involved
researchers, a hindrance on short term accomplish-
ment. Narrowing down the pertinent information for
a particular research topic has become something of a
chore and physicians and statisticians alike were be-
coming impatient with the clumsy MS Access query
editor they were using to construct queries to gather
their data.
Figure 1: QMAEP position in a database framework.
3.1 Qmaep’s Position in Database
QMAEP can be viewed as a new layer for processing
data retrieval which is referred to as “Formed Based
Query Interface”. It lies in a level just above the
query optimizer in the database framework depicted
in Figure 1. The QMAEP system itself is composed
of several components designed to allow translation
of a users actions on a form-based query composer
into syntactically and logically correct SQL. It allows
mapping from a displayed value in a form to a value
data field in a database table, and finally to the cre-
ation of a new field in a query result. This requires
a large degree of dynamic processing of a database
schema. Under the QMAEP system of data retrieval,
the users are completely abstracted from any low level
representation. In terms of data mining, this tool is a
rather simple method of retrieving the appropriate in-
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems