Traditional traffic modeling of data sources assumed
that the inter-arrival times of traffic packets were
basically exponential in distribution and independent
of one another, which means that the process is
memory-less. However, recent studies of the
behaviour of individual multimedia sources and
system-level activity show that traffic traces are
distributed in ways more complex than this.
Our analysis has aimed at improving the best-
fitting model for a given traffic scenario when the
underlying flow keeps changing over time and
space. To be confident that the results are useful a
model was sought that:
• was as simple as possible in a computational
sense without compromising accuracy,
• had a physical explanation in the network
• can be related to real measurements for
verification purposes by the operators.
The investigation focused on extensions that could
retain tractability, in two steps as described below:
• statistical multiplexing,
• parameterization.
Traffic generation – if the traffic is memory-less,
generation of traffic to support the simulations can
be achieved simply by a negative exponentially
distributed process to specify packet inter-arrival
time. However, modeling self-similar traffic is much
more complex (Volner, 2003), (Volner, 1995),
(ATM, 1996).
In this paper, we have proposed a HS/ATM network
for supporting multimedia communication to mobile
terminals. Here the network is partitioned into core
and edge networks. The advantage of this portioning
has been discussed. The network bandwidth is
allocated in such a way that each VP is semi-
permanently allocated a certain amount of using
existing optimization techniques. Cell scheduling
and queuing implementations were discussed. We
conclude, that based on the proposed bandwidth
management framework, all ATM service classes
can be served with reasonable QoS guarantees, the
CAC procedures easily implemented, and potential
rate-based ABR congestion control easily
Volner, R.: CATV – Interactive Security and
Communication System, proceedings the institute of
electrical and electronics engineers, 34th Annual
2000 International Carnahan Conference on Security
Technology, October 2000 Ottawa, Canada, pp. 124-
136, IEEE Catalog Number 00CH37083, ISBN 0-
Volner, R.: Home security system and CATV, 35th
Annual 2001 International Carnahan Conference on
Security Technology, October 2001 London, England,
pp. 293 – 306, IEEE Catalog Number 01CH37186,
ISBN 0-7803-6636-0
Volner, R.: CATV Architecture for Security, 36th Annual
2002 International Carnahan Conference on Security
Technology, October 2002, Atlantic City, New Jersey,
USA, pp. 209 – 215, IEEE Catalog Number
02CH37348, ISBN 0-7803-7436-3
Volner, R., Poušek, L.: Intelligence Security Home
Network, 37th Annual 2003 International Carnahan
Conference on Security Technology, October 2003
Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 30 – 37, IEEE Catalog Number
03CH37458, ISBN 0-7803-7882-2,
Volner, R.: Intelligence CATV – Traffic models, Design
and Analysis, International Conference on Computer,
Communication and Control Technologies CCCT’03
and The 9
International Conference on Information
Systems Analysis and Synthesis ISAS 03, Proceeding
volume IV, July 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA, pp. 340
-345, ISBN980-6560-05-1, CD - ISBN 980-6560-10-8
Volner, R. et al.: CATV In Multimedia Transmission
Systems, Electronic Horizont, Vol.55, Nov./ Dec.
ATM Forum Technical Committee: Traffic management
specification version 4.0, AFTM 0056.000, Apr. 1996
ATM Forum technical committee: Flow controlled
connections proposal for ATM traffic management,
September 1994