process models 1(a), 1(b) or 1(c) are partial matches
to the query case and hence not to be retrieved.
Business process analysis (BPA) involves
monitoring and analysis of process execution
patterns and performance. Process mining (van der
Aalst, 2003a) is one such approach, which is to
diagnose operational processes by extracting
information from process execution logs. The
proposed PVR reference architecture is different
from process mining approach, with emphasis on
supporting knowledge acquisition and process
discovery in BPM. In particular, it targets the reuse
of past instances of process execution to achieve
new operational goals in similar situations.
Some approaches in existing literature such as
Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) can be relevant to
address the challenges in PVR management that we
have found to link closely to our problem. There are
a number of recent proposals for process
management approaches based on CBR techniques
(Madhusudan et al, 2004; Weber et al, 2005), which
have demonstrated the possibilities to apply CBR
techniques to achieve certain BPM goals.
Variations in work practice often represent the
competitive differentiation within enterprise
operations. In this paper, we have argued for the
value of variants in BPM platforms. We have
presented a reference architecture as a foundation for
designing and implementing a process variant
repository (PVR) that addresses advanced
requirements for instance adaptation, process
redesign and post-execution analysis. The presented
components in PVR provide effective means of
searching and matching process variants against a
given query, and generate result sets that can be
conveniently ranked. The results of the proposed
reference architecture can provide deep insights into
ongoing work practices, identify areas of process
improvement, and contribute to systematic and well-
informed process evolution.
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