Ruopeng Lu and Shazia Sadiq
School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Keywords: Business process management, flexible workflows, process evolution, business process analysis.
Abstract: Business process management systems (BPMS) have been prevalent in business information systems, yet
still striving to cope with emerging demands from current business environments. It is particularly
challenging in managing knowledge intensive business processes, which has partially led to the demand for
more complex BPMS functionality such as instance adaptation and streamlined process evolution. On the
other hand, various process analysis and discovery techniques have been developed as an important
component in BPMS. In this paper, we present a technology framework that supports process discovery
from preferred work practices in a flexible process management system. The framework supports instance
adaptation and a systematic approach towards process evolution/improvement.
In recent years, there have been many efforts
towards providing agile business process
management (BPM) support. Business process
management systems (BPMS) have been recognised
as a substantial extension to the legacy of workflow
management systems (WFMS). The BPM life cycle
(van der Aalst et al, 2003b) identifies that apart from
process design, deployment and enactment,
supporting process diagnosis differentiates BPMS
from traditional WFMS. The process diagnosis
phase which refers to a wide range of BPM
activities, has been the prime arena for both
academia and industry, especially for business
process analysis (BPA) and process discovery (van
der Aalst et al, 2003b; Casati, 2005). Generally,
these post-execution activities are to identify and
resolve operational process problems, discover
preferred work practices, and provide business
Nevertheless, in the dynamic environment of
collaborative and e-business today, it is essential that
BPM technology supports the business to adapt to
changing conditions, where different process models
could be derived from existing ones to tailor
individual process instances. It is evident that work
practices at the operational level are often diverse,
incorporating the creativity and individualism of
knowledge workers and potentially contributing to
the organization’s competitive advantage. This
diversity needs to be both encouraged and
controlled. A major difficulty in this regard is the
requisite knowledge, that drives the diverse practices
at an operational level, is only tacitly available. This
knowledge constitutes the corporate skill base and is
found in the experiences and practices of individual
workers, who are domain experts in a particular
aspect of the overall operations.
There have been proposals from both academia
(Sadiq & Orlowska, 2005; van der Aalst et al, 2005;
Rinderle & Reichert, 2006) and industry (Ultimus,
2004, ILOG, 2006, Tibco, 2006) to transfer process
modelling efforts from business owners and business
analysts, to domain experts who have the knowledge
in performing activities in the process. The common
practice in these proposals has been the support for
deploying partial process models, which contain
some repetitive procedures that require less or no
flexibility for execution, but also contain loosely
coupled process activities that warrant a high level
of customization. When an instance of such process
is instantiated, a complete process model is specified
by the domain expert, where the set of loosely-
coupled activities is given an execution plan
according to instance-specific conditions, possibly
some invariant process constraints, and their
expertise. We shall refer to such approaches as
instance adaptation.
We believe that current BPM solutions only
provide limited capability for instance adaptation.
Lu R. and Sadiq S. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 416-421
DOI: 10.5220/0002400304160421
Techniques are required where part of the modelling
effort is transferred to domain experts who make
design decisions at runtime.
At the same time, instance adaptation also
imposes new problems and challenges on existing
techniques for process diagnosis activities. During
instance adaptation, the process model of each
process instance may be uniquely designed. An
executed process instance reflects a variant of
realising the same process goals, and is called a
process variant. One of many challenging problems
is how to avail the knowledge from a diversity of
process variants as an information resource. This can
be considered as a particular area of process
Process discovery often refers to so-called best
practices, or the best way to perform a particular
type of business process (O'Leary & Selfridge,
2000). The measures of best practices are manifold.
For example, from the resource utilization
perspective, a process variant is regarded as the best
practice if the least number of performers are
required. While in some other perspective, the
process model with the largest number of instances
can be the best since it is the most trusted. These
measures correspond to business metrics (Casati,
2005). The way to capture, manage and diffuse
knowledge associated with the best practices can be
found in many knowledge-based systems.
The contribution of this paper is to present a
reference architecture that is in accordance with
these new demands, for the retainment and retrieval
of process variants from a flexible business process
modelling and execution framework that supports
instance adaptation.
The rest of this paper is as follows. Section 2
presents a brief overview on the proposed
framework supporting instance adaptation and
process discovery. In section 3, a reference
architecture for managing process variants is
introduced, and its major components and
functionality are presented in section 4. The related
work is reviewed in section 5, followed by the
conclusion in section 6.
We utilize a framework for business process
modelling and execution that attempts to achieve the
balance between flexibility and control (Lu et al,
2006a). The framework consists of two major
components: (1) A constraint-based process
modelling approach, called Business Process
Constraint Network (BPCN); and (2) a repository
for case specific process models, called Process
Variant Repository (PVR).
In BPCN, business process requirements are
extracted and transformed into a minimal set of
process constraints, which are represented in a way
that is readable by human and supporting analysis
and validation for correctness. Instance adaptation
takes place when a customised process model for
process instance is constructed (or completed) at
runtime (Lu et al, 2006a). The BPCN execution
environment allows for the generation of potentially
a large number of customized process variants.
Figure 1 shows the process models of four different
process variants, all of which satisfies the same set
of process constraints, namely, task T1 must perform
before tasks T2, T5 and T6.
Figure 1: Examples for process models of process variants
satisfying the same process constraints.
Although all these process variants achieve the
same process goals, they may vary significantly in
many aspects, such as process models and resource
allocation patterns. It is important to note that the
way that domain experts reason about the situation
during process modelling cannot be truly
reconstructed using computational techniques.
In our approach, the purpose of PVR is to
capture, structure and subsequently extract the
decisions that led to a particular design as far as
possible. These design decisions are embedded in
various process properties e.g., process data values.
Over time, the repository can build into an immense
corporate resource.
In the meantime, there are various occasions
when precedents of process variants need to be
retrieved. For example, during instance adaptation,
domain experts may refer to a list of past process
variants sharing common properties similar to
current situation. Using appropriate analysis
techniques, a collection of sufficiently similar
process variants can be generalized as the
preferred/successful work practice, and consequently
lead to process improvement/evolution. The retrieval
process in PVR according to a user specified
requirement is supported.
PVR provides a well-formed structure to store past
process designs, as well as an instrument to utilize
process variants as an information resource. The
retainment of executed process variants in the
repository and the subsequent retrieval of preferred
process variants are the two major functions of PVR.
Figure 2 presents an overview of the PVR
reference architecture. In what follows, we present
an overview of various functions to manage PVR in
stepwise order (as annotated in Figure 2). The first
three steps correspond to the retainment process,
while steps 4 – 6 correspond to the retrieval process.
Step1: An executed process variant is received
from BPCN through the interface between PVR and
BPCN. The process variant is to be retained in the
repository according to the schema in PVR, and is
referred to as a case of the business process. A set of
features are extracted from the case in order to
formulate a formal case description that can identify
the new case (cf. Section 4). It is possible for a set of
similar cases to share the same description.
Step2: The feature index is updated according to
the description of the new case. The feature index in
PVR (Lu et al, 2006b) is an organised structure of
case descriptions, and is maintained by the index
management component.
Step3: The new case is stored in the repository.
This step builds the PVR population and with time is
expected to build into a valuable corporate resource.
Step4: At a later time, a query is formulated to
specify the case retrieval requirement. A query
expresses user requirements in terms of case
features. A query may represent a partial or
complete description for a case, or multiple cases
sharing same description. The query requirement is
formulated with the help of the query processing
Step5: Case descriptions are searched utilizing the
feature index to find matching cases according to
query requirements. The goal is to return a set of
sufficiently similar cases. Similarity between case
descriptions and the query requirements is
determined by a predefined similarity measure (cf.
Section 4).
Figure 2: Reference Architecture for PVR.
Step6: The initial matching cases are retrieved
from the repository, and the best matches are
selected from the set of initial matches according to
the degree of similarity compared to the query case,
called the similarity score. The further selection
process involves a more detail comparison, e.g.,
comparing the process model of a case against the
query process model (if query requirements contain
structural features).
At any time, the repository may be queried for
precedents under specified criteria. In this section,
we discuss the major components and functionality
of the PVR reference architecture that support the
above requirements.
Case Schema
A process variant is a complex object containing
various design and executional properties. The case
schema defines the structure and data content
according to which process variants are stored. In
PVR, a feature is an attribute-value pair used to
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
describe the property of a case. Dimension refers to
the attribute part of the feature. We have identified
the following dimensions of features that the schema
should cover:
Structural dimension contains the customized
process model (typically graphical), which is
customized for the process variant during instance
Behavioural dimension contains execution
properties of the process variant, such as temporal
properties of tasks involved in the process
execution, the performers and their roles of
process tasks, and the values of process-relevant
data for the variant;
Contextual dimension contains descriptive
information (annotations) from the process
modeller about the reasoning behind the design of
a particular process variant, its goals and
intentions. There is evidence that semantic
technologies (description logic, ontologies etc.)
may assist in the formalization of the contextual
Feature Index
In PVR, the structured collection of case
descriptions reflects the concretized knowledge that
led to the designs of different cases during instance
adaptation. The feature index is used to differentiate
different cases. Furthermore, as the number of cases
can be potentially very large, the index also
facilitates effective case retrieval in subsequence.
Figure 3: PVR feature index structure.
PVR uses a three-layer hierarchy to manage the
feature index, as illustrated in Figure 3. The set of
unique features collected from all retained cases are
on the top layer, where each feature points to one or
more case descriptions. A case description contains
a minimal list of features required to identify a
particular case, which typically covers all three
dimensions. A case description points to one or more
cases, where a case is the collection of all required
features of a process variant according to the case
The process of inserting new cases and adjusting
the index structure constitutes the repository update
approach. PVR update determines the way the case
is indexed by extracting features from the case and
computing the index values. The description of the
new case is prepared by extracting relative
information form the process variant according to a
preference list of features designed by domain
experts, which covers the three dimensions of
features. A detail presentation of the feature index
management approach can be found in (Lu et al,
Query Formulation
Query is the interface between users and PVR,
through which a wide range of search criteria for
case retrieval is specified. Examples can be features
in behavioural and contextual dimensions such as to
find all cases with execution duration of not more
than 3 days, or performers of the role senior
management were involved. Such queries can mostly
be satisfied using well established techniques. We
are specifically interested in providing a facility to
find process variants for queries that provide
complex (structural) criteria. For example, find all
case in which activities T2 was performed
immediately after T1, and T3 was performed in
parallel with T1 and T2 (cf. Figure 4(b)).
Figure 4: Queries containing (a) a complete process model
and (b) (c) partial process models.
Furthermore, a hybrid of features in different
dimensions (or so-called multi-aspect queries) also
can be provided, e.g., find all cases where activities
T1, T2 and T3 were performed by a senior
management role in sequence, and finished
execution within 1 - 2 days. The issue here is how to
characterize the structural features of process
variants such that queries that require searching the
repository on the structural aspect can be efficiently
satisfied. The structural features of the query can
resemble a complete process model (cf. Figure 4(a)),
which specifies the exact structure required for the
cases to be retrieved; or a partial process model (cf.
Figure 4(b), (c)), which contains a fragment of the
process model characterizing the desired structural
properties to be retrieved.
Case Similarity
An essential concept for case management is the
similarity measure for the cases to be compared,
i.e., how to determine the degree of match between
two cases, or between a case in repository and a
desired case described in a query. The similarity
measure provides quantitative measurement to
calculate how similar two cases are.
Recall that each case is characterised by a
selection of features in its case description,
representing the factors that lead to the design of
particular process variant. As a result, the case
matching problem is transferred into the comparison
of case features in each dimension. However,
different types of features (in different dimensions)
generally have specific semantics, the similarity
measure for each dimension is thus to be defined
separately with respect to its semantic
appropriateness. The overall approach is:
Define the similarity measure for each feature
type in every dimension, i.e., for each type of
feature, define a function which takes as input a
pair of features to be compared, and outputs a
similarity score between 0 (dissimilar) and 1
(complete match);
Calculate the overall similarity by aggregating the
similarity score from each dimension. A weighted
approach can be used if some dimension is
prioritized by assigning a higher weight than the
Consider comparing features in structural
dimension as an example. If the process model in
Figure 4(a) (referred to as 4(a)) is to be compared
with those in Figure 1. 1(a) is the most similar to
4(a) since in 1(a) all structural constraints between
the tasks in 4(a) are preserved and thus having the
highest similarity score. 1(a) is said to be
subsuming 4(a) since it contains more tasks than
4(a). If it is not required to have the same set of tasks
in both models, the structural similarity score is 1
between 1(a) and 4(a). In addition, 1(a) is called a
complete match to 4(a).
On the other hand, 1(b) is a partial match to
4(a) for partially preserving process constraints
between the tasks in 4(a). To elaborate further, in
4(a), tasks T2 and T3 are in parallel branches and
can be executed in any order. While in 1(b), T3 can
only be executed after T2. As a result, 1(b) is a more
restrictive model than 4(a), which excludes certain
execution possibilities from 4(a), and hence is less
similar to 4(a) than 1(a). For the same reason, 1(d) is
a partial match to 4(a) and the similarity rank to 4(a)
is lower than 1(b) since there is only one execution
possibility in 1(d). Notably however, 1(c) is also a
partial match to 4(a) but does not preserve the
structural constraint between tasks T1, T2, T3 and
T4, while containing extra execution possibilities.
Specifically, we have developed a methodology
(Lu & Sadiq, 2006) for comparing both exact and
partial matching cases based on complex control
flow features, where a similarity function has been
defined to produce the similarity score between 0
and 1.
Case Retrieval
In our framework, a progressive refinement
approach is used for case retrieval (Steps 4 - 6 in
Figure 2 is repeated). Given a query of case features
(typically in multi-aspect queries), the retrieval
process starts with searching for matching cases by
using a subset of required features (e.g., structural
features). Relevant features in the feature index are
searched and compared with the query features, and
a set of initial matching cases is retrieved from the
repository including complete and partial match
cases, as directed by the feature index. For partial
match cases, we use a ranking mechanism to provide
a quantitative measure for the similarity. A
predefined threshold value by domain expert is used
to filter the best matches (e.g., similarity score
0.75). A more restrictive search is then performed,
where the query case and the best matches from the
set of initial match cases are further compared with
the remaining query features. This process can be
repeated until the preferred case is selected. PVR
users can be involved in this process, which is to
decide which features to be used as comparison and
in what order.
We take the structural matching as an example to
illustrate the retrieval process. Suppose a given
query contains the structural features in Figure 4(c)
and requires to retrieve exact matching cases (i.e.,
threshold value = 1.0). A set of cases, in which the
process models contain tasks T1, T4, T5 and T6 are
first retrieved. Cases containing process model 1(d)
(cf. Figure 1) are complete matches to the query case
and are retrieved for further comparison, since
process model 1(d) subsumes 4(c). Cases contain
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
process models 1(a), 1(b) or 1(c) are partial matches
to the query case and hence not to be retrieved.
Business process analysis (BPA) involves
monitoring and analysis of process execution
patterns and performance. Process mining (van der
Aalst, 2003a) is one such approach, which is to
diagnose operational processes by extracting
information from process execution logs. The
proposed PVR reference architecture is different
from process mining approach, with emphasis on
supporting knowledge acquisition and process
discovery in BPM. In particular, it targets the reuse
of past instances of process execution to achieve
new operational goals in similar situations.
Some approaches in existing literature such as
Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) can be relevant to
address the challenges in PVR management that we
have found to link closely to our problem. There are
a number of recent proposals for process
management approaches based on CBR techniques
(Madhusudan et al, 2004; Weber et al, 2005), which
have demonstrated the possibilities to apply CBR
techniques to achieve certain BPM goals.
Variations in work practice often represent the
competitive differentiation within enterprise
operations. In this paper, we have argued for the
value of variants in BPM platforms. We have
presented a reference architecture as a foundation for
designing and implementing a process variant
repository (PVR) that addresses advanced
requirements for instance adaptation, process
redesign and post-execution analysis. The presented
components in PVR provide effective means of
searching and matching process variants against a
given query, and generate result sets that can be
conveniently ranked. The results of the proposed
reference architecture can provide deep insights into
ongoing work practices, identify areas of process
improvement, and contribute to systematic and well-
informed process evolution.
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