Original 20% Original 40% Original 50% Original 30%
Image Compression Image Compression Image Compression Image Compression
Figure 4: Examples of Optimum DCT compression results obtained using the trained neural network.
accuracy rate (using OCD=1), and 100% recognition
rate with 78% accuracy rate (using OCD=2). Figure
4 shows examples of the optimally compressed
images as determined by the trained neural network.
This paper proposed a novel method for optimum
image compression that uses DCT compression and
a neural network. The method suggests that a trained
supervised neural network can learn the non-linear
relationship between the intensity (pixel values) of
an image and its optimum compression ratio, and
thus can predict the optimum DCT compression
ratio of an image upon presenting the original image
to the trained neural network. The implementation of
the proposed method uses lossy DCT image
compression where the quality of the compressed
images degrades at higher compression ratios. The
aim of an optimum ratio is to combine high
compression ratio with quality compressed image.
The proposed intelligent system that is presented
within this paper was implemented using 80 images
of various objects, contrasts and intensities. The
neural network within the intelligent system learnt to
associate 40 images with their different optimum
compression ratios within 3300 seconds. Once
trained, the neural could predict the optimum
compression ratio of an image within 0.003 seconds
upon presenting the image to the network.
The trained system uses three minimum
accuracy levels which are determined depending on
the application. In this work, minimum accuracy
levels of 78% and 89% were used, where; 100% and
78% recognition rates of correct optimum
compression ratio were obtained, respectively. This
successful implementation of our proposed method
was shown throughout the high recognition rate and
the minimal time cost when running the trained
neural network.
Future work will include the development of an
intelligent optimum image compression system
using Haar and Biorthogonal wavelet transform
compressions which produce higher quality
compressed images. Additionally, the intelligent
system development will use larger image database.
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