Performance Outcomes for Manufacturing SMEs
Louis Raymond
Institut de recherche sur les PME, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, P.O. Box 500, Trois-Rivières, Canada G9A 5H7
François Bergeron
Faculté des sciences de l’administration, Université Laval, Québec, Canada G1K 7P4
Keywords: Alignment, e-business, SME, strategy, performance.
Abstract: Facing pressures from an increasingly competitive business environment, manufacturing SMEs are called
upon to implement strategies that are enabled and supported by information technologies and e-business
applications. Based on the Internet and Web technologies, these include applications such as e-
communication, e-commerce, e-business intelligence and e-collaboration. From a contingency theory
perspective, and using survey data obtained from 107 Canadian manufacturing SMEs, this study examines
the alignment of e-business development with business strategy, based on Miles and Snow’s strategic
typology. The performance outcomes of this alignment in terms of growth, productivity and financial
performance are also examined. Results indicate that the ideal e-business development profiles vary in the
relation to the firms’ strategic orientation, whether it is of the Defender, Analyzer or Prospector type.
A number of business activities such as
communicating, transacting, environmental scanning
and collaborating with other organisations are now
done through the Internet and the World-Wide-Web.
The complexity of technological choices,
implementation difficulties personnel training costs
and the continuous updating of systems demand that
organisations target their e-business activities upon
their business strategy. This issue of information
technology (IT) alignment, and consequently of the
alignment of e-business activities with the firm’s
business strategy constitutes one of the five main
problems faced by IT managers in large enterprises
(Luftman, Kempaiah and Nash, 2006).
But what about small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs), and especially in the
manufacturing sector? Is the strategic alignment of
their e-business activities as critical? Does this
alignment allow manufacturing SMEs to perform
better in terms of growth, productivity, and
profitability? The main objective of this research is
to answer this last question, through an empirical
study of 107 Canadian manufacturing SMEs.
The study’s theoretical and empirical context is
constituted by the IT alignment research founded
upon contingency theory. The notion of strategic
alignment emanates from strategic management and
organisation theory research whose fundamental
proposition is that organisational performance is a
consequence of the coherence or “fit” between two
or more factors such as strategy, structure, and
technology (Burns and Stalker, 1961). In this
perspective, coherence is a dynamic search that
seeks to align the organisation with its environment
and to organise resources internally in support of
this alignment (Miles and Snow, 1984, p. 11). Given
that strategy is the mediating force between the firm
and its environment, it constitutes in concrete
fashion the basic alignment mechanism, and the
organisational technology, Internet and Web-based
Raymond L. and Bergeron F. (2007).
STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT OF E-BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT - Performance Outcomes for Manufacturing SMEs.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 78-83
DOI: 10.5220/0002402300780083
technology here, must be compatible with this
strategy if one aims to create a significant
competitive advantage.
2.1 Business Strategy
While many definitions of business strategy can be
found in the literature, Porter’s (1980) perspective
will be adopted here, wherein strategy is constituted
by offensive and defensive actions undertaken to
counter competitive forces and thus provide the firm
with an increased return on its investment. With
regard to the business strategy, Miles and Snow
(1978) typology has been the most recognised and
widespread classification scheme for the last twenty-
five years (DeSarbo, Di Benedetto, Song and Sinha,
2005). A firm is thus classified as a Prospector to
the extent that it is innovative in introducing new
technologies and seeking new markets, as a
Defender if it is engineering-oriented and aims to
maintain its position in a relatively stable market, or
as an Analyzer if it adopts a “second but better”
orientation based on a trade-off between the
minimisation of risk and the maximisation of
business opportunities.
Being applicable
independently of the industrial sector (Hambrick,
1983), this typology has been validated and used in
numerous empirical studies, including a number
done in the context of SMEs (Aragón-Sánchez and
Sánchez-Marín, 2005; O'Regan and Ghobadian,
2.2 Strategic E-Business Development
The development of e-business in the organisation
can come in different forms. The most frequent is in
the form of “e-communication”, referring to the
promotion of the firm, its products and services,
brochureware, online catalogs, and other types of
Internet uses (including intranets and extranets) and
Web sites designed to communicate with customers
and employees (Raymond, Talbot and Vézina,
2002). The second form is “e-business intelligence”
wherein the nature and breadth of information now
available on the Internet allow the firm to scan its
technological, commercial and competitive
environment in search of ways and means to
improve its operations and decision-making, and
seek new product-market opportunities (Hill and
Scott, 2004). The third form of e-business
development, namely “e-commerce”, is of a
transactional nature, and is still rather difficult to
implement successfully, for SMEs in particular. It
concerns the buying and selling of goods and
services through the Internet and Web-based
technologies (Laudon, Laudon, Bergeron and
Gingras, 2006). Another manner in which e-business
can be applied is “e-collaboration”. It consists in
integrating and sharing, through the Internet or
extranets, information on the extended value chain
linking the firm with its upstream and downstream
business partners. This allows stakeholders within
the same industry or network organisation that share
the same objectives to collaborate in the design,
development, production and management of
products and services at different stages of their life-
cycle (Cassivi, Lefebvre, Lefebvre and Léger, 2004).
2.3 Research Model
The research model underlying the present study is
presented in Figure 1. There is reason to believe that
different forms of e-business development would be
appropriate for each type of business strategy, that
is, for Defenders, for Analyzers, and for Prospectors.
As defined by Miles and Snow (1978), many aspects
of their typology can be affected by the firm’s e-
business strategy, including the Defenders’ emphasis
on operational efficiency in terms of production and
sales costs, the Prospectors’ need for innovation in
terms of product and market development, and the
Analysers’ need for flexibility to balance both
operational efficiency and innovation.
Growth Productivity
Organisational Performance
e-Commer ce
e-Business Intelligence
e-Collabor at ion
Siz e o f th e SM E
ali gnment
Analy zer
S trategic O rientation
Profitabilit y
Figure 1: Research model on the strategic alignment of e-
business development in manufacturing SMEs.
Manufacturing SMEs whose business and e-business
strategies are aligned should be less vulnerable to
changes in their business environment and to
internal inefficiencies. They should also perform
better as Internet and Web-based technologies
provide the systems and support the processes
required to successfully implement their business
strategy, focused on the development of networks,
products and markets.
In line with previous research results on the
strategic alignment of IT (Croteau and Bergeron,
2001; Sabherwal and Chan, 2001; Bergeron,
Raymond and Rivard, 2004), one can surmise that a
high level of alignment between the manufacturing
SME’s e-business development and its business
strategy demonstrates that the use of Internet and
Web-based technologies and applications is targeted
on its competitive needs an its strategic priorities,
and thus allows it to increase its performance. Thus
the following research proposition:
P: Greater alignment of e-business development
with business strategy is associated to greater
Note that with regard to organisational
performance, the research model includes two
proximal indicators, that is, growth and productivity,
directly related to the e-business development
objectives, and one distal indicator, that is,
profitability. And whereas organisational size can
play a potentially determining role in the e-business
development and the performance of manufacturing
SMEs (Sadowski, Maitland and Van Dongen, 2002;
Yang, Yang and Wu, 2005), this factor will be
included as a control variable in the research model,
the underlying hypothesis being that size will have a
moderating effect on the relationship between e-
business alignment and performance.
Inferred from the attributes of Miles and
Snow’s typology and the implications of this
typology for the development of e-business in
manufacturing SMEs, the ideal e-business alignment
profiles for Defenders, Analyzers and Prospectors
are presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Ideal e-business development profile for each
type of business strategy.
Bus. Strategy
e-Business Dev.
Defender Analyzer Prospector
e-Bus. intellig.
The data used in the study were obtained from a
database created by a university research centre that
contains information on more than 350
manufacturing SMEs located in the province of
Quebec, Canada. With the collaboration of a 800-
member industry association to which most of these
firms belong, the database was created by having the
SMEs' chief executive and functional executives
such as the controller, human resources manager,
and production manager fill out a questionnaire to
provide data on the practices and results of their
firm. In exchange for these data, the firms are
provided with a complete comparative diagnostic of
their overall situation in terms of performance and
vulnerability. Anonymity of the questionnaire data
and resulting diagnostic is preserved by the industry
association, which assigns an identification code to
each firm. Out of these firms, 107 came back for a
second diagnostic a year later and were then
questioned about their use of the Internet and the
Web. Questionnaire data, including sales and export
data, were also updated to reflect changes in the last
year. Annual sales of the sampled organizations
range from 1.4 M$ (Can.) to 55 M$, with a median
of 7.6 M. Approximately 40 % are small (SEs: 19-
49 employees), whereas the rest are medium-sized
(MEs: 50 - 336 employees), the median number of
employees being 60. Over fifteen industrial sectors
are present, including metal products, wood, plastics
and rubber, electrical products, food and beverages,
and machinery.
A previously validated self-classification
approach (James and Hatten, 1995; O'Regan and
Ghobadian, 2005) was used to identify the firm as
either, a Prospector, a Defender or an Analyzer. The
measure of e-business development was based upon
a list of business activities for which the Internet
(including intranets and extranets) and the Web are
used by the SME. The classification of these
activities refers to the various levels of e-business
development observed in previous studies (Raymond
and Bergeron, 1996; Kula and Tatoglu, 2003; Levy
and Powell, 2003; Xu, Zhu and Gibbs, 2004), as
adapted for the manufacturing SME sector.
Organisational performance is assessed from
growth, productivity and profitability indicators
commonly employed in strategic management
Alignment is hence conceptualised and measured
from a “profile deviation” perspective
(Venkatraman, 1989), that is, the less Defenders,
Analyzers and Prospectors deviate from their ideal
e-business development profile (Table 1), better will
be their performance. Following the method used by
Sabherwal and Chan (2001), values of 1 and 0 are
assigned as ideal values (yes and no), the measure of
alignment being calculated from the euclidean
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
distance between the firm’s actual strategic profile
and its ideal profile, for each type of business
All of the sampled manufacturing SMEs use
Internet-based technologies to develop e-
communication internally and/or with their present
and potential customers. A good proportion of firms
(77 %) have also developed e-business intelligence
activities, using the Web to scan the commercial
environment and/or prospect for new markets.
However, much less SMEs (35 %) have developed
e-business applications to sell their products. Even
less practice e-collaboration (30 %) by using the
Internet to interact in R&D with their business
partners in order to develop new products. As to
their business strategy, 51 firms were classified as
Prospectors (47.7 %), 35 as Analyzers (32.7 %) and
21 as Defenders (19.6). Analysis of variance results
presented in Table 2 also indicate that these three
groups do not differ with respect to their
development of e-business, that is, in terms of their
developing e-communication, e-business
intelligence, e-commerce and e-collaboration.
Moreover, conforming to Miles et Snow’s (1978)
initial assertion, none of the three types of business
strategy is associated better performances.
Table 2: Breakdown of e-business development, size and
performance by type of business strategy (n=107).
Strategy Type Defend.
e-Bus. Dev.
e-Bus. intellig.
Org. Size
all F-values (one-way ANOVA) are non significant (p > 0.5)
attainment of this development level (1:yes, 0: no)
number of employees
average growth rate for the last 3 years
gross margin / number of production employees
margin = net profit / sales
There is thus no direct link between a firm’s
strategic orientation and its level of e-business
development, in conformity with the contingency
argument that underlies the research model. This
argument implies that is neither the business strategy
nor the development of e-business as such that
affects performance but rather their alignment, there
being thus no “one best way” in matters of e-
Results pertaining to the research proposition are
presented in Table 3, that is, product-moment
(Pearson) coefficients of correlation between
strategic alignment, measured for each SME by the
gap between its actual and ideal e-business
development profiles, and the three dimensions of
organisational performance, namely growth,
productivity and profitability. Partial correlations are
presented, i.e. controlling for the potential effect of
size as proposed in the research model, for the
sample as a whole (P) as well as for each type of
business strategy.
These results confirm the basic proposition of
this research to the effect that a greater strategic
alignment of e-business is associated to a better
performance of manufacturing SMEs, whatever their
strategic orientation, to the extent that this is true for
these firms’ productivity (r = 0.18, p < 0.05) and
profitability (r = 0.13, p < 0.1), but not for their
growth (r = 0.04). One can also ascertain if the
proposition holds within each type of business
strategy. Returning to Table 3, one sees that for
Defenders, e-business alignment is highly associated
to growth (r = 0.52, p < 0.01) and to profitability (r =
0.35, p < 0.05) but not to productivity (r = 0.03).
Moreover, e-business alignment is associated only to
profitability for Analyzers (r = 0.27, p < 0.1)
whereas it is only associated to productivity for
Prospectors (r = 0.33, p < 0.05).
Table 3: Correlation of strategic alignment with
p < 0.1 *: p < 0.05 **: p < 0.01
controlling for Organisational Size
From a “resource-based view” (Barney, 1991), it
is worth noting that e-business alignment seems to
“compensate” for the potential weaknesses of
manufacturing SMEs with regard to their strategic
orientation. This alignment is in fact associated to
growth for Defenders, whereas these firms rather
aim for productivity and profitability, to productivity
for Prospectors that rather aim for growth, and to
profitability for Analyzers that rather aim for a
dynamic equilibrium between growth and
A number of contributions and implications of this
research can be found. Firstly, this is one of the first
studies to have rigorously conceptualised and
measured e-business alignment in order to confirm
the theoretical validity and practical utility of this
notion and of the strategic contingency approach in
the study of e-business, contrary to the universalistic
approach founded on “best practices” notion.
Without the alignment notion, no direct link can
be demonstrated between the business strategy and
the type of e-business application. Here, it is the
combination of the different forms of e-business that
makes the difference. This combination, i.e. the
manufacturing SME’s e-business development
“profile”, is critical to its organisational
performance. A Defender should thus develop e-
communication and e-commerce. An Analyzer
should develop e-communication, e-commerce, and
e-business intelligence. And a Prospector should
develop e-communication, e-commerce, e-business
intelligence, and e-collaboration. One must note that
for the Defenders studied here, this ideal profile does
not conform to the e-business applications actually
implemented, as these firms favour e-business
intelligence (90 %) more than Analyzers (74 %) and
Prospectors (73 %), whereas it is e-commerce that is
rather meant to allow Defenders to improve their
performance. In other words, these SMEs wrongly
invest in e-business intelligence and would be better
to implement e-commerce applications.
This study cast some doubt on notions of “tried-
and-true” in matters of e-business, often linked to
the experience of practitioners. A purely descriptive
approach would have in effect demonstrated that the
most frequent types of e-business in manufacturing
SMEs are, in order: e-communication, e-business
intelligence, e-commerce and lastly e-collaboration.
Consequently, one could have prescribed that these
firms implement e-business applications in this order
to “follow the trend”, which would have been a first
error. Such an approach would have also
demonstrated that apart from e-communication, e-
business intelligence is the form of e-business that is
the most important for Defenders. Thus prescribing
to the latter that they give priority to e-business
intelligence would have been a second error. Now
one can realise that the strategic alignment
perspective clarifies the relationship between the
various forms of e-business and organisational
performance and, as the same time, uncovers results
that contradict initial descriptive findings.
These results also allow us to emphasize the
nature rather than the value of the SMEs’
technological investment, given that certain forms of
e-business would be more appropriate than others
for certain firms in relation to their strategic
orientation. For example, Defenders would have the
most to gain by implementing a transactional Web
site (e-commerce), given the positive impact this
would have on their financial performance, whereas
Prospectors would benefit more from Web-based
environmental scanning (e-business intelligence) in
terms of their productivity. From an institutional
point of view, technological imitation would only be
valid to the extent that the firm shares the same
strategic orientation with the competitor it is trying
to imitate.
Having examined the complex relationship
between strategic alignment and performance, we
have confirmed the existence of many associations,
a number of which depend upon the firm’s strategic
orientation or business strategy. For example, a
positive association was found between alignment
and productivity for Prospectors but not for
Defenders and Analyzers. Similarly, a positive
association between alignment and growth was
found only for Defenders. This implies that strategic
alignment can not I turn be prescribed in an
universalistic fashion. In particular, the size of the
firm must be taken into account, as e-business
alignment was found to be rather more important for
small enterprises than for medium-sized ones.
The level of e-business assimilation is also
relevant. For owner-managers of manufacturing
SMEs wanting or needing to increase their
organisation’s flexibility, to lower costs, to increase
systems integration, to improve product quality and
to strengthen innovation capabilities, the results of
this study may lead to an examination of their firm’s
level of e-business assimilation, this being done in
conjunction with their strategic intent. Identifying
the extent to which various forms of e-business have
been developed and assimilated is essential to
determine if these are aligned with the strategic
objectives and competitive environment of the
manufacturing SME. For example, this would help
in answering a question that is now posed to a
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
number of manufacturing SMEs under pressure from
competition that is now global and from large prime
contractors in particular, that is, if they must
participate in e-markets and in what form.
The authors would like to thank the Canada
Research Chairs Program for its financial support of
this research.
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