Sergio Sayago and Josep Blat
Interactive Technologies Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain)
Keywords: Young elderly people, word-processing functionalities, design of questionnaires, usability evaluation.
Abstract: This short paper addresses two key questions about evaluating the usability of word-processing
functionalities with the young elderly: (i) which factor (difficulties understanding the terminology,
remembering the steps and using the mouse) is the most strongly correlated with the overall usability of
some word-processing functionalities?; (ii) when designing a valid usability questionnaire for the elderly, do
we need to adapt standard Likert scales? Both questions are answered after running a two-hour MS Word
session at an adult school with five elderly people with experience with computers. The preliminary results
point out that difficulties remembering the steps and using the mouse have a strong relationship with the
overall usability of the word-processing functionalities evaluated. The responses elicited from elderly
people are mostly dependent on the visual arrangement (vertical, horizontal) of standard Likert scales. The
elderly draw firmly on everyday scales to answer questionnaires. Nevertheless, Likert and everyday scales
differ in significant ways. In everyday scales, the elements tend to be arranged vertically. In addition, top
elements are usually regarded as the best or most expensive, interesting, etc. These differences turned out to
have a strong impact on questionnaire’s validity and the adaptation strategy to cope effectively with them.
Replacing numbers with adjectives is an effective design solution because adjectives seem to be easier to
understand than numbers for the elderly.
According to surveys carried out in the UK and
Spain ((Goodman et al., 2002), (Larra, 2004)), the
elderly use word-processing applications a lot. Some
studies have looked into training older people to use
word-processing functionalities (Czaja, S. J. and
Lee, C., 2003). Nevertheless, our literature review
and work reveal that usability evaluations of word-
processing functionalities with older people have
received scant attention to date, despite being a key
aspect to make them more accessible to the growing
older population.
The study presented in this short paper is aimed
at addressing two key questions about evaluating the
usability of word-processing functionalities with
older people:
1. Which factor (difficulties understanding the
terminology, using the mouse and remembering
the steps) is the most strongly correlated with the
overall usability of some word-processing
Difficulties understanding the terminology, using
the mouse and remembering the steps to carry out
computer tasks are frequently agreed as accessibility
barriers faced by the elderly. Nevertheless,
comprehensible terminology, minimum cognitive
load and a reduced number of errors are desirable
features of usable interfaces for all (Nielsen, 1993).
2. When designing a valid usability questionnaire
for the young elderly, do we need to adapt
standard Likert scales?
Questionnaires are a widely used method to elicit
information from people. Current research shows
that questionnaires need to be adapted when
administered to older people. ((Schwarz and
Knäuper, 2000, Schwarz, 2003)) point out that
effects of question order decreases with age whereas
response order effect increases with age. This is in
part due to the fact that answering questionnaires is a
cognitive process, which tend to decline when
people get older ((Park and Schwarz, 2000)). It has
also been found that elderly people tend to select
Sayago S. and Blat J. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 328-331
DOI: 10.5220/0002403803280331
“don’t know” responses more often than young
people. Older people are said to be very cautious and
do not draw on contextual information (preceding
questions), unlike young and middle-aged people. In
spite of these efforts, very little research has been
done on Likert scales. Nevertheless, they are
frequently used in standard usability questionnaires
(e.g.; QUIS) and exploring the requirement of
adaptation is therefore worthwhile.
This study was carried out during an ICT course at
La Verneda, an adult school in Barcelona (Spain).
Elderly people running ICT courses asked us to
organize a MS Word session. They often use MS
Word in their teaching activities at the school.
Through contextual interviews carried out at the
school, we found out that they use MS Word mostly
to deal with lists of participants (students) and create
user manuals. Hence, we aimed to focus the MS
Word session on these aspects. The following word-
processing functionalities were evaluated after a
two-hour hands-on session where the participants
were asked to create a user manual about “how to
copy a text from a web page to a Word document”, a
frequent task carried out in the courses at La
Verneda: (i) creating a table of contents; (ii) saving a
word document as an HTML file; (iii) adding
headings and footnotes; (iv) inserting a cross-
reference and (v) sorting a list of students in
alphabetical order.
Five elderly men ranging in age from 64 to 75
and with experience with computers participated in
the study. Although this number of users is very
small to draw significant conclusions, five users is
somehow suggested as a baseline (Nielsen, 1993) in
order to identify potential usability problems, which
will need to be validated with more users. The
participants had been organizing and running ICT
courses for the older population at La Verneda for
more than 5 years. In addition, they used a wide
range of computer applications such as e-mail and
MS Word on a daily basis.
An evaluation questionnaire was designed to
elicit feedback from the participants on the usability
of the word-processing functionalities. The
questionnaire was divided into five sections (one
section per scenario or task). Qualitative analysis is
based on observation-notes taken during the session.
In order to identify errors in the formulation of
questions and responses (i.e. standard Likert scales)
in the questionnaire, a pilot evaluation inspired by
cognitive interviewing laboratory techniques was
carried out. 7 users participated in this test, 5 elderly
adults (2 women; 3 men) and 2 middle-aged people
(1 woman; 1 man). None of them took part in the
usability evaluation. All the participants were asked
to fill in the pilot questionnaire individually and
paraphrase (i.e.; to put it into another way) those
questions and responses which were difficult for
them to understand. Afterwards, they were
interviewed individually in order to gather their
feedback (e.g.; is there any question did you find
difficult to understand?) and to probe their
understanding of both questions and responses (e.g.;
what do you think this question means?).
The results pointed out that the elderly
participants had difficulties understanding the
meaning of standard Likert scales. Although we still
do not have a full reason for it, they associated 1
with “the best” and 5 with “the worst” independently
of the adjectives used in the Likert scales. In the
interviews they explained to us that they rely on life
experience a lot in order to answer questionnaires.
Nevertheless, everyday and Likert scales differ in
several ways. In everyday scales, such as the
‘Spanish National football league’ or ‘the top ten
richest women’, the elements are usually arranged
vertically. In addition, the top elements are usually
regarded as the best or the most. These two factors
turned out to be key differences as compared to
standard Likert scales.
In order to test the impact of these differences on
the validity of the responses elicited, a second pilot
questionnaire was designed and evaluated with the
same users. The questions and responses were the
same in both questionnaires. But the responses were
arranged vertically in the second. This has a strong
effect on the validity of the results: different
responses were elicited from the elderly users. For
the same question, they selected the number “1” in
the first questionnaire (horizontal scale) and the
number “5” in the second (vertical scale).
Nevertheless, our post-interviews revealed that they
aimed to give the same answer in both
With the aim of overcoming validity concerns
we had two alternatives: (i) to replace horizontal
with vertical scales; (ii) to replace numbers with
adjectives. Although both alternatives were brought
up by our users during the post-interviews, all of
them expressed a strong preference towards the
latter. They insisted on the fact that adjectives are
easier to understand than numbers. The following
extract is taken from one of the interviews:
’difficult’ always means difficult. However, the
number 5 can mean different things”.
In light of their preference towards adjectives,
we decided to replace numbers with adjectives in the
Likert scales used in the final version of the
questionnaire. It was evaluated again with the same
users and the responses elicited from both middle-
aged and elderly adults were valid (each user was
interviewed individually - after they had completed
filling in the questionnaire - to confirm their
Instruments’ consistency and validity are noteworthy
concerns of both usability studies and experimental
designs. We calculated Cronbach’s coefficient,
frequently used to measure questionnaires’
reliability, for each of the five scenarios. The
Cronbach’s coefficients ranged from .77 to 1, and
averaged .86. As reviewed in (Black, 1999), .86
indicates a high level of internal consistency. With
respect to validity, we took the evaluation carried
out in (Lin et al., 1997) as a model and tested the
hypothesis that “the questionnaire scores show low
levels of usability (high scores) when a lot of help is
required by the users”. This hypothesis was
confirmed (p<.03).
It could be thought that the amount of help
provided to our users is not a relevant criterion to
assess the validity of questionnaires. Elderly people
can raise very different types of questions, such as
“I’d like to know more about”, which might not
necessarily ask for help. Nevertheless, we took
advantage of our presence in the session and we only
considered in the analysis those questions in which
the participants asked us to support them in carrying
out the word-processing functionalities.
Next we present the most salient results of the
usability test. The Pearson-moment correlation
coefficient was calculated for each factor
(difficulties using the mouse, remembering the steps
and understanding the terminology). As stated in the
previous section, numbers were replaced by
adjectives in the Likert scales of the final usability
questionnaire. Nevertheless, for analysis purposes all
the adjectives were mapped to numbers. The values
range from 1 (e.g.; very easy) to 5 (e.g.; very
4.1 Creating a Table of Contents
On average, creating a table of contents is a difficult
task (M=2.8; SD=.83). Even though our users had
problems using the mouse (M=3.2; SD=.83),
difficulties in remembering the steps to create a table
of contents shows the highest correlation coefficient
=.87) with the overall usability of this task. Our
field notes show that all the participants had to
repeat the procedure several times (three or four
times) until they finally got to remember it.
Nevertheless, this strong relationship is not
statistically significant (p>.1). The terminology was
easy to understand (M=2.2; SD=.44).
4.2 Saving a Word Document as an
On average, saving a Word document as an HTML
file is an easy task (M=2.2; SD=.44). There is a
perfect positive correlation (r
=1) between
difficulties remembering the steps to carry out this
task and its overall usability. This finding indicates
that the more steps to save a Word document as an
HTML file, the more difficult for the elderly this
task is. It is worth noting difficulties in remembering
the steps are rated as the most difficult factor
(M=2.2; SD=.89). According to our observation-
based notes, most of the problems experienced by
the participants were brought about by the fact that
the HTML option in the “Save As” dialog rendered
invisible to them. Hence, they had difficulties in
remembering where to click on.
4.3 Creating Headings and Footnotes
On average, creating headings and footnotes is an
easy task (M=2.2; SD=.83). Although all the factors
analysed were equally rated (M=2), there is a
significant relationship between difficulties using the
mouse and the overall usability of this task
=.97; t(3)=7.74; p<.01). This finding suggests
that the more steps/clicks to create headings and
footnotes, the more difficult for the elderly this task
is. The field notes show that all the participants had
problems in scrolling down and up. This was
primarily due to precision using the mouse, which
the participants lacked despite having experience
with computers.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
4.4 Creating Cross-references
On average, this task is neither easy nor difficult
(M=2.6; SD=.54). Nevertheless, the users had
serious difficulties in all the factors analysed (M>3).
Difficulties using the mouse and the overall usability
of this task are significantly correlated (r
t(3)=3.87; p<.05). This finding indicates that the
more steps/clicks to create cross-references, the
more difficult for the young elderly this task is.
However, it is worth noting that difficulties using the
mouse were rated as the most difficult factor (M=3;
4.5 Sorting a List in Alphabetical
On average, sorting a list in alphabetical order is a
very easy task (M=1.4; SD=.89). All the factors
analysed were rated as easy as well. Nevertheless,
only difficulties in understanding the terminology
and the overall usability of this task are perfectly
correlated (r
=1). This finding indicates that the
easier to understand the terminology, the easier for
the elderly to carry out this task is. Indeed, our field
notes show that all the participants suggested using
such a clear terminology in the rest of the tasks.
The preliminary results of this paper show that
standard Likert scales should be adapted to the
special needs of the elderly. It has been found out
that the responses elicited from elderly people are
mostly dependent on the visual arrangement
(vertical, horizontal) of Likert scales. The elderly
draw firmly on everyday scales in order to answer
usability questionnaires. Nevertheless, both scales
differ in significant ways. In everyday scales,
elements tend to be arranged vertically. In addition,
top elements are usually regarded as the best or the
most important, expensive, and so on. These
differences have been found to have a huge impact
on questionnaire’s validity. Replacing numbers with
adjectives in standard Likert scales has proven to be
an effective solution to cope effectively with the
requirements of the elderly.
Both difficulties remembering the steps and
using the mouse seem to play a key role in the
usability of many word-processing functionalities
for the elderly. Although correlation does not
necessarily mean causality, and usability tends to be
determined by many aspects, this finding suggests
that significant improvements in word-processing
functionalities’ usability should be achieved by
either paying special attention to or focusing only on
these aspects.
The results of this study might be difficult to
generalize due to the small number of users and
word-processing functionalities tested. Nevertheless,
we hope the results can contribute to advance the
current state-of-the-art in HCI and the elderly.
Future studies are needed to both validate and
explore in depth the preliminary results presented in
this paper. We are currently working on these issues
within our ongoing PhD thesis.
We would like to thank L’Escola d’Adults de la
Verneda-St.Martí for their support and
collaboration; especially, Ana Burgués, Ana Zafón,
MA Serrano and Elisenda Giner. We would also
want to thank the reviewers for their useful and
inspiring comments.
Black, T. R. (1999) Doing Quantitative Research in the
Social Sciences. An Integrated Approach to Research
Design, Measurement and Statistics, SAGE
Czaja, S. J. and Lee, C. C. (2003) In The Human-
Computer Interaction Handbook: Fundamentals,
Evolving Technologies and Emerging
Applications(Eds, Jacko, J. A. and Sears, A.)
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 413-428.
Goodman, J., Syme, A. and Eisma, R. (2002) In
Proceedings Volume 2 of the 16th British HCI
Larra, R. M. d. (2004) Fundación AUNA, Madrid.
Nielsen, J. (1993) Usability Engineering, Academic Press,
Park, D. and Schwarz, N. (Eds.) (2000) Cognitive Aging:
A Primer Aging, Taylor & Francis.
Schwarz, N. (2003) Journal of Consumer Research, 29,
Schwarz, N. and Knäuper, B. (2000) In Cognitive Aging:
A Primer(Eds, Park, D. and Schwarz, N.) Taylor &
Francis, pp. 233-253.