data marts must be finally merged in order to
provide the end-user/application with the extracted
knowledge. It should be noted that this is a relevant
task in our proposed framework, as very often end-
users/applications are interested in extracting useful
knowledge by means of correlated, cross-
comparative KDD tasks, rather than a singleton
KDD task, according to real-life DM scenarios.
Combining results coming from different DM
algorithms is a non-trivial research issue, as
recognized in literature. In fact, as highlighted in
Section 4.2, the output of a DM algorithm depends
on the nature of that algorithm, so that in some cases
MR coming from very different algorithms cannot
be combined directly.
, we face-off this problematic
issue by making use of OLAP technology again. We
build multidimensional views over MR provided by
execution schemes of
KDF, thus giving support to a
unifying manner of exploring and analyzing final
results. It should be noted that this approach is well-
motivated under noticing that usually end-
user/applications are interested in analyzing final
results based on a certain mining metrics provided
by KDD processes (e.g., confidence interval of
association rules, density of clusters, recall of IR-
style tasks etc), and this way-to-do is perfectly
suitable to be implemented within OLAP data cubes
where (i) data source is the output of DM algorithms
(e.g., item sets), (ii) (OLAP) dimensions are user-
selected features of the output of DM algorithms,
and (iii) (OLAP) measures are the above-mentioned
mining metrics. Furthermore, this approach also
involves in the benefit of efficiently supporting the
visualization of final results by mean of attracting
user-friendly, graphical formats/tools such as
multidimensional bars, charts, plots etc, similarly to
the functionalities supported by
DBMiner and
Multidimensional Ensembling Function
MEF is
the component of MRE-KDD
which is in charge
of supporting the above-described knowledge
presentation/delivery task. It takes as input a
collection of Q output results O = {O
, O
, …, O
provided by
KDF-formatted execution schemes and
the definition of a data mart Z, and returns as output
a data mart L, which we name as Knowledge
Visualization Data Mart (KVDM), built over data in
O according to Z. Formally,
MEF is defined as
MEF: 〈O,Z〉 → D
It is a matter to note that the KVDM L becomes
part of the set of data marts D of MRE-KDD
but, contrarily to the previous data marts, which are
used to knowledge processing purposes, it is used to
knowledge exploration/visualization purposes.
Starting from successful OLAM technologies, in this
paper we have presented MRE-KDD
, a model
for supporting advanced knowledge discovery from
large databases and data warehouses, which is useful
for any data-intensive setting.
Future work is oriented along two main
directions: (i) testing the performance of MRE-
against real-life scenarios such as those
drawn by distributed corporate data warehousing
environments in B2B and B2C e-commerce systems,
and (ii) extending the actual capabilities of MRE-
as to embed novel functionalities for
supporting prediction of events in new DM activities
edited by users/applications on the basis of the
“history” given by logs of previous KDD processes
implemented in similar or correlated application
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