Antonio Castro and Eugenio Oliveira
LIACC-NIAD&R, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, R. Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Distributed Multi-Agent Systems, Airline Operations Control, Operations Recovery, Disruption
Abstract: An airline schedule very rarely operates as planned. Problems related with aircrafts, crew members and
passengers are common and the actions towards the solution of these problems are usually known as
operations recovery or disruption management. The Airline Operations Control Center (AOCC) tries to
solve these problems with the minimum impact in the airline schedule, with the minimum cost and, at the
same time, satisfying all the required safety rules. Usually, each problem is treated separately and some
tools have been proposed to help in the decision making process of the airline coordinators. In this paper we
present the implementation of a Distributed Multi-Agent System (MAS) that represents the several roles
that exist in an AOCC. This MAS deals with several operational bases and for each type of operation
problems it has several specialized software agents that implements heuristic solutions and other solutions
based in operations research mathematic models and artificial intelligence algorithms. These specialized
agents compete to find the best solution for each problem. We present a real case study taken from an
AOCC where a crew recovery problem is solved using the MAS. Computational results using a real airline
schedule are presented, including a comparison with a solution for the same problem found by the human
operators in the Airline Operations Control Center. We show that, even in simple problems and when
comparing with solutions found by human operators in the case of this airline company, it is possible to find
valid solutions, in less time and with a smaller cost.
One of the most important concerns in an airline
company is the Operations Control. Through
operations control mechanisms the airline company
monitors all the flights checking if they follow the
schedule that was previously defined by other areas
of the company. Unfortunately, some problems arise
during this phase (Kohl and Karish, 2004). Those
problems are related with crew members (for
example, a crew member that did not report for
duty), aircrafts (for example, a malfunction or a
delay due to bad weather) and passengers. When any
of these problems appear it is necessary to find
solutions for them. The Airline Operations Control
Centre (AOCC) is composed by teams of people
specialized in solving the above problems under the
supervision of an operation control manager. Each
team has a specific goal (for example, to guarantee
that each flight has the necessary crew members)
contributing to the common and general goal of
having the airline operation running with few
problems as possible. The process of solving these
problems is known as Disruption Management
(Kohl et al., 2004) or Operations Recovery.
Based on the observations we have done on an
AOCC of a real airline company we hypothesize that
the objective of solving the operations recovery
problems with the less cost as possible, will be much
easier to achieve if we include information in the
decision process related with various costs as well as
if we take advantage of the fact that airlines usually
have different operational bases with specific
resources. Regarding crew recovery problems, we
predict that if we take into account payroll
information like hour salary and perdiem value of
each crew rank, and costs related with hotels and
extra-crew travel between the different operational
bases, the solution will be less expensive. The same
principle can be applied to aircraft recovery and
passenger recovery if we use costs related with that
domain. We also hypothesize that the use of
different algorithms to solve the same problem (in
crew and aircraft recovery) will contribute to the
Castro A. and Oliveira E. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 22-30
DOI: 10.5220/0002404100220030
robustness of the system. We predict that using
different algorithms (genetic algorithms, heuristic,
etc.) in comparison with using always the same
algorithm, to solve the same problem, will permit to
always find the best solution (according to the
criteria defined by the company) and to always find
a solution, especially taking into account the fact
that we might benefit from solutions presented by
other operational bases.
In this paper we approach this problem so that it
can be solved by a Multi-agent System (MAS) that
represents the Operational Control Center of the
airline company. We use specialized agents, each
one implementing Artificial Intelligence algorithms,
simple heuristic algorithms and/or Operations
Research mathematical models, to find the best
solution to a specific problem related with crew,
aircrafts or passengers. We expect to obtain a
considerable decrease in the costs of the solutions
for the problems found when compared with the
costs of the solutions found by the current method
used in the airline we have observed. We also expect
that the heterogeneity of the algorithms, specialized
in different types of problems, will allow to find
solutions especially for the non-trivial problems,
contributing, in this way, to the robustness of the
The rest of the paper is structure in the following
way. Section 2 presents some work of other authors
regarding operations recovery. Section 3 presents
our proposal of a MAS for airline operations
recover, including the architecture of the MAS, the
algorithm used to choose the best solution and an
example of the application of our MAS. Section 4
presents the scenario we setup to evaluate our
system as well as the results of the evaluation.
Section 5 presents the conclusion of our work.
Traditionally, the Operations Recovery Problem has
been solved through Operations Research (OR)
techniques. The paper (Barnhart et al., 2003) gives
on overview of OR applications in the air transport
industry. The literature that exists related with this
subject is usually divided according to the specific
resource to be recovered. The most common
division is by aircraft, crew and passengers.
However, it is also possible to find papers related
with more general approaches as well as related with
integrated recovery approaches. We will present
here the most recent published papers according to
(Clausen et al., 2005). We divided the papers in four
areas: general approaches, crew recovery, aircraft
recovery and integrated recovery. For a more
detailed explanation of the papers as well as for
older papers related with each of these subjects,
please consult (Clausen et al., 2005).
General Approaches
: In (Kohl et al., 2004) the
author’s reports on the experiences obtained during
the research and development of project
DESCARTES (a large scale project supported by
EU) on airline disruption management. The current
(almost manual) mode of dealing with recovery is
presented. They also present the results of the first
prototype of a multiple resource decision support
Aircraft Recovery
: The most recent paper
considering the case of aircraft recovery is dated
from 2002 (Rosenberger et al., 2001). The proposed
model addresses each aircraft type as a single
problem. They formulate the problem as a Set
Partitioning master problem and a route generating
procedure. The goal is to minimize the cost of
cancellation and retiming, and it is the responsibility
of the controllers to define the parameters
accordingly. To solve the master problem in due
time, a heuristic is used to select only a subset of
aircraft to be involved in the Set Partitioning
problem. This approach results in running times
between 6 and 16 seconds for 3 real-size problem
instances. It is included in the paper a testing using
SimAir (Rosenberger et al., 2002) simulating 500
days of operations for three fleets ranging in size
from 32 to 96 aircraft servicing 139-407 flights.
Crew Recovery
: In (Abdelgahny et al., 2004) the
flight crew recovery problem for an airline with a
hub-and-spoke (a system of air transportation in
which local airports offers air transportation to a
central airport where long-distance flights are
available) network structure is addressed. The paper
details and sub-divides the recovery problem into
four categories: misplacement problems, rest
problems, duty problems, and unassigned problems.
Based on detailed information regarding the current
plan and pool of problems, the recovery problem is
solved in steps. Several means are used for recovery,
including delaying, swapping, deadheading (extra-
crew) and the use of stand by crew. The proposed
model is an assignment model with side constraints.
Due to the stepwise approach, the proposed solution
is sub-optimal. Results are presented for a situation
from a US airline with 18 problems.
Integrated Recovery
: It is uncommon to find
literature dedicated specifically to the passenger
recovery problem. We believe the main reason for
this is the fact that the passenger problems can be
minimized if we solve the aircraft and crew
problems. However, we would like to point out a
recent paper (Bratu and Barnhart, 2006) that,
although presenting an integrated recovery
approach, has a strong emphasis on reducing
passenger arrival delays. This paper presents two
models that considers aircraft and crew recovery and
through the objective function focuses on passenger
recovery. These are based on the flight schedule
network. Although crew is incorporated into the
models they do not consider how to recover from
disrupted crews. To test the models an AOCC
simulator was developed, simulating domestic
operations of a major US airline. It involves 302
aircrafts divided into 4 fleets, 74 airports and 3 hubs.
Furthermore, 83869 passengers on 9925 different
passengers’ itineraries per day are used. Three
different scenarios with different levels of disruption
are presented. Execution times ranges from 201 to
5042 seconds. For all scenarios are generated
solutions with reductions in passenger delays and
Lettovsky’s Ph.D. thesis (Lettovsky, 1997) is the
first presentation of a truly integrated approach in
the literature, although only parts of it are
implemented. The thesis presents a linear mixed-
integer mathematical problem that maximizes total
profit to the airline while capturing availability of
the three most important resources: aircraft, crew
and passengers. The formulation has three parts
corresponding to each of the resources, that is, crew
assignment, aircraft routing and passenger flow. In a
decomposition scheme these three parts are
controlled by a master problem denominated the
Schedule Recovery Model.
Finally, we would like to point out a tool called
DART (Decision-Aided Rescheduling Tool)
(Martins and Morgado, 1996) that was developed to
control the flight operations of IBERIA (the Spanish
airline company). DART controls airline operations
by gathering real time world-wide information about
fleet and crew situation and providing decision
support for handling incidents. It covers the daily
execution of the ideal flight plan and is responsible
for tracking and solving any irregularities that might
arise during its execution. The authors claim that
DART has been able to solve some difficult
problems, proposing, in some cases, better solutions
than those proposed by the re-scheduling experts.
The paper does not present any comparative results.
3.1 General Description
As stated before we approached this problem by
developing a distributed multi-agent system (MAS)
that represents the Airline Operations Control Center
(AOCC). Some of the Agent/MAS characteristics
that make us adopt this paradigm are the following
(Wooldridge, 2002):
: MAS models problems in terms of
autonomous interacting component-agents, which
are a more natural way of representing task
allocation, team planning, and user preferences,
among others.
Distribution of resources
: With a MAS we can
distribute the computational resources and
capabilities across a network of interconnected
agents avoiding problems associated with
centralized systems.
: A MAS is extensible, scalable,
robust, maintainable, flexible and promotes reuse.
These characteristics are very important in systems
of this dimension and complexity.
A high-level graphical representation of the
MAS architecture is presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1: MAS Architecture.
The square labeled BASE A shows the part of
the MAS that is installed in each operational base of
the airline company (e.g., NYC, LHR and LAX).
Each operational base has its own resources that are
represented in the environment, for example, Crew
Roster and Aircraft Roster are databases of
schedules for the crew members and aircrafts,
respectively. Other resources represented are the
airport information system (to be able to get
information regarding boarding gates and delays),
legacy systems (to access information regarding
costs, among others) and a knowledge database for
the learning capabilities of the MAS (this
characteristic of the MAS will not be explained in
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
this paper). Each operational base has also software
agents that represent roles in the AOCC. The Crew
Recovery Agent, Aircraft Recovery Agent and Pax
Recovery Agent are dedicated to solve crew, aircraft
and passengers problems, respectively, and should
be seen as sub-organizations inside the MAS. The
Apply Solution Agent applies the solution found and
authorized in the resources of the operational base.
Finally, each operational base has a Broker Agent
that is responsible for all the interactions between
other operational bases and the Electronic Market.
The MAS also has the possibility to interact with an
electronic market of airline resources such as
aircrafts and crew members, through the Company
Broker. According to (Kohl et al., 2004) “research
on recovery operation to this date only deals with a
single airline. Cooperation between airlines is not
supported”. With this approach we try to foster the
cooperation between airlines. More information
about this electronic market can be found in
(Malucelli et al., 2006). The MAS was developed
using JADE (Bellifemine et al., 2004) as
development platform and as the run-time
environment that provides the basic services for
agents to execute. The MAS was developed based
on a previous analysis and design by Castro and
Oliveira (Castro and Oliveira, 2005).
3.2 Sub-organization Architecture
As stated before, the Crew, Aircraft and Pax
Recovery agents as presented in Figure 1 should be
seen as sub-organizations. These sub-organizations
have their own architecture with their specialized
agents. Figure 2 shows the architecture for Crew
Recovery (corresponding to the Crew Recovery
Agent in figure 1) in a UML diagram. The
architecture for Aircraft Recovery and Pax Recovery
are very similar.
Figure 2: Crew Recovery sub-organization architecture.
The agent class OpMonitor is responsible for
monitoring any crew events, for example, crew
members that did not report for duty or duties with
open positions, that is, without any crew member
assigned to a specific role on board (e.g., captain or
flight attendant). When an event is detected, the
service MonitorCrewEvents will initiate the protocol
inform-crew-event (FIPA Request) informing the
OpCrewFind agent. The message will include the
information necessary to characterize the event. This
information is passed as a serializable object of the
type CrewEvent. Figure 3 shows the attributes of the
CrewEvent class.
Figure 3: Crew Events.
The OpCrewFind agent detects the message and
will start a CFP (call for proposal) through the crew-
solution-negotiation protocol (FIPA contractNET)
requesting to the specialized agents
HeuristicAlgorithm, AlgorithmA and AlgorithmB of
any operational base of the airline company, a list of
solutions for the problem. Each agent implements a
different algorithm specific for this type of problem.
When a solution is found a serializable object of the
type CrewSolutionList is returned in the message as
an answer to the CFP. Figure 3 shows the attributes
of the CrewSolutionList class. The OpCrewFind
agent collects all the proposals received and chooses
the best one according to the algorithm in Table 1:
Table 1: Multi-criteria algorithm.
foreach item in CrewSolution list
totalDuty = monthDuty+credMins
if (totalDuty-dutyLimit) > 0
credDuty = totalDuty-dutyLimit
credDuty = 0
end if
perdiemDays = (endDateTime-dutyDateTime
perdiemPay = perdiemDays*perdiemValue
dutyPay = credDuty*(hourSalaryValue/60)
cost = (dutyPay+perdiemPay)*baseFactor
end foreach
order all items by cost desc
select first item on the list
The algorithm in Table 1 is implemented in the
service SendCrewSolution and produces a list
ordered by the cost (a multi-criteria cost) that each
solution represents. Table 2 explains each of the
computed values in the algorithm in Table 1.
Table 2: Computed values.
Monthly duty minutes of the proposed
crew member after assigning the new duty
Number of minutes to be paid case the
crew member exceeds the monthly duty
dutyPay Cost of duty computed according to the
hour salary of the crew member
Number of days of work for the specific
Cost of duty computed according to the
perdiem value of the crew member
If the crew member belongs to the same
operational base where the problem
happened, the value is equal to one.
Otherwise, it will have a value greater than
Cost The sum of the cost of the perdiem plus
duty multiplied by the base factor.
The first solution of the list in descendant order by
cost corresponds to the less expensive one. The
SendCrewSolution service initiates the protocol
query-crew-solution-authorization (FIPA Query)
querying the OpManager agent for authorization.
The message includes the serializable object of the
type CrewSolution as shown in Figure 3.
3.3 Example
As a simple example, consider the following
situation: Airline Company A has two operational
bases, one in London (LHR) and another in Paris
(ORY), each with 150 crew members. On a specific
day a crew member of the London base did not
report for duty and it was necessary to find another
crew member to replace him. In our MAS the
OpMonitor agent of LHR base, would detect and
characterize the event according to Table 3.
The agent starts the inform-crew-event protocol
that includes the information from the CrewEvent,
informing the OpCrewFind agent. This agent starts a
CFP through the crew-solution-negotiation protocol
requesting all the solutions from the specialized
agents in both operational bases.
Table 3: Event characterization.
Attribute Value Comments
dutyDateTime 05-10-2006 10:00
delay 10 Crew is
delayed 10
endDateTime 05-10-2006 20:15 Duty end
date and time
readyDateTime 06-10-2006 09:15 Includes rest
credMins 615 Total work
crewGrp 2 1=pilots;
2=flight att.
rank FA Crew rank
baseID LHR
crewNumber 97
crewName John
openPositions 1
eventID 1230 Internal
The OpCrewFind agent receives the solutions as
a CrewSolutionList from each agent according to
Table 4 (this table does not show all the information
that is included in the CrewSolutionList returned by
the agents, like for example, the crew number and
Table 4: CrewSolutionList data.
rank hour
LHR FA 43 71 7800 7600 1
ORY FA 30 71 7800 8120 1,3
LHR FA 17 31 7800 8500 1
LHR FA 14 31 7800 7950 1
ORY FA 14 31 7800 5000 1,3
The service SendCrewSolution of agent
OpCrewFind computes the values indicated in Table
2 for each item of the CrewSolutionList and orders
them, according to the algorithm indicated in Table
1. The result of this operation is indicated in Table 5.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 5: Ordered CrewSolutionList data.
ORY 5615 0 0 1 31 40
LHR 8565 765 178 1 31 209
LHR 8215 415 297 1 71 368
LHR 9115 1315 372 1 31 403
ORY 8735 935 467 1 71 699
As it is possible to see, the solution with less cost
is solution number 5 (table 4) listed in first place in
table 5. In this particular example, it is a crew
member from a different operational base that is
considered the best solution to substitute the one that
did not report for duty. The SendCrewSolution
service initiates the protocol query-crew-solution-
authorization querying the OpManager for
authorization. The message includes the serializable
object CrewSolution with the complete information,
as presented in Table 6.
Table 6: CrewSolution serializable object.
Attribute Value
dutyDateTime 05-10-2006 10:00
endDateTime 05-10-2006 20:15
readyDateTime 06-10-2006 09:15
baseID ORY
crewGrp 2
rank FA
crewNumber 147
crewName Marie
seniority 15
dutyPay 0
perdiemPay 31
cost 40
4.1 Scenario
To evaluate our MAS we have setup a scenario that
includes 3 operational bases (A, B and C). Each base
includes their crew members each one with a
specific roster. The data used corresponded to the
real operation of June 2006 of base A. We have
simulated a situation where 15 crew members, with
different ranks, did not report for duty in base A.
The events did not happen at the same day and each
one corresponds to a crew member that did not
report for a specific duty in a specific day.
After setting-up the scenario we found the
solutions for each crew event using two methods. In
the first method
we used a real user from the AOCC,
with the current tools available, to find the solutions.
The user uses software that shows the roster of each
crew member in a Gantt chart for a specific period.
The user can scroll down the information, filter
according to the crew rank and base, and sort the
information by name, month duty, etc. Each user has
a specific way of trying to find the solutions.
However, we have observed that, in general, they
follow these steps:
: Open the roster for a one month period,
starting two days before the current day.
: Filter the roster by crew rank and base,
where the base is equal to the base where the crew
event happened and crew rank is equal to the crew
member that did not report for duty.
: Order the information by month duty, in an
ascendant order and by seniority in a descendent
: Visually, they scroll down the information
until they found a crew member with an open space
for the period of time that corresponds to the duty to
be assigned. This period of time takes into
consideration the start and end time of the duty and
also the time required for resting (ready date time).
: If they do not found a crew member in the
base specified, they try to find it in another base,
filtering the information accordingly.
: They assign the duty to the first crew member
they found.
In the second method
we have used the sub-
organization Crew recovery of our MAS as indicated
in Section 3.2.
4.2 Results
The data (partial) obtained using method 1 is
presented in Table 7 and the data obtained using
method 2 in Table 8. We point out that the data in
columns marked with an asterisk were calculated
manually, according to the formulas in the algorithm
presented in Table 1. The reason for this is that the
information system that is available for the users
does not include information related with any kind
of payroll.
Table 7: Solutions obtained through method 1.
rank duty
Pay (*)
Pay (*)
A 90 FA 0 72 72
B 115 FA 0 72 86,4
A 75 CPT 942,9 106 1048,9
A 100 FA 939 144 1083
B 120 FA 0 72 86,4
B 100 CPT 777 212 1186,8
B 105 FO 0 148 177,6
A 80 SFA 687,65 72 759,65
B 110 SFA 0 144 172,80
C 110 CPT 0 212 296,8
A 110 FA 0 72 72
C 120 FA 0 72 100,8
B 115 FA 0 72 86,4
Table 8: Solutions obtained through method 2.
time(sec) rank duty
A 20 FA 0 72 72
B 31 FA 0 72 86,4
B 18 CPT 0 106 127,2
C 27 FA 563,4 62 875,6
B 32 FA 0 72 86,4
C 26 CPT 0 212 296,8
A 25 FO 0 144 144
B 15 SFA 229,17 72 361,4
B 29 SFA 0 144 172,8
C 23 CPT 0 212 296,8
A 27 FA 0 72 72
C 31 FA 0 72 100,8
B 32 FA 0 72 86,4
The Solution
part of table 9 shows the number of
solutions found in each operational base. The Time
part of the table shows how long it took to find the
solutions in each base. The Total Costs
shows the
cost of the solutions by each of the crew ranks
involved: CPT (Captains), FO (First Officers), SFA
(Senior Flight Attendants) and FA (Flight
Attendants). It also shows the costs by each of the
operational bases.
Table 9 presents the results that compare the two
From the results we can see that our MAS obtains
valid solutions faster and with less costs when
compared with the current method used in a real
airline company. Regarding our first hypothesis we
were expecting a considerable decrease in the costs
of the solutions found by our MAS. From the results
obtained (see Table 9) we can see that:
Table 9: Comparison of the results.
Method 1 Method 2 Met1/
Total % Total % %
- Base A 7 47 3 20,0 -57,1
- Base B 6 40 7 47,0 16,7
- Base C 2 13 5 33,0 150,0
Time (sec) 101 100 25 24,8 -75,3
- Base A 88 21 24 24,0 -72,7
- Base B 110 27 24 24,0 -78,2
- Base C 115 28 26 26,0 -77,4
7039,6 100 3839,3 54,5 -45,5
- CPT 2532,5 36,0 720,8 18,8 -71,5
- FO 720,0 10,2 499,2 13,0 -30,7
- SFA 932,5 13,3 534,2 13,9 -42,7
- FA 2854,6 40,6 2085,1 54,3 -27,0
Costs Base:
- Base A 4845,5 92,4 288,0 11,2 -94,0
- Base B 1796,4 34,3 1275,8 49,8 -29,0
- Base C 397,6 7,6 2275,5 88,8 472,3
It represents a decrease of 45.5% on the costs.
Our hypothesis was accepted. Of course that we
cannot infer that our MAS will always produce
solutions that cost 45.5% less. It is not even possible
to say that, in average, this decrease is valid. For that
we need to evaluate much more situations, in
different times of the year (we might have seasoned
behaviours) and, then, find an average value.
However, taking into consideration that our method
includes information that is not available in the
current method of the airline (for example, hour
salary, perdiem value, lodging and extra-crew
travel), and that this information has an immense
impact on the total cost, we can state that our
method will never produce more expensive
From the results we can also obtain other
interesting conclusions. These conclusions can be
expressed by the following formalism:
1. Time(SolutionMAS(25s))<
2. Cooperation(SolutionMAS(BaseB(47%))) >
Cooperation(SolutionMet1(BaseB(40%))) and
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Cooperation(SolutionMAS(BaseC(33%))) >
Regarding 1) our method was 75.3% faster than
method two. The use of a computerized system to
find and evaluate
the solutions is the reason for our
method to be faster than the present method used in
the airline. Regarding 2) we can see that the
cooperation between different operational bases has
increased with our method, because we evaluate all
the solutions found (including the ones from
different operational bases where the event
happened) and choose the one with less cost. In
method one, they choose the first one they find,
usually from the same base where the event was
triggered. This cooperation is also possible to be
inferred from the costs by base. In Table 9 it is
possible to see that the costs of base C had an
increase of 472.32% while base A and base B
decreased 94% and 29%, respectively. This means
that our method used more resources from other
bases than the base where the problem happened
(base A).
Regarding our second hypothesis we expected to
increase the robustness of our system using
heterogeneous algorithms to find solutions to the
same problem, at the same time. We were not able to
collect enough data to analyze the impact on
robustness as the result of using different specialized
agents. Preliminary results show that, most of the
times, the MAS presents at least one solution even
when the human operator cannot found one.
Apparently this is the result of using different
techniques to tackle the problem. However, the
solution might have a cost that, when compared with
other ways of solving the problem (for example,
cancelling the flight), might be unacceptable. This
tells us that our MAS need to have access to more
information. For example and in the case of
cancelling the flight, it would be important to have
access to the cost of compensations due to
passengers in these situations. In the future we will
try to prove this hypothesis.
This paper has presented a distributed multi-
agent system as a possible solution to solve airline
operations recovery problems, including sub-
organizations with specialized agents, dedicated to
solve crew, aircraft and passenger recovery
problems. We have detailed the architecture of our
MAS regarding the sub-organization dedicated to
solve crew recovery problems, including agents,
services and protocols. We have introduced a multi-
criteria algorithm for selecting the solution with less
cost from those proposed as part of the negotiation
process. A simple example was presented,
following, step-by-step, our proposed method. A
case study, taken from a real scenario in an airline
company where we tested our method was also
presented and we discuss the results obtained. We
have shown that our method produces faster and less
expensive solutions when compared with the present
method used in the airline company.
Further work is required in testing our method
for large periods of time and in different times of the
year (due to seasoned behaviours). We also need to
test our MAS with all the sub-organizations working
at the same time (crew, aircraft and passenger) to see
the impact that might exist in the results we have
presented in this paper. Finally, we would like to
apply and test the integration of the EM as presented
in (Malucelli et al., 2006).
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