Liu Yingbo, Wang Jianmin
School of Software, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Sun Jiaguang
School of Information Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Keywords: Time analysis, Workflow management system, Machine learning.
Abstract: Activity time consumption knowledge is essential to successful scheduling in workflow applications.
However, the uncertainty of activity execution duration in workflow applications makes it a non-trivial task
for schedulers to appropriately organize the ongoing processes. In this paper, we present a K-level
prediction approach intended to help workflow schedulers to anticipate activities' time consumption. This
approach first defines K levels as a global measure of time. Then, it applies a decision tree learning
algorithm to the workflow event log to learn various kinds of activities' execution characteristics. When a
new process is initiated, the classifier produced by the decision tree learning technique takes prior activities'
execution information as input and suggests a level as the prediction of posterior activity's time
consumption. In the experiment on three vehicle manufacturing enterprises, 896 activities were investigated,
and we separately achieved and average prediction accuracy of 80.27%, 70.93% and 61.14% with K = 10.
We also applied our approach on greater values of K, however the result is less positive. We describe our
approach and report on the result of our experiment.
Time is always precious. An accurate knowledge of
time consumption is serviceable to an enterprise's
workflow management system to schedule the
ongoing processes. However, strong interactions
between human and computer in workflow
applications often make it difficult for schedulers to
anticipate activity's time consumption, which is an
important reason that prevents existing scheduling
techniques from being used in workflow (Greg et al.,
Consider, an example of enterprises we
investigated, within a period of 31 months (from
Oct-31-2003 to Jun-06-2006), there are 922
activities that have been executed at least once and
147 performers left 99765 event entries in the
workflow event log. Statistics of this event log
shows a great variety of activity execution duration
ranging from a low of only 1 second to a maximum
of 252 days. Even if we exclude those outliers by
neglecting top and bottom 5% of observed execution
duration, the range is still greater than 16 hours.
Thus, an essential first step in achieving good
scheduling in workflow management system is to
look for ways of predicting activity time
As a means of anticipating workflow activities'
time consumption, we present a K-level prediction
approach. This approach uses a machine learning
technique to recommend to a workflow scheduler a
level as the prediction of possible time consumption.
This information can benefit a workflow application
in at least two aspects: it may help activity
performers to pick up suitable work items from their
work lists. And, it may help a workflow scheduler to
figure out feasible priority of ongoing processes.
Our approach requires an enterprise's workflow
system to have had an event log for some period of
time and the workflow models from which the
patterns of activities' time consumption can be
learned. We believe this information is generally
available for most of current workflow management
Yingbo L., Jianmin W. and Jiaguang S. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 69-75
DOI: 10.5220/0002404900690075
In the experiment on three vehicle
manufacturing enterprises, a total number of 896
activities were investigated, and we have been able
to correctly suggest the level of time consumption
with an average prediction accuracy of 80.27%,
70.93% and 61.14% respectively with K = 10. We
have also applied our approach on greater values of
K, however, the prediction accuracy decreases
monotonically. When K reaches 100, the average
prediction accuracy decreases to only 46.91%,
36.06% and 30.91%. In addition, we also found that
the operation time of workflow has a positive
influence on the prediction accuracy.
This paper makes two contributions: It presents
an approach for helping workflow schedulers to
anticipate activity time consumption and it evaluates
the approach on the data sets from three real world
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follow: we begin by presenting background
information about workflow, and we provide an
overview on workflow application in three
enterprises (Section 2). Given this background, we
describe our K-level approach to predict activity
time consumption (Section 3) and evaluate the
results of applying our approach on real data sets
(Section 4). In the followed section, related efforts
of time management and scheduling in workflow
systems are presented (Section 5). Finally, we
summarize the paper (Section 6).
Understanding our approach requires a basic
knowledge of workflow. These concepts will be
covered in this section. In addition, we provide an
overview of workflow application in three
2.1 Workflow Structure and Event Log
We first present a set of definitions that will be used
throughout this paper.
A workflow or workflow model is a description
of a business process in sufficient detail that it is
able to be directly executed by a workflow
management system. A workflow is composed of a
number of activities or tasks, which are connected in
the form of a directed graph. An executing instance
of a workflow is called workflow instance or case.
There may be multiple instance of a particular
workflow running simultaneously, however each of
these instances is assumed to have an independent
existence and they typically execute without
reference to each other(Russell et al., 2005).
In the discussion of this paper, we treat activities
in a workflow as a single unit of work, which will be
undertaken by some actors or performers. Each
invocation of an activity that executes is termed a
work item. In general, a work item is directed to an
actor for execution. An activity's time consumption
or execution duration is the interval calculated from
the time when the work item is accepted by an actor
to the time that work item is committed by him.
Once the actor commits a work item, corresponding
activity will be marked as completed and other
activities will be invoked, mean while, an event
entry is created to log the actor's operation, including
work item's time stamp, actor's identity and
workflow instance id etc. These event entries form a
workflow system's event log.
2.2 Overview of Workflow Event Log
in Enterprises
In previous section, we have outlined basic concepts
of workflow management system. As a further
introduction to the background, we provide
information about three enterprises. All these three
enterprises are vehicle manufacturing enterprises.
We investigate them because workflow is
successfully used in many aspects of their business,
Table 1: General overview of three enterprises' workflow event log.
Enterprise A B C
Operation Time 117 days 421 days 949 days
Event Entries 10808 42099 99765
Number of Actors 179 244 147
Workflow Models 21 24 49
Max Duration 22 days 122 days 252 days
95 Percentile Duration 11 hours 20 hours 17 hours
5 Percentile Duration 7 seconds 5 seconds 7 seconds
Min Duration 2 seconds 1 second 1 second
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
like: configuration change, order processing, design
review, technical notification, standard release, and
new material classification etc.
Table 1 is a general overview of workflow event
log in these enterprises. In order to maintain
confidential, we use A, B and C to represent them.
As illustrated in the table, the workflow system in
these enterprises has a different length of operation
time. Besides, there are many actors who have left
lots of event entries, which clearly reveals the fact
that workflow has been heavily used. Nevertheless,
in all these enterprises, the activity time
consumption varies greatly, which leads to the
introduction of our K-level prediction approach.
Our approach of activity time consumption
prediction is based on machine learning, its rationale
is illustrated in figure 1. First, we define K levels so
as to make different observation of time
consumption uniformly distributed into the ranges of
levels. Then, for a given activity, each event entry of
this activity can be viewed as a training sample (or
instance) and the event entries of those prior
activities in the same workflow instance can be
viewed as this training sample’s features. The
training sample may have a label that indicates its
time consumption level. A supervised machine
learning algorithm takes as input a set of training
samples with known labels and generates a
classifier. The generated classifier can then be used
to assign a label to an unknown sample, which, in
the context of workflow, is the time consumption
level of unexecuted activity. The process of creating
a classifier from a set of instances is known as
training the classifier.
As is typical in machine learning, we evaluate
the performance of each classifier using 10-fold
cross-validation(Jiawei and Kamber, 2001).
In order to train a classifier, we take following
Selecting appropriate levels and target activities
Determining features activities from workflow
Constructing training set from event log
Applying machine learning to obtain a classifier
3.1 Selecting Appropriate Levels and
Target Activities
The first step of our approach is to discretize
observed time consumption into K levels so as to
assign appropriate label to a given event entry.
However, it is unwise to simply divide the maximum
duration by K, and equally segment the time into K
levels, because, in real situation, the frequency
distribution of time consumption skews greatly. In
our experiment, we use a-quantile (a=1/K, 2/K,
of observed time consumption as levels, this
selection makes the interval between consecutive
levels changes according to the density of time
consumption distribution. Figure 2 is an example of
10-level selection in three enterprises.
In practice, K indicates the resolution of
prediction. Higher value of K means finer
granularity and stronger comparability of prediction
result. Although, a higher resolution tends to make
workflow schedulers to be more sensible, it, as we
will see in the experiment results, usually leads to
lower prediction accuracy.
After levels have been defined, each event entry
can be assigned a label. The following step of
selecting target activity is quite simple. In order to
Workflow Model
New Workflow Instance
Past Workflow Instance
Actor A Actor B Actor C
Actor D
Actor A Actor B Actor C
Figure 1: Machine learning based activity time
consumption prediction.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Enterprise A
Level 0 Level10
0 1 2 3 4 5
Enterprise B
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Execution Duration (x 10 Seconds)
Enterprise C
Figure 2: 10-Level selection of three enterprises.
cover as many activities as possible, we just
excluded those activities whose event entries is not
sufficient for 10-fold cross-validation and finally
896 activities are included in our investigation. The
numbers of activities in three enterprises are listed in
Table 2: Investigated activities in three enterprises.
Total Activities 256 399 922
Investigated Activities 104 243 522
3.2 Determining Feature Activates
from Workflow Model
In order to train a classifier for a given activity, we
need to find out which event entries are similar to
each other, so that typical time consumption patterns
can be derived by learning algorithm. The similarity
is based on characteristics of prior activities' event
entries in the same workflow instance. We find out
these precedence activities by first excluding edges
in a workflow model that might cause loop
execution, and we make the relation on activities to
be a directed acyclic graph, thus for any activity its
precedence activities set can be obtained.
3.3 Constructing Training Set from
Event Log
After feature activities have been selected, each
event entry of the target activity can be characterized
by a feature vector, and the associated label for this
event entry is represented by the time consumption
However, there is a substantial amount of
information in event entries that can be used as
feature. Which part of information is selected
fundamentally determines the performance of
classifiers. In our experiment, we use three parts of
information as features:
The first part is actor's identity for those prior
activities. We make this selection because it is
commonly believed that, staff assignment has a
strong influence on activity time consumption;
The second part is prior activity's time
consumption, this selection is based on the
assumption that prior activity's time
consumption may reveal posterior activities'
characteristics in a workflow instance;
The last part is the start time of prior activities
calculated from the time corresponding
workflow instance started, we choose this part of
information because actors are not always
interacting with workflow systems, a pending
work item means there are some external reasons
that prevent the instance from being completed,
hence, it might has some influence on posterior
activity's time consumption.
Finally, we construct the training set by collecting
all the features of target activities' event entries from
the workflow event log.
3.4 Applying Decision Tree Learning to
Obtain a Classifier
In the final step, we use C4.5 decision tree(Quinlan,
1993) to obtain a classifier, we choose this algorithm
because it is proposed by previous research(Ly et al.,
2006). For the purpose of this paper is to testify the
applicability of machine learning approach in
activity time consumption prediction, we use
existing tool WEKA (Witten and Frank, 2005) to
train our classifiers and to perform the test.
To demonstrate how well our approach can be used
in real world applications and to see the relationship
between prediction accuracy and resolution. We
applied our approach on three enterprises' data sets
with K = 10, 20, 40, 60 and 100.
Because, considerable number of classifiers is
going to be trained in the data sets of each
enterprise, we use average prediction accuracy of
all classifiers as a global measure to represent the
main feature of the performance of our approach.
4.1 Experiment Results
The exact numbers of average prediction accuracy
are listed in Table-3 and the trend of prediction
accuracies with regard to different values of K are
depicted in Figure 3.
Table 3: The exact number of average prediction accuracy
in three enterprises.
Levels Enterprise A Enterprise B Enterprise C
10 61.14 70.93 80.27
20 51.88 59.94 72.77
40 43.56 48.52 62.55
60 38.03 43.15 54.95
80 34.52 38.10 50.85
100 30.91 36.06 46.91
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In Figure 3, the trends of prediction accuracy in
three enterprises are rather alike, but the absolute
value is different. Our approach always performs the
best in Enterprise C (with the best accuracy of
80.27%) while the worst in Enterprise A (with the
best accuracy of just 61.14%).
We believe this is mainly because of the quality
of training set. As shown in the discussion of
previous sections, the performance of our approach
depends on activity time consumption pattern and on
how clearly the pattern displays itself in event log.
However, it is quite rare for the situation to be so
obvious, especially, in the initial phase of workflow
application. Comparing with the data listed in Table-
1, one may find that the workflow operation time in
Enterprise A is rather short(less than 4 months),
which means, typical time consumption patterns are
not so clear to be generalized by C4.5 learning
algorithm. Hence, the performance of classifiers is
not likely to be good. Whereas, the workflow
operation time of enterprise C is much longer than
that of the other two. This long operation time has
lead to a larger number of event entries and more
importantly, bigger sample space for C4.5 algorithm
to learn. Therefore, we believe, as time goes by, the
prediction accuracy in Enterprise A and B will
steadily increase.
4.2 Evaluation on Applicability
In our opinion, whether or not our approach is
acceptable for scheduling will depend on
requirement. According to experiment results, there
appears to be a contradiction between accuracy and
resolution, but the overall performance of our
approach will gradually increase as time goes by.
Therefore, a workflow scheduler needs to tradeoff
between accuracy and resolution according to
workflow operation time.
For example, if a scheduler requires some fixed
prediction accuracy, then, at the beginning, this
prediction have to be based on indefinite resolution
and few activities can be well predicted, so,
decisions have to be made on a vague knowledge of
time consumption, and, these decisions tends to be
rough. While, after a period of time, with resolution
level becomes higher and higher and well predicted
activities becomes more and more, the schedule can
be more specific.
However, to the best of our knowledge, most of
scheduling approaches presented in the literature of
workflow (Combi and Pozzi, 2006) (Greg et al.,
2004) (Johann et al., 2003) haven't consider too
much about adaptively adjusting the scheduling
strategies according to given condition. While, we
believe the results reported in this paper is sufficient
to warrant the development of such an adaptive
scheduling approach.
Our work is related to workflow time management
and workflow scheduling.
5.1 Workflow Time Management
Analysis and Management of temporal information
in workflow is by no means straightforward, its
difficulty mainly comes form two aspects: the first is
undetermined execution sequence of tasks and the
second is variety of activities' time consumption.
In (Johann et al., 1999), Johann Eder et al
investigated various time constrains in workflow.
And, they presented a framework for computing
activity deadlines so that the overall process
deadline is met and all external time constraints are
satisfied. Later on, he and Euthimios Panagos
presented a method for incorporating detailed time
information into workflow management
systems(Eder and Panagos, 2000), their method is
based on extend PERT(Pozewaunig et al., 1997). By
adding elements like duration, deadline, earliest
possible start time, earliest possible end time etc.,
their method can express different possibility of
process execution time. In their paper, they also
discussed issues in runtime handling of workflow
time information.
In complex workflow models, the existence of
conditional structures in the control flow may result
in many execution paths, which makes it difficult to
analyze task duration. Therefore, in (Johann et al.,
0 20 40 60 80 100
Average Prediction Accuracy
Enterprise A
Enterprise B
Enterprise C
Figure 3: Average prediction accuracy of three enterprises
with different values of K.
2003) (Eder and Pichler, 2002), Johann Eder and
Horst Picler et al introduced the concept of time
histogram. Their approach requires a well-formed
workflow and probabilistic information about
branching behavior of a process, then for each
activity, possible execution time can be calculated.
They also discussed ways to apply their approach to
automatic process scenario like composite web-
service process(Eder and Pichler, 2004). The
probabilistic time management approach is also used
by Martin Bierbaumer et al to analysis the
phenomenon of unnecessary delay caused by fixed
date constraints (Bierbaumer et al., 2005a)
(Bierbaumer et al., 2005b). In order to assist
participants of workflow appropriately select their
work items, they use time histogram to calculate the
delay time of ongoing process, and remind
participants about possible delay according to the
calculated result.
In addition to Johann Edier's works, there are
some other researches that are related to workflow
time management, In (Aalst and Reijers, 2003),
Aalst et al use stochastic petri-nets to analysis
workflow performance. and Carlo Combi et al also
developed a set of models to address time constrains
in organizational point of view(Combi and Pozzi,
2003b) (Combi and Pozzi, 2003a).
Previous work of workflow time management
and time analysis concerns the variety of execution
time caused by complex workflow model and
branching probability. However, the variety of
activity execution duration caused by interactions
between human and workflow management system
are not discussed. Our work focuses on this kind of
5.2 Workflow Scheduling
Scheduling, however, despite its successful
application in manufacturing fields, is not widely
accepted in workflow.
Grego'rio Baggio Tramontina et al discussed
some of the problems that prevent existing
scheduling techniques from being used in workflow
(Greg et al., 2004), in addition, they proposed a
"Gauss and Solve" scheduling approach. Their
approach consists of two steps, first, making a guess
on the execution times and routes the case will
follow, and second, solving the corresponding
deterministic scheduling problem using a suitable
technique. In the simulation, they used genetic
algorithms as a means to schedule artificially
generated cases. According to their result, if the
error in guessing is bound by 30%, their approach is
better than the commonly used FIFO rules regarding
the number of late jobs. Besides, they envisioned the
approach of using machine learning or statistical
techniques to predict activity time consumption,
however, in their paper, they didn't provide much
detail. Our work can be viewed as a complementary
effort to their work.
In (Combi and Pozzi, 2006), Carlo Combi and
Giuseppe Pozzi focuses on temporalities in the
conceptual organizational model and task
assignment policies. They proposed a temporal
organizational model, which extends traditional
organizational models, to describe different temporal
constrains of resources(Combi and Pozzi, 2003b)
(Combi and Pozzi, 2003a), like availability
constrains, and deadline constrains etc. Based on the
description of these constrains, they designed a
scheduling algorithm, which evaluates the priority of
tasks according to the expected deadline for
completion and expected duration. As a proof-of-
concept, a running prototype implements the
algorithms of the temporal scheduler for a WfMS.
Despite works that mainly concerns macro-level
scheduling from workflow system's point of view,
the work of Johann Eder et al(Johann et al., 2003)
provides us another view on workflow scheduling:
the personal scheduling. By admitting a commonly
overlooked fact that people are actually the driving
force of workflow(Moore, 2002), they changed their
objective of scheduling from ordering cases in
workflow system to assisting individual workflow
participants. To meet this end, they provide
workflow participants information about upcoming
tasks so that they can proactively take measures to
prepare for those tasks. Their approach is based on a
probabilistic time management system(Eder and
Pichler, 2002) which uses duration histograms to
express the uncertainty of workflow time
Other work about workflow scheduling concerns
scheduling in a single workflow instance, In (Senkul
et al., 2002) (Senkul and Toroslu, 2005), Pinar
Senkul and Ismail H. Toroslu proposed a
architecture which provides a specification language
that can model resource information and resource
allocation constraints, and a scheduler model that
incorporates a constraint solver in order to find
proper resource assignments. Particularly, they use
constraint programming to schedule workflows with
resource allocation constraints.
In this paper, we have discussed a K-level approach
to anticipate activity time consumption in workflow
management system. Our approach uses a
supervised machine learning algorithm that is
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
applied to workflow event log. In the experiment on
three enterprises, a total number of 869 activities
were investigated and our approach separately
achieved an average prediction accuracy of 80.27%,
70.93% and 61.14% with K = 10. In addition to
presenting these results, we have analyzed the
performance trend of different values of K, however
the results is less positive. In addition, we also found
that the operation time of workflow system has a
positive influence on the performance of our
We believe that our approach shows some
promise for improving the current state of workflow
scheduling. Our future plans include an investigation
of additional sources of information, further
development of adaptive scheduling approaches, and
simulation using real data sets to test the
applicability of workflow scheduling.
We are grateful to Tsinghua InfoTech Company for
providing the workflow event-log data of their
TiPLM system. This work is supported by the
Project of National Natural Science Foundation of
China (No. 60373011) and the 973 Project of China
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