ently extend a single-user SVG editing application
using this approach. The application was extended,
by making use of the standard Document Object
Model and the Collaborative Editing Framework for
XML. The developed aspect-oriented programming
advises are reusable and the next step will be to ex-
tend a number of other single-user applications with
group editing functionality.
More and more applications today use XML as a
file format, for example OpenOffice, Mircosoft
Word 2007 and a number of editors for other XML
based file formats. If those applications make use of
the DOM API internally for the modification of their
data model, this will ease their extension with real-
time collaboration features.
However, one aim of this research project is to
provide collaboration support to existing and future
applications used for the design of vehicle electrical
systems in the automotive industries. Today, the
SVG format is a de facto standard for the representa-
tion of circuit diagrams in this area. Other XML
based document formats such as ELOG (Elec-
trological Model) are currently under development.
The development of a vehicle electrical system is a
complex process requiring intensive collaboration
between a number of different companies such as
the OEM, the suppliers and manufacturers of the
cable loom and different subcontractors, but the cur-
rent applications used in this area do not provide
support for real-time collaboration. Providing a sys-
tem that supports real-time collaborative engineering
would allow all parties to work on a single source.
This could lead to a better quality and higher pro-
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems