the contrary, our framework will always ensure con-
vergence of copies. Simply, in a case of conflicting
changes, these changes will be transformed to be in-
tegrated as conflicting changes in the copies. This al-
lows every participant to later resolve the conflict. We
think sharing conflicts is useful, because sometimes
the user informed about he conflict has no knowledge
to resolve it.
We have presented the SO6 framework for supporting
cooperative writing over documents. This framework
relies on a theoretical model called operational trans-
formation approach. Our framework is generic in the
sense that it could be instantiated to manage multiple
types of document. In order to illustrate these fea-
tures, we explained how to enable cooperative writ-
ing of XML documents. This framework and the pre-
sented transformation functions are integrated in the
SO6 revision management tool included in the Libre-
Source (
) collabo-
rative platform. This tool is able to reconciliate copies
of a file system containing text documents and XML
If our framework ensures convergence, the con-
vergence state may violate the DTD. For example
suppose two users add concurrently a “title” element
in an XML document. From the point of view of an
ordered tree, two title nodes can appear under the root.
However, from the point of view of the DTD, only one
title is allowed. Finally, the SO6 framework is able to
compute a convergence state, but this state may vio-
late the DTD. This is clearly an open issue for the So6
framework and for XML merge tools.
We wish to thank Claudia-Lavinia Ignat for her very
valuable comments and suggestions which helped us
to improve the presentation of this article.
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