sion, and to alter its structure when a misfit is identi-
fied. There is empirical evidence that high performing
organizations can discern when environmental forces
have changed the state of congruence (i.e., the good-
ness of fit), thus driving changes in the strategies (e.g.,
communication patterns, back-up behaviors) that they
employ (Entin and Serfaty, 1999). In the next section,
we will discuss in more detail the factors that influ-
ence performance.
From the discussion in the previous sections, it
becomes evident that organizational performance is
a complex issue that depends on many different fac-
tors. Performance, or efficiency, is affected by the
organization’s design, the cognitive, by information
processing capabilities of the agents, the operating
conditions, the task and the task environment faced
by the organization (Carley and Svoboda, 1996). Re-
organization can then be seen as a means to achieve
better performance, or creating a more efficient orga-
nization, by changing one or more of the factors that
affect performance. From the analysis of many or-
ganizational simulation projects, some of which will
be discussed in the next sections, and inspired by So
and Durfee (So and Durfee, 1998), we classify the
factors that determine performance into three broad
classes. The first are the structural factors, which are
the components and features of the organization (such
as roles, dependencies, constraints, norms and regu-
lations). The second are task environmental factors,
which are the components and features of the task
(such as size, time constraints, uncertainty). The third
class of factors are agent factors, which are the char-
acteristics of the individual agents concerning task ca-
pability, knowledge (including decision making and
reasoning capabilities), social awareness, etc. These
three classes of factors jointly determine the perfor-
mance of the organization.
This suggests a 3d-space in which the results of
different organizational simulations can be placed and
eventually compared. Axes in this 3-space correspond
to the groups of factors listed above. Each point in
the space represents a specific organization instance
(that is, with a given structure, task, agent capabilities
and operating conditions). For each point, the perfor-
mance can be calculated. In this perspective, reorga-
nization means a move into another point in the space
which has a better performance. In order to cope with
complexity, we are developing simulations that based
on two dimensional projections of the overall space,
which means that one set of factors is kept fixed in that
particular simulation. In the following we introduce
our work on organizational simulations along these
Both in social sciences as in computer science many
simulation studies have been realized that aim to in-
crease the understanding of reorganization in human
and agent organizations respectively. Different or-
ganizational simulation projects have studied the in-
fluence of different factors on the organizational effi-
ciency, using different techniques and aiming at prov-
ing different hypothesis.
So far, we have discussed models for the specifi-
cation of organizations that enable the representation
of organizational requirements, in terms of structures
and objectives, independently from the specification
of the individual agents. Such models enable the an-
alyze of sharing and interaction in organizational set-
tings. The novelty of the approach is that the same
model enables analyze at both the level of organiza-
tional performance as well as at the level of the indi-
vidual expectations. In this section, we will discuss
our current research towards simulation frameworks
for such models.
Currently, several agent-based simulation lan-
guages and platforms are available (e.g. Repast
By following an agent-oriented approach, these plat-
forms enable the observation and analysis of (com-
plex) social processes between the entities. However,
most of these simulations are based on very simple
models of agency, that hardly enable the specifica-
tion of the cognitive aspects of the agents. On the
other hand, languages and tools for agent develop-
ment, such as 3APL, Jason or Jack, that are based on a
cognitive notion of agency (typically the BDI model)
often lack the constructs to represent high level social
aspects, such as roles, norms or organizational struc-
tures. Moreover, from a computational point of view,
these agent platforms do not provide the scheduling
and timing mechanisms required to run simulations.
A few languages attempt to counter these problems.
A good example is Brahms (Sierhuis et al., 2003), or
the MAS-SOC platform (Bordini et al., 2005).
Simulation of organizational or group behavior
requires more than the organizational model and its
members, as developed in the OperA model. The sim-
ulation must be able to incorporate the environment
conditions under which activity will take place. Sim-
ulation tools are well suitable to describe and mod-
ify environment conditions by enabling for instance to
vary task complexity and frequency, or the harshness
or the environment. Our approach is use an existing
simulation platform (Repast) and create a plugin to