Manuela Angioni, Roberto Demontis, Massimo Deriu, Emanuela De Vita, Cristian Lai
Ivan Marcialis, Gavino Paddeu, Antonio Pintus, Andrea Piras, Raffaella Sanna
Alessandro Soro and Franco Tuveri
CRS4 - Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia, Polaris - Edificio 1, 09010 Pula (CA), Italy
Keywords: Search Engine, Community, Location Aware, Semantics, NLP, RDHT, DART, 3D-UI.
Abstract: Search engines help people to find information in the largest public knowledge system of the world: the
Web. Unfortunately its size makes very complex to discover the right information. The users are faced lots
of useless results forcing them to select one by one the most suitable. The new generation of search engines
evolve from keyword-based indexing and classification to more sophisticated techniques considering the
meaning, the context and the usage of information. We argue about the three key aspects: collaboration,
geo-referencing and semantics. Collaboration distributes storage, processing and trust on a world-wide
network of nodes running on users’ computers, getting rid of bottlenecks and central points of failures. The
geo-referencing of catalogued resources allows contextualisation based on user position. Semantic analysis
lets to increase the results relevance. In this paper, we expose the studies, the concepts and the solutions of a
research project to introduce these three key features in a novel search engine architecture.
Nowadays search engines help people to find
information but most of proposed results are useless
or only partially related to what users need and they
are resigned to select by hand the most suitable one.
These limits could be overcome refining requests
step by step so a real effective could be achieved
introducing context and meaning concepts in query
composition and resolution. The new generation of
search engines requires advanced features and new
architectures to mining the deep web (Bergman,
2001) and to find either virtual web objects
accessible by browsers and concrete objects or
services. Users require information about real
objects: available products in a supermarket, a
parking close to home, the nearest restaurant, the
post office with shorter waiting time. To address
such wishes, new search engines should focus on
three key aspects: collaboration, geo-referencing and
Collaboration is the suitable solution to discover
the deep web and to distribute the processing power
required to scan and catalogue its pieces of
information. Peer to peer networks enable users to
collaborate submitting directly new resources,
offering storage space and bandwidth of their
Internet connection. There is no central control
system, bottlenecks and central points of failures are
avoided and the ranking system is public.
Geo-referenced data management allows users to
submit questions related to the position specified by
latitude-longitude coordinates or by place names.
Search engines will automatically process reverse
geo-coding, either during page parsing and user
query processing. Mobile objects and people will
spontaneously notify their position.
Semantic analysis provides the right meanings of
words and sentences according to contiguous text
segments and solving misunderstandings related to
thesaurus and slang expressions. It improves Web
information retrieval, knowledge management and
enterprise application integration.
In this paper we expose the studies, the concepts
and the solutions developed in the DART project to
introduce the three key aspects in a search engine
system and relate them with a set of studies.
Angioni M., Demontis R., Deriu M., De Vita E., Lai C., Marcialis I., Paddeu G., Pintus A., Piras A., Sanna Alessandro Soro R., Soro A. and Tuveri F.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 213-218
DOI: 10.5220/0002406202130218
DART (Distributed Architecture Toolkit for search
engines) is a research project focused on studying,
developing and testing either patterns and integrated
tools to improve the quality of search engines results
with the main objective to satisfy user needs.
Interesting research fields are exploited and merged:
semantic-based indexing, P2P crawling, location-
aware information retrieval, user requirement
filtering, 3D query results interface, virtual
assistance and a public Web resources indexing.
Semantic techniques and Natural Language
Processing (NLP) tools exceed limits of resources
cataloguing and query resolution. An important issue
is the designing of more intuitive, adaptable and
accessible user interface (UI). In this concern, we
are focusing on intelligent virtual assistance and 3D
visualization for query responses, to help user during
browser session suggesting other resources deduced
by current page and current session and filtered
using device profile, user preferences and context
(i.e. GPS position, weather, and so on). 3D UI lets
users to improve their perception of the showed
objects thanks to the possibility to explore scenes,
move from an object depicting a query result to
another, select it and apply rotations, shifts and
Installing a DART Community Node, anyone
can join the open and decentralized community.
Nodes share computational resources contributing to
Web crawling, distributed index storage and
acquiring information generated by sensors, GPSs,
environmental surveys or events notified directly by
The concept of community becomes concrete using
the DART Community Node, able to discover and
retrieve other nodes and to join them. The node is
composed of distinct interconnected modules.
The Distributed DBMS (DDBMS) is the network
overlay specifically designed to meet scalability,
fault tolerance, self maintenance and load balancing
requirements. It provides a distributed file system
called RDHT (Range capable Distributed Hash
Table) (Soro et al, 2006), described in §3.2, able to
support range queries, and to manage with
flexibility, efficiency and robustness a huge variety
of distributed applications. Its three primitive
operations are:
lookup(value) to retrieve the
entries closest to value or the entry value itself, if it
insert(value), to store a new entry in the
range(lb, ub), to retrieve all the
entries within the interval [lb, ub].
Figure 1: The modules of the DART Community Node.
3.2 Data Sources
Data Sources are represented by two distinct
modules with a different retrieval information
system: Data Provider and Event Producer.
3.2.1 Data Provider
A Data Provider processes data in order to retrieve
all relevant information to send to Semantic Module
(see §3.3) for indexing or to be directly stored on the
DDBMS. Node contributes to crawl according to
hardware configuration and user’s preferences.
Every node, in base of the optimization policy, can
decide to assign crawling of a resource to another
node. Nodes that does not crawl can provide other
functionalities, such as index storage.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Some P2P bridges retrieve information from the
existing resources on the other P2P networks (i.e.
Gnutella, eDonkey2K, etc). To collect EPG
information a tailored grabber may be installed on
iTV platforms like set-top boxes and media centers.
Web Services (WSs) are discovered by a module
which inquiries UDDI registries.
3.2.2 Event Producer
The Event Producer is a family of software modules
able to produce events stored in DART system. An
event producer allows to export information about
people, objects, and places. The events can be
generated by: sensors (RFID, etc.), local applications
and peripherals connected to device hosting the
DART Community Node. For instance, geographic
coordinates collected by a GPS can be added to the
resource improving efficacy of the search process.
3.3 Semantic Module
This module is responsible for semantic activities in
the system. It works with the DDBMS to create a
semantic indexing of ontology-based annotated
resources and it supports Data Providers processing
texts by means of NLP techniques, interpreting
documents, analyzing and resolving queries for the
Query Module. Its components are: the Syntactic
Disambiguator, a syntactic analyzer that find the
syntactical structure of phrases and sentences, in
order to resolve roles of terms ambiguity present in
natural languages; the Semantic Disambiguator, that
identifies synonymy and hypernymy relations from
WordNet (WordNet, 2007) and change the
representation from words contained in a document
to a density function based on the synonyms and
hypernyms frequency (Scott, 1998); the Categorizer
manages resources and queries classification by
means of text categorization techniques; the
Semantic Net Manager manages the building of the
Semantic Net, composed by a set of topics linked
through their senses, and uses the Semantic Net in
order to enrich results with topics semantically
related to queries submitted by users.
3.4 Query Module
The Query Module collects user queries, processes
and forwards them to the Semantic Module. The
Query Manager is the part of this module that
composes the UI showed to user in base of the
information provided by the Device Manager and
the User Manager.
The Device Manager provides information
useful for an optimal UI rendering according to the
device used to submit queries. Moreover it enriches
user queries with device features and support results
filtering in collaboration with the Result Collector
module. The User Manager selects, processes and
shares user data with the Query Manager (in query
enrichment) and the Result Collector (in results
filtering). The Result Collector receives the
collection of results from the Semantic Module and
processes a more accurate filtering of results thanks
to data provided by the User Manager. The Event
Manager allows the user to configure a DART Node
to produce an alert. The Event Manager is
responsible of the user subscription for a particular
type of event. Nodes are automatically alerted.
DART nodes can store data on a distributed file
system called RDHT (Range Capable Distributed
Hash Table). The RDHT adapts to the P2P context
the algorithms and structures known as Skip Lists
(Pugh, 1990), storing in the underlying DHT
additional index information, in terms of pointers
that link each element to its neighbours. Pointers do
not link each element to its next, but simply
represent a linear ordering relation that enable to
reconstruct the complete list. This solutions is at the
same time very easy to maintain and implement, and
reasonably efficient.
In addition to low level primitives relative to the
DHT operations, that are implemented in the
Kademlia protocol (Maymounkov, 2002), the RDHT
exposes three primitive operations:
lookup, insert
range. Lookup operation discovers an item
stored in the data structure. Starting from a known
value, it executes several
get operations on the
underlying DHT to fetch index information. A
recursive algorithm finds the pointers from a known
base to the target value. At each step, the algorithm
executes the longest possible hop that do not
overshoots the target element. This operation fails if
the shortest possible hop from every known base
overshoots the target, in this case it converges on the
elements that are nearest to the target.
Insert operation executes a lookup operation
to spot the nearest elements to the target (call them
elements A and B); only if the
lookup fails the new
element is stored and pointers from element A to
target and from target to element B are stored in the
RDHT. Additional pointers are stored to link the
newly inserted entry to other ones in the RDHT.
These pointers will speed up
lookup operations.
Range queries are executed following the
shortest pointers from the lower bound to the upper
bound of the query. Alternatively a range query can
be executed searching for the items nearest to the
median(lb, ub) and then repeating this operation
recursively over the two subintervals until no new
element is discovered or a given grain is reached.
Experimental results show that the lookup
operation requires the average of O(log N)
operations on the underlying DHT, where N is the
number of entries in the RDHT. The system is self-
balanced in that each node has the same probability
to be involved in any lookup operation. The insert
operation stores a number of pointers when an entry
is added to the RDHT, choosing from a heap of
entries, known from previous lookup operations.
The goal is to set pointers between entries that have
as few pointers as possible, in order to avoid
overloading on a single entry. The general criterion
to choose a good candidate for a new pointer is:
entries that are often visited during lookup
operations are likely to be overloaded so are
bad choices;
entries that have been recently used have in
some ways paid their due so again are bad
bad choices are pushed to the tail of the heap,
thus good choices emerge at the head.
The heap is also used to fetch the base entry for
lookup operations. This ensures as far as possible
load balancing even when repeatedly polling a
lookup over the same value.
Semantics plays an important role in DART
pervading either resource indexing or query
processing. The semantic indexing over that finding
meaning, when it is possible, performs the geo-
reference of Web resources. It means to implement
the set of algorithms and data models that performs
searching and indexing functions of geo-referenced
web resources. The Data Providers parsing Web
contents identifies structured and unstructured
portions. Structured portions are directly indexed by
specialized Data Providers using ontology or
structure descriptors, as in the case of dynamic XML
documents generated by Web services, RSS,
GeoRSS and RDF. The last two types of documents
have location data defined by name, URL and a
Point of Interest (POI) or an Area of Interest (AOI)
defined in WGS84 format.
Unstructured contents require linguistic analysis
and semantic interpretation, so their processing is
delegated by the Data Providers to the Semantic
Module, which splits text in phrases to extract “parts
of speech” and to identify syntactical relations. Then
the semantic analysis finds the right meaning that
lets to reduce the false positive in the searching
phase. A gazetteer derived from the Geo-Names
database (Geo-Names, 2007) is used to locate the
possible AOI or POI of the unstructured portion. All
POIs are written like a no-area AOI.
The result of semantic indexing is a set of keys
that is given to the DDBMS to be indexed. The
geographic key is an integer value obtained using a
z-curve (Jagadish, 1990) and interleaving the bits of
longitude and latitude values. To simplify retrieval
operations on geographical areas, the RDHT items
related to closest AOIs are directly connected
through pointers according to an inclusion area
schema defined by a seven-level quad tree
representing the Earth. The tree leaves correspond to
an AOI of one minute per side.
Regarding to query processing, the Semantic
Module analyses the queries produced by the Query
Module. Such queries are enriched with context
information, user profile and device profile but they
need to be again analysed because may be defined in
natural language and so it is important to identify the
right meaning or in alternative at least to reduce the
number of possible meaning to the most suitable
ones. An AOI may be directly included in the query
by the user or get by the gazetteer. Available AOI is
linearized using the same algorithm for indexing.
In respect to Human Computer Interaction (HCI),
we aim at offer user alternative approaches on
related GUI aspects supporting user browsing
sessions with an Autonomous Interface Agent (AIA)
and showing the query result in a 3D environment.
Searchy is an AIA developed like an extension
for Mozilla Firefox, that assists and interacts with
the user during his browsing session in a not
intrusive way. It analyzes the downloaded page and
composes a query enriched with additional and
relevant keywords according to user and device
profile and context information, to submit to Dart
Community Node. When the virtual assistant
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
receives the DART response, it refines and
reorganizes the query results thanks to user
information, removes banned or useless sites,
performs the list ordering and, finally, shows the list
in a side bar of Mozilla Firefox. The user profile
ranges from personal information to friends, houses,
jobs, hobbies, preferences and include data retrieved
by browsing sessions such as viewed resources, the
time spent on a site, bookmarked pages, etc.
We investigate the concepts of post-WIMP UI
improving the user experience thanks a 3D
interactive UI presenting data items of query results.
It is characterized by concrete representations and
simplicity (Houston et al, 2002) with easy to explore
scenes and objects that help user to find faster the
best information. The 3D-UI module is used
according to the user preferences and current user
context and transforms a list of results in a 3D
interactive scene defined by an X3D document
(Web3D, 2007).
Methodologies for performing a distributed search
and frameworks based on ontologies are developed
as a search technology for the Semantic Web
(Straccia et al, 2006). A semantic crawler-based
indexing and retrieval system is proposed in the
SWOOGLE project (Ding et al, 2004), where user
searches for concepts instead of keywords.
To improve search engines, we have introduced
in DART semantic techniques, such as ontologies
for the analysis of structured documents (Saiful
Islam et al, 2007), for unstructured documents, we
perform a linguistic analysis for syntactical and
semantic disambiguation as in (Sleator et al, 1993).
To overcome the typical problems of centralized
systems, such as network overload, single point of
failure, censorship, lack of scalability, we propose
the application of P2P paradigm to realize a
distributed search engine architecture. Examples of
community oriented architectures for geographic
based services are exposed in (Carboni et al, 2006),
(Guan et al, 2004) and (MacEachren et al, 2005),
while (Callan, 2000) and (Singh et al, 2003) are
examples of distributed search engines.
Unstructured systems flood queries to all peers
in the network, thus requiring O(N) messages. P-
Trees (Crainiceanu et al, 2004) and Prefix Hash
Trees (Ramabhadran et al, 2004) are scalable
solutions requiring to store a distributed indexing
data structure in the P2P network itself, and use this
to guide range queries. In order to solve the problem
of P2P systems to process range queries, we propose
the adoption of RDHT, an overlay adding primitives
to manage range queries on the Kademlia.
Internet interfaces of common search engines
allow users only basic searches by means of a single
search box and a few extra fields in the advanced
search mode (Alonso et al, 2007). Presenting results
graphically rather than textually, their usability
improves and people acquires information more
rapidly. Related to HMI interfaces, with 3D UI the
user can improve the perception and the
understanding of depicted object and, so, of the
contents it represents (Biström et al). While our
AIA, Searchy, merges several aspects treats in
various works, such as an advice system (like
(Lieberman, 1995) and (Chen et al, 1998)), the
automatic update of user preferences by the analysis
of Web-browsing behaviours (Seo et al, 2000) and
the use of user profile to complete user requests
(Somlo et al, 2003).
Due to the enormous number of digital resources,
current search engines show lacks in helping people
to find the right information. The DART project
aspires to overcome some of this limits integrating
solutions related to distributed systems, semantic
Web, geo-referencing and HMI. Patterns and
technologies have been exploited in the design of a
distributed, semantic and context aware search
engine. The research effort is directed to provide a
toolkit for indexing online resources based on the
idea of an open community. Installing a node,
people join the community offering storage,
processing power and bandwidth. Other advantages
are: no central control system exists, bottlenecks
avoided, public ranking system and users directly
involved in search engine activities.
Numerous studies enrich the community
features. We take care on the semantic analyses of
structured and unstructured portions of digital
resources, user queries may be submitted in natural
language and any time it is possible the resources are
geo-referenced. The available DHTs have not an
indexing system for our analyzed resources so we
introduce the RDHT overlay. To support user
interaction we work on HMI and personalization. In
despite to the most common search engines, we
introduce Searchy to assist user during browsing
sessions and 3D visual environment to show the
query results where he is free to move. A strong
personalization is obtained thanks to a combination
of user profile, device features and context of use
(i.e. user position). Such combination is used either
in query processing to add more details to queries
and results selection to exclude false positive items.
Our project is still an on-going process.
Although it needs to be tested, rendered more robust
and other DHT algorithms and implementations
have to be evaluated, it demonstrates it is possible to
merge collaboration, geo-referencing and semantics
and apply them to a novel search engine system.
The DART research project is partially funded
by the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific
Research, contract grant number 11582.
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