Broderick Crawford, Carolina Lagos
Escuela de Ingenier
ıa Inform
atica, Pontificia Universidad Cat
olica de Valpara
ıso, Valpara
ıso, Chile
Carlos Castro
Departamento de Inform
atica, Universidad T
ecnica Federico Santa Mar
ıa, Valpara
ıso, Chile
Fernando Paredes
Escuela de Ingenier
ıa Industrial, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile
Set Covering Problem, Cultural Algorithm, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation.
In this paper we solve the classical Set Covering Problem comparing two evolutive techniques: Genetic Algo-
rithms and Cultural Algorithms. We solve this problem with a Cultural Evolutionary Architecture maintaining
knowledge of Diversity and Fitness learned over each generation during the search process and we compare
it with a Genetic Algorithm using the same crossover and mutation mechanisms. Our results indicate that the
approach is able to produce very competitive results in compare with other Metaheuristics and Approximation
Cultural algorithms are a technique that incorporates
knowledge obtained during the evolutionary process
trying to make the search process more efficient. Cul-
tural algorithms have been successfully applied to
several types of optimization problems (Coello and
Landa, 2002; Landa and Coello, 2005b). However,
nobody had proposed a cultural algorithm for the Set
Covering Problem.
Set partitioning problem (SPP) and set covering
problem (SCP) are two types of problems that can
model several real life situations (Feo and Resende,
1989; Chu and Beasley, 1998). In this work, we
solve some benchmarks of SCP with a new evolu-
tive approach: cultural algorithms (Reynolds, 1994;
Reynolds, 1999; Reynolds and Peng, 2004).
This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2,
we formally describe SCP using mathematical pro-
gramming models. In section 3 we present the cul-
tural evolutionary architecture. In sections 4 we show
the population space and the belief space considered
in cultural algorithms. In Section 5, we present exper-
imental results obtained when applying the algorithm
for solving some standard benchmarks taken from the
ORLIB (Beasley, 1990). Finally, in Section 6 we con-
clude the paper and give some perspectives for future
SPP is the NP-complete problem of partitioning a
given set into mutually independent subsets while
minimizing a cost function defined as the sum of the
costs associated to each of the eligible subsets (Chu
and Beasley, 1998). In the SPP linear programming
formulation we are given a m rows and n columns in-
cidence matrix A = (a
) in which all the matrix ele-
ments are either zero or one. Additionally, each col-
umn is given a non-negative real cost c
. We say that
a column j can cover a row i if a
= 1. Let J denotes
the set of the columns and x
a binary variable which
is one if column j is chosen and zero otherwise. The
SPP can be defined formally as follows:
Minimize f(x) =
Crawford B., Lagos C., Castro C. and Paredes F. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterpr ise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 356-360
DOI: 10.5220/0002406703560360
Subject to
= 1; i = 1, . . . , m (2)
0, 1 i = 1, . . . , m (3)
These constraints enforce that each row is covered
by exactly one column. The SPP has been studied ex-
tensively over the years because of its many real world
applications. The SCP is a SPP relaxation (replacing
the equation 2 by 4. The goal in the SCP is to choose
a subset of the columns of minimal weight which cov-
ers every row. The SCP can be defined formally using
constraints to enforce that each row is covered by at
least one column as follows:
1; i = 1, . . . , m (4)
The cultural algorithms were developed by Robert
G. Reynolds (Reynolds, 1994; Reynolds and Peng,
2004) as a complement to the metaphor used by evo-
lutionary algorithms that are mainly focused on natu-
ral selection and genetic concepts. The cultural algo-
rithms are based on some theories which try to model
cultural as an inheritance process operating at two
levels: a micro-evolutionary level, which consists of
the genetic material that an offspring inherits from its
parent, and a macro-evolutionary level, which is the
knowledge acquired by the individuals through gen-
erations. This knowledge, once encoded and stored,
it serves to guide the behavior of the individuals that
belong to a population.
Considering that evolution can be seen like an op-
timization process, Reynolds developed a computa-
tional model of cultural evolution that can have ap-
plications in optimization (Coello and Landa, 2002;
Landa and Coello, 2005b). He considered the phe-
nomenon of double inheritance with the purpose of
increase the learning or convergence rates of an evo-
lutionary algorithm. In this model each one of the lev-
els is represented by a space. The micro-evolutionary
level is represented by the population space and the
macro-evolutionary level by the belief space.
The population space can be adopted by anyone
of the paradigms of evolutionary computation, such
as the genetic algorithms, the evolutionary strategies
or the evolutionary programming. In all of them there
is a set of individuals where each one has a set of in-
dependent characteristics with which it is possible to
determine its fitness. Through time, such individu-
als could be replaced by some of their descendants,
obtained from a set of operators (crossover and muta-
tion, for example) applied to the population.
The belief space is the ”store of the knowledge”
acquired by the individuals along the generations.
The information in this space must be available for
the population of individuals. There is a protocol of
communication established to dictate rules about the
type of information that it is necessary to interchange
between the spaces. This protocol defines two
functions: acceptance, this function extracts the
information (or experience) from the individuals
of a generation putting it into the belief space; and
Influence, this function is in charge ”to influence”
in the selection and the variation operators of the
individuals (as the crossover and mutation in the
case of the genetic algorithms). This means that this
function exerts a type of pressure according to the
information stored in the belief space.
In the belief space of a cultural evolution model there
are different types of knowledge: Situational, Norma-
tive, Topographic, Historical or Temporal, and Do-
main Knowledge. According to Reynolds and Peng
(Reynolds, 1999; Peng, 2005) these types conform
a complete set, that is any other type of knowl-
edge can be generated by means of a combination
of two or more of the previous types of knowledge.
The pseudo-code of a cultural algorithm appears later
(Landa and Coello, 2005a). Most of the steps of a
cultural algorithm correspond with the steps of a tra-
ditional evolutionary algorithm. It can be clearly seen
that the main difference lies in the fact that cultural
algorithm use a belief space. In the main loop of the
algorithm, we have the update of the belief space, at
this point the belief space incorporates the individual
experiences of a select group of members with the ac-
ceptance function, which is applied to the entire pop-
Pseudo-code of a Cultural Algorithm
1 Generate the initial population
2 Initialize the space of beliefs
3 Evaluate the initial population
4 Repeat
5 Update the space of beliefs
(with the individuals accepted)
6 Apply the variation operators(under
the influence of the space of beliefs)
7 Evaluate each child
8 Perform selection
9 While the end condition is not satisfied
In the design and development of our cultural algo-
rithm solving SCP we considered in the population
space a genetic algorithm with binary representation.
An individual, solution or chromosome is an n-bit
string, where a value 1 in the bit indicates that the
column is considered in the solution and zero in an-
other case (value in j-bit corresponds to value of in
the linear programming model). The initial popula-
tion was generated with n selected individuals ran-
domly with a repair process in order to as-sure the
feasibility of the individuals. For the selection of par-
ents we used binary tournament and the method of the
roulette. For the process of variation we used the op-
erator of basic crossover and the fusion operator pro-
posed by Beasley and Chu (Beasley and Chu, 1996),
for mutation we used interchange and multibit. For
the treatment of unfeasible individuals we applied the
repairing heuristic proposed by Beasley and Chu too.
In the re-placement of individuals we use the strategy
steady state and the heuristic proposed by Lozano et
al. (Lozano et al., 2003), which is based on the level
of diversity contribution of the new offspring. The
genetic diversity was calculated by the Hamming dis-
tance, which is defined as the number of bit differ-
ences between two solutions. The fitness function is
determined for:
Where S is the set of columns in the solutions, S
is the value of bit (or column) j in the string corre-
sponding to individual i and c
is the cost of the bit.
The main idea is try to replace a solution with worse
fitness and with lower contribution of diversity than
the one provided by the offspring. In this way, we
are working with two underlying objectives simulta-
neously: to optimize the fitness and to promote useful
The main idea is try to replace a solution with
worse fitness and with lower contribution of diversity
than the one provided by the offspring. In this way, we
are working with two underlying objectives simulta-
neously: to optimize the fitness and to promote useful
In a cultural algorithm, the shared belief space is
the foundation supporting the efficiency of the search
process. In order to find better solutions and improve
the con-vergence speed we incorporated information
about the diversity in the belief space. We stored in
the belief space the individual with better fitness of
the current generation and the individual who deliv-
ers major diversity to the population, which will be
considered leaders in the space of beliefs. With this
type of knowledge situational, each of the new indi-
viduals generated try to follow a leader stored in the
space of beliefs.
A situational-fitness knowledge procedure selects
from the initial population the individual with better
fitness, which will be a leader in the situational-fitness
space of beliefs. A situational-diverse knowledge pro-
cedure selects from the initial population the most di-
verse individual of the population, which will be a
leader in the situational-diverse space of beliefs.
In this work, we implemented the influence
of situational-fitness knowledge in the operator of
crossover. The influence initially appears at the mo-
ment of the parental selection, the first father will be
chosen with the method of binary tournament and the
second father will be the individual with better fitness
stored in the space of beliefs. In relation with the in-
fluence of situational-diverse knowledge in the oper-
ator of cross-over, this procedure works recombining
the individual with better fitness of every generation
with the most diverse stored in the space of beliefs,
with this option we expect to deliver diversity to the
The updating the situational belief space proce-
dure implies that the situational space of beliefs will
be updated in all generations of the evolutionary pro-
cess. The update of the situational space of beliefs
consists in the replacement of the individuals by cur-
rent generation individuals if they are better consider-
ing fitness and diversity.
The following results present the cost obtained when
applying different operators in our algorithm for solv-
ing SCP41, SCP42, SCP48, SCP51, SCP61, SCP62,
SCP63, SCPa1, SCPb1, SCPc1 benchmarks, these
test problem sets were obtained electronically from
OR-Library (Beasley, 1990). The first table shows the
optimal values and the number of rows(m), number of
columns(n) for diverse instances of the Set Covering
Problem. Following the same sequence that the table
1, the table 2 shows the cost from a Genetic Algo-
rithm using the basic proposal described in section 4
not considering diversity. The next column presents
the best cost obtained when applying our Cultural Al-
gorithm. The table 3 shows the results applying Ant
System (AS) and Ant Colony System (ACS) taken
from (Crawford and Castro, 2006) and Round, Dual-
LP, Primal-Dual, Greedy taken from (Gomes et al.,
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Test problem details for different instances of the
Problem Optimal Rows(m) Columns(n)
SCP41 429 200 1000
SCP42 512 200 1000
SCP48 492 200 1000
SCP51 253 200 2000
SCP61 138 200 1000
SCP62 146 200 1000
SCP63 145 200 1000
SCPa1 253 300 3000
SCPb1 69 300 3000
SCPc1 227 400 4000
Table 2: Obtained costs using Genetic Algorithm (GA) and
Cultural Algorithm (CA) with Basic Crossover and Muta-
tion Interchange.
Problem GA CA
SCP41 519 446
SCP42 627 569
SCP48 642 636
SCP51 303 295
SCP61 179 151
SCP62 183 162
SCP63 198 196
SCPa1 426 300
SCPb1 97 95
SCPc1 238 277
2006). The algorithm has been run with the following
parameters setting: size of the population (n) =100,
size of the tournament (t) =3, number of generations
(g) =30, probability of crossing (pc) =0.6 and prob-
ability of mutation (pm) =0.2. The algorithm was
implemented using ANSI C, GCC 3.3.6, under Mi-
crosoft Windows XP Professional version 2002.
Table 3: Obtained costs using algorithms to solve SCP from
different authors.
Problem AS ACS Round Dual Primal Greedy
-LP -Dual
SCP41 473 463 429 505 521 463
SCP42 594 590 * * * *
SCP48 524 522 * * * *
SCP51 289 280 405 324 334 293
SCP61 157 154 301 210 204 155
SCP62 169 163 347 209 232 170
SCP63 161 157 * * * *
SCPa1 * * 592 331 348 288
SCPb1 * * 196 115 101 75
SCPc1 * * 592 331 348 288
Figure 1: Fitness versus generations are showed for SCP41
instances, using Basic Crossover and Mutation Interchange.
In this paper we have introduced the first proposal to
solve SCP with Cultural Algorithms. The main idea
of the Cultural Algorithms is to incorporate knowl-
edge acquired during the search process, integrating
inside of an evolutionary algorithm the so called Be-
lief Space. The objective is to do more robust algo-
rithms with greater rates of convergence. Our compu-
tational results confirm that incorporating information
about the diversity of solutions we can obtain good
results in the majority of the experiments. Our main
conclusion from this work is that we can improve the
performance of Genetic Algorithms considering ad-
ditional information in the evolutionary process. Ge-
netic Algorithms tends to lose diversity very quickly.
In order to deal with this problem, we have shown
that maintaining diversity in the Belief Space we can
improve the computational efficiency. Evolutionary
Algorithms can be seen as two phase process. The
first phase explores for good solutions, while the sec-
ond phase exploits the better solutions. Both phases
appear to require different diversity. Then, in order
to improve further the performance of our algorithm,
we are now exploring the possibilities for employing
knowledge about diversity from the Belief Space only
in the first generations of the Population Space. In this
way, considering that population diversity and selec-
tive pressure (that gives individuals with higher fit-
ness a higher chance of being selected for reproduc-
tion) are inversely related, we also plan to work on
a non-deterministic use of the two functions (accept
and influence) communication. The main idea behind
this approach is an adaptive solving way that it eval-
uates the trade-offs between exploration and explota-
tion during the process.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems