matic, semi-automatic or interactive. The objects sub-
ject to collaboration are structured and therefore se-
mantic fine-grained policies for merging can be spec-
ified. Our approach was driven by the same motiva-
tion as Suite of obtaining a flexibility for merging and
it was applied for text documents as shown in (Ignat
and Norrie, 2006) and for XML documents as shown
in this paper. The framework proposed in (Shen and
Dewan, 1992) is a general framework where a merge
matrix defines merge functions for the possible set of
operations. For two concurrent operations it is spec-
ified if one of these operations should be executed,
if the intervention of users is needed to decide which
operation to execute or if both operations should be
executed. In the case that both operations should be
executed, it is not specified how the two operations
should be executed, such as a certain order of execu-
tion. In our approach we have an exact mechanism
of executing two operations such that their intentions
are preserved. In fact, our approach could be seen as a
combination of the general merging approach used in
Suite and the operational transformation mechanism.
In this paper we proposed a mechanism for the recon-
ciliation of XML documents where users can specify
various ways of merging changes referring to an el-
ement - automatically, semi-automatically and man-
ually. Our merging approach is based on opera-
tions that track user changes performed on different
units of the document. We extended the operational
transformation mechanism for merging hierarchical
structures. An asynchronous collaborative editor over
XML documents was build based on the approach de-
scribed in this paper.
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repository. We plan to extend collaboration over
XML documents for decentralised environments.
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