Mining Workflow Event Log to Find Parallel Task
Dispatching Rules
Liu Yingbo
, Wang Jianmin
and Sun Jiaguang
Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University 100084, Beijing, China
School of Software, Tsinghua University 100084, Beijing, China
Abstract. In many workflow applications, actors are free to pick up work items
in their work list. It is not unusual for an actor to start a work item before com-
pleting previously accepted one. Frequent occurrence of this behavior implies
potential patterns of work parallelism, which is serviceable to a workflow
scheduler to better dispatch ongoing tasks. In this paper, we apply association
rule mining techniques to workflow event log to analyze various kinds of activ-
ity parallel execution patterns. When an actor accepts a new work item, the par-
allel execution rules mined from event log can help a workflow scheduler to
find those work items that might be suitable to be undertaken by the same actor
simultaneously. In the experiment on three vehicle manufacturing enterprises,
we have found 32 strong rules of 40 different workflow activities. We describe
our approach and report on the result of our experiment.
1 Introduction
It is a common experience in our daily life that some tasks could be done in a parallel
way, for instance, "In the way I go to buy milk, I might as well bring back some
bread…", A smart use of this knowledge is, in the end, an aid to a our productivity
and results in a great saving of time. In today's enterprises, employees have already
learned to coordinate their activities in such a manner. Consider, for example, a vehi-
cle manufacturing enterprise we investigated, within a period of 31 months there are
99765 work items of 922 different kinds of activity that has been performed by 147
actors, statistics of workflow event log shows that more than one third of completed
work items (36541) are performed in parallel with one or more other ones by the
same actor, which means potential parallel work patterns may exist among activities.
As a means of discovering these parallel activities, we present an approach to ana-
lyze the workflow event log. This approach first groups different workflow event
entry into transactions and then association rules mining is applied to the transactions
to find which activities are likely to be executed together. This information can help a
This work is supported by the Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 60373011) ,
the 973 Project of China (No.2002CB312006) and Program for New Century Excellent Talents in
University (NCET)
Yingbo L., Jianmin W. and Jiaguang S. (2007).
Mining Workflow Event Log to Find Parallel Task Dispatching Rules.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Computer Supported Activity Coordination, pages 45-54
DOI: 10.5220/0002408300450054
workflow management system better coordinate the activities of ongoing processes
and it also helps process designers gain insight into potential work parallelism,
thereby, improve the process design accordingly.
With this approach, we have been able to find out 12 rules of 10 activities in a
data set of 31-months and we have also obtained 18 rules of 26 activities in a 14-
months data set. However, in a data set of less than 4 months, only 2 rules of 4 activi-
ties were found.
This paper makes two contributions: it presents an approach of identifying parallel
activity execution rules and it evaluates the possibility of applying this approach on
real data sets.
The rest of paper is organized as follow: We begin by introducing the background
of parallel work dispatching mechanism in workflow and the enterprises we investi-
gated (Section 2), then we introduce our approach of finding parallel execution rules,
including data preprocessing and data mining method (Section 3). After introducing
our approach, we keep on presenting the experiment result (Section 4) and we discuss
on these results (Section 5). Related efforts on process mining and process scheduling
are given in section 6. Finally, we summarize our work (Section 7).
2 Background
Understanding our approach requires a basic knowledge about work item dispatching
mechanism in workflow[1]. In addition, we provide an overview on three enterprises
we investigated.
2.1 Parallel Work Item Dispatching Mechanism in Workflow
Workflow Service Workflow Client
Event Log
Grouping Mining
Fig. 1. Batch work dispatch mechanism in workflow management systems.
Figure 1 illustrates the architecture of parallel work dispatching mechanism in work-
flow, the workflow service reads the event log (far left), groups the event entries into
transactions, mines the transactions for rules which describe implications between
activities: "If an actor is going to buy some milk then he might be willing to bring
back some bread too.", when an actor accepts a work item (say "Buy Milk"), the
workflow client notifies the scheduler this fact and the scheduler match the rules with
ongoing processes to find appropriate work items (say "Buy Bread") for parallel exe-
cution, then, it dispatch these work items to the work list as a suggestion to the actor.
In the discussion of this paper, we focus on finding parallel execution rules. Next, we
provide information about three enterprises as a further introduction to the back-
2.2 Overview of Workflow Event Log in Enterprises
All these three enterprises are vehicle manufacturing enterprises. We investigate them
because workflow is successfully used in many aspects of their business, like: con-
figuration change, order processing, design review, technical notification, standard
release, and new material classification etc.
Table 1. General overview of three enterprises' workflow event log.
Enterprise A B C
Operation Time 117 days 421 days 949 days
Number of Actors 179 244 147
Workflow Activities 256 399 922
Completed Work Items 10808 42099 99765
Parallel Execution 3600 13675 36541
Table 1 is a general overview of workflow event log in these enterprises. In order
to maintain confidential, we use A, B and C to represent them. As illustrated in the
table, the workflow system in these enterprises has a different length of operation
time. Besides, there are many actors who have completed lots of activities, which
clearly reveals the fact that workflow has been heavily used. Moreover, in all these
enterprises, nearly one third of completed work items are parallel executed by the
assigned actor, which motivates us to investigate the parallel execution patterns. Next
we present our approach.
3 Mining Parallel Activities
3.1 Grouping Event Entries to Transactions
We begin by introducing some definitions for event log, event entries, and transac-
tions, adopting some notions used in [1] [2].
Definition 1 (Workflow Event Log). Let A be the set of activities defined in work-
flow models, P a set of actors and T a set of time points. E=A
is the set of pos-
sible event entries (e.g. <a, p, s, e> means the execution of a is performed by p
started from s and ended at e). In the following discussion, we use C
to represent
all the event entries in an enterprise's workflow event log.
Definition 2 (Parallel Executed Activities). For a given event entry c
C (c = <a,
p, s, e>), the parallel executed activities of this event entry are those activities that has
already been accepted by actor p when the activity a starts, they can be defined by
following function T: C
Definition 3 (Transactions of Workflow Event Log). The transactions of a work-
flow event log are obtained by collecting all the parallel activity sets that contains two
or more different activities, and it is denoted by T
1)(#|)( >=
3.2 Excluding Outlier Event Entries
In real situation, there always exist some work items which are executed for an ex-
tremely long period of time. For instance, in Enterprise C, the maximum activity
execution time is 252 days. These long lasting work items are usually caused by busi-
ness irrelevant reasons like unfinished testing or invalid operation etc. Their execu-
tion always overlaps with the execution of other work items, and inevitablly leads to a
large number of unnecessary transactions. Therefore, it is important to preprocess the
event log by excluding these outliers.
50 60 70 80 90 100
x 10
Percentage of Used Event Entries per Actor
Number of Transations
Enterprise A
Enterprise B
Enterprise C
Fig. 2. Number of transactions for different percentage of event entries.
In our experiment, we use K percent shortest executed event entries for each actor
as a way of data preprocessing. Figure 2 illustrates the trend of transaction number
with K = 50, 55…90, 95, and 100. It clearly shows that K percentage filtering has
caused a significant reduction of transaction number, especially in Enterprise C.
However, the reduction tends to be small as K decreases. Therefore, we select the
value of K by minimizing the reduction of transaction number while maintaining as
many event entries as possible. Table 2 lists the selected K and the transaction num-
ber in three enterprises.
]','['',',','|')(,,,, essppCespaacTCespac
Table 2. Identified transactions in three enterprises.
Enterprise A B C
Selected K 95 95 90
Identified Transactions 516 1878 5471
Included Activities 110 225 527
3.3 From Transactions to Rules
Given the transactions as described in the previous section, the next step is to find out
parallel activity execution rules. Our approach of finding parallel activities is based
on Association Rule mining technique[3]. This technique takes as input a set of trans-
actions and generates a number of interesting rules.
Typically, association rules are considered interesting if they satisfy both a mini-
mum support and minimum confidence. In the context of parallel activity association
rule mining, the support and confidence can be interpreted as follow:
For any two activity sets S and D, S D = Φ, the rule S=>D holds in the transac-
tion set T
[C] with support s, where s is the percentage of the transactions in T
that contains S D, this is taken to be the probability, P(S D). The rule S=>D has
confidence c in the transaction set T
[C] if c is the percentage of transactions in T
containing S that also contain D. This is taken to be the conditional probability, P(S |
In practice, such thresholds are set by users or domain experts. Since we are not
familiar with the business context, it is unlikely for us to correctly specify these pa-
rameters at the first beginning. Therefore, we determine such thresholds by enumerat-
ing different values of support and confidence, and then we decide which value is
suitable for mining by observing the number of generated rules.
4 Experiment and Results
We use the Apriori Algorithm[4] to compute the association rules, the Apriori
Algorithm takes a minimum support and minimum confidence and then computes the
set of all associations rules in two phases: First, it iterates over the set of transactions
and forms the frequent activity sets from the activities that satisfy minimum support.
Then, it computes rules from the frequent activity sets. More precisely, from each of
the frequent activity set S
A, it creates those rules S X => X where X is a subset of
S. (Note that all these rules have the same support, but different confidences.) Only
rules that are above the minimum confidence are returned.
In order to determine a suitable value for each enterprise, we enumerate different
support threshold from 0.2% to 7% with an increment of 0.2%, and for each support
value, we further enumerate the confidence threshold from 50% to 100% with an
increment of 5%.
4.1 Selecting Support and Confidence Threshold
Enterprise A
Enterprise B
Enterprise C
Fig. 3. Box plot of rule number with different support and confidence threshold.
Figure 3 illustrates the number of generated rules with different values of supports
and confidences using 3D bar chart. In three enterprises, the number of rules reduces
as support and confidence thresholds become higher. However, in Enterprise C, this
number drops significantly as support threshold changing form 0.2% to 0.6%. In our
opinion, it is related to domain specific reasons, since in enterprise C, there are 5471
transactions. Changing of support from 0.2% to 0.6% means the requirement of mini-
mum occurrence for each rule changes from 11 to 33, which is a big difference in an
enterprises' daily operation. However, in enterprise A and B, the difference of is
much smaller under the same requirement of confidence (from 1 to 3 in A and from 4
to 11 in B). Therefore, it is reasonable for us to consider a rule to be interesting ac-
cording to its occurrence number. Table-3 lists the selected support/confidence
threshold and the number of generated rules.
Table 3. Generated rules of selected support and confidence threshold.
Enterprise A B C
Selected Support 4% 1.6% 0.8%
Minimum Occurrence 21 30 44
Selected Confidence 85% 70% 65%
Conditional Occurrence 18 21 27
Number of Rules 2 18 12
Parallel Activities 4 26 10
4.2 Some Example Parallel Activity Execution Rules
According to Table 3, the number of interesting rules are not as many as we had ex-
pected, further investigation shows that, in all three enterprises, each rule contains no
more than two different activities, most of these activities are similar kinds of work in
different process definitions. Some rule examples are listed below (at the end of each
rule, the support, occurrence number and confidence are provided):
- In Enterprise A, the only tow rules are all concerned with the review activity of
cooling treatment operation. It is described as follow:
Cooling Treatment Operation in Second Level Component Confirmation Process
of Part Design Drawing => Cooling Treatment Operation in Second Level Compo-
nent Confirmation Process of Technological Document (5.8%, 30, 93.3%)
- In Enterprise B, the activities of assembling shop confirmation in different en-
gineering change management processes are always occurred together:
Assembling Shop Confirmation in Technological Notification Process => Assem-
bling Shop Confirmation in Quality Standards Notification Process (3.9%, 74,
- In Enterprise C, the activity of check payment and issue invoice is occurred in
an extremely frequent way during product sales related processes:
Check Payment in Product Release Process => Check Payment in Product Ship-
ment Process (16.1%, 883, 92.4%)
Issue Invoice in Product Release Process => Issue Invoice in Product Shipment
Process (11.6%, 634, 91.8%)
5 Discussion
Until now we have been describing the results, in this section, we provide our
discussion on the results and some possible issues.
5.1 Evaluation on Applicability
In our opinion, the only sure way to know whether our approach are helpful for im-
proving enterprise's business process is to perform an empirical study in which we put
the role of evaluation into the hands of domain experts in three enterprises. Because,
a full utilization of these rules will depend to some degree on familiarity with enter-
prises not the workflow system, for this reason, we argue that such a study is abso-
lutely necessary and we plan one as part of our future work.
5.2 Possible Extensions
We believe our approach warrant further study because of the context in which it can
be applied, for activity parallel execution is just one form of pattern. As a matter of
fact, there are many other kinds of patterns behind the parallel executed activities, for
instance, association between design documents of different product families, and
association between customer requirements etc. Therefore, other mining approaches
can also be applied, such as multidimensional association rule mining and symbolic
interval knowledge mining[5] etc. The mined result may provide more business ori-
ented insights beyond our common understanding of enterprises.
5.3 Threats to Validity
Despite the result reported in this paper, there are some threats to the validity of our
approach that need to be mentioned:
Firstly, we have studied the event log of three vehicle manufacturing enterprises.
Although these enterprises themselves are very different, they just represent part of
the characteristics of enterprises in vehicle manufacturing domain, thus, we cannot
claim that their workflow execution histories would be representative in other enter-
prises and more importantly, in other domains. Secondly, we have made no attempt to
assess the quality of event log, thus, the rules we mined may reflect good practice as
well as bad ones. However, we believe that actors make more "good" decisions than
"bad" ones, thus, there is more good than bad to learn from history.
6 Related Work
Our work applies a data mining approach to schedule work items among actors in
workflow management systems. Hence, it is related to process mining and process
6.1 Process Mining
Process mining is a vast area in the literature of workflow, it aims at improving the
application of workflow by providing techniques and tools for discovering process,
control data[6],[7],[8],[9] organizational[10], and social structures[11] from workflow
event logs. Although, there is a considerable amount of work about process mining,
most of them concerns discovering process model from event log, early effort on this
topic is presented in [6] by Agrawal et al. and in [12] by Cook and Wolf, however,
their approaches are limited to sequential processes. In [13], Aalst et al presented a
new algorithm to extract a process model from event log and represent it in terms of
Petri net. Later on, Wen Lijie et al improved Aalst's algorithm to find Non-Free-
Choice constructs which represents the global dependencies among tasks[14]. In [15],
Gianluigi Greco et al, proposed two algorithms to discover frequent patterns of work-
flow execution, their approach borrows the idea of frequent item set mining[3] to find
sub components of workflow which are frequently appear in the successful execu-
tions and then constructs the workflow model by connecting these components. Other
work about process mining focus on applying genetic data mining approaches, like
data warehouse and machine learning, to workflow event log[16],[17],[18],[10].
6.2 Process Scheduling
Scheduling, however, despite its successful application in manufacturing fields, is not
widely accepted in workflow. Grego'rio Baggio Tramontina et al discussed some of
the problems that prevent existing scheduling techniques from being used in work-
flow [19], in addition, they proposed a "Gauss and Solve" scheduling approach to
utilize traditional scheduling approaches. Carlo Combi et al focus on temporalities in
the conceptual organizational model and task assignment policies. They proposed a
temporal organizational model to describe different temporal constrains of resources,
and they designed a scheduling algorithm, which evaluates the priority of tasks ac-
cording to the expected deadline for completion and expected duration[20]. Eder et
al's work focuses on personal scheduling. They changed their objective of scheduling
from ordering cases in workflow system to assisting individual workflow participants.
To meet this end, they provide workflow participants information about upcoming
tasks so that they can proactively take measures to prepare for those tasks[21] . This
idea is also represented in Liu JianXun et al's work, they observe that many tasks in
the workflow can be prepared before they are actually dispatched, so they proposed
an agent based framework to model such tasks in the workflow definition [22]. Other
work about workflow scheduling concerns scheduling in a single workflow instance,
Pinar Senkul and Ismail H. Toroslu proposed a architecture which provides a specifi-
cation language that can model resource information and resource allocation con-
straints, particularly, they use constraint programming to schedule workflows with
resource allocation constraints[23].
7 Summary
In this paper, we have presented an approach to improve the task dispatching mecha-
nism of workflow management system. Our approach uses a Boolean association rule
mining algorithm that is applied to workflow event log to discover frequent parallel
executed activities. In the data sets of three vehicle manufacturing enterprises, we
have been able to discover 32 strong rules of 40 workflow activities. In addition to
presenting our approach and results, we have presented our discussion on possible
extension of our approach.
We believe that our approach shows some promise for improving the current state
of task assignment mechanism in workflow management systems. Our future plan
includes an empirical study of usability of our mined rules. An investigation on other
kind of association patterns in workflow related data and experiment of other analyti-
cal techniques on temporal characteristic of workflow.
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