A Proposal for Extending the Eduroam Infrastructure
with Authorization Mechanisms
Manuel Sánchez
, Gabriel López
, Óscar Cánovas
and Antonio F. Gómez-Skarmeta
Department of Information and Communications Engineering
Department of Computer Engineering
University of Murcia, Spain
Abstract. Identity federations are emerging in the last years in order to make
easier the deployment of resource sharing environments among organizations.
One common feature of those environments is the use of access control mecha-
nisms based on the user identity. However, most of thosefederations have realized
that user identity is not enough to offer a more grained access control and value
added services. Therefore, additional information, such as user attributes, need
to be taken into account. This paper presents how one of those real and widely
spread identity federations, eduroam, has been extended in order to make use
of user attributes and to adopt authorization decisions during the access control
process. This authorization framework has been integrated by means of the NAS-
SAML infrastructure, which defines a network access control service based on
SAML and the AAA architecture.
1 Introduction
In the last years, we have experienced the emergence of federated approaches to re-
source sharing. In these federations, trust links are established among different au-
tonomous organisations in order to grant users in any of them access to shared resources
with a single identity, stated by the organisation the user belongs to. Important exam-
ples of these approaches are the establishment of academic federations worldwide and
the concepts around Grid Computing.
In fact, many aspects of this federated approach have been addressed by several
projects, as for instance Shibboleth [1] or Liberty Alliance [2]. However, other aspects
generally related with integral identity management are still open, especially those re-
lated to user authorization. Indeed, authorization is a critical feature in this environment
because when an organization offers its resources to the users belonging to other do-
mains, it wants to be sure that only allowed users are able to perform the set of allowed
actions over each resource.
This service level agreement among different organizations requires several efforts
related to user mobility, exchange of security information, integration of heterogeneous
proposals, etc. Concerning to user mobility, the TERENA Mobility Task Force [3] pro-
vided a forum for exchanging experiences and knowledge about the different roaming
development activities in the European Union. As a result of this effort, this task force
Sánchez M., López G., Cánovas Ó. and F. Gómez-Skarmeta A. (2007).
A Proposal for Extending the Eduroam Infrastructure with Authorization Mechanisms.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 23-32
DOI: 10.5220/0002408400230032
defined and tested an inter-NREN roaming architecture, called eduroam [4], based on
AAA servers (RADIUS [5]) and the 802.1X [6] standard. Eduroam allows users of
participating institutions to access the Internet at other participants using their home
institution’s credentials, all this with a minimal administrative overhead.
Depending on local policies at the visited institutions, eduroam participants may
also have additional resources at their disposal. Therefore, it would be desirable to
extend the eduroam architecture with authentication and authorization mechanisms in
order to exchange additional information (credentials) about the users that might be
used at service-level. The main objective of the DAMe project (Deploying Authoriza-
tion Mechanisms for federated services in the eduroam architecture) [7] is to define
this unified authentication and authorization system for federated services hosted in the
eduroam network, in order to allow the use of those user authorization credentials pre-
viously described. Those federated services can range from network access control to
distributed services like Grid Computing.
Since eduroam already defines how the authentication process is managed inside
a federation, the main challenge of DAMe is to define how the authorization process
will be included in this infrastructure. In order to accomplish this, DAMe will make use
of the NAS-SAML infrastructure [8]. NAS-SAML is a network access control system
based on the AAA architecture and authorization attributes. The proposal is based on the
SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) [9] and the XACML (eXtensible Access
Control Markup Language) [10] standards, which are used for expressing access control
policies based on attributes, authorization statements, and authorization protocols.
The rest of this paper is structured as follow. Section 2 provides an overview of
the eduroam service, which defines the underlying roaming infrastructure. Section 3
describes the NAS-SAML network access control service, which will provide autho-
rization services to the eduroam network. Section 4 points out the set of requirements
derived from the integration of both systems and section 5 describes the proposed ar-
chitecture. Finally, we conclude the paper with our remarks and some future directions.
2 The Eduroam Service
Eduroam (Education Roaming) is an inter-institutional roaming service based on the
802.1X architecture and a hierarchical RADIUS-based infrastructure. This initiative
allows mobile users of participating institutions to access the Internet at different loca-
tions using their home institution’s credentials, all this with a minimal administrative
The top level server of the RADIUS hierarchy is provided by TERENA, and all
the National Research and Educational Networks (NREN’s) belonging to the eduroam
infrastructure are connected to this one. Finally, each institution willing to join eduroam
connects its own RADIUS server to the national server of its NREN.
Figure 1 depicts a user from Institution A who wants to get access to the wireless
network in Institution B, both pertaining to the eduroam federation. In this situation,
access control is carried out following the 802.1X standard. That is, the user associates
with the wireless access point (AP), which contacts its local RADIUS server in order
to authenticate the user. Once this server identifies that the user belongs to a different
Fig.1. Eduroam infrastructure.
domain, based on the user identifier for example, the authentication request is forwarded
through the RADIUS hierarchy to the server in the user’s home institution. Then, the
user is authenticated and the response is routed back to Institution B, where the AP
enables the requested connection.
The 802.1X standard defines the use of EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol)
for authentication purposes since it allows different authentication mechanisms. There-
fore, institutions can use any of the different authentication methods depending on the
required security level. For example, users can make use of login and password (EAP-
MD5), or digital certificates may be required both for users and servers (EAP-TLS).
Nowadays, more than 350 institutions over 19 countries (European and Australian-
Pacific) participate in the eduroam initiative. Moreover, the Internet2 Working Group
has started a similar RADIUS infrastructure to incorporate US into eduroam.
However, the deployed eduroam infrastructure is only useful for user authentica-
tion. Target institutions cannot provide different services depending on the particular
user requesting the service. They enable the same kind of connection since no addi-
tional information (e.g. user’s attributes) is taken into account. It would be desirable
that target institutions offer differentiated services based on some information about the
user defined in his home institution. Consequently, additional data about users should
be exchanged between institutions in some way, which will be used next in the target
institution to provide the suitable services to the user.
3 SAML-Based Network Access Control Architecture
Traditionally, network access systems have been based only on user’s identity, what is
useful for organizations which are concerned about the real identity of the requester.
There are other organizations where users are classified according to their administra-
tive tasks or some others internal criteria. In those scenarios, the user’s identity could
not be enough to grant the access to the resource being controlled, since we should
know the attributes defining the user’s profile in order to offer the right service. There-
fore, a system able to exchange the set of attributes specifying those privileges [11] is
NAS-SAML [8] is a network access control approach based on X.509 identity cer-
tificates and authorization attributes. It is based on the SAML and the XACML stan-
dards, which will be used for expressing access control policies based on attributes,
authorization statements, and authorization protocols. Authorization is mainly based on
the definition of access control policies [12] including the sets of users pertaining to
different subject domains which will be able to be assigned to different roles in order to
gain access to the network of a service provider, under specific circumstances.
The system operates as follows. Every end user belongs to a home domain, where
he was given a set of attributes stating some additional properties or roles he plays.
When the user requests a network connection in a particular domain by means of an
802.1X connection, the request is captured by an AAA (Authentication, Authorization
and Accounting) [13] server located in the target domain. That server makes a query to
obtain the attributes linked to the user from an authority responsible for managing them,
located in the user’s home domain. Alternatively, following a push approach, the user
can present his attributes. The communication between different domains is carried out
using the DIAMETER protocol [14]. Finally, the AAA server sends an authorization
decision query to a local PDP (Policy Decision Point) entity, and that element provides
an answer indicating whether the attributes satisfy the resource access control policy.
Furthermore, that policy can also establish the set of obligations derived from that de-
cision, for example some QoS parameters, security options, etc. This general scheme
works both in single and inter-domain scenarios.
NAS-SAML has been also integrated with other authorization systems, such as
PERMIS [15], by means of a credential conversion service [16] used to translate au-
thorization credentials from one source domain to a target one. Some additional inte-
grations prototypes have been defined also for Grid Computing [17] environments.
4 Analysis of the Requirements Derived from Integrating
eduroam and NAS-SAML
The integration of NAS-SAML into eduroam as authorization service can be carried out
in several ways, depending on the requirements imposed by the participating institutions
or the AAA implementation. On the one hand, the target institution should receive the
additional information describing the user from his home institution. On the other hand,
that information should be used in the target institution to determine whether the user
can access to the service being requested.
A first approach (called merged authorization) allows the home institution to re-
turn the information about the user in the same channel established for authentication.
That is, when the home RADIUS server receives the authentication request from the
target institution, it forwards the request to the NAS-SAML infrastructure, which au-
thenticates the user and retrieves some additional attributes. That information can be
encoded in the response as RADIUS attributes. Since NAS-SAML works with DI-
AMETER, the RADIUS-DIAMETER translator described in [18] should be used as
a gateway to access the NAS-SAML architecture. Once the target RADIUS server ob-
tains that information, a query to a local element of the NAS-SAML infrastructure, the
PDP, is performed in order to obtain the authorization decision. Finally, if the decision
is permit, the response and the appropriate RADIUS attributes are returned to the AP.
This approach can be considered optimal regarding inter-domain communications. The
main drawback of this alternative is the extension and, therefore, the use of non stan-
dard RADIUS attributes to transport the information about users between the different
institutions, which should be by-passed at any intermediary RADIUS server.
In order to avoid the modification of the authentication process defined in eduroam
by introducing non standard attributes, a second alternative can be defined (called inde-
pendent authorization). The authorization process should start once the authentication
has been established following the current eduroam profiles. That is, once the target
RADIUS server receives the authentication response, the authorization stage is ini-
tiated to determine the type of service to be provided. This stage is also performed
through NAS-SAML. First, to retrieve the information about the user from the home
institution, and then to obtain the authorization decision in the target institution, as we
commented above. Whereas this approach does not modify the authentication process,
it introduces the need for the definition of an interface between the RADIUS server
and the NAS-SAML architecture (DIAMETER-based) for requesting authorization de-
cisions and obligations derived from that decision. Moreover this approach needs two
inter-domain communications, the former for authentication and the later for authoriza-
tion, therefore introducing an additional overhead.
A third alternative, following the same approach of differentiated authentication and
authorization steps, might be obtained extending the RADIUS protocol with a new pro-
file defining new attributes and messages. In this way, the authorization stage would
make use of the RADIUS protocol as a transport mechanism to obtain the informa-
tion needed for the authorization process. This proposal is being developed by Internet
2 [19].
5 Proposed Architecture
Before providing the definition of the solution, it is necessary to take into account that
eduroam has been already deployed. In other words, hundreds of institutions are using
it and, therefore it is necessary to introduce changes gradually, maintaining backward
compatibility. In this way both alternatives has been designed, but only the independent
authorization has been implemented at the moment since it is the most suitable for
initial testing in DAMe.
To extend the current eduroam infrastructure in order to offer authorization mecha-
nisms with the minimum impact in the institutions willing to continue using the standard
process, it has been decided to preserve the current eduroam authentication mechanism
in the implemented approach (independent authorization) and to deploy a new autho-
rization infrastructure. In this way, using this alternative institutions can decide whether
they want to use an extended RADIUS server connected to the NAS-SAML architec-
ture (authentication and authorization), or a standard one (only authentication). Figure 2
shows this approach.
As we can see, when an institution wants to join eduroam and support user’s autho-
rization, it has to deploy a DIAMETER server, a Policy Decision Point (PDP), and an
Attribute Authority (AA).
Fig.2. Implemented architecture (independent authorization).
According to this approach, Figure 3, once the roaming user is authenticated follow-
ing the standard eduroam mechanism, the target RADIUS server uses the NAS-SAML
infrastructure to lead the authorization process. Therefore, the DIAMETER home server
is consulted about the user’s attributes and, once this information is recovered, an au-
thorization decision is obtained using the PDP. Moreover, a set of obligations can be
returned along with the authorization decision containing some specific network prop-
erties to be enforced by the access point.
More specifically, as detailed in [8], the target DIAMETER server sends a message
to the home server including a SAMLAttributeQuery sentence, which contains the user’s
identity. Then, this query is forwarded to the Attribute Authority (AA), which consults
an Attribute Release Policy. This policy, based on XACML, specifies the user’s at-
tributes that can be released to that target institution. Next, those allowed attributes, and
their corresponding values, are sent back by means of a SAMLAttributeStatement sen-
tence. Once the attributes are recovered at the target institution, a SAMLAuthorization-
DecisionQuery request is sent to the Policy Decision Point (PDP). This query contains
the user’s identity, the resource identifier, the action being requested, and the user’s at-
tributes. Using this information, the PDP is able to obtain the authorization decision
according to the Resource Access Policy, also based on XACML technology. Finally,
the PDP returns a SAMLAuthorizationDecisionStatement response, which might con-
tain specific obligations. The mechanism used by the target DIAMETER server to find
out the home server can be based on the user identifier, as defined in [14].
Finally, the last alternative, called merged authorization, implies several changes in
the RADIUS hierarchy, due to it is necessary to configure intermediate proxy servers
to do not discard the RADIUS attributes carrying the user’s data. Moreover, institutions
need to introduce a new element in its infrastructure, the RADIUS-DIAMETER trans-
lator. In this way, once the home RADIUS server receives the authentication request
from the target institution, this request is forwarded to the NAS-SAML infrastructure
through the translator, as described in section 4. As we can see in Figure 4, the DI-
AMETER server authenticates the user and queries the Attribute Authority, using a
SAMLAttributeQuery request, in order to obtain the set of attributes which can be dis-
closed to the specific target institution according to the Attribute Release Policy. The
resulting SAML attributes are transported into the DIAMETER-SAML messages [8],
Fig.3. Collaboration diagram (independent authorization).
Fig.4. Collaboration diagram (merged authorization).
and then translated into RADIUS attributes by the translator. Finally, when the target
RADIUS server receives this message, contacts with its local NAS-SAML gateway to
obtain an authorization decision as already explained.
Regarding the merged authorization deployment, once the first approach is work-
ing it is possible to introduce the RADIUS-DIAMETER translator in home institutions.
Therefore roaming users can be authenticated by the DIAMETER servers and its at-
tributes be returned directly. Then, if the new RADIUS attributes are not discarded at
intermediary proxy elements because they understand these attributes, it is not needed
a new inter-domain communication in order to perform the authorization process. Only
if they were discarded, that information will be requested by the target RADIUS server
through NAS-SAML, using therefore the independent authorization.
6 Related Work
Nowadays, when talking about access control and authorization, one of the main al-
ternatives is Shibboleth [1]. This proposal defines an access control system for web
services by means of a SAML-based authorization infrastructure. Its main goal is to
exchange information about users to determine whether they are allowed to access to
a target resource. The user information, which can be represented as attributes, is de-
fined in the user home domain. In this way, Shibboleth enables the creation of iden-
tity federations, in such a way that different domains exchange information about the
user’s identity in a reliable way. Besides, due to the authorization decision is based
on the user’s attributes, it is not necessary to disclose the user’s identity. Therefore it
is necessary to take into account that Shibboleth is a technology that provides both
authentication and authorization management for federations. Besides, these two pro-
cesses are closely related by means of a specific kind of user’s identifiers generated
in the authentication phase which is used later in the authorization phase to locate the
user’s attributes. Eduroam only needs to be extended with an authorization infrastruc-
ture without modify the authentication process. Therefore is not possible to include the
authorization mechanism of Shibboleth without altering the authentication process in
eduroam. Furthermore, Shibboleth is oriented to web environments, so its authentica-
tion and authorization processes are based on the use of secure web pages, cookies and
redirections. Those technologies are not appropriate to be used in eduroam since it is
mainly a network access control infrastructure based on the 802.1X standard. How-
ever, it could be possible to make them interoperable by means of proposals such as
eduGain [20] or the RADIUS-SAML profile detailed below.
Internet 2 has defined a similar proposal for carrying SAML statements over the
RADIUS protocol [19] is being developed. This proposal defines a roaming scenario
similar to eduroam, where RADIUS servers forward the authentication request to the
user’s home domain for authentication purposes. This scenario also specifies the possi-
bility of including an attribute request during the authentication stage. In this case, once
the user is successfully authenticated, the home RADIUS server returns, besides the au-
thentication response, a new generated user identifier and the URL of the local Attribute
Authority. Then, the target RADIUS service can ask the specified Attribute Authority
for the user’s attributes using a SAML query. This proposal seems similar to our merged
authorization alternative, but they are slightly different since the information included
inside the authentication response is just a link to an Attribute Authority. That is, a new
query is necessary to recover the user’s attributes. In this sense, this proposal is quite
similar to the independent authorization alternative since authentication and authoriza-
tion are performed at different stages. Consequently, it does not provide the benefit of
needing only one inter-domain communication to authenticate and authorize the user
and, additionally, it requires some modifications in the RADIUS protocol.
7 Conclusions and Future Work
Current federation initiatives are mainly based on solutions deploying access control to
protected resources only by means of identity credentials, without taking into account
additional information about the user, such as the affiliation or role in his home domain,
or additional properties that can be useful in order to offer differentiated services.
This paper presents how eduroam, a real and widely deployed user federation for
an inter-NREN network roaming service, can take advantage of the use of authorization
services in order to offer a more grained network access control process.
This authorization service is based on NAS-SAML, and this paper defines the archi-
tecture components that must be used in order to integrate both scenarios. The proposed
architecture provides two different alternatives in order to take into account the require-
ments of the involved institutions, such as the level of intrusion in the already deployed
authentication infrastructure or latency requirements. The first approach (merged au-
thorization) allows a remote domain to obtain authorizations credentials in the same
authentication channel, so it implies minimum latency requirements. On the other hand,
it should make use of non standard RADIUS attributes in order to transport authoriza-
tion credentials, which could be removed in intermediate servers. The second approach
(independent authorization) defines the whole access control process in two steps: the
first one is the authentication process, through the underlying RADIUS infrastructure;
the second one is the authorization process, through the NAS-SAML infrastructure.
This two-steps approach implies a higher impact on the latency but allows institutions
to keep the traditional authentication process unaltered.
As a statement of direction, beyond the integration of NAS-SAML into the eduroam
infrastructure, DAMe objectives also cover aspects such as the integration of the autho-
rization process based on NAS-SAML with the eduGain [20] proposal, in order to de-
fine a generic framework to allow heterogeneous federations to share a common autho-
rization infrastructure. Finally, it plans to use the AAA network and the related autho-
rization information to provide authorization mechanisms to application-level services,
not only to the network access service.
This work has been partially funded by Daidalos FP6-IP-506997 and DAMe.
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