3. The applications and business processes using
the Web services
Therefore, a monitoring and management tool
should consider different perspectives to come up
with a unified management vision.
The management perspectives discussed here
extend the business perspective, application
perspective, and infrastructure perspective defined
by Casati et al. in (Casati et al., 2003) to: (a) the
deployed Web services, including the three parts of
their description, (b) the platform, including the Web
services server, the Web services container, and the
SOAP engine, and (c) the applications and business
process using the Web services. This extension
comes up with the following elements that are
categorized into: (C1) an information system
representing the Web services architecture, and (C2)
a set of artefacts (subsystems built on top of the
different information systems) to monitor and
manage the Web services architecture, where the
built-in subsystems use the information provided by
the information system.
The Web services architecture information
system is made up of the following information
1. The Web services information system that
represents the information related to the
deployed Web services, their dependencies
with each other and with legacy systems such
as databases and legacy applications
2. The platform information system, including
information about the workloads and the
configuration of the Web/Application server,
the Web services server, the Web services
container, and the SOAP engine
3. The business processes information system,
including their respective flow and their
composition in terms of Web services
The set of artefacts used for monitoring and
managing the Web services architecture .are
subsystems built on top of the previous information
systems. These are:
1. A Web services management subsystem. It
expresses the performance parameters of the
Web services as running applications within
the Web services container, including their
dependencies with each other and with other
legacy systems such as databases and legacy
2. Four platform monitoring and management
subsystems that express the performance
parameters, the workloads and the
configuration of (1) the Web services server,
(2) the Web services container, (3) the SOAP
engine, and (4) the business processes. It is
worth noting that the four subsystems are
depending on each other because the Web
services container and the SOAP engine are
depending on the Web services server, and the
Web services server depends, in its turn, on the
Web/Application server though it may be a
standalone server. That is, the performances of
the Web services and the business processes
are depending not only on the performance of
the Web services themselves, but also on the
underlying platform.
This section specifies the tool in terms of use cases
specifying the monitoring and management
functionality, the collaborations realizing them, and
the class diagrams that participate to these
collaborations. The use case and the collaborations
model the built-in subsystems, whereas the class
diagrams model the different information systems
representing the Web services architecture. These
use cases, collaborations and class diagrams are
packaged into a Web services interface package, a
management interface package, and a Web services
architecture information system package.
4.1 Architecture Specification
The architecture of the tool is sketched out with
UML in Figure 2, where:
1. The Web services architecture information
systems package expresses the information
systems related to the running Web services,
the platform, and the business processes.
Therefore, it contains three packages, where
the business processes IS package depends on
the Web services architecture IS package,
which, in its turn, depends on the platform IS
2. The Web services interface package expresses
the performance parameters of the Web
services as running applications within the
Web services container, including their
dependencies with each other and with other
legacy systems such as databases and legacy
applications. This interface depends on the
Web services architecture IS packages.
3. The management interface package expresses
the management use cases and the
collaborations realizing them. It contains four
other packages that are: (i) the Web services
server interface package dedicated to the
management of the Web services server, (ii)
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems