The time required for the transformation depends
on the number of classes involved and their
corresponding properties.
The proposed system will also help the W3C
compliant OWL based web services (Grid entities)
to communicate with the software agents. The Grid
entity sends a SOAP based UDDI query which is
converted into a valid ACL based DF query with the
help of the AgentWeb Gateway. If the required
service is found it is then forwarded to the Onotlogy
Gateway which then converts the FIPA Ontology
into its equivalent OWL ontology. And the
converted Ontology is then embedded into its
original SOAP message with its name and certain
other parameters, which is then forwarded to the
Web Service client that requested for the service.
This can be established using the same testbed
configuration as described above.
This paper proposes ontology gateway architecture
and detailed mappings that is our research focus for
enabling flexible, autonomous interaction between
Semantic Web services and agent services. A
prototype implementation of this architecture is
under development at NUST-Comtec lab. It is
intended to improve the proposed design so as to
cater more semantically enriched communication.
We expect that this effort of conducting
communication between agents and web services via
a Gateway service, bridging agents and WS is only a
prelude to exploring the immense potential it offers
as a means to compose, invoke, administer and
manipulate heterogeneous service populations. As
OWL is based on description logic so it
comparatively less expressive then FIPA ACL/SL
therefore we need to introduce new operators while
transforming from SL to OWL.
In this paper we have proposed an enhanced version
of Ontology Gateway as compared to the version
proposed in (Maruf Pasha, 2006). The system will
now allow the user to enter queries in natural
language which will then be processed by the NLP
module which extract keywords from the query and
generate an equivalent ACL query. Our proposed
system will provide mappings/translations for more
operators and tags for the interoperability of FIPA
Semantic Language with Ontology Web Language
(OWL) and will prove to be a vital step in achieving
a semantic web and ultimately the Semantic Grid.
In order to achieve this milestone, this paper
contains the key issues and the detailed comparison
of the two technologies. The paper describes the
testbed configuration and the results when OWL
ontologies are mapped/transformed using the
Ontology Gateway. We have also described the
proposed architecture that will enable us to achieve
autonomous coordination in the messages that are
exchanged between the FIPA compliant Multi agent
systems and OWL based web services. And will
allow agents to interact with OWL based Web
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“Decentralized Architecture for Fault Tolerant Multi
ONTOLOGY GATEWAY - Enabling Interoperability between FIPA complaint Agents and OWL Web Services