A Framework for Business Process Integration - An
Agent-mediated Approach
Zheng Zhao, Virginia Dignum and Frank Dignum
Department of Information & Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Abstract. Coordination of business processes within and across organizations
attracts more and more attention because of the growth of e-commerce and the
implicit boundaries of organizations. Current approaches are not flexible enough
to support decision making concerning Business Process Integration (BPI) solu-
tions that take into account economic, social, and technical aspects. In this paper,
we will analyse the problems that currently exist and propose an agent-based
framework for mediation. We identify the requirements of this agent-mediated
framework and argue the advantages of using self-adaptive agent organizations
as model for mediation.
1 Introduction
Nowadays executing a typical business process may involve several different resources,
databases, application systems and business rules, which can be either located within or
across organizations. In order to execute a business process properly, organizations must
deal with problems of heterogeneity of interfaces, ontology, communication languages,
and interaction protocols. Therefore, coordination of such business processes becomes
an important and non-trivial issue. Many efforts have been made to develop middleware
for integrating and automating enterprise business processes over the past decade [1],
however, current Business Process Integration (BPI) solutions (such as Tibco , Web-
methods, Seebeyond, ebXML, IBM websphere and Cordys) are not flexible enough to
support decision making that take into account both economic and technical aspects.
Most systems consider only the technical aspects, such as the synchronization of work-
flows, resource retrieval, etc. However, economic and social aspects also play very im-
portant roles in system design. A system is attractive to users (organizations) only when
the users can benefit by using it. Moreover the benefit one can get has to be shown be-
fore the user decides to join the system. Furthermore, coordinating business processes
across organizations needs to consider the independent nature of each organization. In
order to guarantee the cooperative outcomes, social aspects such as organizational cul-
ture and norms have to be taken into account.
Two fundamental architectural choices for process integration can be recognized.
One is that parties interact directly, which is also called unmediated communication.
The other is to use a third entity that mediates or supports the communication. The
latter approach has several names, such as orchestration (Microsoft), choreography
(SAP/Sun), brokering or mediation. We will use the term “mediation” in this paper.
Zhao Z., Dignum V. and Dignum F. (2007).
A Framework for Business Process Integration - An Agent-mediated Approach.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Computer Supported Activity Coordination, pages 13-24
DOI: 10.5220/0002412100130024
One important advantage of mediation is that participants do not need to know each
other or each other’s standards since the central party is capable to exchange informa-
tion among them. Of course, mediation also has its drawbacks, i.e. it brings overhead
costs and needs a proper IT governance solution to manage it. Therefore, it is important
for our research to clearly define situations where mediation is an advantage.
From the agent perspective, the term “mediator” was probably used in Computer
Science for the first time in [2] for active middleware that mediates between the users’
workstations and data resources. The mediation used here focused on data and was
unidirectional. Nowadays, we often read about mediators or broker agents in the field
of Multi-agent systems. However, it is rarely discussed in-depth whether they are really
needed and under what circumstances they are needed or whether they are preferable to
other solutions.
Multi-agent systems (MAS) are widely considered as suitable abstractions to model
coordination and communication issues because of the characteristics they exhibit [3]:
Are typically open and have no centralized designer;
Contain autonomous, heterogeneous and distributed agents, with different ‘person-
alities’ (cooperative, selfish, honest, etc.);
Provide an infrastructure to specify communication and interaction protocols.
In this paper, we analyze what types of mediators are really needed for what kind of
situations and propose an agent-mediated framework. In Section 2, we give an overview
of existing techniques. In Section 3, we investigate the requirements of Agent-mediated
Business Coordination (ABC) method. Scenario for the ABC framework is presented in
Section 4. Section 5 shows the different types of mediators. And we conclude in Section
6 with the direction of our future work.
2 An Overview of Current Techniques
In this section, we will give an overview of current existing mediation techniques based
on agent technology. We don’t mean to make exhaustive comparisons with these tech-
niques from different aspects, but give an introduction to their working mechanisms.
2.1 TuCSoN
TuCSoN [4,5] is an agent coordination infrastructure as well as a model for the (objec-
tive) coordination of Internet agents, particularly suitable to mobile information agents.
The TuCSoN model is based on the notion of (logic) tuple centres, each of which is
an independent interaction space that abstracts the role of the environment. Tuple cen-
tres are coordination artifacts that mediate and govern agent interaction according to
coordination laws that define their reactive behavior. For example, consider a scenario
with three tasks A, B, and C, which must be coordinated according to the following
workflow rule: task C can start only when both task A and task B have been success-
fully completed. In order to provide this specific coordination service, the tuple centre
is programmed by a set of reactions, i.e. agents that are responsible for executing task
A and task B provide the result of a task by inserting a tuple task done(...) after the
task is executed. When both task
done(...) tuples of task A and task B are inserted into
the tuple centre, a tuple task todo(...) for task C can be made observable by the tuple
centre. The agent that is responsible for task C can then be aware of the task to execute
by observing the task
todo(...) tuple and start executing it by retrieving this tuple from
the tuple centre.
TuCSoN is developed in Java and directly supports the integration between hetero-
geneous information sources. Its tuple centres are powerful coordination abstractions
that act as intelligent information mediators that map knowledge to knowledge. Because
of this, participants do not need to change their model of knowledge representation and
new participant can be easily integrated dynamically. This dynamic behavior specifica-
tion is also the key property that allows TuCsoN to support heterogeneity at the process
level. It stores coordination rules outside the interacting entities, and as such governs
their interaction in a predictable way.
From the technical point of view, TuCSoN encapsulates the workflow rules as coor-
dination laws and separates the workflow participants from the workflow engines, thus
effectively achieves the dynamic coordination among participants.
2.2 JBees
JBees [6] is a prototype Workflow management systems (WfMSs) that is based on agent
technology. It provides a mechanism for communication of distributed components in
order to support inter-organizational WfMS. JBees is based on Opal (a Java-based agent
platform) [7] and uses the Coloured Petri Net (CPN) execution tool JFern [8]. The idea
of JBees is that the work associated with running a WfMS has been partitioned among
various collaborating agents that are interacting with each other by following standard
agent communication protocols. The system consists of seven Opal agents that provide
the functionality to control the workflow:
Management agent: It provides the user interface for the human workflow manager;
Storage agent: It manages the persistent data of the workflow, such as the definitions
of tasks, roles and processes, and the monitored data. It also notifies all management
agents if the data has been changed;
Process agent: It is in charge of executing one particular case. A new process agent
is created for each work case and for each sub-work case. The process agent uses
JFern to execute the CPN model provided by the management agent or by the “par-
ent” process agent;
Resource agent: It is the user interface for the human resource or the interface for
tools such as printers and scanners;
Resource broker agent: It is responsible for the resource management;
Monitor agent: It gathers the data in the system that is necessary to analyze work-
flows and sends the data associated with a particular case to the storage agent for
persistent storage after the case is finished;
Control agent: It provides the feedback mechanism required for process re-
By combining the CPN-formalism and the collaborating software agents, JBees pro-
vides a high level of flexibility and adaptability. Its monitoring and feedback mecha-
nisms also make it possible to study and analyze the various processes and cases.
JBees guarantees process consistencies at each step of the process execution, thus
technically provides the basic executing elements of coordinating multiple business pro-
2.3 mPower
mPower [9] is a component-based layered framework developed for easing the devel-
opment of multi-agent systems. It builds on the JADE-LEAP platform that provides a
homogeneous layer over diverse operating systems and hardware devices. In mPower, a
business process is viewed as a linked set of conversations among participating process
actor roles. The services for executing business tasks are provided by conversational
components (C-COMs) via interaction with other agent roles. A C-COM consists of
two main building blocks, which are an interaction protocol and the role components.
The interaction protocol defines the sequence of asynchronous messages sent between
the role components, and the role components perform the actions necessary accord-
ing to the interaction protocol to achieve the service goal. For each C-COM, there are
two generic role components initiator (starts by sending a message) and respondent
(activated when receiving a message).
The mPower framework consists of four layers foundation, components, generic
workflow and applications. The foundation layer contains the supporting functionality,
such as message transportation, ontology support, language support, etc. The compo-
nents layer consists of ontology components and service components (C-COMs). The
ontology components map the common ontology items into the hierarchy’s predefined
categories and detail the attributes of the items in target domains, whereas C-COMs
abstract and implement the common message-based interactions between participating
agents in target domains. The generic workflow layer provides architectural patterns
that can be used as templates to automate domain- or organization-specific business
processes. The application layer consists of customized collection of components from
the layers beneath it.
The layered mPower framework provides a flexible infrastructure for process co-
ordination. Moreover, the generic workflow layer pre-defines workflow templates that
avoid redundant development of similar business processes.
RETSINA [10] is an implemented open MAS infrastructure that supports communities
of heterogeneous agents and has been applied in many fields, such as financial portfo-
lio management and logistic planning. The MAS infrastructure is defined as the set of
services, conventions, and knowledge that support complex social interactions among
participating agents. The abstract infrastructure consists of 9 layers that provide differ-
ent services to a MAS:
Operating Environment: A layer on which a MAS relies, including physical com-
puters, operating system, networks;
Communication Infrastructure: This layer transfers messages between the agents
as well as between the agents and the MAS infrastructure;
ACL (Agent Communication Language) Infrastructure: This layer provides the
specification of a language that can be spoken and understood by all the agents
in the system community;
Multiagent Management Services: This layer provides additional system opera-
tion services, such as logging facilities, management tools, installation services and
launching services;
Performance Measurement: This layer monitors the performance of the heteroge-
neous agents which differ in their ability, efficiency, reliability etc;
Security: Since agents in an open MAS, which have been designed by different
development groups, can join and leave the society dynamically, it is necessary to
have a security layer that ensures agents do not misbehave;
Mapping Names to Agent Locations: This layer maps the agent name dynamically
to the agent location that provides the basis for agent mobility;
Mapping Capabilities to Agents: This layer maps capabilities to agents by means
of Middle Agents, which match agents’ requests and agents’ advertisements;
Interoperation: This layer provides real-time interoperation between different MASs
that may have their own architecture-specific features.
RETSINA is implemented on the basis of this infrastructure. It implements dis-
tributed infrastructural services that facilitate the relations between the agents. It is
based on two types of communication channels:
1. Direct message transfer, which provides peer to peer communication between the
2. Multicast based discovery process, which connects agents to the infrastructure com-
It provides an ontology based on diverse domain-specific taxonomies of concepts,
as well as a protocol engine and a protocol language. RETSINA uses middle agents
called Matchmakers to allow agents to search what services are available in the MAS
and who provides the services. Each Matchmaker records a mapping between agents
in the system and the services that they provide. One important characteristic of the
RETSINA Matchmakers is that they do not stay in the middle of the interaction between
the providers and the requesters. Because of this, the system becomes more robust.
The RETSINA-OAA InterOperator in the RETSINA MAS infrastructure provides a
bridge between the RETSINA system and the OAA (Open Agent Architecture) system.
It allows any agent in one system to access any service or information provided by
agents of another system.
Technically speaking, Matchmakers in RETSINA act successfully as middlemen
that match the agents and the services each agent provides, which show an important
basic functionality of a mediator that facilitates business process coordination.
2.5 Insufficiencies of Current Techniques
Although the techniques described in this section can solve process coordination prob-
lems to some degree, these systems are quite passive. The systems just work as middle
machines that receive tasks and then execute them.
Each technique has its own characteristics:
TuSCoN focuses on objective coordination, which is coordination outside the agents.
The workflow rules are encapsulated as coordination laws and then superimposed
on the agents.
JBees focuses on the simulation, analysis, and monitoring of the process execution
in order to identify potential inconsistencies and improve process performance.
mPower considers conversations among participating process actor roles as the core
of the framework.
In RETSINA, coordination structure emerges from the relations between the agents
that are facilitated by the distributed infrastructural services. RETSINA also uses
Matchmakers to match between agents and the services they provide.
All these infrastructures focus on the step by step execution of business processes.
None of them cares whether (at a certain step) there is another possible solution that may
give more benefits. The middleware doesn’t have its own goals. However, industrial
solutions often require reactive and proactive mediator agents that have their own goals
(such as find best partner for job, find cheapest component for solution, etc), and are
able to reason about the goals and motivations of the different parties. This means that
besides the technical aspect, both the economic and the social aspects of the system
must be considered in a way such that business objectives, organizational culture and
norms can be taken into account in the proposed interactions.
3 Requirements of the ABC Method
In section 2, we gave an overview of the current techniques. Although those techniques
provide relatively good infrastructures for process coordination, they do not consider
the economic and social aspects of the solutions.
3.1 Economic Requirements for Mediation
Since one main objective that organizations coordinate their business processes is to
reduce costs, solutions that don’t consider the economic aspects are not sufficient.
Integration is key to e-business, therefore, extensive research has been done towards
theories on process integration. Johannesson and Perjons present design principles for
process modeling in Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) [11]. They argue for a
Process Broker architecture and propose a high-level modeling language BML (Busi-
ness Model Language) for application integration. Gordijn designs the e3-value model
[12] that introduces and combines several aspects that have to be taken into account
when combining applications. Some researchers have also argued for a separation of
coordination aspects from the application functionality, where the coordination aspects
are described by contract. However, all of these are ingredients for BPI, such that the
problem of how the integration should be performed hasn’t yet been indicated.
In [13], it is mentioned that by reducing the costs of coordination, information tech-
nology will lead to an overall shift toward proportionately more use of markets to co-
ordinate economic activity. With the increasing use of IT, companies may deal with
customers directly (e.g. via internet), which removes the intermediaries, such as dis-
tributor, wholesaler, broker, or agent. This is also called cutting out the middleman
(disintermediation). However, there are also possibilities for reintermediation, which
is the reintroduction of an intermediary between consumers and producers after dis-
intermediation has occurred. The new roles for intermediaries include trust provision,
aggregation, one-stop shopping, information exchange facilitator, and information fil-
tering brokers. Current interorganizational systems do not often succeed because the
added-value for the stakeholders is hard to quantify and guarantee. The situation can be
considered as a prisoner’s dilemma: collaboration on the basis of system integration is
profitable for all parties, but only if all parties do cooperate. Therefore, there is a need
to analyze the problem and come up with workable business models, particularly for
the situation where the intermediary party is independent.
Companies try to enter the market and want to gain as much benefits as possible.
Consumers that use mediators can benefit by receiving more information and services.
When mediators hold a big amount of customers, companies would like to join medi-
ators as well because of the huge market mediators have. However, mediators won’t
work for nothing. As an independent middle party, mediators also want to benefit from
the services they provide. Thus, contracts or norms are needed to enforce companies
and consumers remaining in the participation.
3.2 Social Requirements for Mediation
Mediation across organizations has to deal with self-interested agents in open envi-
ronment, where heterogeneous participants that have either cooperative or competitive
goals can join and leave dynamically. In order to ensure the cooperative outcomes for
tasks that are not doable individually, trust among participants is an important factor.
One possible solution that can provide a certain level of trust is to regulate the environ-
ment to enforce appropriate types of participant’s behavior.
Norms play an important role in open multi-agent systems (MAS) and allow for
the development of trust and reputation mechanisms [14]. Having norms is necessary
but not yet sufficient by itself, because agents will not voluntarily submit themselves to
associated penalties when deviation occurs. Therefore, mechanisms such as Electronic
Institution (EI) [15] are needed to enforce norm compliance. An Electronic Institution
(EI) provides the necessary level of trustable environment by enforcing norms and pro-
viding specific services.
When multiple solutions are available, participants’ preferences should also be taken
into account in order to provide more satisfied services.
4 Scenario for the ABC Framework
We propose an Agent-mediated Business Coordination (ABC) model that focuses on
the analysis of requirements of mediators, and on the development of workable media-
tion models that consider technical, economic and social aspects.
In this section, we use a travel example (see Figure 1) to illustrate scenario for the
ABC framework. The situation is that people want to travel and they need to arrange
air tickets, hotels, excursions, or car rental, etc. The objective of the arrangement is to
meet the criteria mentioned by the consumer, e.g. low price, hotel should locate in the
center, the trip should be on a certain date, etc. There are three possible ways to arrange
the travel:
Arrange the travel by contacting companies that provide the services directly, which
means arranging everything without any intermediaries (a travel agency, a ticket
agency, etc).
Arrange the travel by consulting some agencies.
Arrange the travel using a mediator.
When arranging the travel by contacting the companies directly, one can choose the
exact air company and hotel he or she prefers. However, the person needs to arrange
each step separately and finally combine them together, which can take a long time and
the process is quite complicated.
When arranging the travel by consulting agencies, there are many possibilities as
well. One can go to a ticket agency that provide tickets from different companies with
different prices, or go to a travel agency that provides information of both tickets and
hotels. Different agencies may give different promotions, but mostly they cannot pro-
vide information that cover all companies.
Airline Company
Hotel Chain
Car Rental
Air Tickets
Air T. & Hotels Hotels & Excur.
Combined Services
Trip 1
Trip 2
Fig.1. Travel Example.
Another important point is that the consumer wants to travel as cheap as possible
when the qualities of services meet the consumer’s requirements. As a consequence,
the consumer may want to compare the prices and the qualities of services they can
get from different arranging methods and make decision based on the comparison. It is
obvious that it is quite hard to compare all the information without any help.
We propose a way that arranges the travel using a mediator. Some possible func-
tionalities of a mediator in this example are as follows:
As a normal agency, the mediator is capable to aggregate information of different
companies and provide it to consumers. One important aspect of mediator is to
group as much information as possible.
The mediator should be able to compare the results obtained from the two previ-
ously mentioned methods using the criteria proposed by consumers.
Mediator should also take into account the norms of different agents. For example,
maybe advertisement cannot be sent to consumers if they didn’t request it, or it is
not allowed to pass personal information to others.
Another issue is to take into account the preferences of agents: likes to travel in
groups or not, prefers single room or a room with cheaper price, etc.
The mediator can be proactive, i.e. when it has some information of a potential
promotion, the mediator can broadcast the information and gather people. For ex-
ample, a hotel informed the mediator that there will be 10 rooms free in the coming
week, if the mediator can gather 10 people, the hotel can ask for half of the price
(the price of 5 rooms). In this case, the mediator can broadcast the promotion and
try to gather enough people.
Proactive can be bi-directional, i.e. when a group of people want to book hotel
rooms, they can ask the mediator whether they can get any discount. The mediator
can then negotiate with hotels on whether they would like to give discount to the
group of people.
Further more, when a customer wants to travel to a certain place (e.g. Spain), he/she
may consult the mediator whether anybody else wants to go to Spain. The mediator
can check it and reply to the customer. From the information provided by the medi-
ator, the customer can gather people who want to go to Spain and ask the mediator
for discount of the trip.
We will use this scenario to help us to generate ideas about when to use a mediator.
It can also help us to build and test our future business models, and help us to identify
the value of a mediator.
5 Different Types of Mediators
In different situations, it is necessary to have mediators with different power and func-
tionalities that act in different ways. Considering the travel example in Figure 1, medi-
ators that deal with hotels and those that deal with air tickets should act differently.
Mediators that deal with hotels can be quite powerful in a way that they can set
contracts with the hotels to force them selling rooms via the mediators. They can also
be proactive to give suggestions to the customers or the hotels. From the economic
point of view, setting up exclusive contract can ensure the profits of the mediators. This
is obvious since without a contract, hotels and customers can set up their own business
relationship after getting information from the mediators. However, both advantages
and disadvantages exist for hotels that decide to set up a contract with the mediator.
The result depends on how many customers the mediator holds. If the mediator has a
huge amount of customers, the hotels can benefit from such a big market and will enjoy
the contract. On the other hand, if the mediator has just a few customers, the contract
would force the hotels remain in the undesired situation.
Mediators that deal with airline companies cannot perform in the same way as deal-
ing with hotels, because airline companies are quite powerful and have dominant po-
sitions in the market. What mediators can do is to gather as much flights (promotion)
information as possible and provide it to the customers. Mediators can also be proac-
tive in this case, but only to the customers. The reason is that mediators can not tell an
airline company to arrange a flight on a specific date and time. However, they can query
customers when promotions are available. For example, if a mediator knows Jane goes
to Spain several times each month, and currently there are discount tickets to Spain, it
can inform Jane and ask her whether she wants to book a ticket. Economically, the more
valuable information a mediator can gather, the more profit it can gain, i.e. if a media-
tor has a dominant position among systems that provide flight information, customers
would have the preference to go to the mediator.
The necessity of different types of mediators indicates that a simple model of medi-
ator is not sufficient. What we need is to identify different business models of mediators
and the factors that determine the applicability of these models to different situations.
There are several reasons of using agents to model mediators. In real-world practice
of mediation, some of the most common aspects of a mediator codes of conduct may
inspire the design of a mediation system [16], which are as follows:
Mediators must adopt a neutral stance towards all parties to the mediation;
Mediators must conduct the mediation in an impartial manner;
Within the bounds of the legal framework, any information gained by the mediators
should be treated as confidential;
Mediators should not offer legal advice, but direct participants to appropriate sources
that are useful for the participants’ decision-making;
Mediators should seek to maintain their skills by engaging in ongoing training in
the mediation process;
Mediators should practice only in the fields in which they have expertise gained by
their own experience.
Intelligent agents can be considered as the most appropriate paradigm in order to
handle these aspects, because of their intrinsic capabilities, such as autonomy, reactivity,
pro-activeness, and sociality. Agents have goals, and can adapt to changing environment
by continuous learning and updating their knowledge.
Agents can be endowed with both economic and social goals. As a consequence,
interaction rules and norms should be incorporated into existing technical infrastruc-
ture in order to support the agents’ coordination. Since mediators are domain-specific,
one (or more) mediator(s) may be preferred to the others under certain circumstances.
Therefore, coordination is needed when multiple agents (mediators) coexist.
6 Conclusions
Mediators should be able to reason about motivations and goals of the different par-
ties, such that they can adapt to their (changing) needs. By understanding goals and
motivations, the mediator is able to provide meaningful alternatives for the requests of
different parties.
In this paper, we presented the initial work towards a mediation architecture for
business process integration across organizations. We discussed existing solutions and
their shortcomings and identified economic and social requirements for a more compre-
hensive solution. However, our work has just started. In the following we indicate the
direction of our current research and describe the research methods we propose to use
in this project.
Different research methods will be used in the research. Firstly, to come up with an
interdisciplinary theory of mediation in the context of BPI, we will do literature survey
on coordination mechanisms, economy and agent society. In order to be able to support
the choice of an appropriate type of mediator for a particular situation, we will develop
a mediator decision process. Different types of mediators and their adaptability will be
tested in an agent society test bed, which will also be developed.
In section 4, we proposed the idea of using a mediator for the travel problem. We
will generalize the problem to cover general business process coordination cases. First
of all, it is necessary to analyze the business coordination context in which mediation
is required or can give outstanding performance. According to the analyzed results,
mediation models that have different functionalities can be designed. Generalization
can be achieved by combining the diverse, but not conflict functionalities of different
mediation models.
The final objective of our research is to develop a unified framework of media-
tion that takes into account technical, economic, and social aspects. In order to achieve
this, we need to classify mediators according to their characteristics and functionali-
ties. Based on the classifications, different models will be built up to represent different
types of meditators. Furthermore, these models should be able to adapt to the continu-
ous change in the environment.
This research is supported by NWO, under the project Agent-mediated Business Co-
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