Z. Trefny, J. Svacinka, S. Trojan, J. Slavicek, P. Smrcka and M. Trefny
Cardiological Laboratory, U Průhonu 52, Prague 7, Czech Republic
Institute of Physilogy, 1
Medical Faculty, Charles University in Prague, Albertov 5, Prague 2, Czech Republic
Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Studnickova 7, Prague 2, Czech Republic
Keywords: Time-domain segmentation of the seismocardiogram, J-wave recogniton.
Abstract: The device for quantitative seismocardiography (Q-SCG) detects cardiac vibrations caused by the heart
activity, the measuring sensor is usually placed in the plate of the chair – additional instruments applied on
the proband’s body are not required. The results of the Q-SCG analysis are usable in various clinical fields.
The first and most important step in the process of detection of significant characteristics of measured Q-
SCG curves is to detect pseudo-periods in the signal regardless of the initial pseudo-period position. Other
characteristics can be acquired by a relatively simple process over the appointed pseudo-period. The
experimental equipment for the Q-SCG measuring and analysis was developed and also special algorithms
for preprocessing, segmentation and interactive analysis of the Q-SCG signal were developed. In this
contribution technical principles of the quantitative seismocardiography are introduced; the method is easy,
robust and is appropriate for real-time Q-SCG processing.
Ballistocardiography (BCG): In 1936, Starr began
the era of high-frequency ballistocardiography,
which lasted approximately 15 years. Different types
of instruments were developed, on which the
displacement, velocity or acceleration of the body
lying on a table was measured. Later studies showed
that there are difficulties when comparing records
registered on different apparatuses. This was mainly
caused by two factors: (a) the instrument’s natural
frequency, (b) the instrument’s damping.
Figure: 1: Records registered using the old BCG
instrument with a frequency of 2Hz and critical damping.
The lower curve depicts the effect of force applied, which
is of the same intensity but differs in the duration. The
upper curve is a record, from which one cannot determine
either size or duration of the acting force.
Quantitative ballistocardiography (Q-BCG): Fo-
llowing the critical evaluation of all these facts, we
began in 1952 our own experiments related to the
construction of an apparatus which would lack the
aforementioned shortcomings. We constructed an
apparatus whose advantages lie not only in the
simplicity of its design, but also in its important
functional qualities. To achieve a minimal distortion
caused by the transmission from the origin of the
force to the recorder it is necessary that the natural
frequencies of the transmission systems are as far as
possible from the mentioned frequency range.
The cardiovascular activity is manifested by a
force acting on the human body which represents a
mechanical vibratory system transmitting the force
to the balistocardiographic apparatus.
The basic part of our portable quantitative
balistocardiograph is a very rigid piezoelectric force
transducer resting on a rigid chair. The examined
person sits (Figure 2) on the light seat placed on the
transducer and the force caused by the
cardiovascular activity is measured in this way. The
output of the piezoelectric pick-up is fed into an
operational amplifier.
Trefny Z., Svacinka J., Trojan S., Slavicek J., Smrcka P. and Trefny M. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 463-467
DOI: 10.5220/0002412604630467