A Reputation System for Electronic Negotiations
Omid Tafreschi
, Dominique M
, Janina Fengel
, Michael Rebstock
and Claudia Eckert
Technische Univerti
at Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Abstract. In this paper we present a reputation system for electronic negoti-
ations. The proposed system facilitates trust building among business partners
who interact in an ad-hoc manner with each other. The system enables market
participants to rate the business performance of their partners as well as the qual-
ity of offered goods. These ratings are the basis for evaluating the trustworthiness
of market participants and the quality of their goods. The ratings are aggregated
using the concept of Web of Trust. This approach leads to robustness of the pro-
posed system against malicious behavior aiming at manipulating the reputation
of market participants.
1 Introduction
Markets provide the basis for all types of business. According to [3], they have three
main functions, i.e., matchmaking between buyers and sellers, providing an institutional
infrastructure and the facilitation of transactions. A typical market transaction consists
of 5 phases [14], which are depicted in Figure 1:
Fig. 1. Transaction Phases on a Market.
In the information phase market participants gather relevant information concerning
products, market partners, etc. During the intention phase market participants submit of-
fers concerning supply and demand. Then, the terms and conditions of the transaction
are specified and the contract is closed in the agreement phase. The agreed-upon con-
tract is operationally executed in the execution phase. During the service phase support,
maintenance and customer services are delivered.
The author is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research under
grant 01AK706C, project Premium.
These authors are supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Reserach under
grant 1716X04, project ORBI.
Tafreschil O., Mählerl D., Fengel J., Rebstock M. and Eckertl C. (2007).
A Reputation System for Electronic Negotiations.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 53-62
DOI: 10.5220/0002415300530062
A negotiation can be defined as a decentralized decision-making process by at least
two parties [5]. It is performed until an agreement is reached or the process is terminated
without reaching an agreement by one or all the partners involved. The objective of this
process is to establish a legally binding contract between the parties concerned, which
defines all agreed-upon terms and conditions next to regulations in case of failure of
their fulfillment [14]. Beam and Segev define electronic negotiations “as the process by
which two or more parties multilaterally bargain resources for mutual intended gain, us-
ing the tools and techniques of electronic commerce. [4] Electronic negotiations enable
market participants to interact with each other in an ad-hoc manner over large geograph-
ical distances. However, these opportunities lead to undesirable side-effects. Over open
and anonymous networks, market participants have to cope with much higher mount of
uncertainty about the quality of products and the trustworthiness of other participants
[18]. Ackerlof showed that knowledge about the trustworthiness of a seller is vital for
the functioning of a market [1]. Therefore building trust in virtual environments is of
high importance. Information about the reputation can be used to build up trust among
strangers, e.g., new business partners. Learning from experiences from other users by
seeing their assessment of a potential partners’ business performance as well as the
quality of the delivered goods can reduce this uncertainty.
In this paper we propose a reputation system for electronic negotiations, which is
robust against unfair behavior. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In
Section 2, we present a business web supporting electronic negotiations, explain the
notion of reputation, and introduce reputation systems and their requirements. In Sec-
tion 3, we propose a reputation system and discuss its robustness against opportunistic
behavior. Section 4 presents related work. We conclude and discuss future work in Sec-
tion 5.
2 Background
2.1 A Business Web Forming an Electronic Market
The MultiNeg Project [8] has developed components for forming a business web which
shapes an electronic market. The market participants can offer their products, negoti-
ate with each other and transfer transaction results into their ERP systems. The busi-
ness web consists of four applications, i.e., marketplace, MultiNeg, Authentication and
Authorization Server (AAS) and ERP. Figure 2 shows the overall architecture of the
business web.
The marketplace allows sellers to publish catalogs containing their products or ser-
vices, which can be subject to negotiations.
MultiNeg is an electronic negotiation support system for bilateral, multi-attributive
negotiations. It facilitates the negotiation of multiple items with arbitrary variable at-
tributes. The key objectives for the development have been the design of an architecture
suitable for different industries, company sizes and products and a communication inter-
face design that allows the integration of inter-organizational with intra-organizational
applications. The functionalities are conceptualized for usage in a decentralized deploy-
ment and are based on open standards, e.g., HTTP, XML, SOAP, WSDL. Thus they
allow the seamless electronic integration of internal and external business processes.
1.) publish catalogue
3.) initialize negotiation
2.) search products
6.) transmit results
5.) finish negotiation
4.) negotiate products
6.) transmit results
5.) finish negotiation
4.) negotiate products
Fig. 2. Architecture of Business Web.
Each company has an Authentication and Authorization Server (AAS). This allows
market participants to setup security policies for authentication and authorization. Au-
thentication policies define how business partners of a company can authenticate them-
selves in order to interact with the owner of the AAS. Authorization policies support
the implementation of access control to the resources of a company, e.g., catalog data.
As mentioned in the introduction, trust building is crucial for electronic negotia-
tions. Information about reputation can be used for that purpose. In the following we
describe the notion of reputation.
2.2 The Notion of Reputation
According to [17], reputation is a concept that arises in repeated game settings when
there is uncertainty about some property of one or more players in the mind of other
players. If “uninformed” players have access to the history of past stage game outcomes,
reputation effects then often allow informed players to improve their long-term payoffs
by gradually convincing uninformed players that they belong to the type that best suits
their interests.
Reputation information is useful in two respects. First, it supports a market partic-
ipant with regard to decision support. This is necessary when a buyer has to choose
between several sellers offering the same product with comparable conditions. Second,
it makes opportunistic behavior unprofitable, since this would lead to a poor rating,
which in turn may deter potential business partners from considering the owner of the
poor rating.
2.3 Reputation Systems and their Requirements
A reputation system collects, distributes and aggregates feedback about participants’
past behavior [15]. Feedback is usually collected at the end of each transaction. The au-
thority responsible for reputation management asks the participants to submit a rating.
Aggregation of feedback means that the available information about an entity’s trans-
actions is evaluated and condensed into a few values that allow users to easily make
a decision. Feedback is distributed finally to the participants, i.e., it has to be made
available to everyone who wants to use it for making decisions on whom to trust.
Figure 3 shows the components and actors of a reputation system [16]. The target
of a rating is called ratee. The collector gathers ratings from agents called raters. This
information is processed and aggregated by the processor. The emitter makes the results
available to other requesting agents.
Collector Processor Emitter
4.) update
2.) interaction
Fig. 3. Components and Actors of Reputation Systems [16].
The main objective of a reputation system is to prevent opportunistic behavior in
virtual environments by making it worthless in the long term. However, since the same
communication facilities are used for implementing reputation systems, these systems
face themselves some problems caused by opportunistic behavior of market participants
using reputation systems.
In [9], Dellarocas presents two scenarios in which market participants try to ma-
nipulate their own reputation or the reputation of others, i.e., ballot stuffing and bad-
mouthing. Ballot stuffing is the result of unfairly high ratings, which are given by a
colluded group of buyers to a single seller in order to improve his reputation. Bad-
mouthing describes a situation in which colluded buyers give unfairly negative ratings
to a seller in order to drive him out of the market.
In [10], Friedman and Resnick describe the dilemma of cheap pseudonyms. This
occurs when a user of an online service can change his virtual identity by obtaining
a new pseudonym at little cost. As a consequence, market participants can easily get
rid of negative reputations. Such market participants are referred to as whitewashers:
users who leave a system and rejoin with new identities to avoid reputational penalties.
Cheap pseudonyms allow another adversarial strategy, i.e., sybil attacks [7]. Sybils are
different identities of one user. This user improves his reputation by using his sybils.
In addition to the issues mentioned above, reputation systems supporting mutual
ratings should prevent that one party can learn the rating he is supposed to receive
before he has issued the rating for his business partner. This should ensure that a rating
reflects its issuer’s experience in the context of the corresponding transaction and that a
rating is independent from the rating of the opposite side.
3 A Reputation System for Electronic Negotiations
In this section we present a reputation system for the business web mentioned above. It
enables market participants, i.e., buyers and sellers, to rate each other after a concluded
transaction. They can assess the quality of the traded goods as well as the partner’s
performance. This mechanism enables participants to make better decisions considering
several aspects. For example a seller is offering products of excellent quality, but tends
to deliver late. This information is valuable for potential buyers who have to plan their
production in advance. If they decide to buy some goods from the seller in question,
they have to schedule reserve time for maybe late delivery.
Our reputation system encompasses two phases, i.e., rating phase and rating ag-
gregation phase. In the rating phase two business partners evaluate each other after a
concluded transaction by giving a rating to the opposite side. This phase affects the last
three transaction phases on a market during which two business partners interact with
each other. During these three phases including the negotiation they form an opinion
about each other, which is later reflected by the corresponding ratings. These ratings
are used in the rating aggregation phase to get information about the reputation of a
market participant. The rating aggregation phase takes place during the first three trans-
action phases. In the information phase and the intention phase a buyer wants to learn
more about his potential negotiation partners, i.e., sellers. For this purpose he has to
evaluate the rating of sellers. During the actual negotiation both buyer and seller can
use ratings of their opposite to map out their negotiation strategy. Figure 4 depicts the
rating phase and the rating aggregation phase during a market transaction.
Marketplace MultiNeg ERP
Rating Phase
Rating Aggregation Phase
Fig. 4. Rating Phase and Rating Aggregation Phase During a Market Transaction.
3.1 Rating Phase
Figure 5 shows the process of a negotiation and the subsequent rating phase. We de-
scribe the process in the following:
Steps 1-2 After concluding a negotiation the involved parties evaluate each other
by issuing corresponding ratings. A rating ranges from 0, i.e., poor rating, to 100, i.e.,
excellent rating. We support two different types of rating, i.e., buyer rating and seller
rating. A buyer rating is given by a seller to a buyer, whereas a seller rating is given
by a buyer to a seller. Each kind of rating has a set of specific categories, which can
be evaluated separately. For example, a seller can rate the payment practice of a buyer
and a buyer can rate the quality of products delivered by a seller. A weighting can be
assigned to each category to reflect the importance of this category to the evaluator. The
sum of all weightings of a single rating is 100. The default value of a weighting is 100
divided by the number of the categories. Additionally, a category can be annotated with
a comment. Since the data of a negotiation are stored on MultiNeg, negotiation partners
use MultiNeg to create ratings for each other.
2.) issue rating
6.) verify signature
1.) conclude negotiation
7.) check the
existence of the
2.) issue rating
1.) conclude negotiation
8.) publish ratings
4.) sign rating
4.) sign rating
Fig. 5. Rating Phase.
Steps 3-5 After the receipt of the rating data MultiNeg forwards it to the AAS of
the corresponding party. The AAS displays the rating to its issuer and allows him to
digitally sign it. The signed rating is transferred to the marketplace to be published.
Steps 6-8 The signature of a signed rating is verified at the marketplace. In case
of a positive result the marketplace checks whether the rating belongs to an existing
negotiation. This step ensures that only authentic ratings are published. If MultiNeg’s
answer is positive, the marketplace publishes the rating if both ratings of a negotiation
have been issued. Publishing two ratings simultaneously prevents that one negotiation
partner changes his mind (rating) after learning the rating given to him by his opposite.
However, this could protect one party from receiving a poor rating. In this case the party
does not give a rating for his opposite. To overcome this shortcoming the marketplace
publishes a single rating without the second corresponding rating after a defined period
of time has passed. This rule is known to all market participants.
3.2 Rating Aggregation Phase
Existing ratings of market participants are stored and displayed at the marketplace
where buyers search the catalogs of sellers and choose partners for a negotiation. The
ratings of market participants can be used to support that decision. Our reputation sys-
tem provide a set of different views to the ratings. An evaluator can look at details of
one rating, e.g., its categories and the corresponding comments. In order to simplify
the assessment of a certain market participant based on his ratings, our system allows
calculating the arithmetic average of all ratings, i.e., ratings, of one market participant
with the help of the following formulas. We assume that the market participant has
n ratings and each rating consists of m categories.
rating =
· weighting
Formula 1 calculates the average of one rating. We apply this to all ratings of mp
and calculate the average of them with Formula 2. Although this approach is easy to
implement and to understand, it is not robust against ballot stuffing and bad-mouthing,
since it considers only the number of ratings independently from their issuers. In the
following we show how to overcome this shortcoming.
If we assume that trust is transitive, we can apply the concept of Web of Trust for the
calculation of trust values based on rating lists. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) was the first
popular system which used the concept of Web of Trust to establish the authenticity of
the binding between a public key and a user in a decentralized and open environment,
e.g., the Internet [19]. We use the concept of Web of Trust to calculate trust values in our
reputation system. For this purpose, the evaluator first has to build up a mesh between
himself and the peer for which he wants to calculate the trust value. The mesh should
consist of one trust path at least. The start vertex of a trust path is the evaluator and the
end vertex is the market participant to be evaluated. In addition, a trust path contains
other vertices, i.e., market participants which have been rated by the evaluator or by
other vertices in the mesh except the end vertex. In order to keep the calculation base
meaningful, we limit the length of a trust path, i.e., the number of its vertices [11]. The
average of the rating which was given to a vertex is calculated with Formula 1. If there
are several ratings, i.e., weightings to be assigned to one edge, we aggregate them with
Formula 2. The result is assigned as weighting to the edge directing to the vertex in
question. It is not always possible to find a trust path, e.g., when no in between vertices
exist. Our reputation system indicate such cases to the evaluator.
We explain the algorithm for the aggregation of ratings based on Web of Trust with
the help of an example. One buyer (Company A) enters the marketplace and wants
to purchase products which are offered by the seller (Company Z). These two market
participants have never negotiated with each other. But there are two other companies
which have negotiated with both, seller and buyer. The corresponding ratings are shown
in Figure 6. We use the existing ratings to build up a mesh between buyer and seller. If
Rater Ratee Rating
Company A (buyer) Company B 95%
Company A (buyer) Company C 70%
Company A (buyer) Company C 90%
Company B Company Z (seller) 99%
Company C Company Z (seller) 95%
start node
target node
Fig. 6. Example for Web of Trust.
there are several ratings between two parties we aggregate them into one value, which
is the arithmetic average. Figure 6 shows the corresponding mesh of our example. The
mesh is the input for the following algorithm proposed by Caronni [6].
Algorithm 1: calculateTrust.
Input: mesh W, start node A, target node Z
Output: TrustLevel
trust in A = 1;1
TrustLevel = 0;2
for all direct neighbors of Z do3
direct neighbor is X;4
if X is the start node then5
T rustLevel = 1 (1 (trust in X) · (edge
) · (1 T rustLevel);6
create a copy C of W;8
drop target node Z in C;9
T rustLevel = 1 (1 return · edge
) · (1 T rustLevel);11
return T rustLevel;12
The algorithm is recursive and has three runs for our example mesh. The direct neigh-
bors from Z are node B and node C. The intermediate steps are depicted in Figure 7.
The algorithm starts with node B, which is not the start node. As a consequence, in the
left mesh the company Z (seller) has been removed and company B is the new target
node (see Figure 7(a)). We find out the direct neighbors of node B, which is node A
(start node). Line 6 of the algorithm contains the formula for calculating the trust level
of node A with regard to node B (T rustLevel
= 1 (1 1· 0, 95)· (1 0) = 0, 95).
This value is returned from the recursive call. It is the input in the formula in line 11
of the algorithm, where we calculate the TrustLevel of node A with regard to node Z
(T rustLevel
= 1 (1 0, 95 · 0, 99) · (1 0) = 0, 9405).
start node
target node
Fig. 7. Iteration Steps for Calculating a Trust Level.
We repeat the sketched process again for node C as next neighbor of node Z (see
Figure 7(b)). The resulting value is T rustLevel
= 1 (1 1 · 0, 8) · (1 0) = 0, 8.
In the final step T rustLevel
and T rustLevel
are the inputs for the formula
in line 11 where the return value of the algorithm is calculated T rustLevel
1 (1 0, 8 · 0, 95) · (1 0, 9405) = 0, 98572. This value is presented to Company A
in addition the arithmetic average of Company B’s ratings. This additional information
provides an alternative for decision-making considering the perspective of the evaluator.
The aggregation of ratings based on the concept of Web of Trust does not totally
prevent ballot stuffing and bad-mouthing, but these kinds of malicious behavior lose
some of their impact. Recall that ballot stuffing requires that a (small) set of raters give
a large number of unfair good ratings to a ratee in order to improve his reputation. Since
the approach based of Web of Trust considers the average of ratings given to a market
participant, it does defuse the impact of several unfair ratings. The same reasoning
applies to bad-mouthing.
4 Related Work
Au et al. present a framework for enabling crossorganisational trust establishment [2].
They introduce trust tokens which are issued by trust servers. These tokens are required
when a user wants to access a protected resource. Au et al. also use the concept of Web
of Trust to model the trust relationship between the trust servers. However, in contrast
to their work, we build up a Web of Trust based on ratings and can calculate the trust
level in an ad-hoc manner.
Kamvar et al. propose the EigenTrust algorithm for reputation management in P2P
networks [12]. This work is close to our system, since both are based on the concept of
transitive trust. But they have different design goals. EigenTrust minimizes the impact
of malicious peers on the performance of a P2P system.
In [13], Maurer proposes an approach to model a user’s view of a public key infras-
tructure (PKI). From this view, a user draws conclusions about the authenticity of other
entities’ public keys and possibly about the trustworthiness of other entities. A user’s
view consists of the user’s statements about the authenticity of public keys and the trust-
worthiness of their owners, as well as a collection of certificates and recommendations
obtained or retrieved from the PKI. This approach is similar to our work. However, we
use other information, i.e., transaction ratings, to calculate the trustworthiness of market
5 Conclusion and Future Work
In this paper, we proposed a reputation system for electronic negotiations to enable
market participants to evaluate each other and their offered goods. For this purpose, we
developed a system architecture which allows business partners to evaluate each other
with the help of ratings after a concluded transaction. These ratings are aggregated to
support a market participant to find a trustworthy business partner. This aggregation is
based on the concept of Web of Trust to make the reputation systems robust against
malicious behavior aiming at manipulating the reputation of some market participants.
In addition to the aggregated values, our approach offers differentiated views for
assessing a business partners’ capabilities. Instead of an overall information, a potential
partner can get insight about the business behavior and the quality of the offered goods
separately, since those do not necessarily depend on each other.
We have implemented the proposed reputation system and plan to do an empirical
study of the usability of our system and to analyze its efficiency.
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