Gábor Magyar
Dept. of Telecommunications and Media Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Budapest, Hungary
Keywords: Archiving documents, originality, metadata, Dublin Core, semantics.
Abstract: The long-term archiving of digital documents is a very challenging task, because of policy, legal,
intellectual property rights, metadata, semantic support and other issues. This paper merges technical and
sociotechnical approaches. As more research disciplines and societal sectors have come to rely on data-
driven models and observational data, the archiving problem is growing, the shortcomings of current
technologies have become apparent and the need to preserve historical material has become imperative. The
variety and complexity of digital documents as information technology objects brings up a basic question:
does it necessary to preserve the variety and complexity of the original objects? Our answer in general is
’no’, essential attributes of a document are preserved when the document is transformed to different
platforms. There are many reasons to change the format of a document. We use the categories of physical,
logical, and conceptual layers in order to define generic properties that are true of all digital documents.
This approach gives an overall framework for general preserving strategy managing technical obsolescence
and semantic mutations.
There is no a single conventional definition of the
category „digital document”. (Buckland, 1998)
In the „PC world” this term was originally used
for a file created with a word processor. I.e. the term
referred to a textual object. This conception has
totally changed: documents can contain graphics,
charts, and other objects (images, embedded sounds,
animations, videos). A digital document can have an
exactly described structure of its elements – this
structure itself can have extra meaning. A word
processing application can produce graphics, tables,
hyperlinks, XML output and a graphics application
can produce words. This trend has accelerated with
technologies that allow an application to combine
many components. What’s more, many forms of
digital information cannot be expressed in traditional
hard-copy or analog media; for example, interactive
Web pages, geographic information systems, and
virtual reality models. Consequently, the term
’document’ is used more and more to describe any
file produced by an application. There is no single
definition or model of a digital document that would
be valid in all cases. Information technologists
model digital documents in very different ways: a
digital document can be a sequence of expressions in
natural language characters or a sequence of scanned
page images, a directed graph whose nodes are
pages (what appears in a Web page), and so on. How
documents are managed, and therefore how they are
preserved, depend on the model that is applied.
Unlike a paper record where the symbols which
encode the information are directly accessible to a
reader, digital data is stored as a series of bits on a
storage medium in a form which is intelligible
(frequently not visible) to the human being. So a
machine is required to retrieve the binary patterns
from the device, and then a program is required to
interpret the encoding format of the bit stream and
render it in a human-intelligible form. The
information is interpreted as the result of the action
of these human made hardware/software tools on the
data. The precise form in which the information is
made available to a user depends as much on the
action of these technological intermediaries as it
does on the data on which they operate.
Two different software tools may render the
same data in ways that give the user different views
of that data as information. This may be true even
for the same tool running in different environments
or with different parameters. Typical word
Magyar G. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 369-374
processing programmes incorporate multiple ‘view’
options which present quite different screen
renditions of the same data. The user’s experience of
information becomes a complex product of the base
data itself and the processes performed on that data.
Extreme, but simple example is the difference
between the views of the same textual content made
by the same word processing applications but using
different file format outputs (e.g. Rich Text Format
and simple text).
This process of mediation also means that the
user don’t know the physical structure of a digital
record (the way in which digital units of a
representation are physically arranged on the storage
medium). This will certainly change when a single
representation is transferred from one medium to
another, sometimes even on transfer from one
instance to another of the same medium.
What is meant by ‘original’ in the space of digital
Almost any ‘use’ of a selected representation of a
digital record involves the making of a copy in some
way. If a user accesses a representation which is
held on a networked server, a copy of that
representation is transmitted to their client computer,
and indeed multiple users could perform the same
action simultaneously on that same representational
form. There are files in the digital world that have
the same properties. (The problem of versions,
modifications are out of the scope of this paper.
Here and now different versions are identified as
different documents. Version management is a
practical issue from this point of view. However, the
three-layer model, described in this paper can handle
this issue.)
The variety and complexity of digital documents
as IT objects brings up a basic question: does it
necessary to preserve the variety and complexity of
the original objects?
The answer in general ’no’, essential attributes of
a document are preserved when the document is
transformed to different platforms. There are many
reasons to change the format of a document,
crossing technological boundaries (eg. platforms,
operating systems, applications). For example, to
ensure that written documents retain their original
appearance, authors translate them from the word
processing format in which they were created to
Adobe's PDF format.
This paper gives a generic model of properties of
digital documents. We use the categories of
physical, logical, and conceptual layers in order to
define generic properties that are true of all digital
At the physical layer, a digital document is an
inscription of signs on a medium. There are specific
(coding) rules in any technical environment to
determine the matching between a system of signs
and the physical storage of bits. Those conventions
vary with the type of the physical medium, media
types and other factors. The physical layer of the
model deals with physical files. The physical
inscription of bits is independent of the meaning of
the inscribed bits.
It is well known, that today’s digital media
solutions are not durable over long periods of time.
The digital storage media degrades relatively
quickly, when compared with the known durability
of paper. This problem can be addressed through
copying digital information to new media. Media
refreshment or migration adds, of course a new cost
element of digital preservation to the whole life
cycle. However, this does not mean the continuous
growth of the total costs, because digital storage
effectiveness, especially recording density increases
while costs decrease. Repeated copying of digital
data to new media over time reduces per-unit costs.
Based on the traditional rate of the growth of storage
densities media migration yields a net reduction in
operational costs. (Moore, 2000) In this context, the
durability of the medium is only one variable in the
cost equation: the medium needs to be reliable only
for the length of time that it is economically
advantageous to keep the data on it.
The physical preservation strategy must also
include a reliable method for maintaining data
integrity in storage and in any change to storage,
including any updating of the storage system,
moving data from inactive storage to a server or
from a server to a client system, moving data
between the elements of a distributed storage
architecture or delivering information to a customer
via the Internet, as well as in any media migration.
Physical preservation is necessary, but not
sufficient in the archiving process.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
A digital document can be recognized as a logical
object (or a specific set of logical objects) according
to the logic of certain application software. The
conventions of composing logical objects are
independent of how the data are written on a
physical medium. As we described before, at the
storage level the interpretation of the bits is not
defined. Similarly, at the logical layer the grammar
is independent of physical inscription. Once data are
read into memory, the type of medium and the way
the data were inscribed on the medium are of no
consequence. The rules that apply at the logical layer
determine how information is encoded in bytes and
how different encodings are translated to other
formats; how the input stream is transformed into
the system's memory and output for presentation.
The technologies of storage media and machine
tools which read those media and the encoding
formats. The programs which interpret those formats
are permanently changing, driven by scientific
advances, user requirements for improved cost
effectiveness, and the commercial imperative of the
suppliers. A file created using Microsoft Word, and
stored in Word format can only be read by another
version of that same program, or by a program
which is able to encode the Word format. If the file
is transferred to an environment where such a tool is
not available, or if it is not accessed over a period of
time and during that time the program becomes
obsolete, then the information content of that file
becomes inaccessible. This constant change is
certain to continue: there is no evidence to suggest
that a plateau of technological stability will ever be
A logical object is a unit recognized by some
application software. To preserve digital information
as logical objects, we have to know the requirements
for correct processing of each object's data type and
what software can perform correct processing.
At the conceptual layer we see document as they are
handled in the real world: documents are meaningful
objects, such as books, reports, proceedings,
photographs, contracts, maps - but in the digital
space a document can be a mix of different media
The properties of the documents at the
conceptual layer are those that are significant in the
real world. A book has author(s), title, etc. A report
has an author, a title, an intended audience, and a
defined subject and scope. A proceeding has editor,
authors, titles, etc. These properties of documents
have meaning to human beings. Data elements of
documents may have structure. Actually all
meaningful textual documents have structure –
words compose sentences, there are paragraphs,
chapters, etc. Sometimes this structure is (at least
partially) pre-defined: a good example is e-mail
what has header (including ’to’, ’from’, ’subject’,
etc. fields) and (unstructured) message body. Web
pages have links as structural elements. The
information content of a table can not be recognized
without the structure of this table. An Excel file is a
set of tables, having cross-references between tables.
This structured set of data can be seen as a database.
Some of the properties are tagged and stored as
metadata and metadata elements are organized into
data-schema(s). Advanced word processing
applications do have metadata management facility.
Metadata often serves as integration platform.
Formalized metadata is on the rise, leading to
significantly better data management and
exploitation capabilities. Metadata will make it
much easier for machines to process data
automatically, and it is exactly this capability that
can drive many other benefits: interoperability, cost-
cutting, better data quality, transparency, better
decision support and new business opportunities.
Metadata standardization is key to interoperability.
Dublin Core Metadata for Resource Discovery
seems to become the most relevant candidate for
common metadata platform of different media-types.
(DC, 1998)
Metadata tags will also aid search engines and
content processing intelligence software. They can
carry additional information that can be used as
additional hooks for searching, whether based on
keywords or taxonomy. And the tags can facilitate
better categorization and predictive analysis.
Google’s Froogle for example requires catalog
suppliers to tag their content according to the W3C’s
RDF. (RDF, 2006)
There are many problematic issues concerning
metadata. First, metadata tends to be scattered and
there are often conflicting approaches for describing
the same things. Second, creating coherent metadata
can be difficult and expensive. And third, it is not
easy to interpret different proprietary metadata
schemes in various application modules. For
metadata to become more cost-effective, it must be
shared and reused – not only within one organization
but within the whole circle of co-operating
The content and structure of conceptual
document properties must be contained somehow in
the logical document(s) that represent that document
in digital form. However, the same conceptual
content can be represented in very different digital
encodings, and the conceptual structure may differ
substantially from the structure of the logical
document. The content of a document, for example,
may be encoded digitally as a page image or in a
character-oriented word processing document. There
are different metadata schemas. The conceptual
structure of a report - e.g., title, author, date, and
introduction - may be reflected only in digital codes
indicating differences in presentation features such
as type size or underscoring, or they could be
matched by markup tags that correspond to each of
these elements.
Can we state that one of the possible digital
formats (Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF, WordPerfect,
HTML, a scanned image, etc.) is the true or correct
logical representation of the document? As the
archivist’s ultimate aim is to preserve the document
exactly as it was created the most basic criterion is
whether the document that is produced when the
digital file is processed by the right software is
identical to the original. In fact, each of these
encodings, when processed by software that
recognizes its data type, will display or print the
document in the format in which it was created. So if
the requirement is to maintain the content, the
structure, and the appearance of the original
document, either digital format is suitable.
Since we have a variety of digital formats that
are equally suitable for preserving the conceptual
object(s), this rule can be extended to more complex
types of documents, including databases and
electronic transactions as well, where the documents
are not necessarily presented to human beings but
are found only at the interface of two computer
The complex nature of a digital document having
distinct physical, logical, and conceptual properties
gives rise to considerations for digital preservation.
To preserve a digital document, the relationships
between layers must be known or knowable. To
retrieve a paper archived as master and
subdocuments, we should know that it is stored in
this way and we must know the identities of all the
logical components. To retrieve a specific
certification of examination results for a student, you
don’t need to know where all of the data for that
student’s educational activities are stored in the
database. You only need to know how to locate the
relevant data, given the logical structure of the
In general: to preserve a digital document, we
must be able to identify and retrieve all its digital
components – including the meaningful structure of
The digital components of a document are the
logical and physical objects that are necessary to
reconstitute the conceptual object. These
components are not necessarily limited to the objects
that contain the contents of a document. Digital
components may contain data necessary for the
structure or presentation of the conceptual object,
like style sheets, form specifications and more
complex ones, like name spaces.
To identify and retrieve the digital components,
one must process them correctly. Digital
preservation is not a simple process of preserving
physical objects but one of preserving the ability to
reproduce the objects. The success of digital
preservation can be proved only by re-creating the
document in some form that is appropriate for
human use or for computer system applications.
Remember the first general question of this
paper: what is „original” in the space of digital
documents? Does it necessary to preserve the variety
and complexity of the original objects? In the
context of the three-layer model we should ask: does
it necessary to preserve the physical and logical
components of a digital document and also their
interrelationship, without any alteration?
No. You can change the way a conceptual object
is encoded in logical objects and stored in physical
objects without having any negative impact on its
preservation. E.g. in a repository of staff members
data in a university database CVs are defined as
textual and embedded image (photo) files. The
photographs of staff members can be stored in
separate image files (for different applications –
ensuring single storage for multiple applications),
and there are only links in the CV files to the
appropriate image file. However, the image file
could be embedded in the word processing file
without altering the report as such. One can produce
PDF version of this CV.
At first sight change and preservation are
opposite categories. On second thought the
possibility of preserving a digital document while
changing its logical encoding or physical inscription
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
promises benefits, especially in long-time
preservation. Technology creates the possibilities for
change, but we should determine what changes are
permissible, beneficial, necessary, or harmful.
To make such determinations, we have to
consider the ultimate purpose of preservation. What
is the goal of digital preservation of documents?
For libraries, archives, and other organizations
that are for preservation of digital documents over
time, the ultimate outputs are authentic preserved
documents. According to the previous parts of this
paper the output of a preservation process must be
identical in all essential aspects, to what went into
that process. Identical - in all essential aspects.
The ideal preservation system would be a
communications channel for transmitting
information to the future. This channel should not
corrupt or change the messages transmitted in any
way. The process of preserving digital documents is
essentially different from that of preserving physical
objects such as traditional books on paper. To access
any digital object, we have to retrieve the stored
data, reconstituting, if necessary, the logical
components by extracting or combining the bytes
from physical files, reestablishing any relationships
among logical components, interpreting any
syntactic or presentation marks or codes, and
outputting the object in a form appropriate for use by
a person or a business application. We don’t want to
preserve a digital document as a physical object;
instead we need to ensure the ability to reproduce
the document for future users. The preservation of
an information object in digital form is complete
only when the object is successfully reconstructed.
In fact, the original document is not retrieved, but
„copied”, as it is reproduced by processing the
physical and logical components using software that
recognizes and properly handles the files and data.
Paper degrades, ink fades. (Lorie, 2000) In
general we are not able to assert with complete
assurance that no substitution or alteration of the
object has occurred over time. Authentication of
preserved objects is ultimately a matter of trust.
There are ways to reduce the risk entailed by trusting
someone, but ultimately, you need to trust some
person, some organization, or some system or
method that exercises control over the transmission
of information over space, time, and technological
Can an object change and still remain authentic?
Common sense suggests that something either is or
is not authentic, but authenticity is not absolute.
Authenticity depends on use. (Thibodeau, 2001) The
criteria for authenticity depend on the intended use
of the object.
A document known to be in someone’s
handwriting, but containing text he copied from a
book, does not reveal his thoughts. Oppositely, the
final testimonial of a person can be written down by
his secretary. Authenticating something as
someone’s writing depends on how we define that
There are contexts in which the intended use of
preserved information objects is well-known. For
example, many corporations preserve records for
long times for taxation purposes. It is a clear case:
we know the exact aim of the preservation and the
intended use as well. Libraries and public archives,
however, usually cannot prescribe or predict the
future use of their collection. Such institutions
generally maintain their collections for access by
anyone, for whatever reason. Users and their
behaviors are not known in advance, you must
assume that any valid intended use must be
somehow consonant with the original nature and use
of the document. Anyway, given that a digital
document is not something that is preserved as an
inscription on a physical medium, but something
that can only be constructed or reconstructed by
using software to process stored inscriptions, it is
necessary to have an explicit model that is
independent of the stored object and that provides a
criterion, or at least a benchmark, for assessing the
authenticity of the reconstructed object.
A preservation system will act as a communications
channel for transmitting information to the future
only if it systematically supports the preservation of
the original context of the document(s). That is why
you should manage the semantics of the document,
what can be done in the model described above – at
the Conceptual Layer.
We use metadata for contextual description.
(Magyar, 2004) The contextual information serves to
provide a more complete understanding of the
document(s). The most important method for
contextual description is taxonomy. Taxonomy is a
classification of information components and their
interrelationships that supports the discovery of and
access to information. Metadata and taxonomies can
work together to identify information and its
features, and then organize it for access, navigation
and retrieval.
Terms and taxonomies are so subjective.
Different users and different applications may use a
variety of terms for the same concept. Humans can
also easily relate the meanings of two terms as
"similar", "the same", "more general" or "more
specific". (Magyar, 2005) Computers can handle
only strings, not concepts. The semantics of a
domain model is machine-usable only if it is
expressed using an agreed upon vocabulary and
syntax. The heterogeneity of the information
environment also relates to the coexistence of
structured, semi structured and unstructured
information. (There are, of course essential
differences between these categories in terms of
their conceptual schemas and their inherent machine
and human understandable representations.)
(Magyar, 2004)
In the case of the structured databases, the
addition of lexical relations to the semantic
relationships already defined by the schema. In the
class of semi-structured documents, in addition to
their classical role for assigning and searching
metadata, thesauri can be used for searching and
retrieving free text or integrated into data mining,
knowledge extraction, or other related applications.
(NISO, 1993) Thesauri can be used for assigning
metadata to different kinds of materials, such as
images, videos, sounds, etc. in rich multimedia
documents. Thesauri can serve for linking all
different types of information and their
representations in the domain of digital documents.
(Kosovac, 1998) Thesaurus services can be used to
complement the modeling technology by extending
mechanisms for achieving semantic interoperability
to the level of human-understandable information
A comprehensive model of long-term archiving of
digital documents was presented. The model is
applicable to all kinds of rich content multimedia
documents. The importance of preserving semantics
of document was emphasized.
Semantic approaches try to construct and use
formalized imprints of human conceptual
interpretation results. Semantic tools tend to be part
of the so-called content-infrastructure. Using that
kind of semantic resources conceptual objects could
be interpreted perhaps not only by human beings but
by software agents as well.
As a final conclusion for future long-term
archival systems we must assume that semantic
interoperability needs integrated solutions at all the
three layers of the model described in this paper
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Thibodeau, 2001; Kenneth Thibodeau: Building the
Archives of the Future. D-Lib Magazine. February
2001. Volume 7 Number 2. ISSN 1082-9873
Kosovac, 1998; Kosovac, B (1998). Internet/Intranet and
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Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
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„The hungarian deep web searcher project,”
Internation Journal on Information Technology, vol. I,
pp. 191–197, Dec. 2004.
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Zs., Magyar G.: Entity Recognizer in Hungarian
Question Processing. In: Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, 2005, Publisher: Springer-Verlag GmbH,
ISSN: 0302-9743
Moore, 2000; R. Moore et al. Collection-Based Persistent
Digital Archives, D-Lib Magazine, March 2000,
Volume 6 Number 3 [Part 1]
NISO, 1993; National Information Standards Organization
(1993). ANSI/NISO Z.39.19-1993. Guidelines for the
Construction, Format, and Management of
Monolingual Thesauri, Bethesda, MD: NISO Press.
RDF, 2006; Resource Description Framework (RDF) /
W3C Semantic Web Activity.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems