(2001), Kirikova, (2000)). However, due to the fact
that such decisions have an effect not only on the
strategic level of the enterprise but indirectly pose
requirements for changes in enterprise information
systems it is necessary to find more formal
approaches of flexibility analysis to check the
impact of strategic level decisions on the business
processes and hence to the enterprise information
systems development. Further in this paper we
present our first findings in an attempt to apply
topological functional modeling to analysis of
business process flexibility with the purpose to
detect core (non-changeable) and changeable parts
of business processes under consideration.
Topological Functioning Model (TFM) can be
viewed as a business model that abstracts details
which are abundantly specific for the given
viewpoint. A TFM is an expressive and powerful
instrument for clear presentation and formal analysis
of system operating and an environment the system
operates within.
The TFM has a rigorous mathematical
foundation. It is represented in the form of a
topological space (X, Θ), where X is a finite set of
functional features of the system under
consideration, and Θ is a topology that satisfies the
axioms of topological structures and is represented
in the form of a directed graph. A necessary
condition for topological space construction is a
meaningful and exhaustive verbal, graphical, or
mathematical system description. The adequacy of
the model describing functioning of a particular
system can be achieved by analyzing the
mathematical properties of such an abstract object
(Osis, (1969), Osis, (2006)).
A TFM has topological (connectedness, closure,
neighborhood, and continuous mapping) and
functional (cause-effect relations, cycle structure,
and inputs and outputs) characteristics. In
accordance with systems theory every business and
technical system is a subsystem of the environment.
Besides that the common thing for all systems’
(technical, business, or biological) operations should
be the main feedback which can be visualized as an
oriented cycle. Therefore, it is stated that at least one
directed closed loop must be present in every
topological model of system functioning. It
visualizes the “main” functionality that has vital
importance for the system life. Usually it is even an
expanded hierarchy of cycles. Therefore, proper
cycle analysis is necessary in a TFM construction
because it makes thorough analysis of system
operations and communication with the environment
On the other hand, from the point of view of
systems theory process P is a set of related activities
that transforms particular inputs I into particular
outputs Y, to achieve a particular objective O
(Skyttner, 1996). When the process under the
consideration is a business process (BP) the
objective O may be expressed in terms of process
BP business mission. Business mission of a process
is the reason why the process exists, i.e. the reason
why the process is beneficial for other processes.
This means that synergy between input given by the
external process and capability of the BP under
consideration brings a particular value to the
external process and to the BP. The value generated
by a repeatable BP must be substantial enough to
ensure its ability to function, i.e. to attract inputs I
and to provide corresponding outputs Y more than
once. Thus each situation when Y produced by BP is
such that it can cause new instance of I to arrive at
the “gates” of BP is considered a productive output
of BP. We will call the moment of this arrival an
external return of instance i (Figure 1). An example
of such return could be a satisfied customer coming
back to the barber’s shop, as well as customer
appearance causing the arrival of another person.
The main cycles (or hierarchy of cycles) in TMF are
those that point to the activities that ensure the
capability of the business process to handle and
cause external returns of input instances.
The issue of flexibility of business process arises
when it permits handling of inputs where at least one
input instance is different concerning at least one
property relevant to the process. The process is
considered flexible if it can handle input instances
that are not ideal with respect to the basic value
creating method(s) of BP (see the bold path – the
sequence of arcs and nodes of the digraph, in Figure
1). This means that the process has at least one
extension that helps to not lose a non-ideal instance
of input without providing value for it (see cycles –
closed sequences of arcs and nodes, in Figure 1). A
well known example of such extension is a
procedure of repeated examination in the university
process that gives another chance to students to
enrich their knowledge. Thus internal return of
instances may help to yield external return of
instances. However, if a process is too busy with its
extensions it may be a sign that either there is a need
to switch to a different method of value creation
where a currently non-ideal instance is considered as
ideal or discover the reasons of wrong proportion
between ideal and non ideal input instances.