Marite Kirikova, Renate Strazdina, Janis Grundspenkis
Department of Systems Theory and Design, Riga Technical University, Latvia
Janis Osis
Department of Applied Computer Sciences,, Riga Technical University, Latvia
Keywords: Business process, topological functioning model, cycle analysis, flexibility.
Abstract: Business process flexibility is understood as capability of the process to be changed without replacing it
completely. This implies that there should be one part of the process that may be changed and another part
of the process (process core) that should not be changed. The challenge of business process analysis is the
detection and separation of these process subparts. One of the possible ways to meet this challenge is
through use of topological functional modeling and utilization of graph theory methods, such as paths and
cycle detection in a digraph at different levels of abstraction. The cycles that are found at several levels of
abstraction may help detecting the core of the business process while other cycles may point to the
changeable parts of the process.
Today’s organizations are generally operating in an
increasingly turbulent environment (Cao et al.,
2003). Business process flexibility is one of the
possible responses to the challenges posed by these
conditions. For instance, organizational theory views
individual modern organizations as members of an
inter-organizational network (Hatch, 1997); hence,
changes occurring in other network members may
require a matching adjustment in the particular
organization. Such adjustments may affect various
sub-systems of the organization, say, goals sub-
system, process sub-system, structure or resource
sub-systems (Sprice and Kirikova, 2005). The focus
of this paper is on business processes adjustments.
We will examine this topic from a process flexibility
point of view.
For the purposes of this paper flexibility will be
defined as the ability to attain the stated results of a
business process even where the environment in
which the business process is occurring has changed.
At the same time there are constraints on how
flexible a particular business process may become
before it turns into an entirely different one (Regev
et al., 2006). From a systems theory point of view a
flexible business process features feedback
capability ensuring that when the process result
differs from what is expected due to changes in the
environment, the process is adjusted until the
expected result is attained. In this paper we will
apply topological functional modeling for analysis
of business process flexibility at different levels of
abstractions. The purpose of this analysis is to reveal
the most important part of the process which may
constitute the non-changeable core. Identification of
process core could provide means for effective
decision making with respect to enterprise
information systems development.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2
briefly illustrates the state of the art in business
process flexibility analysis performed by different
researchers; in Section 3 the basics of topological
functioning model development and cycle oriented
interpretation of flexibility are discussed; in Section
4 the approach discussed in Section 3 is applied to a
business sub-process analysis at different levels of
abstraction (the application is illustrated by a small
industrial example); and in Section 5 we discuss
implications of our approach to enterprise
Kirikova M., Strazdina R., Grundspenkis J. and Osis J. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 389-396
information systems development and point to
intended further research questions.
The main purpose of every information system is
supporting a range of particular business processes.
As business processes should be capable of adjusting
reasonably swiftly to changes in the external
environment, such processes ought to, by definition,
be flexible (Regev et al., 2006). That also means that
if an information system is to support specific
business processes continuously it should be flexible
as well. Developing flexible information systems has
been the subject of extensive research (Daoudi and
Nurcan, 2006); however, an unambiguous definition
of a flexible business process has not been provided
so far. As a consequence, developing information
systems supporting such processes is a non-trivial
There are different definitions of flexibility;
however most of them focus on the ability to
respond to external changes in an appropriate period
of time using a reasonable amount of resources
(Regev et al.,(2006), Daoudi and Nurcan, (2006),
(Snowdon, et al., (2006)). For instance, according to
Regev (Regev et al., 2006), since flexibility is the
capability to change, it can be classified with respect
to the types of changes it enables. Snowdon et al.
(Snowdon, et al., 2006) writes that flexibility is the
‘ability of a firm’s processes and systems to respond
quickly to changes in the business environment. It
includes the capacity to accommodate shifts in
consumer demand, in competitors’ strategies, in rate
of growth, and in suppliers’ deals and shipment
Even so, the meaning of the term ‘flexibility’
varies from research to research. A taxonomy of
business process flexibility has been developed in an
attempt to decrease this ambiguity (Regev et al.,
2006). The taxonomy includes three dimensions:
The abstraction level of change (business process
type and process instances); the subject of change
(functional perspective, operational perspective,
behavioral perspective, informational perspective,
organizational perspective); and the properties of
change (the extent, the duration, the swiftness and
the anticipation of change). On the other hand there
are authors who believe business process flexibility
can be examined from three points of view that
differ from those listed in Regev’s (Regev et al.,
2006) taxonomy: Characteristics of the stimulus that
generates the requirements for business process
flexibility; business process flexibility itself; and the
strategies and tactics employed to achieve business
process flexibility (Regev et al., 2006). Snowdon et
al. (Snowdon, et al., 2006) defines that flexibility
can be categorized in terms of three factors: Type of
flexibility (arising from the variety of different
information types); volume flexibility (arising from
the amount of information types to be dealt with);
and structural flexibility (arising from the need to
operate in different ways).
Summarizing the different approaches described
above we come to the conclusion that business
process flexibility should be considered from two
aspects: The external dimension containing factors
that define the necessity for such flexibility and the
need to apply it; and the internal dimension which
defines the subject of change, the extent of change,
and the strategy for achieving such changes.
Several researchers (Regev et al., (2006),
Snowdon, et al., (2006), Kumar and Narasipuram,
2006)) conclude that business process changes may
be related to the structure of the particular process,
data processed, resources and technologies used, and
legal aspects.
An analysis was carried out by other authors on
the extent of change with the following results:
Business process flexibility suffers from the
dilemma that whenever some part of a process is
made flexible, some other part is made inflexible
(Regev and Wegmann, 2006). The key point to
flexibility, therefore, is to know when and what to
change and when and what not to change (Regev
and Wegmann, 2006).
The purpose of our paper is to contribute to
better understanding of the abovementioned
dilemma and to solve the problem of identification
of that part of business process which “is not to be
changed” (Regev and Wegmann, 2006).
As it was discussed in the previous section, the key
point to flexibility is to know when and what to
change and when and what not to change (Regev
and Wegmann, 2006). At the moment there are no
other suggestions how to resolve this dilemma than
agreeing on this issue by using some consensus-
building methods, for instance Enterprise
Knowledge Development method (Bubenko, et al.,
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(2001), Kirikova, (2000)). However, due to the fact
that such decisions have an effect not only on the
strategic level of the enterprise but indirectly pose
requirements for changes in enterprise information
systems it is necessary to find more formal
approaches of flexibility analysis to check the
impact of strategic level decisions on the business
processes and hence to the enterprise information
systems development. Further in this paper we
present our first findings in an attempt to apply
topological functional modeling to analysis of
business process flexibility with the purpose to
detect core (non-changeable) and changeable parts
of business processes under consideration.
Topological Functioning Model (TFM) can be
viewed as a business model that abstracts details
which are abundantly specific for the given
viewpoint. A TFM is an expressive and powerful
instrument for clear presentation and formal analysis
of system operating and an environment the system
operates within.
The TFM has a rigorous mathematical
foundation. It is represented in the form of a
topological space (X, Θ), where X is a finite set of
functional features of the system under
consideration, and Θ is a topology that satisfies the
axioms of topological structures and is represented
in the form of a directed graph. A necessary
condition for topological space construction is a
meaningful and exhaustive verbal, graphical, or
mathematical system description. The adequacy of
the model describing functioning of a particular
system can be achieved by analyzing the
mathematical properties of such an abstract object
(Osis, (1969), Osis, (2006)).
A TFM has topological (connectedness, closure,
neighborhood, and continuous mapping) and
functional (cause-effect relations, cycle structure,
and inputs and outputs) characteristics. In
accordance with systems theory every business and
technical system is a subsystem of the environment.
Besides that the common thing for all systems’
(technical, business, or biological) operations should
be the main feedback which can be visualized as an
oriented cycle. Therefore, it is stated that at least one
directed closed loop must be present in every
topological model of system functioning. It
visualizes the “main” functionality that has vital
importance for the system life. Usually it is even an
expanded hierarchy of cycles. Therefore, proper
cycle analysis is necessary in a TFM construction
because it makes thorough analysis of system
operations and communication with the environment
On the other hand, from the point of view of
systems theory process P is a set of related activities
that transforms particular inputs I into particular
outputs Y, to achieve a particular objective O
(Skyttner, 1996). When the process under the
consideration is a business process (BP) the
objective O may be expressed in terms of process
BP business mission. Business mission of a process
is the reason why the process exists, i.e. the reason
why the process is beneficial for other processes.
This means that synergy between input given by the
external process and capability of the BP under
consideration brings a particular value to the
external process and to the BP. The value generated
by a repeatable BP must be substantial enough to
ensure its ability to function, i.e. to attract inputs I
and to provide corresponding outputs Y more than
once. Thus each situation when Y produced by BP is
such that it can cause new instance of I to arrive at
the “gates” of BP is considered a productive output
of BP. We will call the moment of this arrival an
external return of instance i (Figure 1). An example
of such return could be a satisfied customer coming
back to the barber’s shop, as well as customer
appearance causing the arrival of another person.
The main cycles (or hierarchy of cycles) in TMF are
those that point to the activities that ensure the
capability of the business process to handle and
cause external returns of input instances.
The issue of flexibility of business process arises
when it permits handling of inputs where at least one
input instance is different concerning at least one
property relevant to the process. The process is
considered flexible if it can handle input instances
that are not ideal with respect to the basic value
creating method(s) of BP (see the bold path – the
sequence of arcs and nodes of the digraph, in Figure
1). This means that the process has at least one
extension that helps to not lose a non-ideal instance
of input without providing value for it (see cycles –
closed sequences of arcs and nodes, in Figure 1). A
well known example of such extension is a
procedure of repeated examination in the university
process that gives another chance to students to
enrich their knowledge. Thus internal return of
instances may help to yield external return of
instances. However, if a process is too busy with its
extensions it may be a sign that either there is a need
to switch to a different method of value creation
where a currently non-ideal instance is considered as
ideal or discover the reasons of wrong proportion
between ideal and non ideal input instances.
Figure 1: External and internal return of input instances.
It is essential to understand that the visibility of
paths and cycles in the digraph depends on the level
of abstraction and detail of systems analysis, as well
as on the subsystems chosen for consideration. For
instance, in Figure 1 the main method of value
creation is depicted by the path; however, when
changing the viewpoint of consideration, this path
would be seen as a constituent of the main cycle of a
particular business process BP. To investigate the
applicability of TMF for business process flexibility
analysis a field experiment was performed using
business process models developed for an
international telecommunications company. Part of
the experiment is briefly discussed in the next
For TMF to be suitable for business process
flexibility analysis it should detect the same main
cycle(s) at different levels of abstraction. We
experimented at two levels of abstraction. At the
higher level of abstraction only a story about a small
sub-process told by a practitioner was used. On the
lower level of abstraction the business process
model of the same sub-process was utilized.
Modeling at each abstraction level is discussed in
Sections 4.1 and 4.2 accordingly. A comparison of
modeling results is given in Section 4.3.
4.1 Topological Modeling on the Basis
of the Process Description
At the higher level of abstraction the TFM of the
sub-process receiving data from a multitude of
sources and running a validity check on such data
(see Figure 2a) was analyzed without imposing any
predefined analysis framework on it. The analysis is
described in Subsections 4.1.1-3.
4.1.1 Definition of Functional
At the higher level of abstraction the first step on
TFM construction is the definition of functional
characteristics of the process. In our experiment the
definition was based on word analysis and consisted
of the following activities (Asnina and Osis, 2006):
(1) Definition of objects and their properties from
the problem domain description that is performed by
noun analysis, i.e. by establishing meaningful nouns
and their direct objects as handling synonyms and
homonyms; (2) Identification of external systems
(objects that are not subordinated to the system
rules) and partially-dependent systems (objects that
are partially subordinated to the system rules, e.g.
system workers’ roles); and (3) Definition of
functional features performed by verb analysis in the
problem domain description, i.e. by identifying
meaningful verbs.
In the sub-process description (Figure 2a) nouns
are shown in italic, verbs are shown in bold, and
action pre- (or post-) conditions are underlined. The
identified objects (or concepts) are as follows: (1)
internal objects: the process (synonym: entire
process), a script, a human operator (synonym:
operator), the information transfer, the data
download activity, (data) entirety, data validation
(synonym: validation), the full set of data,
consistency, contents, a manual download process,
the possibility, an automated process, a manual one
(process); (2) external objects – input objects:
process; data at the locations (synonyms are: input
data from certain sources, each input data location,
all the input data, the downloaded data, such input
data storage locations), data stored in an external
system; (3) external object – output object: result –
data matching in all locations.
return of the
return of the
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Functional features identified from the fragment
are the following (given in the form: action, object,
(condition), and responsible entity):
1. Commencing the process by the script; 2.
Entering of data at the locations; 3. Collecting data
from the locations by the script; 4. Checking
downloading of data at all locations by the script; 5.
Checking completeness of data at the locations by a
human operator; 6. Re-launching data download by
the human operator; 7. Receiving the full set of data
by the human operator; 8. Commencing validation
by a script; 9. Entering of data stored in an external
system by the script; 10. Downloading of data stored
in an external system by the script; 11. Checking
data at the locations with data stored in an external
system for consistency by the script; 12. Checking
data at the locations with data stored in an external
system for contents by the script; 13. Establishing of
a mismatch by the script; 14.Starting a manual
download process for data at the locations with
mismatch by the human operator; 15. Repeating the
download process for data at the locations with
mismatch by the human operator; 16. Checking the
result – data matching in all locations by the human
4.1.2 Introduction of the Topology
Introduction of topology Θ is the next step. This
means establishing of cause and effect relations
between functional features. Cause-and-effect
relations are represented as arcs of a digraph that are
orientated from a cause node to an effect node. The
main properties of cause-and-effect relations are the
following: a) a cause chronologically precedes an
effect; b) a cause can be sufficient or necessary
(complete or partial, correspondingly); it is assumed
that there are necessary causes in the topological
functioning model because risks of the system
functioning can be unknown during the analysis; c) a
cause not only precedes an effect and always is
followed by it, it causes and is condition on an
effect; d) the causality is universal, i.e. it exists in
any problem domain even if it is not evident for a
human. A structure of cause-and-effect relations can
form a causal chain wherein each relation is
The cause-and-effect relations between the
functional features identified from the sub-process
description are illustrated by means of the TFM in
Figure 2b.
Figure 2b clearly shows that cause-and-effect
relations form functioning cycles. All cycles and
subcycles should be carefully analyzed in order to
completely identify existing functionality of the
system. The main cycle of system functioning (i.e.
functionality that is vitally necessary for system life)
must be found and analyzed before starting further
analysis. In the example, the main functional cycle is
defined by the expert, and includes the following
functional features “3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 3” (bold lines in Figure 2b). As an example of
the first order sub-cycle is a cycle that includes the
functional features “3, 4, 5, 6, 3”.
4.2 Business Process Model in
In the approach demonstrated in the previous section
there was no clear separation between such issues as
data, activity, and performer. At the lower level of
business process analysis we used business process
representation in the business process modelling
language GRAPES BM (Kalnins, 1996) which
provides clear separation of mentioned issues. The
business process model fragment in GRAPES BM
corresponding to the description given in Figure 2a
was cut out of the larger process model for the
purposes of the experiment. A small part of this
fragment is shown in Figure 3a.
The GRAPES BM business process model
shows the cause-and-effect relationships between the
tasks of business process to be performed. Thus the
digraph corresponding to the business process model
was obtained by following the inputs and outputs of
the tasks and task-triggering conditions in the
business process model. No distinction was made
with respect to the contents of the information flows.
All of them were considered as a flow of one
substance (Grundspenkis, 1983). The digraph
obtained by reflecting tasks as nodes of the digraph
and information flows as links between them is
reflected in Figure 3b. The graph contains the main
cycle of systems functioning consisting of nodes “3,
4, 9, 10, 13, 14, 3”, and contains a sub-cycle “3, 4, 9,
11, 3”. Note: the numbers of nodes in digraphs
reflected in Figure 2b and Figure 3b do not
correspond each to other, because the graphs were
made by different researchers and granularity of
knowledge about the system reflected in each node
differs considerably from one approach to another.
The process commences when a script is launched at a pre-defined time collecting input data from a certain set of
sources. Once the script has downloaded data from al the locations
, a human operator checks whether the information
transfer was complete for each input data location. If it turns out to be incomplete the data download activity is re-launched
manually as many times as is necessary for the operator to verify that all the input data have been received in their entirety.
This verification cycle is the most important component of the process as data validation cannot be commenced unless the
full set of data is received. Once all the input data has been downloaded, validation checks commence. The downloaded
data is checked for consistency and contents with data stored in an external system. In case the data do not coincide in
those two locations a manual download process is repeated for such input data storage locations where a mismatch is
identified. The process terminates when the downloaded data and the data stored in the external system coincide.
of the process is manifested through the possibility of changing an automated process into a manual one and repeating the
entire process if the expected resultdata matching in all locationsis not achieved.
Figure 2: Topological modeling at a high level of abstraction: a) source text; b) TFM.
Figure 3: Modeling at abstraction level prescribed by GRAPES BM: a) part of the business process model fragment in
GRAPES BM, b) obtained TMF.
12 13 14 15 3
12 13 14 15 3
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4.3 Comparison of Modeling Results
The main result of the experiment is that at both
levels of abstraction the main cycle and the sub-
cycle of systems functioning were found.
Theoretically the number of cycles at the lower level
of abstraction could exceed the number of cycles at
higher level of abstraction because, in general, it
shows the business process at a higher level of
detail. In our case the number of cycles was the
same, probably because only a very small fragment
of the business process model was considered. The
meaning correspondence analysis of nodes in Figure
2b and Figure 3b was done to indicate whether both
graphs refer to the same main cycle with respect to
reality. The analysis confirmed that in both graphs
the same main functionality of the business sub-
process under the consideration was found.
The obtained results allow drawing a
hypothesis that TMF at a higher level of abstraction
may be used as a tool for detecting the unchangeable
core of the process. The paths and the cycles that are
outside the main cycle may be analyzed and
designed to achieve the desired level of flexibility.
The sub-process discussed in Sections 4.1 and
4.2 is a flexibility provider for the system in a larger
context containing the script which sometimes
succeeds to get complete and correct information
and sometimes does not. The business value of the
sub-process is to provide trust for the script so that it
could be useful for other processes in a larger
systems context. All nodes of the main cycles are
needed to provide the trust. If we wish to analyze the
flexibility of the sub-process itself, the structure of
the graph related to the main cycle must be
considered and a deeper level of detail chosen for
the nodes of the main cycle. This type of analysis is
beyond the scope of this paper.
Possibility to identify the core processes in a
business process model provides considerable
opportunities with respect to enterprise information
system development. Some of them are as follows:
Reliability and security issues of core processes
support may be considered at a higher level of
detail than for non-core processes.
Core processes may be considered as a high
priority candidates in requirements prioritization.
Different development methods can be used for
core and non-core processes, e.g. more rigid
methods for core processes and more agile ones
for non-core processes.
Not just business but also software core
processes may be taken into consideration in
making enterprise information systems
development decisions.
One of the ways to determine which tasks or sub-
processes belong to the core of the business process
is through use of topological functioning model
development at different levels of abstraction. The
first steps of application of this approach show that it
promises tangible results. However this modeling
exercise involves a considerable amount of human
knowledge and effort, therefore supporting tools
such as business process model transformation to a
digraph, digraph comparison methods for digraphs
with different level of node granularity, digraph
analysis methods taking into consideration several
business input substances, business process
visualization tools as well as appropriate consensus
building methods could be useful in further
development of the approach.
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