Bridging the Gap between XPDL and Situation Calculus:
A Hybrid Approach for Business Process Verification
Bing Li and Junichi Iijima
Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Abstract. Business Process Verification (BPV) is increasingly important in
emerging BPM Systems. Although many approaches related to BPV exist, the
gap between formal models defined in previous research and informal models
used in the industry prevents these approaches from large-scale industrial ap-
plications. This paper proposes a hybrid approach to bridge the gap between
XPDL and Situation Calculus. XPDL defines a business process informally
while Situation Calculus provides a formal specification to enable the function
of BPV. The gap between them will be bridged by a devised language – XSSL,
based on which the process model will be logically verified.
1 Introduction
Evolving from traditional workflow management and embracing some new comput-
ing concepts, emerging business process management systems (BPMS) are trying to
make strength on system integration [1, 2]. As part of the BPMS, the business process
verification (BPV) emphasizes the correctness properties of business processes [3].
Despite the increasing importance of BPV in the BPMS, the verification function is
still not sufficient [4]. Presently many BPM tools have no explicit or strong verifica-
tion about process definitions.
Research related to BPV exists, in some of which formal methods are applied to
verify business processes and thus a process model can be ensured to some degree of
robustness. Due to an emphasis on the underlying mathematical foundation, these
approaches are not yet well applied to the BPM industry. The reason resides in the
existing gap between the formal models defined in these researches and the informal
models usually used in the industry. Explicit connections with industrial standards or
transformation rules from them to formal models are necessary in order to bridge or
decrease the gap between them.
Flexibility is also an important concern in BPMS. In order to improve the integrat-
ability of the BPMS, the industry is making great efforts in standardization. The BPM
related research would also benefit from sharing some industrial standards such as
business process specification languages. This will enable collaboration among dif-
ferent verification methods and thus reach a higher degree of robustness.
This paper tries to solve the problem in the face of BPMS by concentrating on
BPV. A hybrid approach is proposed to verify the XPDL-based process definition.
Li B. and Iijima J. (2007).
Bridging the Gap between XPDL and Situation Calculus: A Hybrid Approach for Business Process Verification.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002416501510156
The industrial standard – XML Process Definition Language (XPDL) – will be used
to describe the source process model while Situation Calculus works as the underly-
ing logical language to make verification. For convenient transformation from XPDL
to Situation Calculus and improvement in reusability of process or activity specifica-
tion, XML Situation-calculus Specification Language (XSSL) is originally proposed.
The XSSL tries to bridge the gap between the informal and formal process models.
This paper is organized into four sections. Section 2 briefly reviews the related re-
search. Then the BPV approach is explained in detail in Section 3. Finally the conclu-
sion and future work are given in Section 4.
2 Related Work
Business Process Verification (BPV) is to verify the correctness of the business proc-
ess definition. It usually applies a formal method and specific correctness properties
are defined and verified according to the employed formalism. A formal process
model does not only make mathematical verification possible, but also enables poten-
tial extension for intelligent functions [4, 5]. There exist many formal approaches
related to BPV, in which Petri-Net based and logic based approaches are two popular
Petri-Net has been widely used and extended ever since it was invented. The Petri-
Net based approaches for business process modelling have some obvious advantages:
one is the consistence with the task-oriented view of business processes; a second
merit is the graphical notation. These make it popular in the field of workflow model-
ling. The critical problems in these approaches include the expressive power such as
capability of data modelling and in some degree they have been solved by some ex-
tension of the classic Petri-Net, such as including hierarchical or object-oriented con-
cepts [6, 7].
Logic-based approaches form another category. Usually mathematical logics are
the theoretical foundation of these approaches. By using a specific logic language,
business processes are precisely specified. Based on the formal specification, some
proof tasks including verification can be performed. The reasoning function distin-
guishes these logic-based approaches from other ones, which can make the business
system more intelligent and dynamic. But since these approaches emphasize the logic
notation and calculi, they are not easily understood by the business process analysts.
Moreover it takes efforts to formally define business processes [8, 9, 10].
Generally speaking, the present BPV approaches are in need of improvement in
order to be applied to the BPM industry. Connections with the emerging industrial
standards are necessary and the gap between the industrial and academic process
models should be bridged. This paper tries to provide a hybrid approach to integrate
such informal and formal process models. This way the separate strengths such as
practicability and robustness can both be obtained.
3 BPV Approach
In order to bridge the gap between the informal and formal process models, a hybrid
approach for BPV is proposed in this paper. Firstly we will explain this approach
from the perspective of model transformation in the desired system.
3.1 Model Transformation
In this approach there are three forms of process models: XPDL, XSSL and Prolog.
XPDL is an industrial standard and supported by many BPMS vendors. In this ap-
proach XPDL is selected as the source process model for its analyzability in XML
syntax. XPDL focuses on the business logics and can specify the transition relations
in business processes. Constituents in a process are separately represented as Work-
flowProcess, Activity, Transition and so on [11]. This paper concentrates on the con-
trol flow perspective, that is, transitional relations in business processes. But this
approach is possibly applied to verify other aspects of business processes such as
global constraints [8].
XSSL is designed based on some concepts in Situation Calculus. The direct pur-
pose to design this XML-based language is to bridge the gap between the XPDL
defined process model and the logic-based process model. Thus transformation be-
tween them is more convenient. Moreover, XSSL will enable separation of activity or
primitive process specification from complex processes and improve their reusability.
Furthermore, the XML-based syntax of XSSL will enable potential application of
Situation Calculus in web service computing such as service choreography.
Prolog works as the implementation language for logical reasoning. It will repre-
sent a process model logically by using Situation Calculus. Based on this inferable
model, the business process will be formally verified. Benefiting from this formal
model, other intelligent analysis will be possibly implemented such as planning or
monitoring in BPMS.
Between these process models there are two types of transformation. The first
transformation is from XPDL to XSSL. Information about processes, activities, tran-
sitions and conditions will be extracted from an XPDL file, and automatically trans-
formed to the compact format in XSSL. The second transformation is from XSSL to
Prolog. This will automatically transform an XSSL specified process model to a
Prolog program.
3.2 Theories about Transformation
Formal definition about the approach is being written in [13] which concentrates on
the underlying formalization of XPDL, XSSL and the mapping between them by
employing mathematical structures. In this paper we focus on the overall introduction
about the approach.
3.2.1 Situation Calculus
Situation Calculus has strength of reasoning about actions. This formalism can be
applied to BPV [9]. The semantic transformation from XPDL to Situation Calculus
seems intuitive and uncomplicated. Furthermore Situation Calculus is extensible to
include some dynamic features such as concurrency and reactiveness [9, 12].
3.2.2 XSSL
XSSL is initially designed to contain the compact format of action specification in
XML syntax. It includes some basic elements such as actions, arguments, precondi-
tions and postconditions. The following is part of an XSSL file that is generated
automatically by parsing the XPDL file.
<Action Id="check_credit">
The defined elements in XSSL correspond intuitively to the concepts in Situation
Calculus except for that postconditions refer to successor state axioms. Compared
with XPDL, the Action element corresponds to an activity in XPDL. The args ele-
ment represents the parameters of an activity. The preconditions and postconditions
are transformed from the conditions in XPDL by using some defined rules for differ-
ent transition types [13].
From XSSL, the Prolog formatted specification about actions involved in a process
can be automatically generated. Some additional conditions will be added by restrict-
ing the relation between arguments.
3.2.3 Business Process Verification
Based on the formalism of Situation Calculus, the BPV is defined by the following
three properties for actions:
Executability. For an action, it is possible to be executed.
Satisfiability. For an action, its postcondition can be satisfied.
Effectiveness. For an action, a satisfiable situation is effective.
Executability ensures that the precondition of an action is satisfied, i.e., the action
can be executed; Satisfiability states that the postcondition of an action can be satis-
fied; Effectiveness ensures that the satisfiable situation is effective, that is, this situa-
tion is the successor state resulting from executing the action at the executable situa-
tion. Stronger effectiveness is interpreted as that the satisfiable situation is also in the
set of possible action sequences that can be extracted from the XPDL routing infor-
From the above properties, it can be seen that a business process is obviously veri-
fied by its actions (activities). A process consists of a collection of coordinated activi-
ties. The pre-and postcondition of each activity in the context of a process also in-
clude some constraints from the process structure. After the three properties are veri-
fied for each action, the whole process is accordingly ensured to be executed and
reach the goal situation.
3.2.4 The Prototype System
A prototype system is designed and developed to demonstrate the feasibility of this
BPV approach. The XPDL defined process definition is the input of this BPV system.
The XPDL file is automatically transformed to XSSL; and XSSL can be automati-
cally transformed into a Prolog file. Then the user can verify each activity in a proc-
ess by interacting with the system such as setting initial situation or modifying transi-
tion conditions.
3.2.5 Related Issues
Some related issues are necessary to explain and clarify the approach. This approach
is concentrating on the control flow perspective of a business process. Transition
relations in XPDL are verified with Situation Calculus. But this approach can be
extended to other aspects of a business process.
The current verification focuses on the level of a workflow process. But when a
complex business process consisting of several workflow processes is considered as a
procedure or complex action, the verification can be extended to check complex busi-
ness processes. Golog is just such a programming language based on Situation Calcu-
lus. During the verification, we also use a Golog interpreter [12] and thus this work
can be directly extended to complex processes.
Furthermore, the possible transition routes can be extracted from XPDL. By pars-
ing such information, the possible action sequences or situations in Situation Calculus
can be obtained. This can be used to aid verification and improve Prolog performance
by avoiding some backtracking on situations. This aspect will be explicitly defined in
our next work.
4 Conclusions
This paper proposes a hybrid approach for business process verification. The indus-
trial standard XPDL and the formalism of Situation Calculus are selected as the lan-
guages for process specification. Although they are usually used in different fields,
they share some functions in specifying processes or activities. By linking them to
cooperate in business process verification, some meaningful results will be obtained.
The practicability and robustness are direct merits. Besides, the target model is infer-
able and can enable more intelligent functions.
XSSL is devised to bridge the gap between XPDL and Situation Calculus. Some
concepts of Situation Calculus are represented in XSSL with the syntax of XML
while encapsulating the underlying logic calculus. This attempts to make part of this
formalism accessible to general business analysts and furthermore enable potential
application in service computing.
There is still much work to be done in our future research and some extension work
was explained in Section 3.2.5. Other meaningful work will include the extension of
the underlying formalization of XPDL and the mapping from XPDL to XSSL. Fur-
thermore, representation of conditions in XPDL will be also necessary to improve the
degree of semantic verification.
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