5 Conclusion
This paper has presented a notation (i-nets) based on colored Petri nets in order to
cope with the collaboration needed between two major components of a process-
driven information system, i.e. the Process Manager (PM) and the Task Manager
Three collaboration patterns, related to the implementation of manual activities,
have been presented. These patterns show circumstances in which two or more transi-
tions are enabled and they refer to interactions in opposite directions; this means that
the participants may take different paths and, as a consequence, they will produce
clashing interactions. This paper has presented an approach, based on priorities,
which enables the participants to reconcile.
Current work is being devoted to taking advantage of the expressive power of i-
nets in order to extend the interactions presented in this paper with conversational
features, on the basis of the Language Action perspective.
The author would like to thank the reviewers for their helpful suggestions.
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