Obtaining Use Cases and Security Use Cases from Secure
Business Process through the MDA Approach
Alfonso Rodríguez
and Ignacio García-Rodríguez de Guzmán
Departamento de Auditoría e Informática, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chillán, Chile
ALARCOS Research Group, Information Systems and Technologies Department
UCLM-Soluziona Research and Development Institute
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain
Abstract: MDA is an approach based on the transformation of models for
software development. It is complemented with QVT as a language for
transformations specifications. This approach is being paid much attention by
researchers and practitioners since it promotes the early specification of
requirements at high levels of abstractions, independently of computation, that
will be later part of models closer to the software solution. Taking into account
this approach, we can create business process models incorporating
requirements, even those of security, that will be later part of more concrete
models. In our proposal, based on MDA, we start from secure business process
specifications and through transformations specified with QVT, we obtain use
cases and security use cases. Such artifacts complement the first stages of an
ordered and systematic software development process such as UP.
1 Introduction
Business processes are important for enterprises because they allow us to obtain an
advanced marketplace position, and then, these enterprises can optimize and assure
the quality of their products and services. Moreover, business processes allow
enterprises to describe, standardize, and adapt the way they react to certain types of
business events, and how they interact with suppliers, partners, competitors, and
customers [21]. At the same time, the new business scene, where there are many
participants and an intensive use of communications and information technologies,
implies that enterprises not only expand their businesses but also increase their
vulnerability. As a consequence, with the increase of the number of attacks on
systems, it is highly probable that sooner or later an intrusion can be successful [17].
This security violation causes losses. Therefore, it is necessary to protect computers
and their systems with a high security level in relation to the given limitations.
A way to face security problem is that of incorporating it early into the business
processes specifications. At this level, it is possible to capture security requirements
that take into account the point of view of business analysts.
Nowadays, models transformation is being paid attention by the community of
researchers and practitioners due to the fact that it is focused on solving the problems
Rodríguez A. and García-Rodríguez de Guzmán I. (2007).
Obtaining Use Cases and Security Use Cases from Secure Business Process through the MDA Approach.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 209-219
DOI: 10.5220/0002421502090219
of time, cost and quality associated with software creation. The Object Management
Group (OMG) proposal for this approach is composed of: Model Driven Architecture
(MDA) [16]; a framework for software development that allows the creation of
models independent of the technological implementation, and
Query/View/Transformations (QVT) [18]; a standard for models transformation.
Our proposal is based on the MDA approach. To do so, we use a profile that
allows us to specify Secure Business Processes (SBP) corresponding to Computation
Independent Models (CIM). From these requirements and applying transformation
rules, we can obtain UML artifacts used to describe the problem in the context of
Platform Independent Models (PIM). Use cases (UC) and secure use cases are
obtained. Such artifacts let us complement the requirements capture defined in the
Unified Process (UP) [10].
The structure of the remainder of the paper is as follows: in Section 2, we will
present a background and related works. In Section 3, we will summarize the main
issues in security in business processes. In Section 4, we will present our proposal.
Finally, in Section 5, we will put forward an example and in Section 6 our
conclusions will be drawn.
2 Background and Related Works
In this section, we will briefly state the elements considered in our proposal and the
works related to for obtaining use cases from business processes models.
UP is a software development process composed of a set of activities necessary
for transforming user’s requirements into a software system. Additionally, it can be
understood as a methodology that provides us with generic recommendations that can
be instantiated by different projects classes where not only the project itself but also
the product with their different maturity levels and versions are included [15].
MDA is a framework for software development that allows the creation of models
independent of the technological implementation, and QVT [18], a standard language
for models transformation. In MDA approach the Computation Independent
viewpoint focuses on the environment of the system, the Platform Independent
viewpoint focuses on the operation of a system while hiding the details necessary for
a particular platform and the Platform Specific viewpoint combines the platform
independent viewpoint with an additional one focused on the details of the use of a
specific platform by a system [16]. In addition, QVT offers us the possibility of
manipulating models taking into consideration three factors: (i) queries that take a
model as an input and select specific elements from it according to a search pattern,
(ii) views corresponding to models that are derived from other models and finally,
(iii) transformations that take as a reference one or more input models to obtain an
output model or result.
In the works related to security and use cases (or misuse case) [2, 6, 11, 23], these
are used to capture security requirements but differently of our proposal, they are not
directly obtained from UML 2.0 Activity Diagrams (UML 2.0-AD) security
In the works related to for obtaining use cases from business processes
specifications, we have found that in [22], it is suggested the possibility of obtaining
use cases from a business process specification made with Business Process Modeling
Notation (BPMN). In [12], it is proposed the automatic for obtaining UML artifacts
from a business process description that was made using BPMN. Authors extend
BPMN (Extension Level-1) to add information about the sequence and the input and
output flows. This allows them to apply rules from which use cases, state diagrams,
sequence and collaboration are achieved. In [24], it is stated a transformation
performed from a business process described with UML 2.0-AD to use cases and
finally. In [4], use cases are obtained from business process models that are not
represented by activity diagrams. The differences with our proposal are basically the
following: (i) even in works where there are automatic transformations, previous
manual intervention is required, ii) transformations are not described by using
languages specially designed with this purpose iii) the result of transformations does
not appear to be linked to a business process development finally, and iv) none of
them is related to security aspects.
3 Security in Business Process
A business process is the combination of a set of activities within an enterprise with a
structure describing their logical order and dependence whose objective is to produce
a desired result. A model is a simplified view of a complex reality. It is a means by
which to create abstraction, thus allowing one to eliminate irrelevant details and to
focus upon one or more important aspects at a time. Business process models enable a
common understanding and facilitate discussion among different stakeholders in a
business [1, 5].
Those works, which are related to the specification of security requirements in
business processes [3, 8, 9, 14, 20, 25], coincide in the idea that it is necessary to
capture the point of view of the business expert with regard to security, and to include
these specifications within the software development process.
However, at the moment is possible to capture at a high level security
requirements easily identifiable by those who models business processes, because: (i)
the business process representation has improved in UML 2.0 version, (ii) the security
requirement will tend to have the same basic kinds of valuable and potentially
vulnerable assets [7], and (iii) empirical studies show that it is common at the
business process level that customers and end users are able to express their security
needs [13]
Therefore, we have addressed the problem of including security in business
processes [19] by extending the UML 2.0-AD to allow the security requirements
specification. The proposed extension, called BPSec, basically considers the graphical
representation of security requirements taking from the taxonomy proposed in [7]. We
consider the following security requirement: Attack Harm Detection, Access Control,
Audit Register, Integrity, Privacy and Non Repudiation. We have used a padlock,
standard de facto, to graphical represent security requirements. The set of security
requirements, not exclusive, are described in
Table 1.
Table 1. Security Requirement definitions.
Access Control (AC): This corresponds to the limitation of access to resources by authorized users only. The specification o
this requirement by the business analyst implies the limitation of access to a set of resources that are considered important
enough to be protected in a special way. From the security perspective, this specification consists of the definition of roles
that may be assigned to individuals, entities, programs, devices or other systems and the definition of permission to access
objects included in the field of the access control specification. In addition, this requirement may have an audit register
Attack Harm Detection (AD): This is defined as the detection, register and notification of an attempted attack or threat,
whether it is successful or not. From the business analyst perspective, this requirement represents an attention signal
covering the elements which are indicated. Furthermore, it can be interpreted as a previous step to an access control
specification. From the security point of view, this specification implies the maintenance of the events register (attacks o
threats) which have occurred to potentially vulnerable elements. This requirement can only be specified with an audit
Integrity (I): This is related to the protection of components from intentional and non-authorized corruption. The integrit
specification is valued as low, medium, and high. From the business analyst perspective, an integrity specification (at an
degree) is related to the importance of the information contained in the data store or data flow. The integrity
specification, from the perspective of the expert in security, implies the registration of the involved role and the date and
time of access to the data store or data
flow. Additionally, security measures are specified according to the degree o
integrity. This requirement is always associated with the audit register
Non Repudiation (NR): This establishes the need to avoid the denial of any aspect of the interaction (e.g. message,
transaction, transmission of data). From the business analyst perspective, Non Repudiation represents the need to protect a
determined interaction so that any potential problems (e.g. legal and liability) in relation to any interaction are minimized.
From the security perspective, this specification implies the generation of at least two security roles and alternatively the
audit register. This requirement may additionally have an audit register specification
Privacy (P): This is related to conditions of information protection concerning a determined individual or entity, thus limiting
access to sensitive information by non-authorized parties. From the point of view of the business analyst, the privacy
specification implies the non-revelation (confidentiality) and non-storage (anonymity) of the information regarding a
determined role. From the security viewpoint, the specification of privacy with confidentiality implies the protection of the
information of a role not to be revealed to third parties. In the case of privacy with anonymity, it implies that information
must not be stored either. This fact implies the creation of generic roles that expire along with the work session.
Additionally, this requirement may have a specification of audit register
Such security requirements are related to UML 2.0-AD elements according to the
restrictions presented in Table 2, indicating in each case if the security requirement
can (9) or cannot () be associated with each activity diagram element.
Table 2. Security Requirements and UML 2.0-AD Elements.
UML 2.0 element for containment in activity diagrams
Stereotypes for secure
activity specification
9 9 9 9 9
9 9 9 9
It is important to mention that the security specifications performed with the
business processes model are very abstract. Nonetheless, as we move towards more
concrete models more detailed specifications will be performed. As a result of the
BPSec application, a Secure Business Process (SBP) is obtained.
4 Our proposal
A business process built by a business analyst apart from being useful in the specific
business field, it is very useful in a process of software construction. From it, we can
obtain system requirements, a stage taken into account by all modern development
processes. In our proposal, CIM to PIM transformations (C2P) are aimed for
obtaining useful artifacts in software development. The basic aspects of our proposal
are shown in Figure 1. The first column (on the left) show two types of models which
conform to the MDA. In the last column we can see the UP disciplines. The central
part shows our proposal and the artifacts which are derived from its application. The
business process specification is made by using UML 2.0-AD and BPSec. We applied
a set of transformation rules and checklists to obtain a subset of use cases and security
use cases that facilitate the understanding of the problem. SBP is used in a “Business
Modeling” and uses cases are used in “Requirement” and “Analysis & Design”
disciplines of UP.
C2P - 1 C2P - 2
level Class
Use Case
Analysis & Design
Model Driven
UML 2.0-
Our Proposal
Unified Process
Fig. 1. An overview for our proposal.
Use cases are derived from UML 2.0-AD by applying a set of QVT rules (see
Table 3), refinement rules (see Table 4) and checklists (see Table 5).
The rules that do not consider security specifications (R1, R2 and R3), are
oriented to identify actors and related use cases. The rule R4 from a security
requirement (AC, AD, I, NR or P) the subject (or package) name is obtained and R5
from a security requirement use case actor (Actor) that will take the name “Security
Staff” it is obtained. In Table 3, all rules expressed in textual QVT are described.
Table 3. Mapping between Activity Diagrams and Use Case elements.
transformation ActivityDiagram2UseCaseDiagram
top relation R1 // from Activity Partition to Actor
checkonly domain uml_ActivityDiagram ap:ActivityPartition {name = n}
enforce domain uml_UseCaseDiagram a:Actor{name = n}
where {
ap.containedNode Æ forAll(cn:Action|R3(cn))
top relation R2 // from Interruptible Activity Region to Actor
checkonly domain uml_ActivityDiagram iar:InterruptibleActivityRegion {name = n}
enforce domain uml_UseCaseDiagram a:Actor {name = n}
where { ap.containedNode Æ forAll(cn:Action|R3(cn))
relation R3 // from Action to UseCase
checkonly domain uml_ActivityDiagram ac:Action {name = n, inPartition=ap}
enforce domain uml_UseCaseDiagram uc:UseCase {name = n, subject= ACTORS: Set(Actor)};
where { ACTORSÆincluding (a:Actor{name=ap.name})
transformation BPSec2UseCaseDiagram
top relation R4 // from Security Requirement to subject
checkonly domain bpsec_BPSec sr:SecurityRequirement {requirementtype = n}
enforce domain uml_UseCaseDiagram c:Clasifier {name=n}
top relation R5 // from Security Requirement to subject
checkonly domain bpsec_BPSec sr:SecurityRequirement
enforce domain uml_UseCaseDiagram a:Actor {name=”Security Staff”}
Refinement rules, described in Table 4, are focused on enriching the specifications
obtained in the previous section.
Table 4. Rules to refine use cases.
RR 1: Subject name (not related to security specification) is obtained from the business process name
RR 2: Subject name obtained from C2P_2-R4 must be complemented with the name of the UML 2.0-AD element
where security requirement has been specified
RR 3: Region Name is obtained by linking the Activity Partition names where Interruptible Activity Region is
RR 4: Main Actor corresponds to the Activity Partition or region name where Initial Node is present
RR 5: Actor Generalization is obtained from top and middle Activity Partitions
RR 6: Redundant specifications must be eliminated
In Table 5, a checklist that allows us to complete use cases related to security
specifications is presented. For each security requirement a set of generic tasks that
must be applied over a specific SBP are exposed.
Table 5. Checklist for the obtention of security use cases.
Access Control
«Preconditions» Secure Role, and Permissions over the objects in the secure role scope
«Postconditions» Secure role validated to access to resources, Permissions over the validated objects, and Audit Register
Assign secure role to the partition, region or action
Validate the secure role. This task is divided into: identify, authenticate and authorize the secure role
Verify permissions over the objects in the role secure field. This implies a review of the permissions granted to the
objects that are within the field of access control specification
If audit register has been specified, then the information related to the security role, the security permissions and the
objects in the access control specification field must be stored
«Preconditions» Secure Role
«Postconditions» Audit Register
Assign secure role (origin and destination in the case of ObjectFlow).
Register the type of element over which security requirements and date and time when an access to that element is
produced were specified
«Preconditions» Secure Role
«Postconditions» Audit Register
High-integrity specification implies: ask for permissions over data store, verify permissions, make security copies
(backups), and produce audit register
Medium-integrity specification implies: send a warning message related to the data operation, make security copies, and
produce audit register
Low-integrity specification implies produce audit register
«Preconditions» Secure Roles (origin and destination)
«Postconditions» Valid roles, and Audit Register (optional)
Assign origin and destination roles
Validate roles: This task is divided into: identify, authenticate and authorize the secure role
«Preconditions» Secure Role
«Postconditions» Audit Register (optional)
Assign a secure role (if anonymity was specified, then the role is generic and expires together with the session)
Validate roles: This task is divided into: identify, authenticate and authorize the secure role
Verify revelation permissions (anonymity and confidentiality)
Verify storage permissions (only anonymity)
Verify audit register specification
If audit register has been specified, then the information related to the security role must be stored
5 Example
Our illustrative example (see Fig. 2) describes a typical business process for the
admission of patients in a health-care institution. In this case, the business analyst
identified the following Activity Partitions: Patient, Administration Area (which is a
top partition that is divided into Admission and Accounting middle partitions), and
the Medical Area (divided into Medical Evaluation and Exams).
The business analyst has considered several aspects of security. He/she has
specified «Nonrepudiation» has been defined over the control flow that goes from the
action “Fill Admission Request” to the actions “Capture Insurance Information” and
“Check Clinical Data” with the aim of avoiding the denial of the “Admission
Request” reception. «Privacy» (confidentiality) and «AccessControl» has been
defined over the Interruptible Activity Region. A «SecurityRole» can be derived from
this specification. Admission/Accounting will be a role. All objects in an interruptible
region must be considered for permissions specification. Access control specification
has been complemented with an audit requirement. The audit requirement implies that
it must register information about the role and permissions. Finally, the business
analyst has specified Integrity (high) requirement for Data Store “Clinical
AD-001: Patient Admission
Patient Admission
Medical Evaluation
Medical Area Administration Area
Fill out Admission
Check Clinical
[non exist]
Create Empty
Clinical Data
Clinical Data
Evaluation Patient
Clinical Data
Make Exams
Fill out Cost
Fill out Patient
Fill out
Clinical Data
Receive Medical
Store Data
Accounting Data
Fig. 2. Patients Admission in a Medical Institution.
In Table 6, the results of the application of the transformations defined with QVT
as well as the application of refinement rules are described.
Table 6. QVT and refinement rules applied to Patient Admission Business Process.
Rule Use case element
R1 Actors: Patient, Administration Area, Admission, Accounting, Medical Area, Medical Evaluation, and Exams
R2 Actor: Region 01
R3 Use cases: Fill out Admission Request, Receive Medical Evaluation, Capture Insurance Information, Check Clinical
Data, Create Empty Clinical Data, Fill out Cost Information, Store Data, Pre-Admission Test, Evaluation Patient
Exams, Fill out Clinical Data, Fill out Patient Information, Complete Accounting Information, Make Exams and
Complete Clinical information
R4 Subjects: Access Control and Privacy, Non Repudiation, and Integrity
R5 Actor: Security Staff
RR1 Subject: Patient Admission
RR2 Subjects: Access Control and Privacy in AdmissionAccounting, Non Repudiation in Admission Request, and Integrity
(high) in Clinical Information
RR3 Actor: AdmissionAccounting
RR4 Main Actor: Patient
RR5 Actors: Administration Area (Admission and Accounting) and Medical Area (Medical Evaluation and Exams)
RR6 Use Cases: Capture Insurance Information, Check Clinical Data and Create Empty Clinical Data in Admission
Partition and AdmissionAccounting Region. Fill out Cost Information and Store Data in Accounting Partition and
AdmissionAccounting Region
In Fig. 3, use cases derived from the business process specifications for the
admission of patients are graphically shown. On the right side, the use case related to
the security requirements “Access Control” andPrivacy” is shown. In this figure, we
have omitted the tasks related to the actor “AdmissionAccounting” because they have
already been included in the general use case (left side)
Main Actor
Fill out Admission
Receive Medical
Patient Admission
Administration Area
Capture Insurance
Check Clinical Data
Create Empty
Clinical Data
Fill out Cost
Patient Exams
Fill out Clinical
Fill out Patient
Complete Accounting
Complete Clinical
Medical Area
Medical Evaluation
Check for "Capture
Insurance Information"
Check for "Check
Clinical Data"
Check for "Create
Empty Clinic al Data"
Check for "Fill out
Cost Information"
Check for
"Accounting Data"
Check for
"Data Store"
Audit Register
<<Pre conditions>> Security Role, Permissions to the object in Role scope
<<Post-conditions>> Valid role, Valid Permissions
Access Control and Privacy
in Admission Accounting
Avoid disclosed
sensitive role
Role Alloc ate
Security Peri mission
event register
Security Role
event register
Fig. 3. Patient Admission and Access Control/Privacy use cases specification.
In Fig. 4, use cases related to the security requirements “Integrity” and “Non
Repudiationspecified in the activity diagram are shown. In them, we have also
omitted the use cases related to the actors “Exams”, “Patient” and “Admission” since
they have been considered in the general use case (Fig. 3).
Integrity (high) in Cinical Information
Kind Protection
Check Special
<<Pre conditions>> Security Role
<<Post conditions>> Audirt Register
Make security
Audit Register
Make Tasks for
High Permission
Make Tasks for
Medium Permission
Make Tasks for
Low Permission
Secure Role
Receive "Admission
NonRepudiation in
Admission Request
Send "Admission
Source Role
Receive Role
<<Pre conditions>> Security Roles (Source and Receive)
<<Post conditions>> Valid Roles
Fig. 4. Integrity and Non Repudiation security use cases specification.
6 Conclusions and Ongoing Work
The improvement presented by the UML 2.0 language related to business process
specification allow us to consider such specifications as a source of requirements to
be used as an input in any software development process. In previous works, we have
proposed an extension to the UML 2.0 Activity Diagram through which it is possible
to specify security requirements at a high level of abstraction. In this paper, we have
presented a set of CIM to PIM transformations that let us obtain, from a business
process built by a business analyst, use cases, without and with security, that can be
used in a systematic and ordered software development process.
Ongoing work is oriented to enrich transformations to make it possible to obtain
more complete use case models. Together with it, our future work has the purpose of
instantiating UP with the objective of incorporating the artifacts that we have
generated. Finally, our future work has the aim of optimizing the prototype that we
have created to carry out the transformations necessary for improving specification
reuse and documentation.
This research is part of the following projects: DIMENSIONS (PBC-05-012-1), and
MISTICO (PBC06-0082) both partiality supported by FEDER and the “Consejería de
Ciencia y Tecnología de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha”, Spain,
COMPETISOFT (506PI287), granted by CYTED, ENIGMAS (PIB-05-058), and
FAMOSO (2006: FIT-340000-2006-67).
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