it can be proved that the variance curve during the dissolve will have a parabola form.
The authors proposed to analyzed this variance curve in order to identify the candidate
dissolve region. Unfortunately, in our preliminary experiment, we have found that the
variance curve on football video exhibits a parabola form event on non dissolve area.
This is mainly due to motion contained in the video.
Another approach to gradual transition detection is based on machine learning tools
like SVM [9, 7, 1,8]. In these works, the authors used SVM to combine multiple fea-
tures in order to classify if a frame is part of cut or dissolve or not. In [9] the authors
used frame difference based feature along with the likelihood of current camera motion
as feature in their system. In [7] SVM was used with the so-called variance projec-
tion function features. [1] proposed an SVM-based cut detection using color histogram,
Zernike moments, Fourier-Mellin moments, projection histograms, and phase correla-
tion method features. In [8], a dozen of SVMs were used in a 2-stage classification
system working with more than 100 features to be extracted. These techniques reached
high recalls and precisions but with large overhead on features extraction. Moreover,
for a task dependent as in our case, we believe that a more simple technique should
be adopted. In this work, we investigate the use of histogram based difference with
adaptive threshold in detecting both cut and gradual transition.
3 Proposed Shot Boundary Detection
This work is based on histogram different between frames in order to detect shot bound-
ary. Subsection 3.1 describes the features used for cut and gradual transition detection.
Subsection 3.2 describes how to choose an appropriate threshold for each video. In Sub-
section 3.3 we describe how to deal with large motion which is normally present in the
football video.
3.1 Histogram Based Frame Difference
We suppose that all transitions (both cut and gradual) happen between two shots with
different color distributions. To detect shot transition, color histogram is used to mea-
sure the difference between frames. The histogram difference between two frames F
and F
is given by:
, F
) = 1 −
min {Hist(F
, i), Hist(F
, i)} (1)
where W and H are width and height of each frame, n is the total number of bins in
the histogram and Hist(F
, i) is the count associated with the bin i in the histogram of
frame F
Our cut detector relies on this histogram based difference between two consecutive
frames. For gradual transition like dissolve the difference between consecutive frame
is relatively small. Hence comparison should be done between frames a certain step
apart. As consequent, for gradual transition detection, we compute the histogram dif-
ferent between frame t + w and frame t − w, where w is the window size determined
experimentally. This skipped-frame difference is used as feature to determine if frame t
is part of gradual transition or not.