Process-oriented Organization Modeling and Analysis
Viara Popova and Alexei Sharpanskykh
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Artificial Intelligence
De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Abstract. This paper presents a formal framework for process-oriented model-
ing and analysis of organizations. The high expressivity of a sorted predicate
logic language used for specification allows representing a wide range of proc-
ess-related concepts (e.g., tasks, processes, resources), characteristics and rela-
tions, which are described in the paper. Furthermore, for every organization,
structural and behavioral constraints on process-related concepts can be identi-
fied. Some of them should always be fulfilled by the organization (e.g., physical
world constraints), whereas others allow some degree of organizational flexibil-
ity (e.g., some domain specific constraints). An organizational model is correct
if it satisfies a set of relevant organizational constraints. This paper describes
automated formal techniques for establishing correctness of organizational
models w.r.t. a set of diverse constraint types. The introduced framework is a
part of a general framework for organization modeling and analysis.
1 Introduction
Every organization achieves its goals by performing some set of tasks. The execution
of tasks is often specified by dynamic structures called flows of control (or work-
flows), in which tasks are represented by processes. Usually control flows are based
on a set of temporal ordering rules over processes. Tasks and processes are also re-
lated to other organizational concepts, such as resources, roles, agents (actors). Mod-
ern organizations are characterized by a great variety of such relations. To handle the
high complexity of modern organizations, automated formal modeling and analysis
techniques are indispensable.
To this end, this paper introduces a formal framework for process-oriented model-
ing and analysis. In this framework, tasks, processes, resources and other related con-
cepts are specified in the formal language
, based on the sorted first-order predicate
logic [11]. The high expressivity of predicate logic allows including into
a wide
range of process-oriented concepts specified by sorts, sorted constants, variables,
functions and predicates that represent relations on these concepts.
For every organization a set of structural and behavioral constraints expressed over
its tasks and processes can de identified, which should be satisfied by the process-
oriented model. In this paper the set of constraints is represented by the logical theory
in L
, i.e., a set of sentences expressed in L
. It means that all concepts and rela-
tions defined in
may be used for the specification of constraints. A process-
oriented model specified in
is correct if T
is satisfied by this model. The con-
straints in
may be of different types: some are dictated by the restrictions of the
physical world and should be satisfied by any process-oriented model; others depend
on the application domain and may be changed by the designer. The classification of
Popova V. and Sharpanskykh A. (2007).
Process-oriented Organization Modeling and Analysis.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002422801140125
constraints is described in this paper. This paper also introduces automated techniques
for establishing the correctness of a process-oriented model by verifying constraints.
Interdependences that may exist in constraint sets are also handled by the proposed
verification techniques. To our knowledge there exist no other frameworks that allow
the simultaneous verification of different (interdependent) types of constraints based
on the extensive set of concepts and relations as can be found in
The proposed framework has some similarities with and distinctions from other
process modeling approaches [5, 6, 8, 9, 18]. In particular, our framework realizes the
most commonly used workflow patterns identified in [18] extended with time parame-
ters (e.g., sequence and parallel execution, process synchronization, loops). At the
same time, in comparison with other approaches [3, 9], the proposed framework pro-
vides a more extensive means for resource modeling (shared resources in particular),
which will be addressed further in this paper.
A number of informal and semi-formal frameworks [5, 6, 8, 12] provide a rich on-
tological basis for processes-oriented modeling. However, the lack of formal founda-
tions creates a significant obstacle for performing computational analysis in such
frameworks. Some of the existing formal process-oriented analysis techniques are
dedicated to the verification of constraints of a particular type only. For example, in
[15] process algebra is used to model and analyze ordering constraints on processes,
however it lacks the expressivity to represent global ordering constraints on proc-
esses. This deficiency is addressed in [10], however this approach does not allow the
specification of (real) numbers (i.e., durations). A technique that provides means for
reasoning on temporal numerical constraints on processes is described in [4]. An ap-
proach for resource constraints analysis is proposed in [9], however it does not ad-
dress interdependences that may exist between constraints. The problem of establish-
ing the correctness of a workflow with shared resources is considered in [3]. Some
analysis techniques based on Petri-nets and their modifications take into account both
ordering and resource-related constraints [17]. However it is difficult to express con-
straints over multiple objects, characteristics and relations of the organization (e.g.,
many physical world and domain-specific constraints considered in this paper) using
Petri Nets. Furthermore, the proposed framework provides more expressive language
for specifying constraints than the mentioned approaches.
Often logic-based process analysis techniques [2] employ general-purpose methods
for verifying models (e.g., model checking [7]), which have a high computational
cost. This paper proposes more efficient algorithms dedicated for verifying particular
types of constraints.
The framework introduced in this paper constitutes a part of a general formal
framework for organization modeling and analysis in which organizations are consid-
ered from other perspectives (or views) as well. In particular, the performance-
oriented view [14] describes organizational goal structures, performance indicators
structures, and relations between them. Within the organization-oriented view organ-
izational roles, their authority, responsibility and power relations are defined. In the
agent-oriented view different types of agents with their capabilities are identified and
principles for allocating agents to roles are formulated. The views are related to each
other by means of sets of common concepts. This enables different types of analysis
across multiple views. An example of such analysis involving the process- and per-
formance-oriented views is considered in [14].
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly introduces the language L
Section 3 describes the classification of constraints. In Section 4, the methods for
verification of constraints are given. The proposed approach is illustrated by an ex-
ample in Section 5. Section 6 concludes the paper.
2 Process-oriented Modeling
Process-oriented models in the proposed framework are specified using the sorted
predicate language L
. Due to the space limitation, only a general overview of L
given in this Section. For all formal details of the language we refer to [13].
To illustrate different aspects of
a simplified example is used that describes the
operation of a 3PL (third-party logistics) provider (see Fig.1). In general, 3PL compa-
nies provide logistics services to other companies. The considered operation cycle be-
gins with the customer order intake process, after which the order is processed and
depending on the customer (company) is scheduled for some delivery type (for differ-
ent companies different delivery regulations may be applied). During the delivery the
assigned driver is supervised by the assigned fleet manager. After the delivery is fin-
ished, the delivery summary report is provided to the customer.
A task represents a function performed in the organization and is characterized by
a name and by a maximal and a minimal durations. Tasks can be decomposed into
more specific ones using AND- and OR-relations thus forming hierarchies.
A workflow is defined by a set of (partially) temporally ordered processes. Each
process, except for the special ones with zero duration introduced below, is defined
using a task as a template and all characteristics of the task are inherited by the proc-
ess. Decisions are also treated as processes that are associated with decision variables
taking as possible values the possible decision outcomes.
Definition 1 (A workflow): A workflow with the name
w is defined by a tuple <w, P,
with a set of processes P and a set of ordering relations C on processes from P.
Fig. 1. The generalized workflow that illustrates the operation of a 3PL delivery company.
A workflow starts with the process BEGIN and ends with the process END; both
have zero duration. Only one workflow can be defined in a process-oriented model.
The (partial) order of execution of processes in the workflow is defined by sequenc-
ing, branching, cycle and synchronization relations (referred to as ordering relations)
specified by the designer. Fig.1 is a graphical representation of the workflow built for
the running example. A sequencing relation is specified by the predicate
expressing that the process specified by the first argu-
ment starts after the process specified by the second argument with the delay ex-
pressed by the third argument, e.g.,
starts_after(Order_processing, Order_intake, 0) repre-
sented graphically by solid arrows between the processes. Synchronization relations
define temporal relations between processes that are executed in parallel (e.g.,
starts_with, finishes_with, starts_during). An example of such a relation is shown by a
dashed line between the beginnings of the processes in Fig. 1, meaning that the con-
nected processes should start simultaneously. Taken together, synchronization and se-
quencing relations allow specifying all cases of interval relations defined by Allen [1].
Branching relations are defined over and- and or-structures. An and(or)-structure
with name
id, starts with the zero-duration process begin_and(id) (begin_or(id)) and fin-
ishes by the zero-duration process
end_and(id) (end_or(id)). These special processes are
represented graphically by rhombuses. Our treatment of AND-structures is similar to
the parallel split pattern combined with all types of the merge pattern from [18], rep-
resented in our case by an and-condition. In Fig.1 and-structures contain the condition
all, meaning that only when all processes in the and-structure are finished, the
process specified after the end of the and-structure is allowed to start.
For every or-structure a condition is defined, based on which it is determined
which branches of the or-structure will start. The condition may consist only of a con-
dition variable. Our treatment of or-structures allows realizing both exclusive and
multiple-choice patterns from [18]. The or-structure in the running example specifies
the exclusive choice between two types of delivery depending on the company name.
Cycle relations are defined over loop-structures with conditions that realize cycle
patterns from [18]. For every loop-structure a Boolean condition and the maximal
number of times of the loop execution are specified.
Tasks use, consume and produce resources of different types. Resource types in-
clude tools, supplies, components and other material or digital artifacts. Also data are
considered as a special resource type. Resource types are characterized by: name;
category – discrete or continuous; measurement_unit; expiration_duration – the
d of the time interval for which a resource type can be used. Specific resources
represent instances of particular resource types and inherit their characteristics. The
resources have, in addition to the inherited characteristics, also name and amount
Every resource in the workflow has to be produced by a process of this workflow or
be available in the organization before the beginning of the workflow execution.
Some resources can be shared (used simultaneously) by a set of processes (e.g.,
storage facilities, transportation vehicles, some computers). The shared amount of the
resource should be sufficient for the execution of every process in the set. Our repre-
sentation of shared resources is different from [3] in several aspects: (1) the shared re-
source amount is used by processes simultaneously; (2) alternative sets of processes
that are allowed to share a resource can be defined; (3) different amounts of a re-
source can be shared simultaneously; (4) specific conditions (requirements) for re-
source sharing can be defined. In the running example, for certain delivery processes
certain trucks may be considered as shared resources.
The process-oriented view is related to the organization-oriented and the agent-
oriented views through the sorts
ROLE and AGENT. Each object of the sort ROLE de-
scribes a set of functionalities realized by organizational processes in a certain model,
which are assigned together to individuals who will be performing them. These indi-
viduals are objects of the sort
AGENT. An agent can be allocated to one or more roles
if it satisfies the requirements for performing these roles. For example,
role_performs_process(Driver,Order_delivery1) and agent_plays_role(Allan, Driver).
3 Constraints
Constraints are expressed as formulae in theory T
that are constructed from terms of
in a standard way [11] using Boolean connectives and quantifiers over variables.
The constraints are divided in two groups: (1) generic constraints need to be satisfied
by any model built using this framework; (2) domain-specific constraints are dictated
by the application domain of the model. Two types of generic constraints are consid-
ered: (1) structural constraints used to ensure correctness of the workflow, task and
resource hierarchies; (2) constraints imposed by the physical world. Both types of ge-
neric constraints are described in Sections 3.1. Section 3.2 discusses the domain-
specific constraints.
3.1 Generic Constraints
The language allows building three types of structures: the workflow, the task hierar-
chy and the resource hierarchy. For each of them structural constraints are defined.
Workflow Structural Constraints. With respect to the workflow we define a set of
structural constraints: structural correctness, temporal correctness and condition cor-
rectness constraints.
Structural correctness of the workflow
First let us introduce reachability and complete reachablitity relations.
Definition 2 (Reachability relation): The process
p2 is reachable from the process
p1 in the workflow w (reachable_from_in(p2, p1, w)) if there exists a sequence of proc-
esses constructed using the sequencing relations that starts at p1 and includes p2.
The algorithmic procedures for establishing the truth values of the reachability re-
lation and all the following relations are given in [13].
Definition 3 (Complete reachability relation): The process
p2 is completely reach-
able from the process p1 in the workflow w (completely_reachable_from_in(p2, p1, w)) if
all process sequences built using the sequencing relations that start at
p1 include p2.
For example, the process
Provide_delivery_report from the running example in Sec-
tion 2 is completely reachable from the process Order_intake.
Definition 4 (A well-formed and-structure): An and-structure with the name
defined in the workflow <w, P, C> is well-formed if the following constraints hold:
(1) pP such that p = begin_and(and_id); pP such that p = end_and(and_id);
(2) completely_reachable_from_in(end_and(and_id), begin_and(and_id), w) is true.
Well-formed or- and loop-structures are defined similarly. Both and- and or-
structures defined in the running example in Section 2 are well-formed.
Now, the structural correctness property for a workflow can be introduced.
Definition 5 (A structurally correct workflow): A workflow
<w, P, C> is structur-
ally correct if the following constraints are satisfied:
(1) A workflow contains only one
BEGIN (the first process), followed by one process
and only one
END (the last process) preceded by one process. Formally:
sP s=BEGIN; sP starts_after(s, BEGIN) (s1P starts_after(s1, BEGIN) s1=s)
(b) sP s=END; sP starts_after(END, s) (s1P starts_after(END, s1) s1=s)
(c) ¬∃sP starts_after(BEGIN, s); ¬∃sP starts_after(s, END)
(2) For every process p, different from BEGIN, END, and the starting and ending
processes for and- and or-structures, exactly two sequencing relations should be
defined that identify the process that precedes
p and the process that follows after p:
sP starts_after(p, s) (s1P starts_after(p, s1) s1=s)
(b) sP starts_after(s, p) (s1P starts_after(s1, p) s1=s)
(3) Loops should be introduced only by loop-structures, no other cycles are allowed:
p1, p2P reachable_from_in(p1, p2, w) ¬reachable_from_in(p2, p1, w)
(4) Processes, over which a synchronization relation is specified, should not
belong to the same or-structure.
(5) All and-, or- and loop-structures in w are well-formed and each process pP can be
reached from the BEGIN, and the END can be reached from p:
pP reachable_from_in(p, BEGIN, w) reachable_from_in(END, p, w)
The workflow defined by the running example in Section 2 is structurally correct.
Temporal correctness of the workflow
The duration of each process in a workflow may vary in actual executions and, be-
cause of the temporal ordering of processes in the workflow, each process may have
different starting points in different executions. Among all starting points the earliest
) and the latest starting time (lst
) for each process p can be identified. The value
) is calculated under the assumption that all relevant processes (i.e., proc-
esses that may influence the starting time of p) have minimal (maximal) durations. A
more detailed description of the calculation procedure is given in [13].
The earliest (latest) ending time point of the process
p (eet
)) is calculated as
+ p.min_duration (lst
+ p.max_duration). Then, the earliest (latest) creation time of the
r (ect
)) produced by p are defined as: ect
= eet
and lct
= let
, and the earli-
est (latest) expiration time of r (eet
)) is calculated as: eet
= ect
+ r.expiration_duration
= lct
+ r.expiration_duration).
Synchronization relations defined in a model may influence the starting time of
processes in this model. Moreover, some sequencing/branching/cycle relations of the
model may be in conflict with synchronization relations introduced by the designer.
Let us define
[t1, t2] = [est
, lst
] [est
, lst
] and [t3, t4] = [eet
, let
] [eet
, let
] for proc-
p and s. A conflict occurs in following cases: (a) if starts_with(p, s) is introduced
and [t1, t2] = ; (b) if starts_during(p, s) is introduced and [t1, t2] = ; (c) if finishes_with(p,
is introduced and [t3, t4] = .
Definition 6 (A temporally correct workflow): A workflow <
w, P, C> is temporally
correct in the model M if the set of ordering relations in M is not conflicting.
If a workflow is temporally correct, starting points of processes influenced by the
introduced synchronization relation are updated, using the values
t1, t2, t3 and t4 de-
fined above: (a) in case of
starts_with(p, s) assign est
=t1; est
=t1; lst
=t2; lst
=t2; (b) in
case of
starts_during(p, s) assign est
=t1 and lst
=t2; (c) in case of finishes_with(p, s) assign
=t3; eet
=t3; let
=t4; let
=t4. Then, update the values of the earliest (latest) starting
points for the processes reachable from
p and for the processes reachable from s.
Condition correctness
This property concerns conditions specified for or- and loop-structures of a model.
A condition of the or-/loop-structure is correct iff:
(1) All values of condition variable(s) considered in the structure belong to the
domain of this (these) variable(s);
(2) All elements from the domain of condition variable(s) are taken into considera-
tion in the structure.
Tasks and Resource Inter-level Consistency Constraints. Tasks form hierarchies
based on decomposition relations between them. When building such hierarchies,
consistency should be maintained by making sure the set of inter-level constraints is
satisfied. Here only some informal examples of inter-level constraints are given (for
the complete list of these and other constraints see [13]):
“For every and-decomposition of a task, the minimal duration of the task is at least the maximal of
all minimal durations of its subtasks.“
“If a task uses certain resource type as input then there exists at least one subtask in at least one
and-decomposition of this task that uses this resource type.“
“For every and-decomposition of a task, if one subtask uses a data type as input which in not an
input for the composite task then there exists another subtask that produces such data type.”
Functionally divisible resource or data types also form hierarchies. Due to the wide
variety of possible situations, only one consistency constraint can be formulated,
which should be satisfied for data types:
“If data type dt2 is a functional part of data type dt1, then the expiration duration of dt1 is at most
the expiration duration of dt2.”
Physical World Generic Constraints. Generic constraints come from the physical
world irrespective of the application domain. Here three examples of such constraints
are given.
GC1: “No role executes more than one process at the same time”
r:ROLE, p1, p2:PROCESS, tp1, tp2, tp3, tp4:TIME_POINT role_performs_process(r, p1)
role_performs_process(r, p2) esp
= tp1 lep
= tp2 esp
= tp3 lep
= tp4
((tp2 tp3) (tp4 tp1))
GC2: “Not consumed resources become available after all processes are finished”
GC3: “For every process that uses certain amount of a resource of some type as input, without
consuming it, either at least that amount of resource of this type is available or can be shared with
another process at every time point during the possible execution of the process”
3.2 Domain-specific Constraints
Domain-specific constraints are imposed by the application domain in which the spe-
cific model will be used and can be classified according to their sources. Constraints
imposed by the organization have been chosen (e.g. by the management of the com-
pany) as necessary and need to be satisfied by any model for the particular organiza-
tion. Such constraints can often be found in company policy documents, internal pro-
cedures descriptions, etc. For example,
“certain information types cannot be used by certain
tasks” (security/privacy).
Constraints coming from external parties are enforced by an
external party such as the society or the government and can contain rules about
working hours, safety procedures, emissions, and so on. Sources for such constraints
can be laws, regulations, agreements, etc. For example,
“a driver should not drive more
than 6 hours per day”.
Constraints of the physical world come from the physical world
w.r.t. the specific application domain and should be satisfied by any model in this
domain. This is in contrast to the generic physical constraints which should be satis-
fied by any model irrespective of the application domain. For example,
“there is always
a break of at least 15 minutes between two consecutive lectures”
(follows from the limitation
of most humans to stay concentrated on a lecture for a very long time).
For all these types of constraints there are predefined templates [13], which can be
selected and customized by the designer by assigning specific values to the parame-
ters of the template. Examples of such templates with their parameters in brackets are:
DC1(p1:PROCESS, p2:PROCESS, d:VALUE): “If the same agent executes both processes, then
there is a delay of duration at least d between the end of the first process and the beginning of
the second one” (can also be formulated for a specific agent as additional parameter)
DC2(rt:RESOURCE_TYPE, min_am:VALUE): “At every time point the amount of resource of type
rt available is at least min_am amount”
DC3(t:TASK, dr:VALUE): “For every agent performing processes of this task the sum of the dura-
tions of these processes should not exceed dr”
4 Correctness Verification of a Process-oriented Model
The verification of the correctness of a process-oriented model is performed during or
at the end of the design of the model, depending on the verified types of constraints.
In particular, some domain-specific constraints might not (yet) be satisfied for incom-
plete models. The designer can choose the moment when they should be checked. The
syntactical check of the specification for a model and the verification of generic con-
straints are performed at every design step. Note that often only the set of relevant ge-
neric constraints is verified. This set is identified based on the type of the change
made by the designer in the model. For example, if the minimal or maximal duration
of a task or a decomposition relation between tasks is changed, then the correspond-
ing task inter-level consistency constraint(s) expressed over these tasks should be
checked. Changes in resource structures are dealt with similarly. If the designer
changes the set of ordering relations or the (minimum or maximum) duration of a task
of which an existing process is an instance, then first the structural constraints of the
workflow are checked, and after that physical world and domain specific constraints.
For all other types of changes, the set of constraints that should be checked is
formed from physical world and domain specific constrains from
expressed over
objects involved into relations affected by the change. For the checking, it is assumed
that each process
p in the workflow <w, P, C> can be active (executed) at any time
point during the interval [est
, let
]. Therefore, it will be checked w.r.t. the whole inter-
, let
], even though the actual execution of p may take less time. Thus all possi-
ble intervals of the execution of p are taken into account. If the constraint is not satis-
fied in some possible execution, it can be discovered without checking all executions
separately. This dedicated verification is computationally much cheaper than the gen-
eral-purpose state-based analysis of all possible executions of a model (e.g., by model
checking [7]), however still allows establishing correctness of the model.
Here two example algorithms are given for checking the satisfaction of constraints
GC1 and GC3 defined in Section 3.1. The first algorithm is typical for the verification
of constraints over processes, roles and agents, and the second one illustrates the veri-
fication of constraints over resource amounts related to processes.
Algorithm for verification of GC1. Let
L be an empty queue and N be an empty set.
Enqueue in
L all roles defined in the model.
1. Until L is empty perform steps 3-5.
2. Dequeue
L and assign the obtained value to the variable curr_role.
3. Put into
N all processes assigned to curr_role in the model.
4. For each processes
p1,p2N determine if they can be executed at the same time:
) (let
)), then GC1 is not satisfied, exit; else empty N.
5. GC1 is satisfied.
Before describing an algorithm for checking GC3 let us introduce a definition of a
workflow segment and a labeling procedure for workflow segments.
Definition 7 (A workflow segment): A segment
SG of the workflow <w, P, C> is a
set of processes from P ordered by C that are executed under the same set of values of
or-conditions from w. This set of values is dynamically formed from the values of
conditions of or-structures, from which the processes of
SG can be reached. The set
SEGMENTS contains all segments of the workflow.
Each segment has a label, assigned according to the following rules:
the segment that contains processes that are executed independent of any condition
values has the label “1”.
the label for a segment that corresponds to a branch of a certain or-structure is
formed from three parts that follow each other:
(1) the prefix defined by the label L of the segment, to which the beginning process of the
or-structure belongs;
(2) the index of the branch in the or-structure obtained incrementally starting from 1;
(3) the sequential index of the or-structure in the segment with the label
L, put in square
For example, the process Order_intake from the example introduced in Section 2 be-
longs to the segment labeled by “1”, whereas the process Order_delivery2 belongs to the
segment labeled by 1.2[1].
Further the algorithm is given for checking the satisfaction of GC3 with respect to
the process p and the resource r. In this algorithm the following notations are used:
res_produced_by(r, p, am) for is_instance_of(p, t) task_produces(t, r, am)
res_used_by(r, p, am) for is_instance_of(p, t) task_uses(t, r, am)
res_consumed_by(r, p, am) for is_instance_of(p, t) task_consumes(t, r, am)
Algorithm for verification of GC3. Identify the set of time points TP within the dura-
tion of
p (est
t < let
), at which the amount of some resource(s) of type r changes (i.e.,
time points at which other processes that use/consume/produce a resource of type r
may start or finish). For every time point
t TP perform steps 2-7.
1. Determine the set RS of segments that contain finished before or executed simultaneously
p processes, which execution may influence the amount of resources of type r and
which belong to the set of relevant processes
PR(p) (defined in Section 3):
RS={s SEGMENTS | a as aPR(p) [let
< t [ am1 > 0 am3 >0] ] [ let
> t est
t [ am1 >
0 am2 > 0 am3 > 0 ]
, where am1, am2, and am3 are specificied in res_consumed_by(r, a, am1),
res_used_by(r, a, am2)
and res_produced_by(r, a, am3).
2. The labels of segments in
RS that correspond to the branches belonging to the same or-
structure are grouped.
3. The n-ary Cartesian product of all obtained groups is generated (n is the number of groups):
× × g
. Each tuple in the obtained product set corresponds to a possible combination of
segments in the workflow. In such a way all possible execution of processes in the work-
flow, which use/produce/consume
r and have latest ending time let
are considered.
4. For every tuple in the product set identify the set of processes
PS that corresponds to the tu-
ple. If two or more processes from the same segment related by a sequencing relation may
be executed at the same time in different instances of the workflow, replace
PS by a number
of sets, each of which will contain only one from these processes.
5. For every set of processes PS corresponding to the tuple, identify the set of resources RPS of
r produced by processes in PS.
6. For every process
a PS that consumes some amount of the resource of type r identify if this
amount of not expired resource(s) from RPS is available. Update RPS after every iteration:
7.1 Initial settings: Let temp_amount= am, where am is defined by res_consumed_by(r, a, am)
7.2 Until temp_amount > 0 and RPS is not empty perform 7.3 and 7.4
7.3 Identify resource
res RPS with the smallest earliest expiration time, which did not
expire yet. It is assumed that such resource will be used first by
7.4 If
res.amount temp_amount,
then update the amount of the resource as res.amount= res.amount- temp_amount and set
else update
temp_amount = temp_amount - res.amount and delete res from the RPS.
7.5 If
temp_amount > 0,
then GC3 is not satisfied with respect to the process
p and resource type r, exit.
7. For every process
a PS that uses a certain amount of the resource of type r at time point t
identify, if this amount of not expired resource(s) from
RPS is available. Update RPS after
every iteration:
8.1 Initial settings: Let temp_amount= 0.
8.2 From the model identify process lists that may share a resource of type
r and that contain
as least one process from
PS. For each process a PS at most one list will be chosen
from the identified lists. Furthermore, any list that contains
a may be selected, since the
choice of the list does not influence the amount of available resources in
8.3 For every chosen process list
L update temp_amount = temp_amount+ am, where am is de
fined in
res_used_by(r, s, am) and s is some process from L. Delete all processes that
belong to
L from PS.
8.4 For every process a PS update
temp_amount = temp_amount+ am, where am is defined in
res_used(r, a, am). Then perform the same calculations as on steps 7.2-7.5.
9. GP3 is satisfied with respect to the process
p and resource type r.
In order to reduce the number of tuples generated at step 4 and to improve the com-
putational properties, the introduced verification algorithm is extended with tuple re-
duction steps (the extended version of the algorithm can be found in [13]). This algo-
rithm performs the local elimination of branches of and- and or-structures that do not
contribute to the worst case situation. This allows reducing the number of execution
paths that have to be checked significantly.
5 Example
In the context of the running example consider a particular delivery scenario: The lo-
gistics company performs shipments of goods between two departments of some en-
terprise, which are located in different regions. Depending on the type and the size of
consignments three types of deliveries are distinguished: d1, d2 and d3. Goods for the
delivery types d1 and d2 are located at the warehouse of department A and should be
transported to department B. Goods assigned to d3 are stored at the warehouse of de-
partment B, and should be delivered to department A. For efficiency only trucks
available at the starting location of the delivery can be used. The company owns five
trucks of type tr1 and two trucks of type tr2. The delivery d1 can be fulfilled either by
three tr1 trucks or by two tr2 trucks. The d2 can be accomplished by one truck of any
type. The delivery d3 requires either four trucks tr1 or two trucks tr2. For simplicity,
other combinations are not considered. One of the domain-specific constraints im-
posed by the company is to give a preference for using trucks of type tr1 (over tr2),
when they are available (DC4). Formally,
a:TASK p:PROCESS v1:VALUE task_uses(a, tr2, v1) is_instance_of(p, a)
p1:PROCESS a1:TASK v2:VALUE id:OR_STRUCT is_instance_of(p1, a1) task_uses(a1,
tr1, v2) starts_after(p1, begin_or(id)) starts_after(p, begin_or(id)) or_cond(id, re-
source_available(tr1) v2 or_branch(1, p1)
Furthermore, for deliveries of types d1 and d2 trucks may be shared (three tr1
trucks or two tr2 trucks), under the condition that the time difference between two de-
liveries is less than three hours, expressed by the domain-specific constraint DC5:
p1, p2:PROCESS is_instance_of(p1, d1) is_instance_of(p2, d2) ((est
) < 3) (est
< est
- est
) < 3)) l:PROCESS_LIST resource_sharable(t1, l)
is_in_list(p1, l) is_in_list(p2, l) (similarly for t2).
Initially all trucks are located at the base of dept. A. The delivery schedule includes
processes p1, p4 (type d1), p2, p5 (type d2), and p3, p6 (type d3), ordered as in Fig.2.
Fig. 2. The workflow that illustrates the delivery process considered in the example.
The constraints DC4 and DC5 are fulfilled by forcing the deliveries d1 and d2 to
share three tr1 trucks (processes p1 and p2). However, the generic constraint GC3 de-
fined previously is not satisfied by the model. The automatic verification identified
that there are no sufficient resources provided for p3 (three tr1 trucks released by p1
and p2 are not sufficient for p3). To achieve the model correctness the designer may
change either the model specification or the set of constraints imposed on the model.
For example, without enforcing DC4 two tr2 trucks could be shared by p1 and p2,
which would be further used by p3 without creating a resource problem.
6 Conclusions
This paper introduces a formal framework for process-oriented modeling and analy-
sis. The framework is based on an expressive formal sorted predicate logic language
and includes efficient dedicated analysis techniques for checking the correctness of
process-oriented models w.r.t. a set of constraints defined in an organization. The
constraints classified in the paper may express both local (i.e., related to individual
objects) and global (i.e., related to multiple objects) properties of an organization.
The proposed approach differs from constraint satisfaction methods developed in
[16]. Whereas the main focus of the latter techniques is on finding (optimal) solutions
given a consistent and stable set of constraints, our approach addresses both design of
a model and of constraints that should be satisfied by the model. The designer is free
to vary both the model and the constraint specifications. The designer is supported by
the automated tool that allows identifying sources of inconsistencies and mistakes
both in the model and the constraint specifications.
The developed approach allows scalability by performing compositional design of
models. Using task hierarchies models can be built at different levels of abstraction.
General constraints defined for high level processes are refined into more specific
ones that should be satisfied by processes of lower levels. In such a way, to decrease
complexity models of different abstraction levels can be analyzed separately keeping
relations with each other through task hierarchies and the constraint refinement.
Furthermore, although the introduced predicate language is very intuitive, still a
graphical interface for specifying models would be of help. Such an interface is cur-
rently being developed. However, graphics would provide only a little help in the
specification of constraints. For this property templates can be used as shown in [13].
The formal methods discussed in the paper are dedicated for the verification of
process-oriented models, however, also a number of formal techniques for the analy-
sis of actual execution based on the introduced process-oriented model, have been de-
veloped. These techniques will be discussed elsewhere.
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